Herbert George Wells

British novelist, journalist, politician
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Herbert George Wells (September 21, 1866 August 13, 1946), also translated as Herbert George Wells, a famous British novelist, journalist, politician sociologist and historian His science fiction has a profound impact on this field, such as "time travel", "alien invasion", "dystopia" and so on, which are the mainstream topics of science fiction in the 20th century.
Published in 1895《 Time machine 》He rose to fame and later published《 Dr. Morrow Island 》《 Invisible person 》《 Star Wars 》Equal number science fiction He is also a society reformer And a prophet Fabian Society I have met with important members of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Stalin , who wrote Kipps《 Tono Bongai 》Mr. Polly and His History, Mr. Breslin Sees Through Him, Grace, Prediction《 Outline of World History 》A large number of works focusing on reality and thinking about the future.
Wells, one of the most prolific modern writers, has created more than one hundred works in his life, covering science, literature, history, society, politics and other fields.
Chinese name
Herbert George Wells
Foreign name
Herbert George Wells
date of birth
September 21, 1866
Date of death
August 13, 1946
University one is graduated from
University of London
Famous novelist and politician
one's native heath
Brown, Kent
Representative works
Time Machine Doctor Morrow Island Invisible Man Star Wars
Political parties
Fabian Society

Character's Life

Herbert George Wells
Wells was born on September 21, 1866 Kent Bromley West End A poor family. Both parents were servants. Father Joseph used to be a professional Cricket He later ran a hardware store. Neil, his mother, has been a servant to rich families.
In 1880, because his father's shop closed down, Wells had to drop out of school to work as an apprentice in a cloth shop in Windsor. But his work here was not satisfactory to the shopkeeper. One month later, he had to leave and became a primary school teacher in Somerset for a short time. Later, he worked as an assistant for a pharmacist in a small town in Sussex. In April 1881, he came to a cloth shop in Portsmouth as an apprentice for two years. The unbearable apprenticeship forced him to leave at last Grammar school Get a teaching assistant position.
In 1884, he received a grant (one Gini a week) and entered Royal Academy of Sciences Its predecessor is Kanzinton Science Normal School. He studied physics, chemistry, geology, astronomy and biology here. Among them, his biology teacher was Thomas Henry Huxley, a famous evolutionary scientist. His later science fiction writing was greatly influenced by Huxley's evolutionism. In 1890, he was awarded with outstanding achievements in zoology University of London Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine Of Bachelor of Science From 1891 to 1893, he taught biology in correspondence school of London University.
The experience of apprenticeship as a teenager made Wells form a criticism capitalist society His consciousness runs through his whole life.
He accepted Utopian socialism He claimed that he had been a socialist ”。 His creation of science fiction is also his attempt to transform society through education, science and technology. But he does not believe in Marxism, but is keen on Reformism He called himself a "conservative socialist". He does not approve of class struggle and Violent revolution , but think it is necessary to eliminate capitalism In society Anarchy [1]
Invisible person
He once worked with famous British writers george bernard shaw Meet and become close friends Bernard Shaw Introduce Wells to join the team led by Bernard Shaw“ Fabian Society ”。 "In 1903, Wells became a member of the Fabian Society, a socialist group that advocated reformism Socialist ideology He still thinks it is too radical. However, his influence on young members and the expansion of personal desire for leadership led him to disagree with Bernard Shaw and others and finally quit the organization. His novels Ann Veronica and The New Machiavelli reflect his life experience
During the First World War, Wells participated in League of Nations His interview articles often cause worldwide sensation.
the First World War Later, it took him one year to complete the《 Outline of World History 》The Outline of History shows his side as a historian.
Wells also visited in 1920 and 1934 Soviet Union , received Lenin and Stalin Interview with. Although he did not understand the Soviet Union socialist system However, they still made a relatively authentic report. This was rare at that time.
After 1920s, Wells turned Political argumentation Fiction creation, in the form of science fiction, publicizes his reform ideal, but is generally considered lacking artistic characteristics
On August 13, 1946, Wells London Death. His works in his later years turned to the aspects of soul, religion and morality.

