Zhao Lirong

Mainland Chinese actress, Pingju actor, sketch performing artist
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Zhao Lirong (March 11, 1928 to July 17, 2000), born in China Baodi County (Now Baodi District, Tianjin) [42-43] , Chinese mainland actress, Pingju actor, sketch performing artist [1]
In 1943, Zhao Lirong made her debut as a star in Zhangjiakou Qingfeng Theater [1] In 1952, he joined the General Administration Pingju Troupe and later transferred to the Chinese Pingju Troupe [1] In the meantime《 Liu Qiaoer 》《 Little Erhei Married 》Aunt Li and Three Immortals [39] In 1962, he participated in Pingju《 Flower as a medium 》She played the role of "Ruan Ma" and was known by the audience when she appeared on the screen with the Pingju Opera [28] [33] , from an offline Pingju star to a "big star" on the screen; In 1980, in Pingju《 Third Sister Yang complains 》In the role of Yang Mu, she portrayed the role as a figure and spirit, and later went to millions of households with the film being filmed [36] , 1988, performing sketch for the first time《 emergency treatment 》, successfully boarded CCTV Spring Festival Gala Stage, and began to transform to sketch field [5] In 1991, by virtue of《 celebrate the Spring Festival 》"Mother" won the Best Actress Award in the main competition unit of the 4th Tokyo International Film Festival, the Best Actress Award in the 15th Popular Film Hundred Flowers Award, and the 4th China Film Performing Arts Association Award [12] [21-22] From 1995 to 1996, a sketch starring in CCTV Spring Festival Gala《 Such packaging 》《 Adventures of working 》Widely praised and won the first prize of sketch of the year [59] In 1999, starred in a sketch in CCTV Spring Festival Gala《 Veteran general [1] [39]
At 7:30 a.m. on July 17, 2000, Zhao Lirong died of lung cancer at the age of 72 [2]
True name
Zhao Lirong
Foreign name
Lirong Zhao
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Baodi County [3] (Now Baodi District, Tianjin)
date of birth
March 11, 1928
Date of death
July 17, 2000
Actors, Pingju actors, sketch artists
Key achievements
The 4th session Golden Phoenix Award of China Film Performing Arts Association -Academy Award [22] (1993)
The 12th session Golden Rooster Awards -Best Actress [21] [60] (Nominated in 1992)
The 15th session Popular Film Hundred Flowers Award -Best Actress [39] (1992)
The 4th session Tokyo International Film Festival -Main competition unit - Best Actress Award [12] (1991)
Old love [2] (milk name)

Early experience

Zhao Lirong was born on March 11, 1928. She was the youngest daughter in her family. Her father Zhao Bingzhong nicknamed her "Lao Ai" [2] He started acting at the age of four or five, and played the role of "Tong Er" at the age of six [1-2] In 1935, he and his second brother Zhao Lianxi In the same primary school, Zhao Lianxi will show the students the backward somersault, while Zhao Lirong will sing for the students. The teacher told Zhao Fu, "Your daughter and boy can't study. They sing and dance together. Let the child do something else. Don't affect other students.". The next year, she came to her sister's house in Shanghai with her mother, which opened her eyes. In Shanghai, Zhao Lirong saw a film for the first time and met many famous actors. Under the care of my sister, I often have the opportunity to act on the stage, laying the foundation for the real stage. At the age of 12, he formally took Ma Jingui as his teacher, specialized in Qingyi and Huadan, and learned《 Sanjie 》Two Beauties for the Husband, Wu Family Garden《 Pearl shirt 》And《 Peach Blossom Temple 》Etc [1] At that time, every morning before dawn, I got up to practice and shouted. In summer, we practice with dew. In winter, we can go wherever there is a hole in the ice. I heard that we can practice water sounds by hanging our voice near water. The troupe has been influenced by her for a long time, so she has developed a good ear. In addition, she has a good memory. When she sings the same passage, she will have a different taste and can sing her own characteristics [1]

