Jia Zhi

Officials of the Tang Dynasty
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Jia Zhi (718-772), styled Youlin, Henan Luoyang people [1] Minister of the Tang Dynasty, Minister of Rites Jia Zeng 's son.
In the 23rd year of Kaiyuan era, Jinshihe was awarded the title of Shanfu County Lieutenant. Anlu Mountain After the chaos, he fled to Shujun with Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, and was awarded the title of secretary in the middle school official in charge of secretarial matters , write a biography. During the Zhide period, he was demoted to Sima of Yuezhou. In the early years of Baoying, he resumed his official position and moved to the Shangshu Zuocheng. In the early years of Guangde, he paid tribute to the minister of the Ministry of Rites, conferred the title of Xindu County Uncle, moved to Beijing Zhaoyin, and was an imperial doctor.
During the Dali period Military Ministry Assistant Right Free Riding Regular Attendant , died in office, 55 years old, was presented to the Ministry of Rites Secretary, posthumous title is Wen. He has written 30 volumes of anthologies《 Biography of Tang Scholars 》It has its own tradition.
Baby neighborhood
the tang dynasty
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Luoyang, Henan
date of birth
Date of death
Key achievements
Ancient Prose Movement in Tang Dynasty The initiator of
Zhongshu Sheren, Imperial Doctor
Main works
There are poems such as "Daming Palace in the Early Dynasty", "Two Songs in Spring", etc
True name
Jia Zhi
Xindu County Uncle
Posthumous title

Character's Life

Jia Zhi
Tianbaochu Schoolmaster , Shan Fu, and Gao Shi Dugu and Wait for friends. An Shi was in turmoil and went to Sichuan with Xuanzong. In the spring of the first year of Qianyuan (758) Ruzhou Assassin, later demoted Yuezhou Sima, meeting Li Bai, has a poem to sing.
In the first year of Emperor Daizong Baoying (762) Zhongshu Sheren , official end Free riding and regular attendants

Main impacts

Jia Zhi was famous for his writings. At that time, he was very popular with ancient writers in the Middle Tang Dynasty Dugu and Liang Su And so on. His father, Jia Zeng, and he were both in charge of writing for the imperial court. The order book of Xuanzong was written by Jia Zeng, while the title book was written by Jia Zhi. Xuanzong exclaimed that "the Qing family's father and son were born in the grand ceremony of the two dynasties, which can be said to follow the beauty"(《 New Tang Dynasty Book ·Jia Zhizhuan). He wrote a volume of articles, which was known at that time as "the history is like that of the Western Han Dynasty"( Li Zhou Preface to Dugu Changzhou Collection). Han Yu Disciple Tang Huangfu It is said: "Jia Changshi's writings are like a high crowned hairpin, a train of jade, standing in a corridor temple, and without saying anything illegal, they can be seen as a feather and a symbol of morality." (Yu Ye) pointed out Jia's elegant and elegant style.
Jia Zhi had extensive friends with famous poets and writers at that time, and also had famous poems. His poetic style is just like his prose. "Presenting Wei Zuoxiang on the Way from Shu to Shuofang under the Order of Book" sighed with emotion on the way of statement( Shen Deqian Tang Poems), and Wang Wei Du Fu Censhen Singed together《 The Daming Palace in the early Dynasty presented two provincial colleagues and friends 》Gao Hua was neat and praised with pride. But it's demeaning Yuezhou Later, the style of poetry changed. At the beginning of his visit to Baling, he shared the Dongting Lake with Li Shier and Bai Peijiu 》Three songs with beautiful words and long artistic conception. "Two Fables" even more uses fragrant grass beauty as a metaphor for encountering unexpected events, which is quaint and stylish. therefore Du Fu He once said that his poems "reflect the past"(《 Don't send the Fifteen Commandments to Jia Shilang of the Ministry of Rites 》)。