Creative career

Herbert George Wells
Since 1891, Wells has written articles for some newspapers and periodicals. 1893 Pulmonary hemorrhage During the recuperation period, he began to write short stories, essays and reviews, and also started popular science creation. For example, in The Man of the Year Million, he boldly imagined that natural selection Under influence Future mankind The image, huge eyes, slender hands.
Subsequently, The National Observer published serial articles of Wells' ideas about time travel, and later changed these articles into novels of The Time Machine in 1895. The publication of this book caused a sensation and established his reputation as a science fiction writer.
Since then, he has successively published The Island of Dr. Moreau, The Invisible Man, The War of the Worlds《 God's Food 》He also wrote a large number of papers and novels.
After the 20th century, in addition to science fiction, Wells also Humorous novel Love and Lu Yaxuan started with a series of《 Tono Bongai 》It is a representative realistic novel reflecting the middle and lower class society in Britain, but its popularity is not as good as science fiction.


Wells' science fiction changed Verne's science fiction optimism Tendency, regaining the anxiety and anxiety about the future in English literature; However, because there is a kind temperament in Wells' personality, his pessimistic works are always accompanied by hope flash of light And most of the works have an optimistic ending.
Wells used the advanced science and technology at that time, especially Modern Physics And modern biology; But he is not rigidly bound to these disciplines and is not subject to these scientific theory Limitations of. Wells is concerned not only with scientific progress, but also with scientific progress Good or bad consequences for people.
In addition, Wells can also prove that science fiction can be introduced into big scenes from his own creative practice.
Of course, Wales has its own deficiencies , he can't get rid of it Class limitation , although we can see the future tragic Fate, but feel helpless, powerless.
Wells is good at scientific knowledge Popularization and highlighting it through novels make his science fiction popular with readers.
His science fiction is often satirical, which shows Wells's consistent capitalism And this has become Wells' unique Writing style
Herbert George Wells
Wells' science fiction Soft science fiction It mainly describes the impact of various advanced science and technology on the future world, as well as the impact of these science and technology social problem Political conflict It has become an important aspect of his novels. His works also show Future technology In his works, science and technology not only bring convenience to human beings, but also produce reaction. He believes that science is not necessarily a partner of human beings. His works are full of threats brought to mankind by science and technology: alien invasion, social tyranny, war, ethnic variation, and the demise of the sun.
Welsh mode of artistic creation For Britain and the world at that time and later Science fiction The development of has an important impact. His《 When the sleeper wakes up 》It created an important branch of science fiction: "dystopian" novels. later Russia (Soviet Union) writer Amizakin's "We", British Huxley's《 Beautiful New World 》, and George Orwell Of《 one nine eight four 》Both have inherited this tradition. His description of aliens with "big heads" in many novels has become the "standard image" of aliens in science fiction.
His science fiction has also been criticized by some science fiction writers, who believe that more faith should be placed on the human soul and spirit.

Work evaluation

Herbert George Wells
Wells' science fiction changed the optimistic tendency of Verne's science fiction and regained the anxiety and uneasiness about the future in English literature; However, because there is a kind temperament in Wells' personality, his pessimistic works are always accompanied by a flash of hope, and most of his works are optimistic at the end.
Wells used the advanced science and technology at that time, especially modern physics and modern biology; However, he was not confined to these disciplines and was not limited by these scientific theories. Welles is not only concerned about the progress of science, but also the good or bad consequences of scientific progress for people.
In addition, Wells can also prove that science fiction can be introduced into big scenes from his own creative practice.