Performing experience


Main battle Pingju

In 1943, Fusheng Theater was forced to disband. Zhao Lirong and her brother Zhao Lianxi followed Furonghua to Hebei and the three eastern provinces to perform. Furonghua and Zhao's brothers and sisters reorganized the "Qingfeng Theater" in Zhangjiakou, and co performed the show with foreign famous troupes. Zhao Lirong took the lead in the "Qingfeng Theater", and learned Beijing Opera, Hebei Bangzi, acrobatics and other skills [39] In 1945, when Zhangjiakou was liberated, he participated in such plays as White Haired Girl, Blood Tears Revenge, Brothers and Sisters Pioneering the Wilderness, and joined the Mentougou "Youth Theater" as the leading role on the eve of Beijing's liberation [1] On the day of Mentougou's liberation, she starred in White Haired Girl to celebrate the liberation; After the liberation of Beijing, the play was performed in theaters such as "North China", "Guanghe" and "Democracy", which caused a sensation in Beijing and was called "the first white haired woman in the Pingju circle".
In 1951, Pingju actor New Fengxia , Xiao Sheng Zhang Defu Zhang Hongshan, who was born in Shaohai and has combed her hair for many years, joined the army. Due to the shortage of staff, Zhang Defu mobilized other actors to join the army. He remembered Zhao Lirong's brother, Zhao Lianxi. The next year, Zhao Lianxi took Zhao Lirong with him to become a literary and artistic soldier who understood the liberation [39]
In 1952, he officially joined the General Administration Pingju Troupe, and later joined the Chinese Pingju Troupe [27] , playing an important role in Liu Qiao'er and Little Erhei's Marriage -- Aunt Li and Aunt Sanxian [39] , and with New Fengxia Cooperation, preliminary performance maidenly female role , Later Colored dan During this period, they also played《 The phoenix returns to its nest 》The ugly girl Cheng Xueyan《 Sister Xianglin 》The characters of Caidan, such as the Fourth Daughter in the Chinese Academy of Arts, have ideas and personalities. They have a strong sense of life and are relaxed and humorous, giving Caidan a new creative space [39]
In 1962, he participated in Pingju《 Flower as a medium 》In which the matchmaker and Zhang Wuke, played by Xin Fengxia, won the audience's favor and were put on the screen with the Pingju Opera, transforming from an offline Pingju star to a "big star" on the screen [1] [4] [28] [33]
In 1980, co starred with Xin Fengxia《 Third Sister Yang complains 》, played the role of Yang's mother in the play. When rehearsing "Yang Sanjie's Complaint", I heard that old lady Yang, the prototype of Yang Sanjie, came to Beijing to visit relatives, so I went to find her to experience life. Later, when she learned that the old man was leaving Beijing, Zhao Lirong also took noodles and fruit to the railway station to see him off, making the character's appearance and spirit vivid. Later, she went to thousands of families with the film being filmed [36] [57]

Get involved in film and television

In 1986, at the invitation of Yang Jie Six young children Xu Shaohua Starring in a TV play《 Journey to the West 》Chinese guest star Queen Che Chi , whose role impressed the audience [29] [39] In the same year, in the movie《 The fields are green again 》As the sixth aunt [13]
1989, participated in the film《 The Dream of Red Mansion 》In order to better understand the script, she went to the bookstore to buy a comic book and listened to the lecture given by the Redology experts with the crew to ponder Grandma Liu's personality [30] [39] , according to Xie Tieli In memory, Zhao Lirong plays well, and one or two plays will pass. Liu Xiaoqing, who plays Sister Feng, laughs with her. In the play, people also call her Grandma. "She is not acting as a 'family' or an aristocrat. She is acting as a poor person, a rural person, an old lady... There will be a director and actors in Dream of Red Mansions. Everyone can find them, but if you look for Grandma Liu again, you won't find them." [39] In the same year《 Common people 》Act as Aunt Tian [26]
In 1991, after receiving many invitations from the director, Zhao Lirong Huang Jianzhong Directed movies《 celebrate the Spring Festival 》As the mother of the leading role, and won the fourth session with this role Tokyo International Film Festival Best Actress Award, the 15th China Film Hundred Flowers Award The Best Actress Award, the Fourth Golden Phoenix Award of China Film Performing Arts Association and the China Film Government Award. She has played a supporting role for decades and won the trophy of best actress at the age of 63 [21] [39] [55] [60]
In 1993, starring comedy《 Filial sons and wise grandchildren serve 》Shown in mainland China, playing Erxiaoniang [6] , which was widely praised by the audience [39]
In 1994 Xie Xiaomei Directed TV series《 Who loves who is who 》As the old matchmaker in [53]

