Jia Sixie

[jiǎ sī xié]
Agronomist of Northern Wei Dynasty
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Jia Sixie (the year of birth and death is unknown), Qingzhou Yidu (today Shandong Province Shouguang City )People. Northern Wei Dynasty Officials, agronomists and thinkers in the last years. [2 ]
Jia Sixie was born in a scholarly family who has worked in agriculture for generations. When he became an adult, he took an official career. He once held the official posts of Taishou in Gaoyang County (now Linzi, Shandong), and went to Shandong, Hebei, Henan, and other places. Everywhere he went, he seriously investigated and studied the local agricultural production technology, consulted some experienced farmers, and gained a lot of agricultural production knowledge. When he was middle-aged, he returned to his hometown, started farming and animal husbandry activities, and mastered a variety of agricultural production technologies. About the Northern Wei Dynasty Yongxi Two years (533) to the Eastern Wei Dynasty Wuding Between two years (544 years) Jia Sixie analyzed, sorted and summarized, and wrote a masterpiece of agricultural science and technology《 Qi People's Essential Skills 》。 [3]
Jia Sixie regarded heaven as a natural thing in thought, advocated understanding, using and transforming it, and opposed the fatalism that "life and death depend on fate, wealth and honour depend on heaven". He linked production activities with people's life, emphasizing to conform to nature. The dialectical relationship between following the objective laws and giving full play to people's subjective initiative is preliminarily recognized. Jia Sixie attached great importance to agricultural production. It believes that agriculture is the foundation of people's food and clothing, "is the leader of the government", and only the development of production is the way to enrich the people and strengthen the country. He advocated promoting agricultural science and technology and reforming cropping system Water conservancy was built for irrigation. Jia Sixie had a rigorous academic attitude. In Qimin Yaoshu, a large number of ancient agricultural books and miscellaneous works are quoted, and the results of previous agricultural research are consulted. Widely collect folk proverbs and ballads, visit experienced farmers, and pay attention to the summary of practical experience. And observe and test in person. [4] It comprehensively summarizes the methods, technologies, experiences and laws of farming, seedling raising, breeding, grafting, feeding, processing and production in agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, sideline and fishery, which is also the earliest agricultural book in China. [2 ]
Full Name
Jia Sixie
Think Xie
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Yidu, Qingzhou
Key achievements
He wrote the famous ancient Chinese agricultural science masterpiece Qi Min Yao Shu [4]
Main works
Qi Min Yao Shu
Highest office
Gao Yang prefect
True name
Jia Sixie
Official position
Northern Wei Dynasty

Character's Life

Jia Sixie
Jia Sixie was an outstanding agronomist in ancient China in the Northern Wei Dynasty Qingzhou Yidu (now Shouguang, Shandong). Jia Sixie was born in a generation of farmers a family of scholar His ancestors loved reading and learning, especially the study and research of agricultural production technology, which had a great impact on Jia Sixie's life and was compiled for him later《 Qi People's Essential Skills 》The foundation has been laid.
When he became an adult, he took an official career and once worked as Gaoyang County (now Linzi, Shandong Province) prefect He has been to Shandong, Hebei, Henan and other places. Everywhere he went, he seriously investigated and studied the local agricultural production technology, consulted some experienced farmers, and gained a lot of agricultural production knowledge. When he was middle-aged, he returned to his hometown, started farming and animal husbandry activities, and mastered a variety of agricultural production technologies.
About Northern Wei Dynasty Yongxi Two years (AD 533) to Eastern Wei Dynasty Wuding Between two years (AD 544) Jia Sixie analyzed, sorted out and summarized, and wrote a masterpiece of agricultural science and technology, Qi Min Yao Shu. The book has 10 volumes and 92 chapters, with more than 110000 words. It is extremely rich in content, involving agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, sideline, fishery and other agricultural areas. At the beginning of the volume are "preface" and "miscellaneous remarks". "Preface" is the general outline of the whole book, and "miscellaneous theories" are considered to be written by later generations. The main contents of the book are: soil tillage and crop cultivation management technology; Gardening and tree planting techniques, including vegetable and fruit tree cultivation techniques; Animal breeding technology and animal husbandry and veterinary; Agricultural and sideline products processing and cooking technology. The book quotes more than 100 ancient agricultural books and miscellaneous works《 A book of triumph 》、《 Simin Yueling 》And《 Tao Zhugong's Fish Culture Classic 》Some of the lost works have been preserved, which has important historical value.
Qi People's Essential Skills
According to historical records, Jia Sixie once served as Gaoyang County of Qingzhou in the Northern Wei Dynasty prefect Because he lived at a time when the Northern Wei Dynasty was moving from economic prosperity and social stability to economic decline, political corruption, social unrest and war. He deeply felt that the restoration of the national economy and the protection of people's lives were necessary to consolidate political power. He paid great attention to the summary of agricultural production technology and experience. Since the retirement of Gaoyang Taishou, Jia Sixie has devoted himself to agricultural research, and his footprints have spread throughout Henan, Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong and other places today.