Influence of works

Herbert George Wells
Wells' science novels are helpful to enlighten and cultivate people's science fantasy ability. Science fantasy is the pioneer of invention and the precursor of scientific development. Lu Xun In "The Journey of the Moon · Argument", the author put forward the idea of popularizing scientific knowledge by using science fiction, and predicted that "leading the Chinese people to move forward must begin with science fiction". If a nation loses the ability of scientific fantasy and wants to develop, it is as inconceivable as a blind person wants to draw colorful pictures. Welles' science novels can not only arouse people's enthusiasm for science and daydream about the future, but also trigger people's deep thinking about social problems. Especially in today's era of rapidly changing science and technology, Internet technology Popularization, innovation of electronic products, nuclear weapon Biological and chemical weapons Diffusion, whether mankind is cautious and wise in dealing with science and technology, is directly related to the life and death of our future generations. I hope we can remember Wells' warning Words

Main works

Time machine 》(The Time Machine, 1895)
The Island of Dr. Moreau (1896)
The Invisible Man (1897)
The War of the Worlds (1898)
When the sleeper wakes up 》(When The Sleeper Wakes, 1899)
Love and Mr Lewis (1900)
The First Men in the Moon (1901)
The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth (1904)
A Modern Utopia 》(A Modern Utopia, 1908)
Ann Veronica (1909)
Tono Bongai 》(Toni Bungay, 1909)
The History of Mr Polly (1910)
The New Machiavelli (1911)
The World Set Free (1914)
Outline of World History 》(The Outline of History, 1920)
The Shape of Things to Come (1933)
Crystal Egg
New People from Mars

