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Capital turnover

Cyclical capital cycle
Capital turnover refers to cyclical Capital cycle The motive of capital is to seize surplus value , but the surplus value must be obtained through the circular movement of capital, so Industrial capital After completing a cycle, it will immediately start a new cycle, and this process will be repeated continuously. From the advance of capital in a certain form Production process and Circulation process It is a turnover of industrial capital until capital is multiplied and reverted in the same form. Capital in Production field The time of Production time , capital in Circulation field Time is called capital Circulation time , which together constitute the industrial capital Turnaround time [1]
Chinese name
Capital turnover
Foreign name
capital turnover
Capital cycle
Repeated Capital cycle process

Relationship with capital circulation


Connection between the two

Capital turnover
Capital turnover and Capital cycle Both Industrial capital Sports, including Circulation process And the production process, the production and realization of surplus value. The turnover and circulation of capital are closely linked. Turnover is a cycle that goes on repeatedly. If the cycle of capital is regarded as a cyclical process, it is capital turnover.

Difference between the two

The study of capital cycle focuses on the three stages of a turnover and the following steps Monetary capital Productive capital Commodity capital These three forms and how they perform the function of capital, focusing on a single cycle; The study of capital turnover focuses on the speed of continuous circulation, that is, the length of each turnover time, the number of turnover times per year, and the impact of turnover speed on the amount of capital and Residual value Impact.

Times Time

The turnover of industrial capital once went through a certain period of time. Start from a functional form of capital, such as Monetary capital Start to move until the capital Value proliferation Later, it returned in the form of monetary capital, completing a capital turnover. The time it has experienced, including the capital position Production field Production time, plus capital Circulation field Of Circulation time , called Capital turnover time different Industrial sector There are different turnaround times; Even in the same industry sector, different enterprises Production conditions The difference between the advanced level and transportation conditions will also make the turnover time different.

influence factor



Capital turnover
because Capital turnover time include Production time and Circulation time , the former includes During labor , received natural force Time and Means of production The time of reserve, the latter includes the time of sale and the time of purchase, so there are many factors affecting capital turnover. The length of the working period depends on the nature of the product itself, production scale Production technology Horizontal Mechanization degree Labor organization Rationalization and business management Level and other factors. Generally speaking, heavy industry Product ratio light industry The labor period of the product is long. Time and Reserves of means of production Time, mainly in industries related to biological growth, chemical change or waiting for drying, such as planting, breeding Wine making industry , tanning industry, bleaching industry, ceramic industry, wood industry, etc. The application of new scientific and technological achievements in modern biology, chemistry and physics in production has greatly shortened the time in this regard. The factors affecting the circulation time are Market distance Transportation , telecommunication conditions and credit system Informative Satellite propagation , Microwave communication Application of technology, aviation container transport and expressway The development of credit card and the popularity of credit card have shortened the circulation time to a certain extent. The best-selling or unsalable products also have a great impact on the length of circulation time.

Productive capital

yes Capital turnover speed One factor that has a greater impact is Productive capital The proportion of the composition of. According to the difference of value transfer, circulation form and turnover mode Capital cycle The productive capital in can be divided into fixed capital And working capital Two types.
Clean coal production cost
fixed capital It is reflected in plant, machinery, equipment, tools, etc Labor materials Of the productive capital. It's in Material form All of them participate in production, maintain the original form for a long time, and continue to Production process Play a role in; And in Form of value Part by part, however, is transferred to the product until the physical form no longer plays a role in completing its first cycle. The circulation form of fixed capital is not use value Formal circulation is not the change of material form, but the transfer of value, and the transferred value should be taken as depreciation charge Save in Monetary capital In form, material renewal is not carried out until the value is completely transferred, that is, the centralized monetary capital is transformed into Productive capital
working capital It consists of raw materials, fuels Auxiliary materials , packaging materials, etc Object of labor And labor force. The unchanged part of the product will complete its material form change in one production process, and the value will be transferred to the product at the same time; The variable part is value of labor power Although it is not transferred to the product, it will be produced again in a production process Product value A part of.
It can be seen that the turnover speed of fixed capital and working capital is different. The turnover speed of fixed capital is slow and the turnover speed of working capital is fast. The turnover speed of each part of the fixed capital is also different. Common tools are turnover once every two or three years, machines are turnover once every five or eight years, and the turnover time of factory buildings is longer. The proportion of fixed capital in the total prepaid capital is large, and the capital turnover is slow; On the contrary, if the proportion of working capital is large, the capital turnover will be fast.