Key achievements


Outstanding contribution

Jia Sixie established a relatively complete agricultural system.
Qimin Yaoshu has a rigorous structure, from land reclamation to farming; From preparation before production to processing, brewing and utilization of agricultural products after production; From planting, forestry to livestock and poultry breeding and aquaculture, the discussion is comprehensive and the context is clear.
In terms of classification of disciplines, the book basically arranges the order according to the proportion and importance of each project in agricultural production and people's life at that time. In terms of raising animals, we will first talk about horses and cattle, then about sheep, pigs and birds. Most of them will be explained according to their respective methods, breeding, reproduction, disease treatment, etc., and we will also arrange a certain space for aquaculture. The agricultural technology described in this paper is characterized by prominent points, clear priorities, and appropriate details. Some of them only keep their names because of lack of materials, stating: "The method of planting is unknown."
Yuan Dynasty《 Summary of Nongsang 》、《 Wang Zhennongshu 》, Ming Dynasty《 Complete Book of Agricultural Administration 》, Qing Dynasty《 Time service general examination 》The four large-scale agricultural books are all based on Qimin Yaoshu, and many of the principles of planting and breeding technology contained in Qimin Yaoshu still have important reference value.
The animal breeding technology has been further advanced.
There are six chapters in Qi Min Yao Shu, which respectively describe raising cattle, horses, donkeys and mules, sheep, pigs, chickens, geese and ducks, and fish. The use of draught animals emphasizes the measurement of their strength and energy. Drinking and feeding cold and warm animals should be adapted to their nature. The mature experience of "eating three cuds and drinking three times" has been summarized. The pig raising part contains measures to supplement millet and beans to piglets.
It has been noted in the book that raising livestock and poultry should maintain a reasonable male female ratio in the population. "Sheep raising chapter" proposed that there should be 2 rams in 10 sheep. There are too few rams and ewes are not well pregnant; If there are more rams, the flock will be confused. The proportional relationship between male and female is proposed for raising geese, ducks, chickens and fish. Generally, geese are 3 females and 1 male, and ducks are 5 females and 1 male. There are 20 female carp in the pond, and 4 male carp.
Processing, brewing, cooking and storage technology of agricultural products.
Wine, sauce, vinegar, etc. may have been invented very early, but their production process is revealed in detail and rigorously, with Qimin Yaoshu as the earliest. In the "Seventieth Method of Making Sauce", we first described the sauce made of beans, but also recorded Meat paste Fish sauce , elm jam Shrimp paste And so on.
In the Eighth Eight Law on Potamogeton Potamogeton Lettuce, the Tibetan Lettuce Law is mentioned: "In September and October, dig a pit in the sun on the south of the wall, which is four or five feet deep. Use different kinds of vegetables, one row of vegetables, one row of soil, and one foot away from the ridge. If you want to cover it with thick soil, you must take it immediately after winter. It is not different from summer vegetables." It is basically the same as the "fake planting storage" measures.
There are many observation materials of agricultural technology recorded.
"The 22nd seed leek" mentioned that "leeks are endogenous and do not grow outwards". It is mentioned in "The 37th Pear Planting" pear tree grafting scion "The tree has a delightful shape with small branches at the root, which can bear fruit in five years; the old branches at the foot of a dove can bear fruit in three years and make a tree ugly". The same article also said that "every pear has ten sons, only two sons have pears, and the rest have Du". "The 43rd Planting Pepper" said when talking about the transplanting of Xujiao: "This physical property is not cold resistant. Trees in the sun are covered with grass in the winter. Those born in the small shade are less cold, so they don't need to be covered." These are very enlightening observation and recording materials, and later agronomists attach importance to them.
Attach importance to the analysis of agricultural production and science and technology.
Although the preface of Qi Min Yao Shu says that "the business of merchants was not recorded, but not recorded", it reflects that the author was deeply influenced by the thought of advocating the original rather than the end and criticizing business at that time. However, in the whole book, such as planting vegetables and fruits, planting trees and forests, raising fish, brewing, etc., it describes in detail how to conduct diversified management, how to sell in the market, how to use agricultural products at multiple levels and other economic benefits. In "The 46th Planting of Ulmus pumila and Populus alba" Elm The technology of sowing and poplar cutting and seedling raising, and the young trees are cut and sold every three to five years.