Anecdotes and allusions

Xu Song of the Qing Dynasty mistook Jia Jilin for Jia Zhi in his "Record of Entrance Examination" (hereinafter referred to as "Record Examination"). The eighth volume of the Book of Records says: "In the 23rd year of the Kaiyuan era, there were 27 Jinshi: Jia Zhi, the No. 1 Scholar." The note reads: "Li Hua's Three Virtues Theory: 'Changle Jia came to Youlin, and his name was at that time Shanghai's "Record" and Shen's "Record" are all along the wrong line. Check the "Correction and Annotation", Zhou Benchun's "Correction of the Biography of Talented Scholars in Tang Dynasty" (hereinafter referred to as "Correction"), Fu Xuancong《 Transcript of Tang Scholars 》(hereinafter referred to as "proofreading"), the text of the second volume of the three books "Li Qi" is: Li Qi, a native of Dongchuan, Jia Jilin's list of top scholars in the 23rd year of the Kaiyuan era, and... "proofreading" and "proofreading" have also been analyzed, pointing out that Jia Jilin, rather than Jia Zhi, was the number one scholar in the 23rd year of the Kaiyuan era, and "Ji Kao" was misquoted from the original text. Mr. Fu is here《 A textual research on poets in tang dynasty 》On page 175, there are also the following dialectics:
"Biography of Li Qi, Volume II of the Biography of Talented Scholars of the Tang Dynasty": "Jia Jilin won the first prize in the 23rd year of the Kaiyuan era. However, in Biography of Talented Scholars of the Tang Dynasty, it was recorded as "Jia Jilin", but Xu Song changed it to "Jia Youlin", and took Youlin as Jia Zhi. According to the Jia family in the New Book of the Tang Dynasty, the Prime Minister's Lineage Table cited earlier, it contains Jia Jilin, the chief book of Chang'an, his brother Ji Liang, and Feng Tianwei. His father's name was Xuanwei, and his age was also in the time of Xuanzong. Xu Song did not check the New Table, but suddenly took Jia Jilin as Jia Youlin, so he designated Jia Zhi as the No. 1 Scholar in the 23rd year of the Kaiyuan era, and said in Volume 9, Tianbao 10, "According to the name of Ke Jiazhi, Jia Zhi has already made progress in the 23rd year of the Kaiyuan era, and this should also be clear about the classics.".
In fact, according to the new and old "Tang Shu" and other relevant records, Jia Zhi was not born in Jinshi, but in the Ming Dynasty. People in the Tang Dynasty value Jinshi more than Mingjing. There is a saying that "30 old Jinjing, 50 young Jinshi" (Tang Zhiyan). How could Jia Zhi take the Mingjing exam after 16 years of being a Jinshi? According to the New Table, Jia Jilin is the descendant of Jia Yi, the great ancestor of Jia Dan, the Prime Minister of the Dezong Dynasty. He lived in Fuyang for generations and was the director of the former official Chang'an. There are two sons: Tiao and Yi.
New Tang Dynasty Book ·The Yiwenzhi records 20 volumes of Jia Zhiji and 15 volumes of Bieji, which have been lost. Complete Poetry of the Tang 》Save 1 volume of poetry, and 3 volumes of Complete Tang Wen. The deeds can be seen in the new and old Tang Shu biographies.