Important works

Outline of World History
Introduction to the Commercial Press in 1927《 Outline of World History 》Since then, this masterpiece of Wells has been popular in China for decades, and there are several kinds of English and Chinese translations republication Reprint, of course, has its unique value. The book was translated into many languages and published in the 1920s and 1930s, with a total sales volume of millions of copies. It is a worldwide super best seller.
Outline of World History
The writing of giant general history has long been a tradition in the West《 History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire 》Hume's History of England and Gizo's《 History of French Civilization 》And so on. Outline of World History 》Of course not with these The Renaissance Compared with the immortal masterpieces of the past, they are not only thin in length, but also lacking in academic theory. At best, they are popular world history Even compared with Toynbee's《 Historical Studies 》It is difficult to compare in depth and breadth. However, it also has outstanding features, reflecting the distinctive characteristics of the works and authors in the 20th century. Most obviously, this book opens Complete history First in style. Wells pointed out in his introduction that "we should have common knowledge of common facts in the history of mankind all over the world, and its need is extremely significant in the tragic changes of the past few years". The so-called "years of cataclysm" here, of course, refers to the First World War. The war hit hard Western Civilization It also makes the survivors feel that the fate of the entire human race is firmly tied together. As for a whole generation of western people Mental crisis The response of the author from human da tong It tells the whole history of human civilization from the perspective of world progress, and firmly believes that "the world is inherently congested, and the world is always in progress", which is in contrast to the pessimism and despair that Spengler revealed after the war. From this point of view, Wells is still the same as before the war. Paper and pen inspire people to think. However, since the intended readers of the author are still Westerners, the so-called "Outline of World History" is still dominated by Western history in terms of content and structure, but it is just dotted with some Arab World And other civilizations including China. The word "world" is more embodied in the historical knowledge that it ties global human beings together.
A world of freedom
200 regions around the world have received Atomic bomb The bombing and the war left all countries in ruins. The remaining countries should learn from their mistakes and decide to establish a new global order and a new world republic on the ruins.
The word "atomic bomb" that Wells "invented" in the book has gradually become a reality with the development of science and technology. The novel describes the energy released by atomic fission, which makes human beings attempt to use it as the ultimate weapon to destroy the enemy, and finally hundreds of cities are reduced to ashes in the "soaring fire of atomic explosion".
It is said that the invention of the atomic bomb also originated from this book. Immigrated to Britain at that time Hungary physical scientist Leo Sillard Doctor suddenly thought of Welles' science fiction novel "A World of Freedom". Aiming at the scene described in the book, this idea finally prompted Silard to go to the United States a year later and persuaded Einstein to remind President Roosevelt that atomic fission technology could indeed produce powerful bombs.
Sleeping for a hundred years
A man woke up after two hundred years' sleep and found that everything in the world had changed. He was inexplicably elected the king of the rebels, and was involved in a global battle.
The book created an important branch of science fiction: "dystopian" novels. Later Soviet Union We by Amizakin, the beautiful new world by Huxley, and George Orwell《 one nine eight four 》Both have inherited this tradition. In Wells' utopian novels“ ecology ”The word "" appears frequently. Many years later, this concept has become a topic that people enjoy talking about.
Star Wars
At the end of the 19th century, Martians came to the earth from the dying Mars and launched a war against Britain, hoping to dominate the world. Humans began to have friendly meetings with them, and fought with Martians only after being strangled.
The author described the human counterattack against the Martians from the perspective of witnesses and parties, but because the technology of both sides is far from each other, it is impossible to fight against the Martians. Martians destroy towns and kill people. And the Martians only regard humans as a kind of lower animal And even use humans as food. Seeing that human beings are going extinct, Martians are about to win. They are infected by the bacteria on the earth and all die.
Time machine