Agronomic thought

Comply with natural laws and give play to subjective initiative.
Jia Sixie believed that crops grew regularly. Millet matures sooner or later. The early maturing millet is short and has many fruits. The late ripening millet is tall and has few fruits. Strong seedlings grow short, as in Huanggu.
Focus on grain and diversify.
Jia Sixie attached great importance to agriculture, first of all, food production. However, he did not attribute agricultural production to the production of grain, but to diversified business. Qimin Yaoshu includes food crops, horticultural crops, trees, mulberry planting and silkworm rearing, animal husbandry, fish farming Processing of agricultural and sideline products And so on.
Jia Sixie believes that the processing of agricultural and sideline products is the continuation of agricultural production and the necessary link for production to turn to consumption. The processed agricultural and sideline products not only meet the needs of consumption, but also increase their value. In Qimin Yaoshu, there is the production of wine, vinegar, soy sauce and black beans, as well as the method of processing grain, vegetables, fruits, meat and fish into storage resistant food.
Heavy production cost, with economic accounting.
Qi Min Yao Shu is to teach farmers to do well in agricultural production, but there is a production cost problem for farmers to produce. Jia Sixie said in his book that in fact, he taught farmers to first arrange production according to market conditions, and then to have appropriate scale and reasonable field layout to produce. Temporary employees should be employed to reduce costs. Pay attention to cost accounting and profit calculation. Qimin Yaoshu lists a large number of examples to teach farmers how to calculate, even the cost of transportation and sales.

innovative thinking

Jia Sixie was once a prefect and had the official status of being a prefect. However, his research on agriculture did not stay in his mouth or simply write down the experience of others on paper. He did it in person, and after experiencing it, he recorded it. That is to say, the experience he wrote or summarized is through practice. In order to master the experience of raising sheep, Jia Sixie bought 200 sheep and raised them himself. For farming, Jia Sixie spared no pains to go to the fields and live in the old peasants' shacks. He humbly asked the old peasants for advice. More original and insightful views on how to improve the land fertility and make crops continuously get sufficient nutrition from the land. [1]

Qi People's Essential Skills



Qi People's Essential Skills
Qimin Yaoshu is the most complete ancient agricultural book in China. It was written in Eastern Wei Dynasty Wuding Two years later (544), the first is between 533 and 44. The whole book of Qi Min Yao Shu consists of ninety-two chapters and is divided into ten volumes. The text is about 70000 words, and the annotations are more than 40000 words, with a total of more than 100000 words; There are two chapters in front of the book, "Self preface" and "Miscellaneous remarks". There are more than 150 references to previous works Agricultural proverbs More than 30 articles.
The book introduces the cultivation methods of crops, vegetables and fruit trees Economic forest The production, utilization of wild plants, raising and disease prevention of livestock, poultry, fish and silkworm, as well as the processing, brewing and food processing of agricultural, sideline and livestock products, as well as the production of stationery and daily necessities, have been discussed in more detail in almost all agricultural production activities.
In addition, there is a "preface" and a "miscellaneous statement" in front of the book, in which the "preface" extensively cites the examples of saints, sages, sages and men of insight that pay attention to agriculture, as well as the remarkable achievements made due to the emphasis on agriculture.
It is generally believed that the miscellaneous part was added by later generations. The book includes Chinese agronomy, horticulture, afforestation, sericulture, animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, breeding, brewing, cooking, storage, and methods of famine control 1500 years ago. It quotes nearly 200 kinds of ancient books《 Book of Flood Victory 》、《 Simin Yueling 》The important agricultural books of the Han and Jin dynasties have now been lost, and future generations can only learn about the agricultural operation at that time from this book.


Qi People's Essential Skills 》The book was completed in the 1930s and 1940s of the 6th century, and its appearance was not accidental, but based on certain historical background and objective conditions.
Before the Northern Wei Dynasty, the northern part of China was in a long-term separatist situation. More than 100 years later, xianbei Of Tuoba The Northern Wei regime was established and the northern region was gradually unified, thus the social order was gradually stabilized, and the social economy gradually recovered from the repeated destruction of the depression and developed. Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty A series of reforms implemented in the social and economic aspects have stimulated the development of agricultural production and promoted the progress of social economy. Nevertheless, agricultural production at that time had not yet reached a very high level and needed further development. Jia Sixie thought that the level of agricultural science and technology was related to whether the country was rich and strong, so he had the idea of writing agricultural books.
The vigorous efforts of the rulers and the flourishing agricultural production also provided convenient conditions for Jia Sixie to write agricultural books. When Jia Sixie was an official, he went to Shandong, Hebei, Henan and many other places. Everywhere he went, he attached great importance to agricultural production. He had personally engaged in agricultural production practice, conducted various experiments, raised livestock and planted food. Jia Sixie not only paid attention to his own practice, but also was good at learning from experienced farmers and absorbing the valuable experience of working people in their long-term production and life.
On the basis of summing up the experience of predecessors, Jia Sixie carefully analyzed, systematically sorted out, summarized and summarized the Qi Min Yao Shu in combination with his production knowledge obtained from experienced farmers and his own practice and experience of agricultural production, and finally completed the great work Qi Min Yao Shu.