Contact sketch

1987, and Xiang Han Yang Jun Cooperation, Journey to the West Qitianle Spring Festival Gala Middle performance sketch《 Cabinet middle edge 》, as the queen of Che Chi [23] , impressive to the audience [39]
In 1988, the first time CCTV Spring Festival Gala Stage, performance sketch《 emergency treatment [5] , in which a duty aunt was played. Her first appearance on the stage was free of nervousness and dullness, and her natural and vivid performance caused a strong response. Since then, Zhao Lirong's life in her old age is no longer her own. The voice of the national audience has given her a new task and theme - to bring laughter to the audience on the sketch stage [54]
1989, the second time CCTV Spring Festival Gala And starred in sketches《 A day of heroic mothers 》In the play, she played an honest old lady who had never seen much of the world. When the TV station came to interview her, she saw the camera and started directly "Come on, bring something". When she heard the "fictional" speech, it was as straightforward as today's human shaped bullet screen, "that play is a fool!" [56] The comedy effect in the play is derived from Zhao Lirong's life. For example, the burden of "which leg to take first when entering the house" in the sketch comes from the small courtyard of the Pingju dormitory where she lives. Because the narrow corridor can only allow one person to pass, Zhao Lirong created this classic burden based on life [58] And the jokes of "Sima Guang smashes the vat", "Sima Guang smashes the vat" and "Sima Guan smashes the vat" in the sketch let the audience remember it, and made it even more popular. Since then, a simple old lady has been added to the sketch stage, and the Tangshan accent has also been known to the people all over the country [39]
In 1992 CCTV Spring Festival Gala Play a sketch in《 Mom's Today 》, invented by“ Tango ”It has been a full year for the audience to learn and be happy for a year, which shows the rich and happy life of the elderly in their later years with exaggeration [39] [46]
In 1993, with a sketch actor Guo Da Cai Ming Cooperation, acting in sketches《 Star chaser [44] , playing the role of grandma who can't understand her granddaughter's "madness", still trying to understand her children's thoughts [56]
1994, and actors Li Wenqi Wang Tao Cooperation, in CCTV Spring Festival Gala Starring sketch《 Eat dumplings [34] , playing the role of a kind and lovely grandmother.
In 1995, she starred in the sketch in the Spring Festival Gala of China Central Radio and Television Corporation《 Such packaging In the program, she changed her name to "Spicy Chicken" and described Pingju as RAP, which deeply satirized the irresponsible packaging and speculation style of traditional art at that time, and won the first prize of "National Audience's Favorite Short Show Category"“ [37] [55] During rehearsal, Zhao Lirong was found to have osteoporosis and had to stay in bed for a month before surgery. After learning that the director reported to the director and asked Zhao Lirong to take a rest in hospital, he said: "I am responsible for the consequences, which has nothing to do with the TV station, and I will also act when I am lifting in a closed way." During the performance, after singing the song, there was a kneeling movement, which suddenly pressed on the injured leg and fell, but she immediately pretended to fall, Many viewers thought it was arranged [37] [39]
1996, acting in sketch《 Adventures of working He played the old lady who worked as a migrant worker with an unyielding conscience, made a Cixi, and punished Gong Hanlin, a treacherous businessman. In order to write down the four characters of "genuine" in the program, she practiced calligraphy hard for several months from a primary school drama and never learned to read. She was successful on the stage, which was outspoken by the national audience. Once again, the Spring Festival Gala became popular and won the "first prize of the national audience's favorite program sketch category" [37] [59] The lines in the program of that year“ Imperial Jade Liquor "One hundred and eighty-one cups" still attracts people's attention [56]
In 1998, her physical condition went from bad to worse, with emphysema, arthritis, and shinbone malacia coming one after another, while the mouse bone was still stuck in her knee, causing pain when she moved, but she still acted under the mobilization of the director《 Kung Fu Order [25] [39] In the program, he dressed in kung fu clothes and proudly taught his son to practice kung fu. Each move is memorable, while pop songs sung in the program《 Too soft hearted 》, so it spread all over the streets.
In 1999, in CCTV Spring Festival Gala Starring sketch《 Veteran general [1] In the program, she said the jingle of "Come and go, nod yes and shake no". She was energetic on the stage, and every mouth was a piece of baggage. Thousands of viewers could not keep their mouths shut in the Tangshan flavor English. And this stage is also the last performance in his life, and he sang on the stage《 My Heart Will Go On 》This song was also given another meaning because of her singing - an old cancer artist who coughed up blood sang the first and last English song on the stage. She sang "No matter how far away, my heart is eternal" [39] [56]

Personal life


Character family

Zhao Lirong Character Relationship List
full name
Zhao Bingzhong
Meng Yunde
a farmer
eldest brother
Zhao Shucheng
eldest sister
second elder brother
Xiaosheng actor
master worker
Ma Jingui
First term (died in 1960)
Sheng Hong
Second term (died in 1984)
eldest son
second son
Sheng Qian
the youngest daughter
Sheng Jiahuan
Died young at the age of 7
Li Yi
Second son-in-law
Zhang Hongxiang
(Reference source of character family [1] [7] [39-41] [45]