The Time Machine is Wells' first work that has gained great reputation, and it is also one of his most outstanding representative works. The hero of the story, "Time Traveler", flew through the space-time tunnel by his self-made "time machine" to 802701 AD. At this time, the world was rich and abundant, and human beings were divided into two different kinds of creatures. One is the fragile and petite Eloi, who live leisurely in luxury palaces on the ground, pampering themselves and feasting themselves all day long. Their intelligence and physical strength are degraded due to their long-term inaction and lack of thinking. The other is the ferocious, rough, lemur shaped Morok people who live in the dark underground world and work beside the rumbling machines all day long to fatten the Eloi people for their own food. After that, the "time traveler" flew to the world millions of years later, when the world was devastated and human beings were extinct, leaving only white butterfly And giant crabs. Time Machine can be said to be a social fable of superb craftsmanship. Readers can easily guess that Eloi people are modern bourgeois class The Morlock people are descendants of the modern working class. Wells compared the Western class struggle at the turn of the century with Human Evolution Combine them, and send an enlightening warning to the whole modern society in the form of fantasy and fable - the long-term hostility between workers and exploiters may cause terrorist consequences. In addition, through Time Machine, Wells also expressed his concern for the ultimate situation of human beings, which touched hundreds of millions of uneasy hearts. Human beings have been sighing about the shortness of life since their birth. However, Wells imagined a machine that could shuttle freely between time and space, and it was perfectly conceived from theory to practice. How exciting and desirable! As long as human beings are still trapped by the limitations of time and space, the charm of Time Machine will never diminish.
Invisible person
The Invisible Man published in 1897 is probably the most popular and popular work of Wells. novel describe A scientist named Griffin Scientific Invention The passionate pursuit of. Griffin's family was poor and talented. He insisted on scientific research and finally achieved his wish. He invented the art of making oneself invisible However, Griffin did not make use of scientific inventions to benefit mankind, but dreamed of dominating the world and establishing“ Reign of terror ”。 In spite of his friend Kemp's earnest advice, he went his own way and ended up being betrayed by others. Finally, he died in anger in the noise of people's shouts. Invisible Man turns its perspective to science and technology itself, showing readers the potential negative effects of the unlimited development of science and technology. Welles warns people that science is double-edged sword , which can not only benefit mankind, but also lead to disaster. In a society with excessive materialism, once scientific inventions fall into Selfish The consequences will be unimaginable. In addition to the profound social significance, the charm of Invisible Man is also reflected in the portrayal of small people. Often just a few words will make the characters' characters appear on the paper. For example, when discussing how to deal with the invisible people, the villagers in Yiping Town talked freely, but no one put it into practice. The author commented: "These people vividly demonstrated Angles The ability of Saxons to manage parliament: they only talk on paper and never take any decisive action. " Tight Scientific reasoning It is also one of the most remarkable features of Invisible Man. Although science fiction has the element of fantasy, if it only has fantasy, it will appear false and untrustworthy. Welles is extremely good at Logically This paper analyzes the scientific principles of stealth, and expounds various Refraction of light And the reflection theorem, easy to understand and reasonable. His affirmative tone, clear thinking, thorough analysis and strict logic are convincing.
The first man to land on the moon
In The First Man on the Moon, Wells' imagination Flying , galloping across the universe. The novel tells the story of the scientist Carver who developed a Universal gravitation And use it to make a flying ball, and go to the moon with my friend Bedford. After landing on the moon, the two men were chased by lunar men, and Bedford was able to escape and return to the earth; Carver was unfortunately arrested and imprisoned in the underground world of the moon. Later, he sent back information to the earth, describing the body structure and social structure This book introduces readers to the fantastic world of the moon. According to their respective social responsibilities, lunar men use Biological agent Stimulate the abnormal development of some organs, such as the mathematician's head is huge, but his limbs are atrophied, the police have developed muscles, and the postman has long and thin legs. Readers can easily see that these strange moonmen have cast shadows on modern people engaged in various professions. Wells attacked modern times with exaggeration Social division of labor Distortion and harm to human beings. Moreover, the thrilling pursuit scene in the novel is impeccable logical reasoning The magnificent moon scenery is also what science fiction fans like to talk about. No wonder some critics said that Wells' science novels "are fantasies that have reached a high degree of freedom, and still exude an indelible artistic brilliance after the water of years".