Characteristics of book writing

Jia Sixie, in addition to carefully absorbing the essence of previous classics and agricultural books, and collecting a large number of agricultural proverbs and ballads, also paid great attention to investigating and collecting the production experience of his contemporaries, and sometimes personally experimented.
Jia Sixie wrote books and cited the ancient books of his predecessors, but did not stick to their opinions. Many volumes of Qimin Yaoshu are quoted from the literature of the previous generation, setting an example for later generations of agricultural books. Western Han Dynasty in the 1st century BC《 Book of Flood Victory 》The whole book of this great agricultural work can no longer be found, and its important fragments have been preserved due to the quotation of Qimin Yaoshu. name of an immensely wealthy 5th-cent. B.C. ex-minister Of《 Fish Culture Classic 》The same is true for lost books. The introduction of historical documents can make it easier for people to see the development context and inheritance relationship of agricultural science and technology. Its disadvantage is that it may lead to old fogyism and affect the creativity. Jia Sixie paid more attention to the achievement. "Planting the valley is the third" quoted the seeding passage in the Book of Flood Victory: "Where there is a death day for nine valleys, planting them without avoiding their taboos will hurt more." Jia Sixie disagreed with this view. He quoted《 Redords of the Grand History of China 》"The family of yin and yang should be restrained and more taboo", and said: "You can only know the outline of it, and you can't bend it."
Jia Sixie's sensitivity to and timely summary of the new progress in contemporary agricultural science and technology is an important reason for his success. Jia Sixie's Qi Min Yao Shu adds contemporary content to the treasure trove of Chinese agronomy. For example, in terms of selecting good varieties of crops, the book records 97 varieties of millet, 12 millet, 6 millet, 4 sorghum, 6 sorghum, 8 wheat and 36 rice (including 11 glutinous rice). Of the 97 varieties of millet recorded in "The Third Seed Valley", 11 were transferred from previous records, and 86 were collected and supplemented by Jia Sixie himself. It also pointed out that the naming method of millet varieties in the Northern Wei Dynasty was "mostly based on the names of people's surnames", "there were also names based on the concept of shape and meaning", and there were also names based on the taste of delicious food, whether it was easy to pound, early maturity and late maturity. Jia Sixie only talked about these narrations at that time. Now, however, he has given high evaluation to the crop variety names and naming principles he has summarized.
Jia Sixie's success also benefited from his emphasis on investigation and field experience. From the content of Qimin Yaoshu, we can see that there are both extensive planting technology and rich experience in livestock breeding. The processing and brewing of agricultural products and the food of the people in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River at that time are also described in great detail. His footprint is not limited to the vicinity of his hometown, but covers a wide range of areas such as Shandong, Henan, Hebei, Shanxi, etc. He quoted the saying "wisdom is like Yu Tang , it is better to be more often (referring to experience) ", indicating his own opinion: even if there is Xia Yu Shang Tang The wisdom like the founding emperor is not as reliable as the knowledge obtained from practice. "The 57th Sheep Raising" describes the experience and lessons of his own sheep raising; The vinegar making method mentioned in the "Seventy first Method of Making Vinegar" is "tasted and tested". Without a solid and reliable survey and personal attempt, Qimin Yaoshu would not be able to reach such a refined and correct level, let alone affect it for such a long time. Jia Sixie's agricultural science and technology research summed up the principle of "adopting the scriptures, then singing songs, inquiring about the mature, and acting according to experience", which almost became the code followed by ancient Chinese agronomists. Even today, agronomists can't ignore it.
Qi Min Yao Shu has become a far-reaching work in ancient agricultural science and technology classics in China, which is also related to the author's broad thinking, philosophical understanding, and ambition to help the world and save the people. Jia Sixie pointed out in the "Preface" of Qi Min Yao Shu that the fundamental purpose of learning from the teachings of ancient sages and sages is to "pacify the people and teach them when they are rich", that is, how to make people live a stable life and make them rich and educated. He always spoke highly of the ideas and specific measures put forward by people in previous dynasties to promote agriculture, calling them "immortal techniques that benefit the country and the people". Therefore, Qi Min Yao Shu, written by him, is also "starting from the self-employed farmers, and finally ending the business of sustenance, and never finishing the book". "Qi people" refers to civilians, "important skills", which are technologies for important matters in production and life.
Jia Sixie paid attention to the induction and refinement of practical experience, but also emphasized to follow the law of development of things. In the third section of "Planting Valley", "When the weather is favorable and the location is favorable, you will be more successful with less effort. You will return to the road with no gain if you work hard", "When you cut trees in the spring, climb the mountain for fish, your hands will be weak; when you scatter water against the wind, it is difficult to walk against the bank", which is an immortal saying in this regard.

