Zhao Zhongyao

Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, famous nuclear physicist
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Zhao Zhongyao (June 27, 1902 to May 28, 1998), Zhejiang Zhuji People. Physicist, pioneer of nuclear physics research and accelerator construction in China. [1-4]
Admitted in 1920 (the ninth year of the Republic of China) Nanjing Normal University Nanjing University Predecessor). [5] In 1930 (the 19th year of the Republic of China) California Institute of Technology doctorate. In 1948 (the 37th year of the Republic of China), he was elected Academician of Academia Sinica In 1949, he studied nuclear reaction at California Institute of Technology. Appointed in June 1955 Academician of CAS [3]
Zhao Zhongyao is mainly engaged in nuclear physics research, especially the research on the interaction between hard g-rays and matter, and presided over the establishment of the first and second stations in China Proton electrostatic accelerator And made important contributions to the establishment of nuclear physics experimental bases in China. [3] He found it for the first time positron Is the first discovery in the history of human physics Antimatter Scientists. The ratio of positive and negative electron annihilation radiation he observed later Carl David Anderson The positron tracks seen [20] Two years earlier. Zhao Zhongyao's research achievements are Electron positron collider It provides a theoretical basis and also establishes his position in the world physics. [6]
On the afternoon of May 28, 1998, Zhao Zhongyao died of illness at the age of 96. [1]
Chinese name
Zhao Zhongyao
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Zhejiang Zhuji
date of birth
June 27, 1902
Date of death
May 28, 1998
University one is graduated from
California Institute of Technology
Education and research workers
Key achievements
The first scientist in the world to accurately predict the results of electron positron collisions
The first physicist to discover antimatter in the history of human physics
Pioneer of nuclear physics research in China
Pioneer, initiator and founder of nuclear physics, neutron physics and cosmic ray research in China
In June 1955, he was employed as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Character's Life

Zhao Zhongyao was born in Zhejiang Province on June 27, 1902 (the 28th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty) Zhuji County. [1] [4]
In 1920 (the ninth year of the Republic of China), Zhao Zhongyao was admitted to Nanjing Normal University. [7]
In 1924 (the 13th year of the Republic of China), Zhao Zhongyao took office after graduation national southeastern university assistant. [1]
In 1925 (the 14th year of the Republic of China), Zhao Zhongyao Southeast University After graduation, he served as a teaching assistant in Tsinghua University. [1]
In 1927 (the 16th year of the Republic of China), Zhao Zhongyao went to California Institute of Technology Learn from Professor Millikan, a Nobel Prize winner. [1] [8]
At the end of 1929 (the 18th year of the Republic of China), Zhao Zhongyao found that the high-energy photon beam of hard gamma rays appeared "abnormal absorption" when passing through heavy metal lead. [6]
In 1930 (the 19th year of the Republic of China), Zhao Zhongyao received his doctor's degree and went to work in the Institute of Physics of Harrow University in Germany. [1] [9] In September, Zhao Zhongyao found that "extra diffuse radiation" exists at the same time as "abnormal absorption", and wrote a paper entitled "Scattering of hard gamma rays", which was published in the American journal Physical Review. [10]
In the autumn of 1931 (the 20th year of the Republic of China), Zhao Zhongyao went to Cambridge University, England Cavendish Laboratory , working with the nuclear master E. Rutherford. [9] At the end of the same year, Zhao Zhongyao returned to China and became a professor in the Department of Physics of Tsinghua University. While teaching, he used Geiger counters to conduct research on gamma ray, artificial radioactivity and neutron physics. His papers were published in the Chinese Journal of Physics and the British journal Nature. rutherford A note was added before the paper "Interaction between hard gamma rays and atomic nuclei" written by Mr. Zhao Zhongyao: "This result provides another evidence for the production of 'positive negative' electron pairs." [9] In the same year, he opened the first nuclear physics course in China and presided over the establishment of China's first nuclear physics laboratory. [1]
In 1936, Anderson won the Nobel Prize for the discovery of positron track [17] It is recognized that Zhao Zhongyao was the first person to observe the production and annihilation of positron and electron pairs. [10]
In 1937 (the 26th year of the Republic of China), the Anti Japanese War broke out in an all-round way. Mr. Zhao Zhongyao left Peiping and successively taught at Yunnan University, Southwest Associated University and Central University. [1]
In 1946 (the 35th year of the Republic of China), Zhao Zhongyao was appointed by the government of the Republic of China to visit the atomic bomb test in the United States in the Bikini Islands. Later, Zhao Zhongyao carried out research on nuclear physics and cosmic rays at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, California Institute of Technology and other places in the United States. [1]
In March 1950, Zhao Zhongyao officially went through the formalities of returning to China. At the end of August, Zhao Zhongyao boarded the "President Wilson" from Los Angeles, the United States, and returned home. However, under the investigation of the FBI, on September 12, the ship passed Yokohama, Japan, and refused the representative of the Taiwan authorities in Japan to visit the prison and work in Taiwan. On November 28, Zhao Zhongyao returned to the mainland of China. [9]
In January 1951, Professor Zhao Zhongyao arrived in Beijing, and Guo Moruo, Vice Premier of the Government Council and Director of the Culture and Education Commission, and President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, presided over a welcome banquet attended by dozens of scientists, including Li Siguang, Zhu Kezhen, Wu Youxun, Qian Sanqiang, etc. [6]
In 1958, Zhao Zhongyao was responsible for the preparation University of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics and its chairman. [11]
In 1972, Zhao Zhongyao participated in the preparation for the establishment of the Institute of High Energy Physics and made many specific suggestions to the relevant departments to develop China's scientific cause. [1]
In 1973, Institute of High Energy Physics Established, Zhao Zhongyao resumed his work as Deputy Director and Director Experimental physics Department. [12]
In 1979, Mr. Zhao Zhongyao, on behalf of the Chinese scientific community, went to Germany to attend the physics conference and pay a visit. [9]
In October 1995, the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Committee awarded Zhao Zhongyao a prize of HK $100000. Zhao Zhongyao donated all of it to the Department of Mathematical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences as a science fund to reward young people with achievements. [13]
At 15:55 p.m. on May 28, 1998, Zhao Zhongyao died of illness at the age of 96. [1]