Classification of works

Throughout Wells' half century long creative career, his works can be roughly divided into three categories. The first category is science fiction, mainly written before 1900; The second category is society satiric novel , written between 1900 and 1910; The third type is mainly created after 1910, which is usually called "thought exposition novel". However, there is no more famous science novel for Wells, mainly including Time Machine, Doctor Morrow Island, Invisible Man, Man Who Landed the Moon for the First Time, Divine Food, Star Wars, When Sleepers Wake, etc., most of which have been adapted into films. The Star Wars published in 1938 was Orson Welles Buy right of broadcasting , broadcast on Radio New Jersey. Positive value at that time the Second World War During this period, the American society was filled with tension. After the Star Wars was broadcasted, there was a panic. Many listeners believed it and packed their bags to take refuge in the countryside. The government sent police to burn all the broadcast scripts, but some of them were still kept. Later, the public auction was held, and the script was Hollywood It was awarded by the famous director Steven Spielberg and was adapted into a movie that made a worldwide sensation in 2005《 World War 》。

Publishing books

  • Author name Herbert George Wells
    Work time 2015-8
    When the Sleeper Wakes, a science fiction novel by Herbert George Wells. First published in 1899, Herbert George Wells republished it in 1910 after revision.
  • Author name Herbert George Wells
    Work time 2018-9
    Shenshi is a book published by H G. Wells.
  • Author name Herbert George Wells
    Work time 2015-8
    The World War (radio drama) was broadcasted by CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) in the form of a Halloween play in the Air Mercury Theater on October 30, 1938, with the famous news host Orson Welles as its anchor. This radio play was created by Herbert George
  • Author name Herbert George Wells
    Work time 2001-10-1
    The Outline of World History is a concise reading book written by Herbert George Wells for all history lovers. The book focuses on the heritage of human culture, including ideas, culture, religion and other heritage, which is really valuable in the course of human civilization. This book discusses the formation of the earth, the origin of biology and human beings, and the first world war in modern times, spanning five continents
  • Author name Herbert George Wells
    Work time 2018-10
    Time Machine: Crystal Egg is a science fiction novel by Herbert George Wells (1888-1946), a famous British novelist. The novel tells of a genius scientist who developed a method of invisibility and tried to rule the world. He made himself invisible but could not reappear. Faced with the ridicule and contempt of people around him, he began to hate everything. He thought of revenge, revenge on the whole world... When a new type of aircraft appeared in the afternoon
  • Author name Herbert George Wells
    Work time 1999-10
    The New Man Comes from Mars is a book published by Taibai Literature and Art Publishing House in October 1999. The author is Yinghe Joe Wells.
  • Author name Herbert George Wells
    Work time 2020-1
    Star Wars is a novel written by the British writer Herbert George Wells. It was first published in 1898. The novel takes place at the end of the 19th century, when the British Empire established a huge colony and dominated the world. Martians fell from the sky and landed near London, marking the beginning of the war to conquer the Earth. Humans use machine guns and cannons to face the advanced weapons of Martians - "hot light" and "black smoke". Dozens of Martians, with the power of thunderbolt, are targeting
  • Author name Herbert George Wells
    Work time 2010-8-1
    Time Machine: Invisible Man is a book published by Liaoning Children's Publishing House in 2010 by Herbert George Wells. This book tells the adventures of an adventurous scientist in 802701 AD, and shows a tragic picture of cannibalism in the future society.
  • Author name Herbert George Wells
    Work time 2018-10
    The Time Machine is a novella written by the British writer Herbert George Wells. It was first published in 1895. This work tells the story of the time traveler who invented a machine that can gallop freely in the past and future in the time latitude. When he arrived in 802701 AD by machine, he was presented with a strange and terrifying scene. Human beings are divided into two races: the Aloys and the Molocks. The former is exquisite and beautiful, and has lost
  • Author name Herbert George Wells
    The Invisible Man, a science fiction novel published by the British novelist Herbert George Wells in 1897, is regarded as a masterpiece depicting the confrontation between mad scientists and society. The work tells the story of a genius scientist who lost himself and eventually destroyed himself after he invented the invisibility potion. The Invisible Man, which uses science fiction as the main basis to unfold the story, is full of scientific interest, but what makes readers feel most is the author's understanding of human beings
  • Sleeping for a hundred years
    Author name Herbert George Wells
    Work time 2018-9
    The author of Outline of World History predicted the world 200 years later! Inspired the "Anti Utopia Trilogy" Zamyakin "We", Huxley "Beautiful New World", Orwell "1984"! The pioneer of dystopian novels! A Hundred Years of Sleeping is about Graham, the hero, who finally sleeps after a long period of insomnia, but wakes up to find himself in the world two hundred years later. The mysterious growth of deposit compound interest made him firmly control the world economy, from
  • A world of freedom
    Author name Herbert George Wells
    Work time 2018-9
    In the whole 19th century, only two people changed Europe, one was Wells, the other was me—— Bernard Shaw Wells' works deeply attracted me with his imagination. I followed his works with great interest and paid high tribute to his genius imagination—— How much influence Jules Verne's works, especially those of a popular literature writer, can have is still a question, but I can at least be sure that in 1900
  • Dr. Morrow Island
    Author name Herbert George Wells
    Work time 2018-10
    Human nature and bestiality, science and ethics, hell and heaven! One of Wells' most famous, treacherous and elusive works! Has been adapted into the film "Island of the Dead", "Out of Man's Island", "Intercept Man's Island"! Doctor Morrow Island tells about a scientist named Morrow who carried out living anatomy and organ transplantation of various animals on an unknown island and transformed them into orcs. These orcs can walk upright, speak, and have some human characteristics
  • God's Food
    Author name Herbert George Wells
    Work time 1996-10
    The quintessence of world literature (comic book version) God's Food Open this book, and you will find a love letter full of tension, suspense, adventure and excitement. Legends full of courage and struggle spirit will appear before your eyes. There are ordinary little people and great heroes in the story. You can share a colorful and interesting life with them. The Essence of Shinong Literary Masterpieces (comic book version) is a classic literary masterpiece and comic book
  • space warfare
    Author name Herbert George Wells
    Work time 2018-10
    The science fiction prophet wrote a prediction of future war in 1907! Predict the birth of military aircraft and the outbreak of world war! One of Wells' most prophetic works! The Big Air War tells us that the protagonists in the lower middle class of society were accidentally involved in the German air attack on the United States, which led to a world war of airships against airships and aircraft. The whole world fell into the air war The Big Air War presents us another end that is contrary to the World War