historical significance

Since its publication, the book has been valued by all dynasties, and has been widely spread overseas, Darwin Research theory of evolution At that time, he referred to an "Encyclopedia of Ancient China", which was said to be "Qi Min Yao Shu".
First, Qimin Yaoshu introduces many seedling raising methods such as vegetable planting, cutting, layering and grafting of fruit trees and trees, as well as techniques in young tree tending.
In terms of plant protection, some measures were put forward to prevent and control pests and diseases, and the method of fruit farmers to smoke and prevent frost was also described: "When the rain is fresh and clear, the north wind is cold and cutting, it will frost at night. At this time, fire is used as a pole, and less smoke will prevent frost." (Zhu Yinyun, y ú n, means dark fire without flame.) A short period of more than 20 words shows that the experience of working people in ancient China in judging frost by weather and frost prevention methods are still widely used.
Qimin Yaoshu attaches great importance to the important role of breeding improved varieties in improving the yield and quality of agricultural and livestock products. In the book, more than 80 varieties of cereal seeds are collected, and they are classified scientifically according to maturity, plant height, yield and quality, stress resistance and other characteristics. It also describes how to carry out before sowing seed selection Sun seed Seed soaking And seed treatment methods such as seed dressing with drugs or fertilizers, many of which are very ingenious and reasonable, and are also widely used in agricultural production.
Qi Min Yao Shu summarized the experience of raising domestic animals and poultry before the sixth century in China and collected and recorded 48 veterinary prescriptions, involving surgery, internal medicine, infectious diseases Parasitosis For example, rectal excision and the treatment of scabies, which lasted more than 1400 years, are still in use.
In Qimin Yaoshu, there are also full and accurate records of China's unique music making, wine making, sauce making, vinegar making, cooking (sound and shape, x í ng, meaning thin sugar), food preservation and processing technology, many of which are the earliest existing materials.
Qimin Yaoshu is an "agricultural encyclopedia" with high scientific value. It is extremely rich in content, reflecting the level of agricultural production technology in northern China at that time, many of which are still in use. It systematically summarizes the agricultural production technology in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River in the Northern Wei Dynasty and before the Northern Wei Dynasty, and initially establishes an agricultural science system, It is the earliest agricultural science book preserved in China and even in the world.
Jia Sixie established a relatively complete agronomic system and made a reasonable division of agronomic categories characterized by practicality.
Qimin Yaoshu has a rigorous structure, from land reclamation to farming; From preparation before production to processing, brewing and utilization of agricultural products after production; From planting, forestry to livestock and poultry breeding and aquaculture, the discussion is comprehensive and the context is clear.
On the division of subject categories. The book basically arranges the order according to the proportion and position of each project in agricultural production and people's life at that time. The items of soil cultivation and seed selection and retention are listed in the first place, and the methods of single selection, single collection, single storage, single seed field, and separate management of seeds are described.
In terms of cultivated plants, the main cereal crops in farmland are mainly described. Legumes, melons, vegetables, fruit trees, medicinal dye crops, bamboo and sandalwood are also given due places.
In terms of raising animals, we will first talk about horses and cattle, then about sheep, pigs and birds. Most of them will be explained according to their respective methods, breeding, reproduction, disease treatment, etc., and we will also arrange a certain space for aquaculture. The agricultural technology described in this paper is characterized by prominent points, clear priorities, and appropriate details. The plants outside the territory of the Later Wei Dynasty were also widely collected and annotated. Some of them only keep the names because of lack of materials, stating that "the method of planting is unknown." This kind of emphasis on the close relationship between planting, livestock breeding, forestry, aquaculture, and processing industries, and the description of the territory and the structural system of overseas agricultural products, is of great significance in the history of Chinese agricultural science and technology.
After Qimin Yaoshu, the famous ancient agricultural books in China were similar to Qimin Yaoshu in scale in the Yuan Dynasty《 Summary of Nongsang 》、《 Wang Zhennongshu 》, Ming Dynasty《 Complete Book of Agricultural Administration 》, and the Qing Dynasty《 Time service general examination 》。 These four comprehensive large-scale agricultural books are based on Qi Min Yao Shu, and use the concise content of Qi Min Yao Shu as basic materials. Many of the principles of planting and breeding technology contained in Qimin Yaoshu still have important reference value.
Second, the key points of dry land agricultural technology in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River were revealed incisively and thoroughly, and basic farming measures such as tillage, harrowing and intensification were standardized.
In the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, the spring is dry and windy, the temperature rises rapidly, and it rains continuously in summer. Since ancient times, the corresponding measures have been to pay attention to farming time and farming methods. In the mural paintings of the Wei and Jin Dynasties unearthed in Jiayuguan, Gansu Province in 1972, images of animals pulling and raking have been found. Its age is more than two centuries earlier than that of Qi Min Yao Shu. Qi Min Yao Shu systematically summarized the explanation of important agricultural tools such as ploughing, harrowing, and plowing, the ingenious cooperation of technical links such as ploughing, harrowing, plowing, and pressing, and the flexible operation of plows, columbines, and hoes, and standardized the basic measures of autumn and spring plowing, the amount of seed sown for several important crops, the upper, middle, and lower seasons of sowing, and the corresponding sowing methods under different soil qualities and moisture contents. Qimin Yaoshu has many important innovations in improving soil properties, maturing soil, preserving water, improving soil fertility, crop rotation, turning over green manure, field well group layout and winter irrigation. Qimin Yaoshu has pushed the dry land farming technology in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River to a higher level. For more than a thousand years, before the application of modern agricultural methods, few generations of agricultural scholars have been able to add important new content to the field of dry land farming technology in the north.
