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Ultrasonic inspection

Methods of diagnosing diseases
Ultrasound is called ultrasound because its frequency exceeds the limit of human hearing.
When the wave generated by ultrasound propagates in the human body, it is a method to diagnose diseases by displaying the reflection and attenuation rules of various organs and tissues in the body to ultrasound through the oscilloscope screen. Ultrasound has good directionality. When encountering tissues and organs with different densities in the process of transmission in the human body, there are reflection, refraction, absorption and other phenomena. According to the distance, intensity and number of echoes displayed on the oscilloscope screen, and whether the attenuation is obvious, the activity function of some organs in the body can be displayed, and can accurately identify Whether the tissues and organs contain liquid or gas, or whether they are substantive organization
Chinese name
Ultrasonic inspection
Its frequency exceeds the limit of human auditory range
Intra human transmission
To diagnose diseases

diagnostic method

Ultrasound is an advanced medical technology with good directionality. It is a diagnostic method commonly used by doctors. ultrasonic It is divided into Type A (oscillographic) method, Type B (imaging) method, and Type M( Echocardiography )Method, fan type (two-dimensional echocardiography) method, Doppler ultrasound method, etc. In fact, the B-type method can be divided into three categories: line scanning, sector scanning and arc scanning, that is, sector scanning should be included in the B-type method.

Type A method

Type A method is commonly used to judge whether there are abnormal lesions from the amplitude, number and sequence of waves on the oscillogram. In the diagnosis of cerebral hematoma brain tumor , cyst, and chest Ascites swelling Early pregnancy Hydatidiform mole And other aspects are relatively reliable.

Type B method

Type B method is the most commonly used method, which can obtain various sectional figures of human viscera eyeball (e.g retina Peeling) and orbit, thyroid, liver (if less than 1.5 cm in diameter is detected Small hepatocellular carcinoma )、 gallbladder And biliary tract pancreas spleen Obstetrics Department , gynecology Urology Department (Kidney bladder prostate scrotum ), Identification Abdominal mass abdominal cavity Neida vascular disease (e.g Abdominal aortic aneurysm Inferior vena cava embolism ), neck and limbs Large vessel disease The diagnosis was very effective. The figure is intuitive and clear, and it is easy to find small lesions.

M-type method

M-type method is based on heart Isostructural activity, record the change of echo distance between it and chest wall (probe) curve , it can be clearly recognized from this curve Cardiac wall Interventricular septum Cardiac cavity valve Etc. Often joined at the same time electrocardiogram Phonocardiogram Display records to diagnose various heart disease For some diseases such as atrial myxoma, the coincidence rate of this method is very high.

Sector method

Various sectional images of the heart can be obtained by fan method, and different manifestations of the heart in systolic and diastolic periods can be observed. Because the graphs it sees are more comprehensive, the diagnosis range is much more than that of the M-type method, and it is more detailed
And exact. In addition, this method can also be used to diagnose liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, brain, gynecology and obstetrics.

matters needing attention

colour B-mode ultrasonography ( Color Doppler ultrasound )Must be better than black and white B ultrasound?
Color Doppler ultrasound refers to "color Doppler diagnosis". It adds spectrum blood flow on the basis of ordinary B-ultrasound. Generally speaking, color ultrasound has more blood flow functions than B-ultrasound, which is of little significance in some examinations!
Is B-ultrasound harmful to human body?
B-ultrasound is a routine examination for patients in the hospital. Up to now, there has been no report of damage to patients. It is one of the six major imaging diagnostic equipment in the medical community.
Can you see clearly by B-ultrasound?
Imaging is just clinical diagnosis The auxiliary examination of imaging, that is, looking at images and guessing objects, cannot Qualitative diagnosis Its performance is high, medium and low echo images. It can only be diagnosed by combining the clinical performance of patients and their own experience with clinicians. Any disease cannot be completely dependent on B-mode ultrasonography And sure!