social activities

The experience of apprenticeship as a teenager made Wells form a criticism capitalism The social consciousness runs through his whole life.
He accepted Utopian socialism He claimed that he had been a socialist ”。 His creation of science fiction is also his attempt to transform society through education, science and technology. But he does not believe in Marxism, but is keen on Reformism He called himself a "conservative socialist". He does not approve of class struggle and Violent revolution But he thought it was necessary to eliminate the capitalist society Anarchy
In 1903, Wells became a socialist group boasting reformism Fabian Society Members. For the moderate and reformist Fabian Society Socialist ideology He still thinks it is too radical. However, his influence on young members and the expansion of personal desire for leadership made him and the leading members of Fabian Society Bernard Shaw When there was a disagreement, he finally quit the organization. His novels Ann Veronica and The New Machiavelli reflect his life experience
the First World War Later, it took him one year to complete the《 Outline of World History 》(The Outline of History) historian The side of.
Wells also visited in 1920 and 1934 Soviet Union , received Lenin and Stalin Interview with. Although he did not understand the Soviet Union socialist system However, they still made a relatively authentic report. This was rare at that time.

Social Communication

Wells and Bernard Shaw
Wells is not only a famous writer, but also a famous man with conscience Social activists He once worked with George, a famous British writer· Bernard Shaw He met and became a close friend. After being introduced by Bernard Shaw, Wells joined the Fabian Society headed by Bernard Shaw. "Fabian Society" is a kind of socialist society with improved ideology Mass organizations They oppose the use of force and hope to rely on economic and political means to transition from capitalist society to socialist society At first, Wells actively participated in the activities of the "Fabian Society". Later, he disagreed with Bernard Shaw and withdrew from the "Fabian Society". During the First World War, Wells participated in League of Nations His interview articles often cause worldwide sensation.
Wells and Verne
Welsh Science fiction Shortly after his debut, some critics compared him to Jules of France· Verne In terms of the influence and achievements of the works, the two are indeed equal, but in terms of the way of creation of the works, they are quite different. Verne is only concerned with the realization of science and technology. He has a famous saying: "As long as someone imagines, others will do it." His works teach nature scientific knowledge It gives great inspiration to scientists and explorers. While Welles' science novels are based on scientific knowledge, they rely more on imaginations like flying horses. He imagined traveling in the universe and conceived the interstellar war; Send humans to the moon, and then introduce Martians to the earth. He collects angels from the sky and salvages them from the sea mermaid Drive the time machine in time and space. His works are full of surprises and dangers. He observes life from the perspectives of the moon, space, the past and the future Aliens The story is tense, the plot is strange and fascinating. Wells himself admitted: "This great French writer (referring to Verne) Scientific Invention My vision is totally different from my fantasy. His works always describe the actual possibility of technology and invention, and he made many excellent predictions about it. What he is interested in is something practical; Before I started writing, I believed that the technology I wrote that had not yet appeared would be realized in the future... What my story shows is not the realization Scientific hypothesis It is the experience of another fantasy. "
Moreover, the values of Wells and Verne are also different. Verne praised the great invention and great power of science and technology, whose purpose of creation is to introduce readers into the magical and fascinating science fiction world. But Wells' works have profound realism He used Science fiction With grotesque characters, bizarre plots, exaggerated techniques, humorous language and magnificent scenes, he pointed out the current problems, revealed the reality, and skillfully expressed his views on life and society. Wells once said that his science fiction inherits Ancient Rome writer Aplius stay The Golden Donkey "The significance of such stories lies not in the fantasy itself, but in the non fantasy factors contained in the fantasy... They can only be translated into ordinary language After, or excluding all the weird elements, the real meaning can be displayed. " It can be seen that science and technology is only a carrier of Wells' creation, not its purpose. His concern is related to technology social problem It is not just praising science and technology itself, but giving objective analysis, warning the negative effects of scientific and technological development, exposing the contradictions and various problems in society, and condemning the absurd and ugly reality. Wells created a model of science fiction that integrates scientific knowledge, literary skills and social concepts, which is incomparable to Verne's "hard science fiction" that advocates scientific spirit and pursues scientific details.
Wells and Churchill
But what Wells has is not just scientific imagination. For more than 100 years, later generations have become more and more aware of him as a society reformer And the meaning of the prophet - his ideas directly affect the rulers, and there are supporters in both worlds - from Churchill to Lenin.
Churchill's political career was greatly influenced by Wells. Churchill's early political ideas originated from Wells' 1901 novel Foresight. In his political career, he was recognized as a famous speaker. His speeches were full of witticisms, and many classic words have been handed down so far. Some of his witticisms are taken from several novels of Wells. As he once described it with "wind and cloud" Nazi Germany The same expression was used by Wells in his novel World War.
Wells completed in 1905《 A Modern Utopia 》, intended for Thomas Moore's Utopia Continued. The book puts forward some ideas, including that the state should provide security for citizens' lives. Churchill Glasgow In his speech, he mentioned that the country should help "many helpless people". Historians generally believe that this speech is Churchill Career milepost.
Churchill There are many similar ideas with Wells, both of whom believe that the state should guarantee the life of citizens, including providing Relief , Insurance and Child welfare Wells named his novel Modern Utopia, and Churchill later called his ideal "security" country "Utopia" in his speech. Welles advocates "eugenics" and believes that people can only meet certain conditions, such as health and economic independence , we should consider having offspring. Churchill once said that he envied Wells for "discussing marriage and Population issues And courage ". Even a friend of Churchill said that he was a "eugenist".
As an important member of the Fabian Society, Wells also met with Roosevelt. He also visited the Soviet Union twice and was Lenin And Stalin Interview with. Although Wells wrote Kipps, Tono Bongai, Mr. Polly and His History, Mr. Brelin Saw Through Him, Grace, Prediction《 Outline of World History 》A lot of works focusing on reality and thinking about the future, but in Lenin's eyes, he is essentially bourgeois class

