Jia Baoyu

Characters in the classical novel A Dream of Red Mansions
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Jia Baoyu, a Chinese classic《 The Dream of Red Mansion 》People in. Previous incarnations are Shen Ying Waiter , Rongguo Mansion Jia Zheng And Mrs. Wang The second son. Born as a psychic treasure jade, it is the direct grandson of the generation of Jia Fu Yu, hence the name Jia Baoyu. The Jia Fu is commonly known as Bao Erye. [1]
Jia Baoyu has been deeply affected since childhood Jia Mu Love, travel in the gentle and rich countryside, love to be a powder, close to the family sisters and servant girls; He and Lin Daiyu were childhood sweethearts. They became bosom friends and developed into a pure relationship rarely seen in the world; He values affection rather than politeness, and has made friends Qin Zhong Jiang Yuhan Liu Xianglian King Beijing Waiting for a man with love; He likes poetry, lyrics, songs and fu and other temperament literature, and hates them Four Books and stereotyped writing , critical Cheng Zhu's Philosophy The feudal literati who pursued imperial examinations and official career economy were called“ Lycopodium valerianum ”。 But in the end, "in a twinkling of an eye, people are extremely happy and sorrowful, and people are not exchanged for things". The women he admired died and scattered; Under the family arrangement, he was confused and confused Xue Baochai Marriage Lin Daiyu Tears die away; After the pain of copying the family, he was even more frightened to be crazy. [2]
In order to repay God's kindness to Zude and get rid of worldly affairs as soon as possible, he revitalized his family with his noble son. Finally, follow a monk to leave and return Qinggeng Peak [2]
The image of Jia Baoyu bears Cao Xueqin The color of autobiography, but in essence, it belongs to artistic fiction, and it is a collection created consciously by the author Wanton , mend the sky and help the world Fu on both good and evil The typical image of three virtues in one is very innovative in the history of world literature.
Chinese name
Jia Baoyu
Bao Erye Young Master Yihong Jiangdong Flower King
Debut works
Dream of Red Mansions and its derivative works
Lin Daiyu
Residence name
Jiang Yun Xuan Yihong
Sentiment test
The predecessor of fairyland
Shen Ying Waiter
Main works
Eulogy of Lotus Daughter
Doing nothing
Self modesty
People inside the sill, turbid jade
Imperial Road Horn
Wen Miao Immortal (in Cheng Gaoben's sequel)
People you like
Lin Daiyu

Character appearance

On his head, he wore a purple gold crown with bunched hair and jewels embedded in it. Qi Mei led Er Long to grab the pearl gold forehead. He wore a two color gold hundred butterfly embroidered red arrow sleeve, a multicolored silk flower knot long tassel palace sash, a stone blue patterned eight regiments of Japanese forged headdress, and green satin powder foundation small court boots. The face is like the moon in the Mid Autumn Festival, the color is like the flowers at spring dawn, the sideburns are like knives, the eyebrows are like ink paintings, the nose is like a hanging gallbladder, and the eyes are like autumn waves. Although anger sometimes seems to smile, that is, anger and emotion. [1]
The short hair that turns around on the head all forms a small braid. After the red silk ends, it is saved to the top of the middle fetal hair. The chief editor has a big braid, which is as bright as paint. From the top to the top, a string of four large beads, with gold eight treasures hanging on the corner. He is wearing a silver red half worn coat, still wearing collars, gems, name locks, amulets and other things. The lower part is partially exposed with loose flower and flower silk trouser legs, brocade edge and ink elastic socks, Thick soled big red shoes. The more you look like powder, the more fat your lips; If you look forward to love, your words will smile. A natural charm, all in the eyebrows; All kinds of feelings in my life, I know how to stack my eyes. Its appearance is the best, but it is difficult to know its details. [1]

Role Life


The origin of fairyland

Sketch map of Jia Baoyu's origin in the fairyland (according to the pass book)
Cheng Gaobenzhong, the goddess patching the sky At that time, it was refined into thirty-six thousand five hundred and one piece of sky mending stone, and only one piece was left unused Qinggeng Peak Next. After being refined, this stone has been spiritually enlightened and needs to be changed into a human shape. Taixu Fantasy warns the Fairy to call him the Cabernet Sauvignon Palace Shen Ying Waiter But he often walks on the bank of the Western Spirit River Red Pearl Fairy Grass Lin Daiyu In the past, it belongs to wood), give the benefit of nectar and promise each other Wooden Stone Front Alliance (Shen Ying's waiter belongs to Shi. It is inferred that his previous life is Shen Ying's fairy stone [3] )。 Later, he was taken into the world of mortals by a monk and transformed into Holy Treasure Jade (shape), whose real body is reincarnated as Jia Baoyu (quality). On the day of the end of the disaster, people and jade will "merge in shape and quality" and become the stone left by Nuwa mending the sky at the foot of Qinggeng Peak, which is twelve zhang high and twenty-four zhang square《 Stone Story 》Original manuscript, waiting for the destined person, Taoist Kongkong, to copy the legend. [1] The figure is shown on the right:
Sketch map of Jia Baoyu's origin in the fairyland (according to the Jiaxu edition)
here Jiaxu Version A significant variant appeared in the Shizhi version: Yishi didn't incarnate as a waiter of Shenying, nor reincarnated as Jia Baoyu, but simply transformed into a psychic gem; Jia Baoyu is just a reincarnation of Shenying waiter, and has nothing to do with the remaining stone; On the day of the end of the robbery, the psychic Baoyu turned back to the stone that Kongkong Taoist had seen, and Jia Baoyu disappeared. [2] The figure is shown on the right:

Birthday with jade

Shen Ying, the waiter, was reincarnated and born in the Jia Family of Rongguo Mansion in the capital. As soon as the fetus was born, he took a piece of multicolored and crystal clear psychic jade in his mouth and named it Jia Baoyu. Everyone thought it strange that he had a long history, and his grandmother, Jia Mu, loved him dearly. When he was one year old, his father Jia Zheng wanted to test his ambition, so he put all the things in the world on display and caught them with him. Who would have thought that he would not take anything but some cosmetics and hairpins. Jia Zheng was very unhappy. Unique Jia Mu is still the lifeblood. [1]
Jia Baoyu's family is famous, and the world is regarded as a distinguished family. The "Eight Principals" in the capital, Ningguo Duke and Rongguo Duke of the Jia Family occupy two seats, and they are in Jinling Province Four families one of. When Emperor Taizu made a tour to the south, the Jia family only planned to pick him up once, and spent all his money like flowing water. Yuan Chun, Jia Baoyu's eldest sister, was granted the title of imperial concubine. Qin Keqing called Yuanxiao's provincial relatives a very happy event. It was really a hot fire, and flowers were blooming. Jia Baoyu was well fed from childhood, so Xue Baochai nicknamed him "rich, noble and idle". [1]