Key achievements


Scientific research achievements

  • Overview of scientific research
Zhao Zhongyao
In 1929, Zhao Zhongyao and several British and German physicists independently discovered that when hard gamma rays pass through heavy elements, in addition to the absorption caused by Compton scattering and photoelectric effect, there is also abnormal absorption. In order to further study the abnormal absorption mechanism, Zhao Zhongyao carried out a study on hard gamma ray scattering, and first observed that hard gamma rays would also cause a special radiation in lead. These results were successively published in the papers of Absorption Coefficient of Hard γ - ray and Scattering of Hard γ - ray. Zhao Zhongyao's work is the pioneer of positron discovery. Two years later, after his classmate C. D. Anderson discovered positrons, people realized that the "abnormal absorption" he discovered was actually the effect of g-line producing electron pairs in matter; The "special radiation" he discovered was actually the first time to observe the annihilation radiation of positron negative pairs. [2] After returning to China, Zhao Zhongyao participated in the establishment of the Institute of Modern Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Using the electrostatic accelerator components and experimental equipment that he brought back when he returned home, he built the first 700000 volt and 2 million volt high pressure proton electrostatic accelerator in China in 1955 and 1958, which has been used in China's nuclear physics, accelerator and vacuum technology The research of ion source technology has laid a foundation. Based on electrostatic accelerator, he presided over the establishment of nuclear physics laboratory, led and participated in nuclear reaction research. [1] [4] [7]
In 1945, Zhao Zhongyao went to California Institute of Technology and Massachusetts Institute of Technology to conduct research on nuclear physics and cosmic rays. Zhao Zhongyao conducted research on "mixed cosmic ray shower" in the Cosmic Laboratory of the Department of Physics of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and wrote many papers, such as "mixed cosmic ray shower" published on the American "Physical Review".
In the spring of 1946, Zhao Zhongyao returned to the California Institute of Technology and participated in the scientific research of nuclear physics jointly supported by the United States Atomic Energy Commission and the Department of the Navy in the nuclear physics laboratory. His research paper was "Research on low-energy alpha particles generated when protons bombard F19". This was the frontier topic of the world's nuclear reaction research at that time, and Mr. Zhao Zhongyao was already very famous in the American scientific community. [9]
In the 1930s, Zhao Zhongyao first found in his experimental research in the United States that when hard g rays pass through heavy elements, there is abnormal absorption and a special radiation is generated. Zhao Zhongyao's work is the pioneer of positron discovery. [14]
  • Academic treatise
Zhao Zhongyao
Measurement of hard gamma ray absorption coefficient
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
May 1930 [4]
Zhao Zhongyao
Scattering of hard gamma rays
American Journal of Physical Review
October 1930
Zhao Zhongyao, Gong Zutong
Interaction between Hard Gamma Ray and Nucleus
British journal Nature
1933 [18-19]
Zhao Zhongyao
Mixed cosmic ray shower
American Physical Review
Zhao Zhongyao
Research on Low Energy Alpha Particles Produced by Proton Bombardment of F19
American Physical Review
1946 [4]