Third, the animal breeding technology has been further advanced.
There are six chapters in Qi Min Yao Shu, which respectively describe raising cattle, horses, donkeys and mules, sheep, pigs, chickens, geese and ducks, and fish. The use of draught animals emphasizes the measurement of their strength and energy. Drinking and feeding cold and warm animals should be adapted to their nature. The mature experience of "eating three cuds and drinking three times" has been summarized. The pig raising part contains measures to supplement millet and beans to piglets. It has been noted in the book that raising livestock and poultry should maintain a reasonable male female ratio in the population. "Sheep raising chapter" proposed that there should be 2 rams in 10 sheep. There are too few rams and ewes are not well pregnant; If there are more rams, the flock will be confused. The proportional relationship between male and female is proposed for raising geese, ducks, chickens and fish. Generally, geese are 3 females and 1 male, and ducks are 5 females and 1 male. There are 20 female carp in the pond, and 4 male carp.
Fourth, the processing, brewing, cooking and storage technologies of agricultural products occupy a prominent position in Qimin Yaoshu.
Wine, sauce, vinegar, etc. may have been invented very early, but their production process is revealed in detail and rigorously, with Qimin Yaoshu as the earliest. In the "Seventieth Method of Making Sauce", the sauce made of beans was first described, but the methods of making meat sauce, fish sauce, elm sauce, shrimp sauce, etc. were also recorded. In the "Eighty eighth Method of Making Potamogeton and Tibetan Lettuce", the Tibetan Lettuce Method is mentioned: "In September and October, dig a pit in the sun on the south of the wall, which is four or five feet deep. Take the vegetables and plant them separately. Each row of vegetables and soil will stop at about one foot away from the ridge. If you want to cover them with thick soil, you can take them immediately after winter. Charm is not different from summer dishes."
Fifth, there are many observation materials about the growth and development of fine plants and related agricultural technologies.
"The 22nd seed leek" mentioned that "leeks are endogenous and do not grow outwards". "The 37th Pear Planting" mentioned the grafting and scion of pear trees, "using the root twigs, the tree shape is gratifying, and the tree will bear fruit in five years; the old branches of dove feet will bear fruit in three years and the tree will be ugly". The same article also said that "every pear has ten sons, only two sons have pears, and the rest have Du". "The 43rd Planting Pepper" said when talking about the transplanting of Xujiao: "This physical property is not cold resistant. Trees in the sun are covered with grass in the winter. Those born in the small shade are less cold, so they don't need to be covered." These are very enlightening observation and recording materials, and later agronomists attach importance to them. "The 48th" mentioned that the seeds of Paeonia papyrifera were mixed with hemp, and the hemp remained in autumn and winter to "warm" the seedlings of Paeonia papyrifera, which was based on a deep understanding of the growth and development characteristics of the two plants, and corresponding simple and easy protective measures were taken. In the flowering period of fruit trees mentioned in the "Thirty second Tree Planting", random grass and dung are piled in the garden, and the experience of post smoke and frost prevention is particularly valuable. The frost formation condition is described as "the rain is fresh and clear, the north wind is cold and cut, and it will be frost at night". It is consistent with the principles of modern science, but in this case, it is necessary to: "set a fire as a fire, get less smoke, and you will be free from frost." Similar post smoke frost prevention measures are still a simple and effective way to reduce frost damage.
Sixth, attach importance to the comprehensive analysis of agricultural production, science and technology and economic benefits.
Although the preface of Qi Min Yao Shu says that "the business of merchants was not recorded, but not recorded", it reflects that the author was deeply influenced by the thought of advocating the original rather than the end and criticizing business at that time. However, in the whole book, such as planting vegetables and fruits, planting trees and forests, raising fish, brewing, etc., it describes in detail how to conduct diversified management, how to sell in the market, how to use agricultural products at multiple levels and other economic benefits. In "The 46th Planting of Elm and White Poplar", the techniques of elm sowing and poplar cutting and seedling raising are described in detail. The young trees are cut and sold every three to five years. In the section of planting white poplar, it was calculated that: 1 mu has 3 ridges, 1 ridge has 720 holes, and 1 hole is bent and inserted with 1 poplar branch. When both ends are unearthed, 4320 trees can be obtained for 1 mu, 3 years can be used as the crossbar of silkworm rack, 5 years can be used as the rafter, and 10 years can be used as the pillar. Calculated by selling silkworm rack crosspieces, 5 yuan for one piece, 21600 yuan for one mu. If 30 mu land is planted in one year and 90 mu land is planted in one round in three years, it can go round and round, forever. "The Seventeenth Day of Planting Sunflower" mentioned that there is a market in the suburb of Duyi, and the vegetable planting is well arranged, which can also realize the endless annual production and marketing. Although the "rolling head miscellaneous theory" in Qimin Yaoshu has been added by later generations, it has long been integrated with the whole book. It also mentioned the fine planting plan of planting onions, melons, radishes, sunflowers, lettuce, vine, mustard, white beans, adzuki beans, etc. in 10 mu of land, and pointed out that "if this method can be followed, it will be absolutely the same". The book also records the actual contents of making more profits with less capital. Modern scholars study Qi Min Yao Shu from the perspective of economic science, and believe that Jia Sixie's work is not only a far-reaching ancient agricultural technology classics, but also an encyclopedia of agricultural management methods in Chinese feudal society.
As a famous scientific and technological work, Qimin Yaoshu is still regarded as a classic of ancient agricultural books after about 1500 years. Agricultural historians praised the skills and highly theoretical generalization of dry land farming in Qi Min Yao Shu, which made Chinese agronomy form a complete system of intensive cultivation for the first time. Economic historians believe that Qimin Yaoshu is regarded as a guide to the management of feudal landlord economy. Others suggested that it should be called the earliest and most complete feudal landlord in the world Family Economics Technicians engaged in agricultural product processing, brewing, cooking, and fruit and vegetable storage can find ancient formulas and techniques from books, so food historians also cherish Qimin Yaoshu.