Childhood affairs

Jia Baoyu was pampered by his mother when he was young. He used to be pampered by his sisters. His famous saying: "Daughters are made of water and men are made of mud. I feel fresh when I see my daughter, and I feel foul when I see men." He and Lin Daiyu sit and lie together in the house of her mother, so they are a little more familiar than other sisters. He treated his servant girls as carefully as raising flowers. He named his room Jiangyun Xuan and called himself the flower owner of Jiangdong (the king of Jiangdong flowers). Once on Qin Keqing Sleeping in the bedroom, dreaming Too empty fairyland Read the judgment book of the twelve hairpins in Jinling, appreciate the "Dream of the Red Chamber Immortal Music", listen to the training of "eroticism", and keep warm with Qin Keqing's dream soul. When he was young, Jia Baoyu and Qin Zhong, Qin Keqing's younger brother, joined the righteous school of the Jia Family. When Qin Keqing died, Jia Baoyu was in a hurry and burst out a mouthful of blood. At Qin Keqing's funeral, Jia Baoyu paid a call to the King of Beijing and received a string of fragrant rosary beads. When Qin Zhongyao died, Jia Baoyu was worried. [1]

Baoyu was beaten

After the completion of the Grand View Garden project, Jia Baoyu began to show his talent based on the proposition of his father Jia Zheng. After Yuanchun's marriage, Jia Baoyu and his sisters moved into the Grand View Garden. In spring, Bao and Dai read the Romance of the Western Chamber together and met to bury flowers. Jia Baoyu and Sister Feng were hit by the horse way and the nightmare technique. A monk and his wife worked together to dispel evil spirits for Baoyu, and they had to keep it for 33 days to recover. On April 26, Jia Baoyu first met Jiang Yuhan at Feng Ziying's home [28] , received a gift of Cixiangluo. Jia Yuanchun When Jia Baoyu and Xue Baochai were rewarded with the Dragon Boat Festival gifts, Bao Dai was suspicious. At the beginning of May, Taoist Zhang proposed marriage for Jia Baoyu. So Bao Dai had a big quarrel. Jia Baoyu smashed the jade, and Lin Daiyu cut and damaged the spikes that were made by herself in the past. After that, Jia Baoyu apologized and was satirized by Xue Baochai as a "humble apology". Listening to singing《 To bury flowers 》And Shi Xiangyun In the uproar of persuading students, Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu told their hearts twice, and their love began to awaken. [1]
After the Dragon Boat Festival, Jia Huan falsely said that "Jia Baoyu molested Jin Chuaner and sent him to be thrown into the well". The loyal royal palace investigated Jia Baoyu's crime of "hiding Jiang Yu's letter". The two cases were concurrent, and Jia Zheng beat Jia Baoyu severely. Xue Baochai sent pills to cure the stick sore. Lin Daiyu's eyes were like peaches crying. Jia Baoyu asked Qingwen to bring her two old handkerchiefs to express her love. Yinger played plum blossom collaterals for Jia Baoyu, while Xue Baochai suddenly called for playing jade collaterals, and used gold thread to match them, symbolizing the marriage between gold and jade. Xue Baochai embroiders mandarin ducks beside Jia Baoyu's bed, and suddenly sees him yelling and scolding in his dream: "How can you believe the words of monks and Taoists? What is a golden marriage? I would say it is a wooden marriage!". Jia Baoyu fell in love with Lin Daiyu after seeing Jia Qiang and Ling Guanen's love scene in the Pear Fragrance Garden. [1]

the road to happiness is strewn with setbacks

In the mid autumn, Tanchun built the Begonia Poetry Club, where Jia Baoyu was nicknamed Young Master Yihong and wrote Begonia poetry and chrysanthemum poetry with his sisters. After listening to Grandma Liu's story about Miss Ruoyu (the first work, "Mingyu"), Jia Baoyu sent a boy to bake Ming out of the city to look for Ruoyu Temple. Jia Baoyu is a little knowledgeable in Longcuian Tea House. Sister Feng splashed vinegar on her birthday, and Pinger was beaten. Jia Baoyu took her to Yihong Hospital to make up. The mandarin duck resists marriage. Jia Baoyu, Xiren and Pinger share her worries and solve her problems together. Jia Baoyu and Liu Xianglian talked about the past and recalled Qin Zhong. At the beginning of the snow, Lu Xueting wrote poems together. Jia Baoyu was punished by Li Wan to visit Miaoyu and beg for red plum blossom. Qingwen is sick and mends the bird's golden fur. Jia Baoyu takes care of her carefully. [1]
The following year, Meng Chun, Mrs. Zhen from Jiangnan, visited Jia Baoyu. Jia Baoyu dreamed of Zhen Baoyu. Worried about Lin Daiyu's life, Zijuan, the servant girl, tried to find Jia Baoyu's heart with her love words, which made her anxious and fascinated. During Qingming Festival, Jia Baoyu recovered from his illness. When Baoyu's birthday came, the Hongxiang Garden held a lunch. Xiangling fouled the pomegranate skirt while fighting grass. Jia Baoyu asked Xi Ren to find a skirt for her to change. Jia Baoyu and his sisters had a good time at the Yihongyuan Dinner. The next day, Jia Baoyu talked with Xing Xiuyan and gave back Miaoyu calligraphy. Since autumn and winter, Jia Baoyu has been sentimental about the tragedy of Eryou. He looks like a fool, and his language is often confused. [1]
It was the middle autumn of another year. Jia Baoyu had copied and examined everything in the Grand View Garden, and wrote "Lotus Daughter Eulogy" and "Ziling Island Song" to express his anxiety. Xue Pan marries Xia Jingui, and Jia Baoyu worries about Xiangling's fate. Because of these humiliations, fear, and sadness, they became a disease, bedridden, and recuperated for four months. After hearing that Xia Jingui is trying to persecute Xiangling, Jia Baoyu goes to Tianqi Temple to seek a cure for her jealousy. [1]