Emotional life

In 1953, he married Sheng Qiang, a drama worker. In 1955, the eldest son Sheng Fuchun birth. In 1957, the second child was born. In 1960, Sheng Qiang died in labor [46]
In 1964, he married Shenghong, a brother of Shengqiang, and gave birth to his youngest son, Sheng Qian; In 1970, she gave birth to her little daughter and died at the age of 7 [45] In 1984, Shenghong broke out heart disease Death [46]

The character died

At 7:30 a.m. on July 17, 2000, Zhao Lirong died of lung cancer at the age of 72 [2]

People Memorial

On July 27, 2000, the memorial service for Zhao Lirong was held in Beijing. At 5 o'clock the previous morning, the watchman was awakened by a knock on the door. As soon as the courtyard door was opened, the street was full of people, all of whom were villagers. In the past ten days, people from all over the country have often come to mourn. Ni Ping, the host and friend, remembered that on the day of the memorial service, thousands of people saw Zhao Lirong off. At the earliest 5 o'clock, they waited on the road, holding her picture and wearing white flowers on her chest, as if they were seeing her off to their families. One hundred thousand people in Shenyang signed their own names, hoping that her body would not be cremated. The title of the petition was "Keep Zhao Lirong" [39]
In 2009, six young children said in an interview that it was the most people he had ever seen when he went to Babaoshan to attend the memorial service for seniors, peers or friends [39]
From 2014 to 2023, CCTV News, People's Daily and other media released microblogs in memory of teacher Zhao Lirong [18-20]
On July 17, 2022, the 22nd anniversary of the death of artist Zhao Lirong, the eldest son Sheng Fuchun Go back to Zhao Lirong's residence to mourn her mother. Next to the picture of Miss Zhao Lirong, there are flowers and some calligraphy and painting works. Sheng Fuchun recalled that Miss Zhao Lirong liked sunshine very much during her lifetime and always sat at the table to drink tea in the morning [16]

Main works


Film participation

Filial children and wise grandchildren serve one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three
Er Xiaoniang [6]
Chen Peisi Zeng Jianfeng
to star
Chen Peisi Zhao Lirong Wei Zongwan Carrie Ding
Huang Jianzhong
to star
The Dream of Red Mansion [9] one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine
Grandma Liu
Xie Tieli Zhao Yuan
to star
Xia Qin Tao Huimin Liu Xiaoqing Fu Yiwei Lin Moyu Zhang Jie Zhao Lirong
The fields are green again one thousand nine hundred and eighty-six
Sixth Aunt
Li Qiankuan Xiao Guiyun
to star

Participate in TV play

Who loves who is who [53] one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five
Old matchmaker
Xie Xiaomei
to star
Xia Lijun Yang Zichun Guo Tao
Common people [8] one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight
Aunt Tian
Lin Ruwei
to star

Sketch of Spring Festival Gala

Co actor
Gong Hanlin et al
Gong Hanlin Jinzhu etc.
Mom's Today
Aged Vinegar
What to do when you are rich
People's War
Farewell to Tears
Mother's Heart
reference material: [24-25] [34] [46-52] [62-66]

Pingju works

Play a role
Yang Mu
Flower as a medium [28]
Ruan Ma
Liu Qiaoer [32]
Aunt Li

Recording sketch

Co actor
Comedy Before Visit
Mother's Antipyretic [61]

Award record

Art (excluding film, television and music)
Award time Award Name award-winning work Award results
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six First prize of national audience favorite program sketch category [59] Adventures of working Award
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five First prize of national audience favorite program sketch category [37] Such packaging Award
Film and television
Award time Award Name award-winning work Award results
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three The 4th session Golden Phoenix Award of China Film Performing Arts Association -Academy Award [22] celebrate the Spring Festival Award
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two The 12th session Golden Rooster Awards -Best Actress [21] celebrate the Spring Festival nomination
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two The 15th session Popular Film Hundred Flowers Award -Best Actress [21] celebrate the Spring Festival Award
1991-9-27 The 4th session Tokyo International Film Festival -Main competition unit - Best Actress Award [12] [21] celebrate the Spring Festival Award