Turnaround time

Capital turnover time It is another important factor affecting the speed of capital turnover. Because the time of capital turnover, that is, the duration of capital turnover, is also composed of many parts. In a big way, it consists of Production time And circulation Time composition The time of production and circulation of capital itself has many components. The turnover time of each component of different capital is different, which will affect the capital Movement speed Specifically, it includes: First, During labor , means certain Production department Interrelated working days and hours required to provide a product. The length of working period will affect the speed of capital turnover. (Many textbooks in China have changed the working period into Working hours , this is inaccurate Of. Labor time determines the value of commodities. The number of workers should be included in the calculation of labor time, while the number of workers is not included in the calculation of labor period.) Second, non working time is another part of production time. Non working time includes Labor process The time of normal interruption is normal Downtime , natural action time and storage time of means of production. To shorten the turnover time and accelerate the turnover speed, not only the labor time should be shortened as far as possible, but also the gap between production time and labor time should be shortened as far as possible. Third, circulation time, including purchase time and sale time. The main factors affecting the length of circulation time are Market supply and demand , the distance between the manufacturer and the market, and the transportation and Information conditions Etc. In order to shorten the circulation time, it should be changed Transportation conditions Strengthen the market Information collection , improve Product market competition Force, etc.

Annual surplus value

Capital turnover
Capital turnover speed vs surplus value The production of has a great impact. It first affects the amount of capital prepaid. The turnover speed is several times faster, which is equivalent to increasing the amount of capital several times. Therefore, as long as the turnover speed is accelerated, it can replace the increase of capital and save money Prepaid capital Role of. Secondly, it affects the production of surplus value. stay Residual value ratio In case of confirmation, Annual residual value It is directly proportional to the speed of capital turnover, that is, the number of times of capital turnover per year. If the turnover speed of a capital is slow, that is, the turnover times are small, it will bring Total surplus value Also less; Fast turnover, that is, more turnover times, the total amount of surplus value brought by a year is also more. The total residual value of one year is the same as that of prepaid capital Variable capital The proportion of the quantity of is called rate of annual surplus value , which is equal to the product of surplus value rate and capital turnover speed. What capital seeks is to reflect time factor Annual residual value rate and profit margin Therefore, capitalists always try their best to shorten Production time And circulation time to speed up capital turnover and save prepaid capital in order to capture more surplus value.
In order to speed up the turnover of capital and pursue a higher annual surplus value rate, the capitalists, on the one hand, adopt new technologies, on the other hand, they also adopt measures to speed up the machine speed and speed up Conveyor belt Operation and implementation day and night Shift system And other measures to strengthen the exploitation of employed workers. As a result, the trend of unlimited expansion of production and Consumption capacity The contradiction between relatively narrow and small, and bourgeois class The contradiction with the working class is more acute.

realistic meaning

The principle of capital turnover guides our understanding and acceleration Capital turnover The significance and approach of. The principle of capital turnover clarifies that accelerating capital turnover can not only avoid or reduce capital turnover Intangible wear and tear of fixed capital And can save money Prepaid capital , add Annual residual value , improve rate of annual surplus value This principle aside capitalism Nature, right socialist construction It also has practical significance:
First, Socialist enterprise Only by accelerating the turnover of funds can we save advance funds and increase profits.
Second, to speed up capital turnover, we must shorten Production time And circulation time. The main approach is to improve production technology and labour productivity , timely reserve, reduce blind production, balance production and marketing, develop transportation, communication and credit system , improve Fixed capital Utilization Etc.

Capital turnover time

Capital Production time And circulation time. It contains the total capital value One of Cyclic The total process is the interval time from one cycle to the next. Specifically Monetary capital Convert to Productive capital The circulation time, plus the production time from production capital to commodity capital, plus the circulation time from commodity capital to monetary capital. Capital turnover time yes Prepaid capital The amount has a great impact, and the turnover time is shortened, which can save the amount of prepaid capital. The shorter the capital turnover time reenter The next turnover will be faster, without the need to invest additional prepaid capital during the waiting period before the turnover cycle ends. Capital turnover time versus capital Value proliferation It also has a great impact, Residual value ratio The same number of capital, of which the turnover time is short, can quickly obtain the same amount of residual value. Therefore, it is obtained in unit time (one year or one month) Total surplus value More. For example, two enterprises with the same capital volume and residual value ratio have different capital turnover times, one is three months, the other is 30 months. In unit time, the total amount of residual value obtained by the former is ten times that of the latter. Therefore, shortening the capital turnover time is an important means to promote the growth of capital value.
The length of capital turnover time is determined by the length of production time and circulation time. In terms of production, it depends on the length of working time and the availability of time under the action of natural forces. Generally speaking, shipbuilding industry than textile industry The production time is long, and forestry is limited by natural forces, and the production time is also relatively long. In addition, the length of production time also depends on technical equipment Operation management and labour productivity Level. In terms of circulation, it depends on the origin of raw materials and fuels and the distance of the sales market. The closer the distance is, the less turnover time will be saved; It also depends on transportation, communication equipment and Information network system The more advanced these conditions are, the less turnover time will be saved. the Second World War Later, especially in recent years, with the new Scientific and technological revolution Computer, robot, modern telecommunications, container transportation, loading and unloading, information technology, etc. have all provided material conditions for shortening production time and circulation time, thus shortening the time of capital turnover. but capitalism Of basic contradiction But it is obstructing Marketing , which delays the circulation time and is not conducive to shortening the turnover time.