Cheng Gaoben's ending

Great reasons arise repeatedly (from the 40 chapters after Gao E's continuation)
Jia Baoyu entered the old school twice. While Lin Daiyu was having a nightmare, Jia Baoyu was also having a nightmare. He repeatedly cried out his heartache, saying that he felt as if he had been cut by a knife. When Yuanchun gets sick, he asks about the fate of gold and jade again. The channeling jewel shines red at night, and the good news starts. The king of Beijing imitated the channeling treasure to send off. When Bao Dai talked about Zen, Jia Baoyu said, "Let the weak water be three thousand, and I will only take a ladle to drink.". When Jiang Yuhan returned to Beijing to perform, Jia Baoyu praised him as "extremely amorous". [1]
Yihongyuan Begonia blooms out of season, and the psychic gem is lost. Miaoyu Fuchi said, "Come to our door and smile." Tanchun explained, "If it is the door of the immortal's family, it will be difficult to enter." The outsiders sent fake jade, causing Jia Baoyu to go crazy. Due to Jia Yuanchun's death, Wang Ziteng's death by drugs, and Jia Zheng's appointment, Jia's mother and Mrs. Wang had to adopt Sister Feng's switch to complete Jia Baoyu's marriage with Xue Baochai. Before the implementation of the swap plan, Sister Feng deliberately tried, and Jia Baoyu said, "I have a heart. My son has already given it to Sister Lin. He wants to come over and bring it to me, and put it in my stomach." Sister Silly leaked the secret. Bao Dai talked about Zen for the last time. Lin Daiyu asked, "Bao Yu, why are you sick?" Bao Yu smiled, "I'm sick for Miss Lin." On the wedding day of Jin Yu, Lin Daiyu died with tears. After marriage, Jia Baoyu went to Xiaoxiang Hall to cry. Jia Baoyu felt separated when he married far away in the spring. [1]
On the Lantern Festival, Jia's family was punished and copied. On Baochai's birthday, Jia Baoyu went to Xiaoxiang Hall to mourn Lin Daiyu. Jia's mother was critically ill and passed on Han Yujue and Jia Baoyu on her deathbed. Hearing that Miaoyu was robbed, Jia Baoyu sighed sadly. [1]
Becoming a monk (from the 40th chapter of Gao E's sequel)
Zhen Baoyu met to talk about career economics, which disappointed Jia Baoyu. The monk sent a psychic treasure to lead Jia Baoyu into a dream of true bliss (it is the transformation of Taixu's illusion), re read the judgment book of the twelve hairpins in Jinling, and understood the love of the third generation.
Baochai borrowed the words of "pure heart" to satirize and admonish her fame. Jia Baoyu realized that "from then on, it will not be in vain for her father's kindness", so she studied hard to catch up with the exam as scheduled. Before entering the arena, kneel down to say goodbye to Madam Wang, bow to Li Wan and say goodbye to Baochai. He disappeared after entering the stage, and was the seventh person in the external good news. In Changzhou Piling Posthouse, Jia Baoyu, wearing a gorilla felt cloak, said goodbye to Jia Zheng and went to sing, "Here I am, the peak of the green ridge".
When Jia Zheng returned to Beijing to play, the Holy Master gave Jia Baoyu a Taoist horn of a wonderful man. Zhen Shiyin said, "Treasure jade, that is, 'Treasure jade'." When the world is full, it is still a monk who carries it back to Qinggeng Peak together, with the same shape and quality.
Jia Gui, the posthumous son, and Jia Lan, the son of Li Wan, became Lan Gui Qifang [1] And the final destination of Baoyu Cheng Gaoben sang for Jia Baoyu's coming, saying "I live here, the peak of green ridge" [1] That is, Jia Baoyu finally returns to Qinggeng Peak to restore the original appearance of the sky mending stone.

Lipogenic outcome

In the fat version, the story of Jia Baoyu is different from that of Cheng Gaoben. According to the fat review and foreshadowing, the following plot is shown:
Baoyu leaves
To bury flowers 》The foreshadowing suggests that Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu once "built a fragrant nest in March", but soon "people went to empty nests in Liang", and Lin Daiyu was "three hundred and sixty days a year, and the wind and the frost and the sword are pressing each other".
Sixty three times Li Wan said that Dai Yu was "not allowed to be beaten by her husband", implying that 80 times later Dai Yu was beaten for refusing to marry the royal family or pointing out marriage, and Lin Daiyu and Jia Baoyu failed to get married. Lu Zhefeng said, "Is Dai Yu's fate really bleak? I can't bear it. It is believed that this may be related to the King of Beijing. [23] Xi Lingxue pointed out that Dai Yu's encounter might be related to marriage. The reason for Tanchun's marriage may be that she took the initiative to marry Dai Yu, who was originally chosen by her relatives. [24] In the end, Daiyu died young with all her tears. (There are many theories about the cause of Lin Daiyu's death in the Redology circle. For details, see Death of Daiyu Article).
Erbao Married
After Jia Baoyu married Xue Baochai, she had a happy time of "embroidering in front of the curtain lamp and under the green window" (then she knew that Bao chai's behavior, such as attacking others, was not simply stupid and stereotyped, and she regarded herself as a mistress. When she was in front of the curtain lamp and under the green window, she also said that she was sometimes jealous, flirtatious and gorgeous. However, for fun, she didn't always envy people before she envied them, which was a hundred times higher than others. Otherwise, why would Baoyu be willing to suffer from the Second Daughter Master? After reading the text, you will know.) [4]
Become a beggar
The Jia Family copied the family. Tanchun has gone away, and no one has planned for the Jia Family, so the descendants are scattered [4] Jia Baoyu was once trapped in a prison temple.
Jia Baoyu's house was reduced to choking on the broken felt. (How precious Ming Baoyu has been since childhood. This sentence can be used as a warning for the younger generation to look at the following dozens of times of "choking in the cold winter, surrounded by broken blankets on snowy nights".) [4] Even reduced to beggars.
proceed without hesitation
Jia Baoyu and his wife were later Jiang Yuhan Assault Couple support. (Qian Xiangluo and Hong Shechuan were written in one chapter. Although Gai Qiguan was an excellent person, he later shared the same fate with Xi Ren in worshiping Jade Brother Baoqing, which is not a general article.) [4]
But Jia Baoyu "never forgets that the world is a lonely forest of immortals and nuns. Even if he raises eyebrows, it's hard to get even." Jia Baoyu later gave up his wife Xue Baochai and became a monk. (If someone gets the wife of Baochai and the maidservant of Sheyue, how can he abandon her and become a monk? This Baoyu lives in a remote place.) [4]
Rank in the sentiment list
The Zhiben Zhongzhi Piao pointed out that Jia Baoyu ended up in the fantasy of returning to Taixu and was on the love list. (Later, the "Love List" commented that "Baoyu is not in love" and "Lin Daiyu is in love") [4] Yu Yingshi pointed out that Jia Baoyu was ultimately the god of flowers and was in a position similar to Chaogai, the king of Tota. (Two worlds in Yu Yingshi's Dream of Red Mansions). [5] Lv Qixiang further pointed out that the girls in the Grand View Garden are all the gods of flowers, and the total god of flowers is Jia Baoyu, who cherishes flowers and protects them. [6]

