
[yíng lì]
Chinese words
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Profit is a Chinese word. Pinyin: y í n g l ì 1 means the profit obtained after deducting the cost profit The second refers to business income. There is an example from "Warring States Policy Qin Policy Five". [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
yínɡ lì
words whose meaning is similar
Make a profit Make a profit [2]
Loss [2]
Word meaning
Obtained after deducting costs profit Or operating income


1. [surplus] profit from doing sth [1]
2. [gain; profit] Make profits [1]


The Book of the Lord of Commerce, Outside and Inside: "Therefore, farmers are the hardest to work hard, but they earn less. They are not as good as businessmen and skilled people." [2]

example sentence

1. The benefit of doing something.
The Book of the Lord of Commerce, Outside and Inside: "Therefore, farmers are the hardest to work hard and earn less than businessmen and skilled people." Gao Heng notes: "To make a profit, you can make a surplus."
Wei Shu · Food and Goods Annals: "Those who look up to the limit of the first dynasty are also scrupulous in competing with the local people for profits."
Tang Dynasty Han Yu The Tomb Annals of Wei, the Jiangxi Observation Envoy of the Tang Dynasty: "Gather materials and tiles on the site, and estimate their costs, so as to make no profit."
Tang Hanyu's Inscription on Lu Gong's Shinto Path: "The public is a state. In times of floods and droughts, they like and despise people. When they are old enough, they can earn a lot. They often make profits. Therefore, people are not sick or hungry, but the government Livestock accumulation 。” [3]
2. Today refers to the profits of enterprises, units, etc.
Xu Teli "Reading Soviet Notes": "In our enterprises, such as economic accounting and profitability issues, cost issues, price issues, etc., are of practical significance." [2]


Discrimination: "profit", "profit", "profit" [1]“ For profit ”, "Profit"“ profit ”These three words not only have the same pronunciation, but also are easily confused in meaning. According to the interpretation of middle school Chinese textbooks, the discrimination of these three words seems not complicated. Zhejiang Yongkang No. 1 Middle School There is an article titled "Analysis of Words Easily Mistaken" sponsored by the "Middle School Chinese Network", which says: "Profit: profit." "Profit: profit, profit." In fact, the difference between these three words is far from simple.
Let's start with "profit". It is very correct to interpret "profit-making" as "seeking profits". The Chinese Dictionary supports this statement. Many people interpret the "operation" of "profit-making" as "operation", which is wrong. "Camp" here means "seek". In Han Yu's "Sending Poor Essays", "fly camp and dog trap, drive away and return", as well as the word "drill camp" we often say, all use the meaning of "camp".
There are two synonyms for "profit" -“ Make a profit ”"Seeking profits" means "seeking profits". For example, the boss often tells his subordinates - "Never make a profit when purchasing public property." This sentence can also be said: "Never make a profit when purchasing public property."
When it comes to "profit-making", we can't ignore "non-profit". We know that there are many“ Non profit organization ”(NPO), which is translated from the English "Non Profit Organization". The translation of "Non Profit" into "Non Profit" is very appropriate. According to international practice, the most important definition of NPO is not to pursue profits. In other words, NPOs must not "make profits", that is, "non-profit".
Many people write "non-profit" as "non-profit", including a statement on the front page of the "Middle School Chinese Website" mentioned earlier: "This website is a non-profit personal website..." This usage is wrong.
To be exact, "profit" has two meanings: one is the profit obtained by deducting costs; The second refers to business income. The first meaning is also called "win" in ancient Chinese. There is an example in the Warring States Policy, Qin Policy Five: "Go back and say the father: how many times the benefit of farming? Say: ten times. How many times the benefit of beads and jade? Say: a hundred times." The second meaning is just to say that income increases, not necessarily profit. The Book of Shang Jun o Outside and Inside: "Farming is the hardest and the most profitable." That's what it means.
As for "profit", the Chinese Dictionary says that "it can also be written as" profit ", but in fact, the meaning of the two words is slightly different. The synonym of "profit" is "dividend, surplus", and the antonym is "loss, loss". It can be seen that "profit" has only one meaning, that is, "profit after revenue and expenditure subtract".
Let's sum up the three words: "profit" means "profit". It is not necessary to make money for the purpose of making money; "Profitable" means that if you earn money, you may lose money or you may gain a surplus; "Profit" refers to making money after deducting costs.