Main works

Send a Friend to Heyuan
Send Junlu to the suburbs and get off to Gaoqiu. The depression is thousands of miles away, and the sun goes down and the clouds fall.
When you raise wine, you have hatred; when it comes to borders, you have no foresight. The river source is out of sight, and the banners and banners are far away.
Send it to Li Shiyu
I am over 40 years old, and I have sighed that the road ahead is short. If you leave the Dongting Hall, you will not be satisfied.
Marquis Li, who forgets love, is lazy with me. The lonely sail cries in Xiaoxiang, and the heart is broken when looking far away.
Send Vice Envoy Geng back to Changsha
The painted Ge wants to return to the south, and the Jiang Pavilion will stay for dinner. At sunset, the clouds on the lake are rustling like graupel.
Last night, I knew each other, but I couldn't see it clearly. The melancholy northwest wind, for whom does the high sail fan?
Send off Xiahou Zi to Jiangxia
The breeze comes thousands of miles from the Dongting Temple. Leave a cup of wine to cheer you up, and don't go back to Pei.
At the foot of the Chu Mountain, the fishing boat recalls the fishing platform. I admire you for being in the old place, and return to Nian for being alone.
Two Fables
The spring grass is green, and the beauty is endless. A leisurely heart of thousands of miles, I want to pick up mountain ganoderma.
Sigh good will late, how peach and plum. On the clear river of Huaijun, standing the summer clouds.
On the chilly autumn boudoir's eve, Qiluo knows the cold early. When the jade anvil is tuned to sound the pestle, it begins to pound the machine.
Remembering yesterday's parting, tung flowers covered the well railing. When I think of you today, white dew fills the steps.
After hearing about the river letter, I want to send a double jade plate. Jade to appoint the heart, plate to recommend fine meal.
You are in the distance, making my clothes wide.
Bronze Sparrow Terrace
The copper platform is quiet at sunset, and the birds in Xiling return. Touch the string and cut off the heart, listen to the pipe tears.
Lingji faces the court, and the empty bed rolls the night clothes. Cang Chuan last month, should fly according to my soul.
Banquet music
The cloud is clear of beads, and the sky is covered with green poplars. The makeup is hidden behind the curtain, and the dance is low to the audience.
The long corridor of singing and wearing is quiet, and the wide hall of ice is cool. Huanyu's sword is scattered, and the chariot enters Zhaoyang.
Two pieces of wine song
Plum blossoms and willows lean on each other, and orioles fly in disorder. When you sing, you pity the scenery, and when you drink, you cherish the beauty.
The winding water floats the flower air, and the flowing wind disperses the dancing clothes. It rains all night long, and the guests can't go home.
The wine tastes strong in spring. After drinking a thousand cups of sorrow, three cups of everything will be empty.
Sing and ride the beautiful scenery, dance drunk to the east wind. Send a message to respect the former guests and make a career change.
Send Lu Xieli to Duanzhou
Those who cross the well head south, and the Xiangchuan River flows north. After several glasses of wine, there is a lonely boat in the sea.
Lingqiao and Xianke, Beijing is an old tour. The heart of spring will not hate, and the distance will be long.
Send Councilor Wang to Changsha
Join hands to visit the place, a corner of the Baling sky. Clouds and dreams come into being in spring, and water overflows Dongting Lake.
A total sigh of Yu Fanjuan, with Ruan Ji's path of grief. Changsha was humble and wet in the old times, but it should not be different now and in the ancient times.
Send Xia Hou to Guangzhou
When I heard that outside Hengyang, the geese did not fly. Send you away from here. Letters must be rare.
The clouds are far and the sea is clear, and the waves are misty in the north. Be modest Sun Chu The officials are dressed in bright colors.
Changsha Bie Li Liuyu
The moon is bright, the water is white, and the frost is dry in Dongting. Exiled outside Changsha, it's hard to meet.
The clouds are far away from the emperor's hometown, and the wild geese report the cold in the north. This farewell is full of tears, and Yongmen does not play falsely.
Yuan Wang was demoted to Changsha at Yueyang Tower Feast
Jipu Sanchun Grass is a tall building with thousands of miles of heart. The mountains of Chu are clear and misty, and the Xiang River flows deep at dusk.
Suddenly, they were singing along the river bank together with the old one in the middle of the court. Stop drinking and try to look north, still want to cry.
Chant Feng Zhaoyi Be a bear
White feathers pierce carved bows, and neon flutters move the wind in the north. When the golden house comes out, the chariot goes to the forest.
The long corridor for chasing animals is quiet, and the Eagle Royal Garden is empty. The king and grandson should not advise hunting, and the humble concubine should be a bear.
The Daming Palace in the early Dynasty presented two provincial colleagues and friends