Role evaluation


Book evaluation

Judgment "Xijiang Moon"
Seeking sorrow and hatred for no reason, sometimes seems silly as crazy; Even if you have a good skin bag, it's really rough inside.
Desperate and incompetent, ignorant and afraid of reading articles; The behavior is eccentric and perverse, which can not prevent people from slandering! [1]
Rich people don't know how to enjoy their work, and poor people can't bear desolation; It is a pity to disappoint the good time. There is no hope for the country at home.
The world's incompetence is the first, which is unparalleled in ancient and modern times; Send a message to dandy and gaoliang: Don't follow this shape! [1]
Seeking sorrow for no reason, and sometimes pretending to be crazy. Although he is born with a good skin, he has nothing in his belly. He is muddleheaded and doesn't understand the world. He is stupid and stubborn and unwilling to read. Strange behavior, abnormal personality, where does the world care about their own bad evaluation?
When I was young, I didn't know the difficulties of family business in the rich and gentle countryside. In the end, I couldn't bear the decline of the family. Unfortunately, I failed to live up to the good times in my youth, which was not beneficial to the country or the family. In terms of incompetence, he is the best in the world. All kinds of rich and dandy are advised not to imitate this person.
Self assessment
Although I am more noble than him, I know that silk brocade gauze can only wrap up my dead trees and wine lamb, and can only fill my dung hole and mud ditch. The word "wealth" has been poisoned by me. (The 7th time) [1]
My younger brother is the most turbid and stupid, just a hard stone ear. (The 115th time) [1]
He commented
Leng Zixing Although he is very naughty, he is clever and clever. He is not as good as him. It's strange to talk about children... There will be no doubt about future lechers. (The second time) [1]
Mrs. Wang If his sisters ignore him, he will be quiet; If one day his sisters say one more word to him, and he is happy, many things will happen to him... He talks sweetly for a while, and is crazy and silly for a while. (The third time) [1]
Rongning Ergong: Although we have many descendants, we have no successor. But Sun Baoyu, his direct son, is a man with a perverse disposition and a strange and treacherous attitude. Although he is smart and intelligent, he is expected to become a little successful. (The fifth time) [1]
Alarm Fairy The one I love you is the most lewd person in the world in ancient and modern times... Ruer Zetian has a spoony love, and we push it“ Wanton ”... You can be a good friend in the boudoir, but in the world, you can be a circuitous, strange, slanderous, and bitter. (The fifth time) [1]
King Beijing Shirong: It's really a young dragon and a young phoenix... In the future, the young phoenix will be clearer than the old one, which can't be measured. (The 15th time) [1]
Lin Daiyu The most precious treasure, the most solid jade. Why are you so expensive? What is your strength? (The 22nd time) [1]
I always thought he was a bosom friend, and he was indeed a bosom friend. (The 32nd time) [1]
Taoist Zhang When I saw my brother's description of his figure, speech and behavior, how could he write the same story as the grandfather of that day. (The 29th time) [1]
Jia Mu I have raised these sons and grandchildren, none of whom is like his grandfather, only this jade son is like his grandfather. (The 29th time) [1]
Fu Qiufang Family wife: Strangely, someone said that their Baoyu had a good appearance and was confused inside. They liked nothing and didn't like food. They were really stupid. He burned his hand and asked others if it hurt... It was like a rooster in the heavy rain, and he told others, "It's raining, take shelter from the rain"... Often no one was in front of him, and he cried and laughed. When he saw a swallow, he would talk to the swallow. When he saw a fish in the river, he would talk to the fish. When he saw the bright moon, he would either sigh or mutter. And there is no rigidity at all. Even those girls are angry. Take care of things. Even a thread is good. If it is wasted, even if it is worth tens of thousands, it will not matter. (The 35th time) [1]
Xinger All day family strange in the head Yes, the speaker does not understand, and the person who does not know. Everyone outside looks so handsome, but he is naturally smart. But he is even more confused inside. He doesn't say a word when he sees someone. Although he had never been to school, it was difficult for him to recognize a few words. I don't practice literature and martial arts every day, and I'm afraid of meeting people. I only like to make trouble among girls. Moreover, we were not just angry. Once we met, we didn't get up or down when we liked it. We played around for a while; I don't like it. When they leave, he ignores others. We sit and lie down. When we see him, we ignore him and he does not blame us. Therefore, no one is afraid of him, just take it easy and get by. (The 66th time) [1]
Third Sister You I was a little girlish when I was talking, eating and drinking. Naturally, I was used to it every day. If he is confused, those people are confused... Looking coldly, he is in front of the girl, and can pass anything. He is not suitable for outsiders, so they don't know. (The 66th time) [1]
Miss Luo Yu feng If he goes out to do serious things and talk seriously, he looks like a fool; If we only ask him to come in front of these sisters, even girls of all sizes, he will be the most generous, and I'm afraid he will offend others. (The 78th time) [1]

Comments by reviewers

Tu Ying: The love of treasure and jade is also human. It is the common feeling of men and women in the world at all times. The ancient and modern men and women in the heaven and earth can't express their feelings, while Shibaoyu is the sentimental and inexplicable feelings in Lin Daiyu's heart, eyes, thoughts, thoughts, dreams, life and death. This is the ultimate love of men and women in the heaven and earth. Only saints can enjoy themselves, and jewels can enjoy themselves. There are many people who are sentimental. If they have little treasure, who will return. Mencius said, "Boyi is the sage who is pure. Yi Yin is the sage who is responsible. Liu Xiahui is the sage who is in harmony." So I said, "Baoyu is the sage. ("On Hua Ren") [7]
Zhang Xinzhi: Baoyu is famous for being wordless, but it is a place where people can look for it. Before the so-called happiness, anger, sadness and happiness are expressed, Baoyu was born wordless. (Reading of A Dream of Red Mansions) [7]
Zhiyanzhai According to the book, there is a treasure jade. The treasure jade is a person that we have seen in the book, but we have never seen him. The words of Baoyu are often puzzling; The nature of gems is laughable; It is not only in the world that such a person has never been close to [seen], nor in all the novels and legends of modern and ancient times. It's even worse when you are in a frown. It can be solved in the process of being unintelligible, and it can't be explained in the process of being unintelligible. When you think about it with your eyes, it is like seeing a treasure. If you really hear it, you should never move to the second person, and it will not be written. Remaining reading《 Stone Story 》The most marvelous and wonderful articles are all in the words of Baoyu, whose poems, elegant riddles, drinking orders, food and clothing, and strange play are not found in other books. However, the comments in this book are still two. Qi Xuben 19th time) [4]
This is the true idea in the meaning of treasure and jade, not a word of reluctance, so it is said that no one has heard of it since ancient times. Listen to their unintelligible words, observe their subtle feelings, and judge their foolishness and euphemism. They are all people and words that have not been seen in modern and ancient times. It is impossible to say that you cannot be virtuous, stupid, good, evil, fair, wicked, clever, handsome, vulgar, lecherous, or infatuated. There is only one thing that can be said to be correct, which makes others only comment on how they are born, how they think, and how they are flesh and blood. After reading this book, I also love their words, but I can't tell what kind of people they are. Later on, the "Love List" commented that "Baoyu is not in love" and "Lin Daiyu is in love". This second comment is above the evaluation of the idiot, and also belongs to the confusion. It's wonderful! Qi Xuben 19th time) [4]

