Lai Gong

Shuhan officials during the Three Kingdoms period
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Lai Gong (the year of birth and death is unknown), Lingling Tomb People. This is liu biao The governor of Jiaozhou was appointed by Liu Biao, and Cang Wu was appointed by Liu Biao Wu Ju expel. Retrogression Liu Bei , Ren General Zhenyuan , and Zhuge Liang Wait to show the Emperor of the Han Dynasty and push Liu Bei as Hanzhong King Liu Bei called her queen, and Lai Gong was too often. Cao Pi usurped the Han Dynasty Later, Lai Gong and others asked Liu Bei to become emperor. Son of Lai Gong Lai 厷 , Ren Prime Minister Western Cao Lingshi
Full Name
Lai Gong
Highest office
Too often
Native place
Lingling Tomb

Character's Life


State county discord

Lai Gong is from Lingling. Governor of Jiaozhou Zhang Jin After being killed by Qu Jing, Jingzhou Mu liu biao Let Lai Gong replace Zhang Jin as the governor. At that time, Cang Wu's Chief Executive Shi Huang also died, and Liu Biao appointed Wu Ju Lai Gong and Wu Ju took office at the same time. Wu Ju is not convinced by Lai Gong, and often resents each other. In the end, Wu Juju expelled Lai Gong, who returned to Lingling County and asked Bu Zhi for help. [1-2]
Later, Lai Gong believed that he would join forces with Xiaolingling to march across the city. [3]

Rank in Jiuqing

Later, for some reason, Lai Gong followed Liu Bei
In the 24th year of Jian'an (219), Lai Gong was the general of Zhenyuan Hanzhong King One of the 11 leaders of the Persuasion Table, and Zhuge Liang And others to write together Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty , please seal Liu Bei as the King of Hanzhong. [4]
Liu Bei was called Queen, and Lai Gong was the most common person in Nanyang Huangzhu For Guanglu Xun, Han Jiaren Wang Mou It is the Shaofu. [5-6]
the Wei state of the Three-Kingdoms Period After the establishment, Lai Gong, Huang Zhu, Wang Mou and others went up to persuade Liu Bei to become emperor. [7]
After the death of Liu Bei, the Prime Minister Zhuge Liang discussed with Lai Gong and others and thought that Madam Gan should be posthumous Lady Gan And was buried with Liu Bei. Zhuge Liang said to the court, and the court chose to adopt this suggestion. [8]
Jianxing At the beginning, Wang Mou took the place of Lai Gong. [5]
Chen Shou Writing《 Romance of the Three Kingdoms 》It was mentioned that the life stories of Lai Gong, Huang Zhu and Wang Mou could not be found, so they did not write a biography for them. [5]

Character evaluation

Xue Zong "Our ancestors are kind and sincere, and they are ignorant of current affairs." [9]

Family members

Son: Lai 厷 For the Prime Minister Xi Cao Lingshi, he followed Zhuge Liang to Hanzhong and died early. Zhuge Liang deplored his death. [5]

Literary image

Fiction《 Romance of the Three Kingdoms 》In China, Lai Gong appeared in the 80 rounds of the show as Taichang Qing. After Zhuge Liang pretended to be ill and asked Liu Bei to agree to ascend the throne, Lai Gong and others came to see Liu Bei, bowed to the ground, and asked Liu Bei to make a big gift some day. [10]