Character evaluation

Zhao Lirong is Ruan's mother in the Pingju drama "Flowers as Media", the third fairy in "Little Erhei Married", Yang's mother in "Yang Sanjie's Complaint", or the queen of the car pool king in the TV series "Journey to the West". At the age of 60, the stage of the Spring Festival Gala ushered in her artistic brilliance again. Although she was a late comer, she was genuine. Her skills surprised four audiences, but she was modest. She endured pain to make the audience laugh for 10 years. She is Zhao Lirong, a civilian performing artist. (《 Chinese Literature and Art 》Comment) [17]
Zhao Lirong's optimism, humor and openness are not only reflected in her works, but also throughout her life. Even at the last moment of her life, she left the world the last humor of an outstanding artist. China Youth Network Comment) [1]
Zhao Lirong participated in the Spring Festival Gala of CCTV for 6 times in total, and the sketches she performed each time can bring the warm atmosphere of the gala to a climax. The sketches, such as Sima Guang smashes the vat, Tangshan Mother, Who Loves, Working Adventures and Such Packaging, are loved by the audience. Some sketches are co created by her and Gong Hanlin. Every move and every word in the sketches are integrated into her hard work and sweat. These sketches are not only widely influential in China, but also famous overseas《 The Times 》The French Chinatown magazine and the Russian Grand Culture Newspaper all commented and reported Zhao Lirong's sketches, calling her "a funny female master who writes about civilians and plays civilians from civilians." They also praised her high title, saying that she was "an intelligent local artist born in Yanzhao and born in the same hometown as Cao Xueqin and Deng Lijun...". (《 Beijing Chronicle 》Comment) [35]

Character events

  • Declined to meet
In the 1960s, the Pingju works performed by Zhao Lirong were successively made into films and put on the screen. Mao Zedong saw the Pingju dramas "Little Erhei Married", "Yang Sanjie's Complaint" and "Flowers as Media". He thought that "being reasonable and understanding", and decided to meet with key actors such as Xin Fengxia, who insisted on letting Zhao Lirong go with him, Zhao Lirong evaded and said, "You go to represent our big guy! Say hello to Chairman Mao for me! I don't have enough artistic skills and need to practice more. Besides, I am shallow in culture and can't say anything when I go..." When Chairman Mao met Xin Fengxia, she smiled and asked, "Why didn't the three fairies who have been with you come?" Xin Fengxia had to "practice" what Zhao Lirong said He told the chairman truthfully, and the chairman nodded his head with satisfaction: "I didn't expect that the Three Immortals is still a modest person. Good! Good! Modesty makes people progress!" [38]
  • Cheerful and optimistic
In 1999, Zhao Lirong coughed blood while rehearsing "The Veteran Comes out". Gong Hanlin took her to check and found lung cancer. He and the Zhao family agreed not to tell Zhao Lirong. Gong Hanlin filled Zhao Lirong with medicine every day, tore up all the marks of the medicine, and told her that it was for emphysema. After starting chemotherapy, her hair fell off and her weight dropped rapidly. After moving back to the farmyard, she refused almost all visits. Sheng Daming, his son, said, "(She said) I'm getting old. You must hide for me. Everyone is Zhao Lirong. It's good to have no Zhao Lirong in the world. It's not difficult. My image is always good in people's minds, always good, always very healthy, and always lively." [39]
  • Film regret
1995, Director Yellow cress Visiting friends in the United States, I heard the story of Aunt Shandong going to visit her relatives in the United States alone, so I conceived the script《 Hi, Frank 》。 An old Chinese woman was taken to the United States by her son. She lived alone in a high-end apartment. She couldn't speak any language and could only look out of the window every day. Next door lived the same lonely old American Frank. She learned the first English sentence in her life, "Hi, Frank", greeted him, and the two developed a transnational relationship. Huang Shuqin's first choice about Chinese old ladies is Zhao Lirong. After hearing the story, Zhao Lirong agreed to the invitation and offered to partner with her young idol, American actor Gregory Parker. With Huang Shuqin's communication, Parker read the script.
In 2000, Huang Shuqin visited Zhao Lirong, who was undergoing chemotherapy in the hospital. She was always concerned about the progress of the film and said that she would not close her eyes to death if she did not shoot this play. At that time, shooting was expected to start in August and September. But Zhao Lirong died on July 17. This became a great regret for Huang Shuqin and the Zhao family. When facing the media, Huang Shuqin repeatedly blamed himself: "The old lady's most wanted movie has not been launched, leaving her a lifelong regret. The Shandong old lady in the play was written by Zhao Lirong. If only it had been launched a year earlier." [39]