Book suspense

Jia Sixie
Jia Sixie engaged in agricultural science and technology activities mainly in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. "The 19th Garlic Planting" in Qimin Yaoshu says: "Today Bingzhou No garlic, Morning Song Seed taking "," Bingzhou pea Jingxing East, Shandong millet, in Huguan Shangdang ", Miao but no reality", "all of them are seen by others, not believed and doubted" and so on. It shows that the agricultural and garden crops that Jia Sixie saw personally involve Bingzhou (today's Taiyuan in Shanxi Province), Chaoge (today's Henan Province Tangyin Nearby), Huguan (today's Huguan, Shanxi), Shangdang (today's Changzhi, Shanxi ), Jingxing (today's Jingxing, Hebei) and many other places. Other volumes can also find some clues in Jia Sixie's footsteps. During the Northern Wei Dynasty, there were two Gaoyang Prefecture where Jia Sixie served. One was Yingzhou Gaoyang Prefecture (today's Gaoyang area in Hebei Province), which had a long history; One is Qingzhou Gaoyang County (now northwest of Linzi, Shandong)《 Wei Shu 》"Topography" said: "So Le'an Land, (Southern Dynasty and Song Dynasty) Liu Yilong It is set up by Wei Yinzhi. " The "Gao Zu Ji" in the Wei Shu also contains the words of the first year of Yanxing (471 AD) that "the people of Gaoyang, Qingzhou, granted themselves the title of King Qi, gathered more party cadres, and the state army fought to destroy them". Which Gaoyang County did Jia Sixie serve as the prefect? Is Jia Sixie a real local official or an official rank awarded by the losers? To be further explored by historians.

Anecdotes and allusions

"Qi Min Yao Shu" in《 Sui Shu · Jingji Annals 》There are descriptions in "Farmer". The book has 10 volumes and 92 articles, with more than 70000 large words and 40000 small words. This agronomic work, which inherits the past and ushers in the future, was written at the beginning of the 6th century AD Northern Song Dynasty It has been handed down by hand for about 500 years. In the Northern Song Dynasty, the book printing industry developed rapidly, and the technology tended to be perfect, so it was published. Wang Yinglin Yuhai 》Said: "The Song Dynasty Tianxi August 26, 1020, Lizhou official in charge of transportation Li Fang Please issue two books, "Four Time Seal Script Essentials" and "Qi Min Yao Shu", and urge the embassy pavilion to collate the printed version and copy it. " It took about five or six years to Heavenly Sage It was only carved in the past two years. The Jade Sea also quoted the National History Supplement of the Song Dynasty as saying that "The Qimin Yaoshu was issued in Tianxi to teach the cultivation and breeding methods". Here, the National History Supplement mistakenly regarded the year when the imperial edict was carved and painted as the year when the books were issued. It can be confirmed that the imperial edict was carved and painted in the fourth year of Tianxi in the Northern Song Dynasty Chongwen Academy The engraved version is the first printed version of Qi Min Yao Shu, and it is also the ancestor of other copies that were copied and engraved later.