Comments of famous experts

Lu Xun In my present Baoyu, he saw many deaths; People who love more should be greatly distressed, because there are many unfortunate people in the world. But those who hate others gloat. In their life, they have little joy and few worries. However, hating others is just a way for lovers to escape from defeat. It is the same thing as Bao Yuzhi who finally became a monk. But I'm working《 The Dream of Red Mansion 》The thought of time can probably be the same; Even if it is a sequel, it may not be very different from the author's original intention. But wearing a gorilla felt cloak to worship his father was surprising. (《< Crimson Cave Flower Master >Quote) [8]
Treasures and jades grow in Zhejiang, and are known from outside Qin Zhong Jiang Yuhan , while the return will revolve around the sisters, the cousins and the servants Assault Qing Wen Ping'er Rhododendron Between generations, people are fond of each other and respect each other. They are afraid of brushing their minds. They love to be rich and are hard working, but they are increasingly worried. (《 A Brief History of Chinese Fiction 》) [9]
The fog of desolation is all over the Chinese forest. However, those who breathe and understand it are only precious jade. (Brief History of Chinese Fiction) [9]
Wang Guowei If《 The Dream of Red Mansion 》Is there any difference in the writing of precious jade? It is in the deepest entanglement, just the seed of liberation, so listen to the song "Parasitic Grass", and realize the foothold; Read the chapter of "Xiang Xiang" and think of burning flowers and dispersing musk deer. Therefore, Lin Daiyu is still in the ears of those who fail. When Lin Daiyu died, his ambition gradually changed, but he still lost Baochai , almost lost to five children. After repeated setbacks and rallies, he finally won the final victory. (Review of A Dream of Red Mansions) [10]
He Qifang Jia Baoyu's rebelliousness is not only reflected in his imperial examination stereotyped writing He was dissatisfied with and opposed to the feudal system, especially in his love, sympathy, respect and devotion to girls, that is, to feudalism Ritual education And the idea that men are superior to women in feudal society. [11]
Mou Zongsan Baoyu is a sentimental person. He loves every girl when he sees one. His feelings are the easiest to move into the target, and his intuition is particularly strong, so his penetration is also not strong. It is this emotion that moves in and sends out to be dazed and cry. [12]
Baoyu became cold hearted and became a monk to seek eternal life Shakya Muni The same is true for both of them. This is a cycle, Buddhism is boundless, how will you break this cycle? The scene of Baoyu becoming a monk is far more tragic than Lin Daiyu's death. [12]

Literary history evaluation

Jia Baoyu was a rebel of the feudal aristocratic family and a figure strongly affirmed by the author. He placed all his enthusiasm and ideals on those girls who were insulted and damaged, which was a bold challenge to the feudal traditional concept of "men are superior to women". His love with Lin Daiyu was the main reason for his rebellion step by step. Bao and Dai's love is based on the common opposition to the feudal life path, with a more distinctive rebellious nature. Therefore, the more developed this kind of love is, the sharper the contradiction between it and the feudal forces will be. Jia Baoyu's rebellious character is manifested in many ways, and is "unrepentant". Compared with the positive images in his literary works, he embodies the color of preliminary democracy and shows a new era feature. However, as Baoyu was still a childe of the aristocratic class, his betrayal of feudalism could not be complete. [13]
Jia Baoyu experienced the love and marriage tragedy of "wood stone alliance" and "golden jade marriage", and witnessed“ Twelve Hairpins in Jinling ”The tragic life of her daughter experienced the great change of noble families from prosperity to decline, thus she had a unique understanding of life and the world. Jia Baoyu is a semi realistic and semi imagery character. Like Fairy girl His "infatuation" is not only shown in his love for Lin Daiyu, but also in his appreciation of the beauty and wisdom of all young girls and his deep sympathy for their unfortunate fate. Jia Baoyu's pain has gone beyond the pain of a broken family and the pain of personality depression. This is the pain of many people, the pain of feeling limited life and merciless world. Desperate and unable to find a way out, he felt a sense of loneliness and the fleeting disillusionment of life, full of poetic temperament and sentimental atmosphere. But Baoyu did not want to be alone, to leave life, to leave his beloved Lin Daiyu and many women. This deepened his pain. [14]