Silver candles smoke the sky and purple trees grow. Spring in the Forbidden City is green. Thousands of weak willows droop green, and hundreds of flowing warblers surround the building.
The sound of the sword is accompanied by the jade gallop, and the clothes and body offend the imperial incense. On Enbofeng Pool, Ranhan served the king.
To Xue Yaoying
(Note: At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Xue Yaoying was accepted as the Ji. She was too light to wear heavy clothes, so she asked for dragon silk clothes in foreign countries.
Only to reach Yang Yan With Zai Shan, we can see his songs and dances, and each will present poems.)
Dancing is afraid of baht and clothes are heavy, laughing and doubting that peach faces are open.
know for the first time Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty Build a typhoon shelter.
Thousands of miles of flat sand gather dust, and people fly from the south to the north.
The preaching of Wuyuan is urgent. Shan attacked Xinqin last night.
Two Spring Thoughts (1)
The grass is green, the willow is yellow, and the peach flower is messy and the plum flower is fragrant. If the east wind doesn't blow away sorrow, the spring day can arouse hatred for a long time.
Two Spring Thoughts (2)
Red powder danglu is weak and willow droops, and Jinhua wax is used to sprinkle Tumi.
You can stay here at sunset and kill the frivolous children in Chang'an when drunk.
Diligence in politics, building, watching and enjoying music
The Milky Way Emperor and Daughter go down to Sanqing, and the Forbidden City is surrounded by nine cities.
In order to report to Yanzhou for listening to music, we should know that the world wants to be peaceful.
Presented to Liang Hong, Shaanxi Rubber
Liang Zi has been writing for 40 years, and his poems are more famous than cursive script. The white head still makes contributions to the business, and the salary is too low to pay for wine.
Answer Doctor Yan
A wild goose came this night in the Qin sky, and the parasol tree dropped its leaves to stamp clothes. Sijun walks alone on the moon in the Huating Pavilion, and green moss grows in the old pavilion in autumn.
Send Li Shilang to Changzhou
The snow is clear, the clouds are scattered, the wind is cold in the north, and the roads in Wushan and Chushui are difficult.
I must be drunk to see you off today, and there is a long way to remember each other in the Ming Dynasty.
At the beginning of his visit to Baling, he shared three songs with Li Shier and Bai Peijiu on the Dongting Lake
Every time we meet on the river, we have traveled for a long time, Xiangshan I can't bear to worry forever.
The moon is bright, the wind is blowing in the cave, the water is flowing, and the lonely goose leaves a boat.
There are many fallen leaves on the maple bank, and the autumn water of Dongting comes at night.
The boat is not near and far away, and the white clouds and bright moon hang Xiang'e.
Maple leaves along the river are beginning to show frost, and chrysanthemums on the side of the river have turned yellow.
The sunset in the canoe is endless, and the meaning of the three Hunan and five lakes is endless.
Spring View at West Pavilion
The wind is warm in the long day and the willows are green. The wild geese fly back to Yaoming.
Hearing the flute in Yueyang City can make the heart of spring full of Dongting.
The old man in Xiangzhong reads "Huang Lao", and sits on the green grass with purple palm in his hand.
When spring comes, I don't know the depth of the lake, but I forget the Baling Road at sunset.
Dongting sends Li Shier to Lingling
Today, before meeting the fallen leaves, the autumn water in Dongting stretches far into the sky.
A total of Jinhua old places, looking back at the Beidou want to Shanran.
Jiangnan sends Li Qing away
The twin cranes fly to the south of Chu Mountain, and the south of Chu meets and recalls Qin Pass.
May Zhu Huifeng blow his wings and return with the wild geese and spring as early as possible.
Send Taoist Wang back to Beijing
A cloud of immortals entered the Emperor's Village and counted the autumn geese to Hengyang.
When I asked about the old flower moon in Qingdu, I didn't know that the immigrants were crying in Xiaoxiang.
Baling Night Farewell King Eight Members
Farewell when willow catkins fly Luoyang After the plum blossom is sent to Sanxiang.
The world has been scattered by the clouds, leaving the hate sky with the river.
Don't Pei Jiudi
The West River flows eastward for thousands of miles. Tonight, passenger boats will be stationed along the river.
The moonlight adds to the spring scenery, and the reed wind seems more secluded than the bamboo wind.
Send South to Shixia Prefecture
In the past, the Red Goose and the Phoenix Pond are sad to see each other now.
Zhu Ya has a dream of three thousand miles, and all the people who want to leave are crying.
Farewell to Nangei again
After three years of banishment, the old man is back today.
We must drink thousands of cups today when we hear that the cliff state is a thousand miles away.
Yueyang Tower Feasts Farewell to the Eight Wangs and Deportation to Changsha
The river runs thousands of miles to the east, and the blue clouds look north at Ziwei.
Modao Baling Lake is wide, and the south bank of Changsha is even more depressed.