Publishing books

  • Author name Jia Sixie
    Work time 1984-10
    Qi Min Yao Shu was written about the end of the Northern Wei Dynasty (533-544 A.D.). It is a comprehensive agricultural book written by Jia Sixie, an outstanding agronomist in China, during the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Southern Song Dynasty and the Liang Dynasty. It is also one of the monographs in the history of world agronomy, and is the earliest complete agricultural book in existence in China. The book consists of 10 volumes and 92 articles, systematically summarizing the experience of the working people in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River before the sixth century in agricultural and animal husbandry production, food processing and storage, and wild life

Surviving edition

There are about twenty-five editions of Qimin Yaoshu. Luan Tiaofu According to the Textual Research on the Edition of Qimin Yaoshu, "according to the edition of the important techniques, the school journal of Song Chongwen Academy is the originator, and the second edition of Long Shu is its son. The original edition of the Yuan and Ming Dynasties is known to belong to Yun still, while the Confucian school journal of the Qing Dynasty is also the successor of the ancient." Recent scholars believe that there are more than 20 editions of Qimin Yaoshu in the world, originating from three ancestors, one is the original edition of the Chongwen Academy of the Northern Song Dynasty, but to Southern Song Dynasty At that time, this book was rare and precious. The systematic version of Qi Min Yao Shu of the Northern Song Dynasty that we can see in China is a photocopy of the Japanese collection; Second, the Southern Song Dynasty Shaoxing Ben, also called Longshu Ben, is the best old version of Qimin Yaoshu in China, which was copied from Longshu Ben in the Ming Dynasty. Most of the domestic legends are based on the system of the Song Dynasty and the Song Dynasty; Third, the Ming Dynasty Jiajing The Huxiang edition of the Song Dynasty was engraved from the Shaoxing edition of the Southern Song Dynasty.

well-known saying

Strength can overcome poverty I hope you can prevent disasters.
When the weather is favorable and the quantity is favorable, the effort is less and the success is more.
Take the anecdotes, love and ballads, inquire about the sophistication, and act according to the experience.
Wisdom is like Yu soup. It's better to plough often.
Heaven is the farm, but I don't farm, and I can't get the grain.

Commemoration for future generations


Memorial Hall

Jia Sixie Memorial Hall
In order to carry forward the national cultural spirit and commend his great contribution to mankind, Linzi District Zibo City Qicheng Agricultural Development Zone has built a museum in the 10000 mu Agricultural Demonstration Park to commemorate. The museum is located in Jinan-Qingdao Expressway To the north of Linzi section, it is 500 meters north of Linzi intersection. Jia Sixie Memorial Hall is hidden in a new area of fruit trees and crops, which is harmonious with the surrounding environment, and more simple and elegant.
The museum has two floors, with a construction area of more than 1000 square meters and an investment of more than 1 million yuan; On the beam on the south side of the door of the memorial hall, a wooden horizontal hall sign is hung with bronze characters on a black background, and six elegant Wei stele characters are written on it: "Jia Sixie Memorial Hall". At the entrance is a carved stone statue of Jia Sixie: Jia Sixie's white hair is floating, his beard is twisted, his right hand holds the book, and he is meditating. The first floor of the museum is the ancient part, which mainly shows Jia Sixie's life and his great achievements in agriculture; The second floor is the exhibition of modern agricultural technology and achievements.
The exhibition on the first floor of Jia Sixie Memorial Hall is divided into three parts. The first part mainly shows Jia Sixie and his kindred brothers Jia Sitong Jasper The outline of Jia Sixie's life and the restoration of Jia Sixie's living environment. In the second part, the scene of ancient winemaking workshops, Jia Sixie's in-depth understanding of farming and planting techniques in folk and field areas, and some scenes of ancient people's production and life are reproduced by means of miniatures. Through a large number of text page introductions, drawing descriptions, physical displays, photos, sand tables and other means, the system displays《 Qi People's Essential Skills 》And scientific and technological achievements. The third part mainly shows the physical objects, copies, photocopies and photos of the existing versions of Qimin Yaoshu at home and abroad, the cited historical books, and the research on Qimin Yaoshu at home and abroad. Jia Sixie Memorial Hall has collected the achievements of current research and systematically displayed the essence of Qi Min Yao Shu. The whole exhibition hall is rich in space and has a strong sense of the times.

Commemorative Stamp

Jia Sixie in the lower left corner
On November 20, 1980, China issued four stamps of J58 Ancient Chinese Scientists (Group III), the second being Jia Sixie