Character prototype

Cao Xueqin said
Mr. Hu Shi put forward the idea. He believes that:《 The Dream of Red Mansion 》The two treasures of Zhen Jia in it are Cao Xueqin Own incarnation; The two houses of Zhen Jia were the shadows of the Cao family that day. First, at the beginning of A Dream of Red Mansions, it is clearly said that this is a book of autobiography that "conceals the truth". Since the author is Cao Xueqin, Cao Xueqin is the "I" who deeply repented at the beginning of A Dream of Red Mansions, which is the base of Zhen Jia's (true or false) two treasures in the book; Second, the stone clearly said, "This book is my own thing", "I have seen and heard it for half my life"; Third, the 16th talk about picking up in the southern tour. The Zhen family and the Jia family are both Cao families. Emperor Kangxi made six southern tours, Cao Yin After four times of poor pickup, this is also Dunmin "The old dream of Qinhuai recalls the prosperity" in the poem sent to him; Fourth, Jia Zheng in A Dream of Red Mansions is also the second son, not Xijue first, but also Yuan Wailang Cao Fu So Jia Baoyu is Cao Xueqin, the son of Cao Fu; Fifthly, at the beginning of A Dream of Red Mansions, it was said that the author, the hero of the book, was already in a poor and unfortunate situation when he wrote the book. From the poems sent by Duncheng Brothers to Cao Xueqin, we can see that Cao Xueqin was a man who had had a prosperous old dream. He had a talent in art and literature, could write poems, could paint, and was very poor in his old age, which is exactly the history of Jia Baoyu. [15]
Cao Fu said
Yu Rui's Jujube Window Leisure Pen: Someone from Xueqin Uncle of Baoyu Family
This theory stems from the Qing Dynasty people love Xinjueluo Yurui It is recorded in his "Zao Chuang Xian Bi". Yu Rui said, "When I heard about the old book Fengyue Baojian, also known as The Story of the Stone, I don't know who wrote it. Cao Xueqin got it, because the story told in the book is similar to the story of his family. Because of the use of the title, I deleted the book to five times, and it became more and more strange.... I saw the volume of the transcript, which was commented by his uncle Zhiyan. It was very accurate to quote his story, so I changed its name to A Dream of Red Mansions." ... Xueqin is the name of the two characters, but I don't know its name... I heard that the elder's marriage relatives have made friends with him. He is fat, broad and dark, and good at talking His ancestors used to weave for Jiangning, and they were rich. They also had marriage relations with Prince Ping's residence... All the people in his book were supposed to be hiding their families. All their temperaments and experiences were written from memory, but not their real names. The person who hears of the so-called treasure and jade still refers to someone in his uncle's generation, not his own portrayal. The so-called "Yuan Ying Tan Xi" implies the four words "should sigh", which are all of the younger generation. "
Yurui's uncle Minglin is a friend of Cao Xueqin, so his record that Jia Baoyu's prototype is not Cao Xueqin, but "someone from his uncle's generation" is increasingly valued by the Redology circles. because Cao Yong Cao Xueqin's uncle and father died early Cao Fu One person. Most contemporary scholars of Redology believe that Cao Fu is the prototype of Jia Baoyu. Hu Shi also believed that Aunt Cao Xueqin, who married Prince Ping as his concubine, was the prototype of Yuanchun, which was consistent with Yu Rui's statement. [16]
Other theories
Soyin sent to collect many irrelevant bits and pieces of history to echo《 The Dream of Red Mansion 》Jia Baoyu is widely spread: the first group said that Jia Baoyu was Emperor Shunzhi The second group said that Jia Baoyu was the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and the treasure jade was also the meaning of the national seal, that is Abductions The third group said Jia Baoyu was Nalan Rongruo [15] Since the 1990s, some grassroots Redology enthusiasts have put forward more bizarre views on Jia Baoyu's prototype.

Role analysis


Interpretation of verdict

Baoyu has been talented since he was young. The amount he wrote for the Grand View Garden was frequently praised by his father Qing Wen Write what you write《 Lotus daughter eulogy 》It's even more unique. stay Fairy girl In his eyes, he is "talented and intelligent". On the other hand, Jia Baoyu thinks he is knowledgeable, but he is "afraid to read" the "Four Books" and other "sages' books". He hated the official career of intellectuals in the world, and satirized those who were keen on fame as "national bandits"; He even laughed at the so-called "great man and famous festival" of "literary remonstrance and martial war" in Taoism“ fish for fame
In this process, many people also sounded the alarm for Baoyu. Jinghuan Fairy was advised by Ning Rong to devote herself to the official economy, Qin Zhong On his deathbed, he confessed to Baoyu that he regretted being frivolous in his youth and urged him to aspire to fame. Baoyu did not take these advice to heart. In the end, the family fell but was unable to recover. He could only watch his precious daughters go their separate ways, and even Yuanchun became the last grand occasion of the family. Just as the author was young and rich, but he ended up in a miserable end, he could only silently recall the talent of those girls when he was young. The author borrowed Baoyu's life, and later people said that the author had a word of "regret".

Birthday Textual Research

The first time Zhen Shiyin The dream of Baoyu implies the birth of Baoyu, when it was "eternal day in hot summer" and "the scorching sun makes the plantain grow slowly"; The 63rd birthday dinner, Lin Zhixiao's When Baoyu said, "The days are long and the nights are short," he said, "It's hot. We should all take off our big clothes." These are the scenes of Meng Xia in April. [3]
On the 62nd birthday, Xiangyun was drunk and slept with peony herb, and peony bloomed in April; Rhombus communis, husband and wife cymbidium flowering in April; Xiangling was jokingly told that "your man has been away for half a year". Xue Pan went on a long trip on October 14 last year, and it happened that more than half a year had passed in April. [3]
On the 27th day of Tanchun, Baoyu lied and said, "My aunt gave it to my son on his birthday". Her aunt, Wang Ziteng's wife, responded on the 62nd day, "Wang Ziteng's side is still a suit of clothes, a pair of shoes and socks". It is April 26th. On the same day of the 28th trip, Jia Baoyu went to Feng Ziying's house for a dinner. "He only took four servants, namely, baking tea, hoeing medicine, Shuangrui and Shouer." Zhou Ruchang said that "Ruishou" implied Jia Baoyu's birthday. This is the birthday lunch. [3]
On the 29th wedding ceremony in the nirvana, Taoist Zhang said, "On the 26th of April the day before yesterday, I was here to be the king of covering the sky for Christmas." On the 62nd, Taoist Zhang responded, "Taoist Zhang sent four gifts for sending a name token." [3]
Jia Baoyu's birthday is accurate to April 26, when he will hand in the seeds of awn, which can be converted to about June 5 of the solar calendar. This birthday is a metaphor for Jia Baoyu's three major virtues: eroticism, mending the sky and helping the world, and good and evil fu. [3]