personnel training

In 1931, Zhao Zhongyao returned to Tsinghua University as a professor of physics after completing his studies. Zhao Zhongyao opened China's first nuclear physics course and presided over the establishment of China's first nuclear physics laboratory. Zhao Zhongyao and his teacher Ye Qisun Together, they also trained a group of talents who later made important contributions to China's atomic energy cause: Wang Ganchang Peng Huanwu Qian Sanqiang Deng Jiaxian Zhu Guangya Zhou Guangzhao Cheng Kaijia Tang Xiaowei , Nobel Prize winner in Physics Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengdao They have also been influenced by Zhao Zhongyao. [12]

Honor recognition

In 1955, he was elected as a member (academician) of the Academic Department of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. [3]

Social posts

Zhao Zhongyao Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Researcher, Deputy Director, Institute of Atomic Energy, Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China Professor, Head of the Department of Physics, China Nuclear Society Honorary Chairman. Successive posts Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Deputy Director. 4、 5. Member of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People's Congress. [1] [8]

Character evaluation

Zhao Zhongyao
Zhao Zhongyao is a real Nobel Prize winner among physicists in the world! Comments by former director of the Nobel Prize Committee in Physics [12]
Mr. Zhao should have been the first Chinese to win the Nobel Prize in Physics, but because of the mistakes of others at that time, Mr. Zhao's glory was buried. " "We remember Mr. Zhao's outstanding contributions to the development of quantum mechanics in modern physics, science and technology education in New China, and his simple and practical scientific spirit of integrity, devotion to science, dedicated research, and integrity throughout his life."( Nobel Prize winner Li Zhengdao review [14]
Otherwise, Professor Zhao made great contributions to the discovery of positron annihilation in the 1930s. He was the first discoverer of the process of positron production and annihilation. Without his discovery, there would be no current positron collider and no physical research today. Nobel Prize winner Ding Zhaozhong review [10]
Mr. Zhao Zhongyao devoted his whole life to science and education, made great contributions to the development of China's nuclear physics and high-energy physics research cause, and to the cultivation of experimental research talents in China's atomic energy cause, nuclear physics and high-energy physics, as well as Mr. Zhao Zhongyao's patriotism, integrity, perseverance, hard work and plain living, and always adhere to the scientific spirit of seeking truth from facts and studying hard. Ye Minghan Academician Comments [14]
Zhao Zhongyao has made great contributions to the development of China's nuclear physics and high-energy physics research cause, and to the cultivation of experimental research talents in China's atomic energy cause, nuclear physics and high-energy physics. He is one of the pioneers and founders of China's nuclear physics, neutron physics, accelerator and cosmic ray research. Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences [1]
Mr. Zhao Zhongyao is patriotic, honest, resolute, hardworking, simple, rigorous, knowledgeable, respected, approachable, and deeply loved by his colleagues and students. President of University of Science and Technology of China Zhu Qingshi Academician Comments [15]
Mr. Zhao Zhongyao is a world-renowned outstanding scientist who has made great contributions to the development of China's nuclear physics science and the cultivation of nuclear physics talents. Beijing Institute of Atomic Energy Zhang Huanqiao Academician Comments [15]
Mr. Zhao Zhongyao has devoted his whole life to science and education. He has made great contributions to the development of China's nuclear physics and high-energy physics research cause, and to the cultivation of experimental research talents in China's atomic energy cause, nuclear physics and high-energy physics. He is one of the pioneers and founders of China's nuclear physics, neutron physics, accelerator and cosmic ray research. University of Science and Technology of China review [15]

Commemoration for future generations

Speech by Mr. Li Zhengdao
On June 27, 2002, the 100th anniversary of Mr. Zhao Zhongyao's birth. On June 4, the Chinese Physical Society, the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Atomic Energy Sciences, and the University of Science and Technology of China, where Mr. Zhao Zhongyao worked before his death, jointly held a grand commemorative activity in the lecture hall of the Institute of High Energy. [14]
On the morning of July 6, 2008, the unveiling ceremony of the statue of Mr. Zhao Zhongyao was held in front of the building of the Department of Modern Physics of University of Science and Technology of China. [15] The signing ceremony of "Zhao Zhongyao Scholarship of the University of Science and Technology of China" was held in Room 210 of the office building of the Department of Modern Physics. [16]