Scientific detection

ultrasonic Its clinical application in medicine began more than 70 years ago, and X-ray Different, there is not enough evidence to prove that ultrasound has Teratogenic effect However, because human beings have not accumulated long-term data on the impact of ultrasound on the human body, experts suggest that the principle of minimization should be adopted for general prenatal ultrasound examination, and multiple ultrasound examinations should not be carried out for reasons other than medical diagnosis.
But that doesn't mean doing B-ultrasonic inspection The less the better. In addition to two necessary inspections mother-to-be According to the doctor's advice, necessary examinations should be carried out. For example, when the expectant mother has symptoms of abortion, the doctor may need to pass the B-mode ultrasonography confirm fetus At this time, we must not persist in worrying about the impact of B ultrasound on the fetus. There was a expectant mother who bled during pregnancy. The doctor hoped to determine whether the baby was alive through ultrasonic examination, but the expectant mother refused to continue Foetus protection , it happened Fetal death The tragedy of.
Mothers to be should not be very worried because they have done one or more ultrasonic examinations than others. In fact, the impact of psychological tension and bad mood on the fetus is far greater than the impact of ultrasound itself on the fetus.


1、 Examination requiring fasting:
Check the upper abdomen, such as liver, gallbladder, bile duct, pancreas adrenal gland , renal artery, left renal vein, abdominal blood vessel the peritoneum Rear, upper Abdominal mass And so on. It needs to be checked after an empty stomach. Usually, it starts fasting after dinner the previous day. The next morning, it needs to be checked on an empty stomach to ensure that the gallbladder and bile duct bile Fill, and reduce the interference of food and gas in gastrointestinal tract, otherwise the examination results may be greatly affected. The ultrasonic image quality of these parts is easily affected Intestinal qi Interference, so patients with abdominal distention or constipation should take digestive drugs before examination to help exhaust or use Suppositories Glycerol Or some laxatives to help defecate.
Preparation before ultrasonic inspection
In addition, transesophageal echocardiography must be scheduled in advance. The doctor will instruct the patient to have an empty stomach on the day of examination. The patient should also carry the results of transesophageal echocardiography so that the doctor can quickly understand the condition and esophagus There is a target in the inspection. Since this examination is a semi traumatic examination, which has certain risks (generally not high), family members and the patient should sign the informed consent form for the examination, so a direct family member should accompany the examination.
2、 The bladder needs to be filled (commonly known as Suffocation )Inspection of:
Check pelvic cavity bladder prostate Seminal vesicle gland ureter Lower section Lower abdominal mass uterus , Accessories Early pregnancy The bladder needs to be filled. You can drink 1000-1500ml of water (or various drinks) 1-2 hours before the examination. Do not urinate after drinking water Bladder filling To facilitate inspection. Those who are pregnant for more than 3 months do not need special preparation, but they are suspected to have Placenta previa Those who are still need to drink water to fill the bladder before doing the examination.
III B-ultrasonic inspection Preparation:
1. Before examining the abdomen, the patient needs to fast for more than 8 hours to ensure that the gallbladder bile duct is full bile And reduce the interference of gastrointestinal contents and gas. Usually, the fasting starts after supper the previous day, and an empty stomach examination is carried out the next morning. In the afternoon, the examiner fasted at noon.
2. Bladder prostate The examiner should fill the bladder. Please drink 1000-1500ml of water (or various drinks) 1-2 hours before coming to the hospital. Do not urinate after drinking water, so that the bladder can be properly filled to facilitate the examination.
3. X-ray gastrointestinal radiography The barium agent is a strong reflection and absorber of ultrasound. Barium remains in the gastrointestinal tract near the gallbladder and bile duct, which will affect the ultrasonic examination. Three days after X-ray gastroenterography, Cholangiography Do it in two days Ultrasonic examination
4. Patients undergoing gastroscopy and colonoscopy should have ultrasound examination two days later.
5. Abdominal flatulence affects the observation of gallbladder, bile duct and pancreas images, which can be taken Lactinogeny The tablets were examined three days later.
4、 Preparation for gynecological and obstetric patients before examination:
1. When performing gynecological transabdominal examination and pregnancy less than three months, in order to avoid the influence of intestinal contents, especially gas, it is advisable to empty stool before examination, so that there is no fecal mass or barium residue in the intestine.
2. Drink 1000-1500 ml of water (or various drinks) 1-2 hours before coming to the hospital. Do not urinate after drinking water bladder Moderate filling to facilitate examination. Obstetrical patients who are pregnant for more than 3 months have no special preparation, but are suspicious in the middle and late pregnancy Placenta previa Those who are still need to drink water to fill the bladder before doing the examination.
V Heart, limb blood vessels, thyroid, breast Hydrothorax , gynecological transvaginal examination and transcranial Doppler Ultrasonic examination There are no special requirements.