Three virtues

The Grain in Ear Festival is a symbolic solar term for the approaching summer and withering spring flowers. There are customs such as stepping on grass, fighting grass, picking herbs, appreciating red flowers, and boiling plums. Cao Xueqin selected the Grain in Ear Festival as the day of flower preserving, flower burying and spring sending, wrote Jia Baoyu's lamentation over Lin Daiyu's "Song of flowers burying", accompanied by a prescription of warm fragrant pills. At the birthday party, Cao Xueqin took the flower's name, set up a set of daughter's orders and sang the "Red Bean Song"... All of them were subject to the theme of "spring mourning", "spring mourning" and "daughter's tragedy" in the whole book, and the three birthday parties became the flower preserving feast. [3]
Jia Baoyu's birthday coincides with the date of preserved flowers, which symbolizes his personality of "eroticism" and "flower owner of Jiangdong". The alarm fairy said, "Only the word" Yiyin "can be understood but not passed on, but can be divine rather than verbal." The first meaning of Yiyin refers to Jia Baoyu's affection for the daughter of the Grand View Garden, and his friendship with Qin Zhong, Xiang Lian, Yu Han and other good and evil men who have feelings for each other, as well as the love and consideration between clean daughters, is also similar to Yiyin. If Jia Baoyu talks with swallows and fish, he will sigh and mutter when he sees the stars and the moon, which has elevated his mood of lust to a vast universe and reaches the realm of heaven and earth [3] The fat criticism is called "feeling without feeling" [4]
In the 37th session of the Poetry Club, everyone gave a nickname. Li Wan mentioned that Jia Baoyu had called himself "the flower owner of Jiangdong" when he was young, and that he took care of the three characters "Jiangyun Xuan" that Jia Baoyu asked Qingwen to put on the door in the eighth session, which means "the flower owner of Jiangyun Xuan". Jia Baoyu treated the servant girls as carefully as a flower since childhood, so he chose this name, which is close to "Yiyin". The owner is not opposite to "slave", but to "guest". For example, the commentator Wang Xuexiang calls himself "master of flower protection", and Liang Qichao calls himself "master of ice room". [3]
The fat version of "Jiang Dong Flower King" seems inappropriate. Because the "flower king" is the crown of flowers, she should be appointed by her daughter. Although Jia Baoyu is somewhat girlish, he is a man after all, so he can't be called "Flower King". Zhi Yanzhai's comment on Jia Baoyu as "the crown of all Yan" has no basis in the original text. In ancient times, the peony was regarded as the "king of flowers". Xue Baochai selected the peony flower paper for the 63rd time, and the title was "Brilliant Crown and Fragrance", so he knew that Xue Baochai was the king of flowers in the Grand View Garden. As for the position of the total flower god, the novel awarded Lin Daiyu, the birthday of the 12th Flower Festival in February, with ingenious writing techniques, but also Jia Baoyu [3] Therefore, Lu Xun has no objection to "Jiang Dong Hua Zhu" in his article "Jiang Dong Hua Zhu", Cai Yijiang [17] , Lin Fangzhi [18] And other scholars and the People's Literature Press [19] They all recognize the "Red Hole Flower Owner".
He Qifang once pointed out that the most prominent feature of the typical image of Jia Baoyu is "passionate" [11] Jia Baoyu's "amorous" is more about "respect". Lu Xun said that "love and respect, fear to brush its meaning". Only in this way can we see the fate and tragedy of everyone we respect, and put their joys and sorrows in our own care. Jia Baoyu is such a person who "loves everything and works hard". He is more worried than the person he loves, and he is also worried about the future. Naturally, he is "increasingly worried". The value of women who have been denied for thousands of years is only fully reflected in Jia Baoyu's eyes, and the tragedy of women who have been covered up for thousands of years is only opened in front of Jia Baoyu.
To mend the sky and help the world
The first time, Zhen Shiyin woke up and "took Xiangling to the street to see the bustle of the meeting". Guohui, one of the temple fairs, is also called Yingshensai. On the 27th trip of Tanchun, Jia Baoyu was asked to buy handicrafts. The two described the scene of visiting the temple fair. It is said that Shennong is the ancestor of Shennong tribe, and Emperor Yan is the last leader of the tribe, known as Emperor Yan Shennong. Folklore data shows that: from the fifth day of the first month to the twentieth day of the first month, the Shennong, the ancestor of farming, is sacrificed; On the 26th of April, Shen Nong, the ancestor of medicine, was sacrificed. The story of Shennong tasting hundreds of herbs is very popular. People regard him as the medicine king. Most of the medicine king temples around the country have his statues. The first book of Chinese medicine was named Shennong's Herbal Classic. [3]
Jia Baoyu's birthday coincided with the Yandi Shennong Temple Fair, symbolizing his personality as a medicine king. He vowed to cure Lin Daiyu and the daughter of the Grand View Garden. For example, on the 28th birthday, he prepared a warm fragrant pill for Lin Daiyu, reviewed the difference between male and female medication, and used western snuff with Evelna to cure Qingwen's stuffy nose and headache. In terms of the symbolic meaning of the "medicine king", he also has to cure the diseases of Chinese society, as Lu Xun has learned: "All weak and stupid people, even if their physique is perfect and strong, can only be meaningless publicity materials and visitors, and it is not necessary to regard death as unfortunate. So our first priority is to change their spirit." (The Scream - Preface) [3]
The Holy Treasure Jade was originally made by Nuwa to mend the sky. For the family, mending the sky means revitalizing the family business. Ning Rong entrusted Jia Baoyu to "make him jump out of the charming circle and enter the right road". A monk called Tongling Baoyu "your family's present treasure of the world", proving that Tongling Baoyu has undertaken the mission of family rejuvenation and must play a multiple role in Jia Baoyu's marriage, offspring, and fame. The small happy ending of the last 40 Jinyu marriages, Gao Kui's son, and the restoration of family morality was predestined as early as when Jia Baoyu was born with jade. [3]
Nuwa and Yandi Shennong are heroes in ancient myths. In this way, Cao Xueqin praised Jia Baoyu for his talent of mending the sky from Nuwa, and he also truly inherited the national spirit of Yan Emperor Shennong, who was pioneering, dedicated to the people, and practiced medicine to help the world. However, Jia Baoyu's ideal of building a new world is not in the small reunion at the end, but in the first 80 chapters of the Grand View Garden. [3]
Fu on both good and evil
In the 29th chapter, Taoist Zhang said, "On April 26th the day before yesterday, I was here to be the King's Christmas." The birthday of the King was made up by Cao Xueqin. Even the third chapter of the devil in the world, Jia Baoyu was said to be a maniac who was arrogant, free, rebellious and revolutionary. In Jia Yucun's article on Qi, Jia Baoyu's crazy personality as the king of covering the sky and the devil in the world was elevated to the philosophical height of the two fu. [3]
The formation of Jia Baoyu's character was not accidental. On the one hand, the male centered aristocratic society is so hypocritical, ugly, corrupt, incompetent, ugly and hateful that he feels lifelong regret for being born a man. On the other hand, the sincere, pure, free and unruly character of the servant girls around him infected him, and their various misfortunes due to their low social status also inspired him. In Jia Baoyu's intuitive life, they formed a sharp contrast with those forces in the central dominant position, mainly secular men, in every point: respect and play, intelligence and stupidity, innocence and corruption, purity and filth, innocence and hypocrisy, good and evil, beauty and ugliness.
Jia Baoyu advocated that everyone should be equal, respect personality and act freely according to their own will. In his mind, people can only be divided into true and false, good and evil, beauty and ugliness. He hates and despises secular men, and is close to and respects oppressed women. In connection with this, he admires and gets close to those who are similar to him in character and taste, who are of poor origin and low status.