Historical data index

The Old Book of the Tang Dynasty, Jia Zhizhuan
Jia Zhi, Tianbaomaiwei Zhongshu Sheren In the Lushan Rebellion, the emperor visited Shu from the top. When Suzong was located Lingwu , the emperor sent it to pass on the throne. The emperor looked at it and sighed: "In the past, the first emperor was located in me, and the book was written by Qing's father. Now I pay the prince with a great treasure of divine tools, and Qing will act as an official. It's hard to get out of the hands of Qing's father and son after tiring the grand ceremony of the dynasty!" I fell in front of the emperor and sobbed and felt tears.
In the second year of Baoqing Shangshu Zuo Cheng Hour Ceremonial Master Yang Wan Please follow the ancient rules. The county magistrate gave filial piety and honesty to the governor, tried what he learned, and gave his name to the province; Every time the provincial trial asks ten questions and three countermeasures, choose whether they are acceptable or not. The imperial edict ordered the left and right officials, the ministers, the doctors, the middle officials, the gei, the shepherds and so on to participate in the deliberation, and most of them were the same as Wen. To the date of discussion:
Xia's government upholds loyalty, Yin's government upholds respect, and Zhou's government upholds literature. However, literature, loyalty, and respect all govern people's travel. That's why the previous generation used literature to select talents, and this line is also the same; From words to lines, we can understand words. Xuanfu said that "Yanzi does not vent his anger and does not make mistakes", which means that he is "eager to learn". As far as the Spring and Autumn Annals are concerned, it is not clear that you can't say a word about traveling and summer! Intermediate, Ceremonial department It is good to choose people. How can the examiners know the way to "vent their anger" and "err on two sides" when they are proficient in calligraphy and never fail to understand its meaning? Textual examiners regard sound illness as right or wrong, and only choose flamboyance. How can they know that shifting wind is easy to vulgarize the world? It is the above that loses its source, descends to its current, rides the current, and does not know where to stop. The way of the former king cannot be done. If the way of the former king disappears, then the way of the villain is the chief; If a villain is a Taoist, then disorderly officials and thieves are out of place. I killed my king and my son killed his father. It's not just a matter of one day and one night! What is the gradual change? If Confucianism and Taoism are not promoted, it is also a loss to select scholars. The affairs of a country are the foundation of a person, which is called the wind. Praise of his style is attributed to a senior official. Why don't senior officials come from scholars? Today, the way to choose scholars and try is to try the path. Those who are not far away will be the big ones, and those who are not far away will be the ones who want to use the skills of the people who are doing well. It is the difference of induction. So when Lushan called, the whole world shook; If Siming is in chaos again, it will be ten years later. When the way of comity is promoted and the wind of benevolence and righteousness is in vogue, loyal officials and filial sons can be sealed up more than houses, and people can't shake their hearts when they go against the rules.
In the summer, there were four hundred years in the world, and Yu's way of mourning, while Yin's first rise was modest. Yin had six hundred sacrifices in the world, and the method of soup was abandoned, while Zhou Shixing was not. Zhou had the political disadvantages of literature and martial arts for eight hundred years, while Qin had not. The selection and appointment of talents in the three generations were all tested and implemented, so we can have the custom of being honest and long-term. Qin pit Confucianism, two generations died. Hanxing The policy of three generations, the promotion of four disciplines, and the end of their 400, is not learning to walk in the countryside! From the Wei Dynasty to the Sui Dynasty, only four hundred years ago, they stole the title and took over the throne. Their virtue and righteousness were not improved. They were driven by the speed of their descendants and enjoyed the salt and salt of the country.
The state reformed the disadvantages of Wei, Jin, Sui and Liang, inherited the business of Xia, Yin, Zhou and Han, and built houses in four caves, Kyushu Youtong, Fukuan bears, and virtue unites heaven and earth. An has the way of giving up the emperor and selecting people from chaos! This is a disgrace to the minister and doctor.
Today, there are Imperial College in Xijing, primary schools in prefectures and counties. When the military revolution took place, the living people were exiled. There was no reason for the Confucian officials, the Shishi, and Lulin. The Gongshi did not call themselves practical, and the sons of nobles did not want to teach. The first promotion of the Ministry of Rites to Party A and Party B every year is called Hongcong, which is not wrong! It is only enough to grow the thin wind and open the way of luck! He is a doctor of his country. He hopes to increase the number of members, increase his salary and rank, and become a scholar with great achievements. In ten major prefectures, the Imperial College Hall was set up to allow doctors to go out, lead county officials, and summon students. According to the story, those who protect the mulberry and cataloge, those who live in the countryside, and those who live in exile, the order of the Buddha was deduced. When we move forward, we can see the benefits of the future.