Scientific foresight

Some stories say that, Atomic bomb His invention originated from Wells' novel The World of Freedom.
Although Welles made it clear that Science fiction His works are not intended to foresee the possibility of scientific development, but as a highly skilled bachelor of science, his imagination has no shortage of scientific basis. Some works are still outstanding scientific predictions, providing some valuable predictions for the development of science and technology at that time.
For example, in Time Machine, Wells broke the unchanging Time view , explains“ Four-dimensional space ”And boldly conceive a time machine that can travel through time and space at will. "Four dimensional space" and "four dimensional geometry" have been widely recognized and applied in modern times. More miraculously, 20 years after the advent of Time Machine, modern science Giant craftsman Einstein It's done General relativity The research of Principle of relativity It is concluded that when the speed of the spaceship reaches a maximum (close to the speed of light), the passengers in the spaceship may realize "time travel". These seemingly absurd theories were later Astronomical observation And microscopic tests, thus creating human beings History of Science On new era
Also, as described in "Divine Food", food that can stimulate biological growth potential predicts that growth hormone In Dr. Morrow's Island, Dr. Morrow's limb transplantation and brain reconstruction of animals unavoidably remind modern readers of the species concerned and debated in the 20th century organ transplant And animal Asexual reproduction ——Cloning, etc.
In Star Wars, the "hot line" used by Martians is similar to the laser found half a century later, and the "black smoke" is equivalent to the poison gas used by the German army in World War I; The scene of large-scale poisonous creatures described in the novel was confirmed in the two world wars. In The Armor of the Land War, Wells predicted that armored tanks would be used in war.
In Space War, he foresaw that aircraft would be used for war. In The World of Freedom, he invented“ Atomic bomb ”The description of the atomic bomb explosion scene is the same as the actual situation later.
Welles, in The First Time Moon The fantastic scene of the moon's surface described in The Man of Our Lives and Fifty Years Later Apollo 11 The photos sent back when landing on the moon are similar. In addition, the novel vividly depicts Space navigation And human soft landing on the moon and spacecraft return Earth time Splash down in the sea.