The discussant agrees. Zai Chen and others have already accomplished their old career, which is difficult to change quickly. This year, he has become a famous person. Jia Zhi's proposal will be accepted in the coming year.
In the second year of Guangde Ceremonial Master At the age of, I apologize for the hard time. Those who have sent people to the province, please try to lift people from both sides. In the first year of Yongtai, Jixian Academy was added for preparation. At the beginning of the calendar year Military Ministry Assistant Five years later, he was transferred to Beijing Zhaoyin and concurrently served as the imperial doctor, and died.
Jia Zhi, styled Youlin, promoted the Ming Sutra, and Xie Brown, a single father and captain. from Xuanzong Xingshu, worshipping Qiju Sheren, official in charge of secretarial matters When the emperor passed the throne, it was high time to write a book. After the book was published, the emperor said, "My father gave me a mandate in the past, but now I give you a mandate to write a book, and I will do it again. It will be a great success for my father and son to do so at the grand ceremony of the two dynasties." At the end of the book, my throat burst into tears. In the calendar, there is a scholar.
In Zhide, General Wang went to Rong to kill Fuping and ordered Du Hui. Suzong was newly acquired in Shaanxi. He spared Rongcai, ordered Rong to die, and made himself effective by letting others go. The admonishment said: "Sages who want to kill chaos must first show laws and uphold propriety and righteousness. Since the Han Dynasty entered the Shanhaiguan Pass, there were three rules of law. It is not easy to kill a murderer. According to the general who went to Rong to Shuofang, he would prefer to mention thousands of soldiers. He could not line up and kill the county magistrate with personal grievances, which would be against him. Or, if he went to Rong, he would be good at guarding. If he went to Shanxin, he had to go to Rong, he would not be able to defend. If he went to Rong, he would not be able to. Li Guangbi Shou Taiyuan, Cheng Qianli Keep Shangdang Xu Shuji Shoulingchang, Lu Jiong Shou Nanyang, Jia Ben Keep Yongqiu Zhang Xun Guarding Suiyang, I didn't go to glory at the beginning, and I never heard that thieves could go down. One can avoid death. The arc and arrow are peerless, and swordsmanship has no former. How can we stop depending on one's ability! If you give up your glory and punish the future, you will be punished by different laws. Cherish one to lose glory, kill ten to lose glory, and the damage will cover many. Is there anyone who goes against the chaos who goes against this and obeys that? Is chaos, prosperity and peace governed in Shaanxi? Can we disobey the county magistrate without disobeying the monarch? Those who make laws are the laws of the Emperor Taizong. Your majesty can't abandon the great law of our ancestors by using only a small talent. " The emperor ordered officials to discuss, Crown Prince Visibin Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports The doctor Cui Qi and others all thought: "The law is the grand ceremony of heaven and earth, and the king dare not be expert. The emperor is not good at killing, and the villain who is good at killing is more powerful than others. Before the Kaiyuan era, he did not dare to be expert in killing, and respected the imperial court. Today, it is a weak country. Emperor Taizong decides the world, and his majesty recovers his great career, so he will go to honor the sinner who is not the most virtuous, but the sinner who is Zhenguan. His ancestors will not forgive his sins. Can your majesty change that?" An imperial edict can be issued.
Puzhou The governor was close to the thieves on the east side of the river, and the five thousand rooms in the house of Chefu City, so that the thieves would not be gathered together and the people would be greatly disturbed. The imperial edict was sent to comfort. After the officer assisted the camp, Pu people were safe. Sit down and demote Yuezhou Sima.
At the beginning of Baoyingchu, the old officials were called back and moved Shangshu Zuo Cheng Yang Wan Please follow the ancient system. The county magistrate will give filial piety and honesty to the governor, and the governor will promote the ceremony of the emperor. The imperial edict was consulted by the department, and most of it was written by the officials. It was argued that: "Since Jin Dynasty, many people have migrated in their clothes, and there are many overseas Chinese and official families who occupy their nationality. Today, there are not enough people to be recruited from the countryside, so we should invite Guangzhou University, increase the number of doctors in Guozi, and set up university halls in ten major states. Doctors should be ordered to lead them, and students should be recruited. Those who want to protect their hometown should be recruited; those who live in exile should be promoted." The discussants were even attached to the discussion. turn Ceremonial Master , Jixian Academy to be formulated.
At the beginning of Dali, the army was moved to the army headquarters. I have sent letters to Du County Uncle, and I will be an omen of Yin in Beijing. Seven years to the right Free riding and regular attendants He died in fifty-five, and was given the title of Minister of Gift Department, Wen.