Love tragedy

The Baodai love described in A Dream of Red Mansions is not an abstract attraction to the opposite sex, but describes their love in the development of their rebellious thoughts. Rebellious thoughts, love and family fate are organically organized in《 The Dream of Red Mansion 》This is a prominent feature of the love description in A Dream of Red Mansions, which completely breaks through the old stereotype of beauty and love at first sight in traditional novels and operas, and its ending is no longer the same.
Lin Daiyu was one notch ahead of the ordinary aristocratic women of her time. She ignored the moral code that "women without talent are virtuous", liked reading and writing poems, and showed outstanding talent. Like Jia Baoyu, she likes reading《 The West Chamber 》《 The Peony Pavilion 》As a result, some songs and lyrics were so familiar that they blurted out unconsciously when talking. She loved Jia Baoyu and never advised him to study and become famous. She could not smell the vulgar smell of husband, wife and honor that ordinary noble women often have. The consistency in thought and the common understanding and choice of the way of life are the solid foundation of their love, so they have new, more profound and progressive content of the times.
The love between Bao and Dai, which is based on the rebellious thought, must be sharply opposed to the interests of the family, so it is not allowed by the family rulers. Under the pressure of feudal forces, Baodai's love developed zigzag and finally was destroyed. Cao Xueqin, through his vivid artistic description, has clearly predicted that this tragic ending will come in the first 80 chapters. Although the last 40 chapters of the Unknowns in the 120 chapters of A Dream of Red Mansions that are now circulating in the market describe the gender of each character very different from the original book, the ending does not conform to Cao Xueqin's insinuation in the first 80 chapters, But at least the tragedy of the end remains. [20]

Emotional poison

Zhi Yanzhai commented that Jia Baoyu had "extreme emotional poison":
"This is a good idea, but you should not abandon it like this. The love of Baoyu is incomparable in modern times and ancient times. But Baoyu is extremely toxic, and people can't bear it. The latter half of the world will make it clear. These are the three major diseases of Baoyu. Baoyu is so toxic that people can't bear it, so it will be 'let go of the cliff' in later literature. If someone gets the wife of Baochai and the maid of Sheyue, how can they abandon it and become a monk? This treasure has been in a remote place all her life. " (Chapter 21 of Gengchen Ben) [21]
It means that Jia Baoyu is different from ordinary people because of his deep feelings. However, he was even more desperate than ordinary people expected. Specifically, he hid a beautiful wife like Xue Baochai in his gold house, and several beautiful maids like Sheyue. But he had the heart to abandon her and gave up on the cliff. This decision showed that he was very cruel to Xue Baochai, Sheyue and others, which deviated from human nature and his image of love and infatuation.
At least three of Cheng Gaoben's last forty chapters wrote about Jia Baoyu's "extreme poison of love": first, 116 chapters wrote that he "even looked down on his children's love" [1] Second, 116 times Zijuan complained that he was ruthless, "He was also cold when treating assassins. Second grandma didn't like intimacy at first, so people like Sheyue didn't complain about him? I think most girls are crazy, and they didn't bother with those things." [1] Third, 117 times, he ignored the obstacles of assassins and cuckoos and wanted to give the channeling jewel to the monk [1] Not only that, what Zhipei said is "letting go of the cliff", which is the same as the ending of Cheng Gaoben's 120 times as another family member and returning to Qinggeng Peak.
"Emotional poison" is not only a manifestation of Jia Baoyu's unsophisticated personality, but also a kind of helpless complaint against the cruel reality, a silent sigh for the daughter's tragedy in Daguan Garden, and a kind of silent loyalty to the Wooden Stone Alliance. It is the disillusionment of lust ideal that he sees through lust; It is a great tragedy in life that he died on the precipice. [3]

interpersonal relationship


Primary relatives

Jia Mu (Shi Taijun/Lao Zuzong)
Brother and sister
Jia Zhu (with his mother and brother), Jia Yuanchun (Same as my mother and sister), Jia Tanchun (Shumei) Jia Huan (younger brother)
Li Wan (Jia Zhu's wife)
Jalan (Jia Zhu's son, Li Wan's mother)
adopted son
Patrilineal relatives
uncle Jia Hui (Jia Zheng/Jia Min's brother), aunt Madam Xing (Jia Xun fills the room), aunt Jia Min (Lin Daiyu's biological mother, Jia Xun/Jia Zheng's sister), Lin Ruhai (Lin Daiyu's biological father)
Maternal relatives
uncle Wang Ziteng (Mrs. Wang/Aunt Xue), Aunt Aunt Xue (Mrs. Wang's own sister)
older male cousin Xue Pan (Aunt Xue's son, Xue Baochai's brother), Cousin Xue Baochai Cousin Lin Daiyu (Aunt Xue's daughter, Xue Pan's sister)
elder male cousin Jia Lian (Jia Xun's legitimate son), Cousin Jia Yingchun (Jia forgives the concubines and gives birth to daughters), sister-in-law Wang Xifeng (Jia Lian's wife, Mrs. Wang's niece), nephew Sister Jia Qiaojie (Jia Lian's Daughter and Birth Mother Wang Xifeng)
Other relatives
My uncle Jia Jing (Ning Guofu); Brother: Jia Zhen (Ning Guofu, son of Jia Jing), ethnic sister: Jia Xichun (Ning Guofu, daughter of Jia Jing), ethnic nephew Jia Rong (Ning Guofu, son of Jia Zhen), nephew's daughter-in-law Qin Keqing (Ning Guofu, Jia Rong's wife)

Primary friends

Qin Zhong King Beijing Shirong (a masterpiece "water-soluble") Feng Ziying Jiang Yuhan Liu Xianglian

Chief servant

First class servant girl
Vintacia People/ Flower pearl
Qing Wen (expelled)
Second class servant girl
Hua Fangguan (expelled)
Si'er /Ruxiang/Huixiang (expelled)
Other eldest servant girls
Qian Xue (expelled)
Other servant girls
Xiaohong /Lin Hongyu (later Wang Xifeng Servant girl)
Liang Er (expelled)
pendant (expelled)
wet nurse
A boy

personal works

Ode to Grand View Garden
"Singing of White Begonia"
Chrysanthemum Poem - Visit Chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum Poem - Planting Chrysanthemum
Crab Poems
"Poems about the Four Seasons of the Grand View Garden"
Red Bean Song
Nan Ke Zi
Ziling Island Song
姽 Hua Ci [1]

Film and television image

Film and television image
particular year
Jia Baoyu Actor
Lu Jianfen [22]
Hong Kong Film《 The Dream of Red Mansion
Ren Jie [30]
Shaoxing Opera Film《 The Dream of Red Mansion
Hong Kong TVB《 The Dream of Red Mansion
Hong Kong Best TV《 The Dream of Red Mansion
Wu Weiguo [30]
Hong Kong Film《 A Dream of Red Mansions
Hong Kong Film《 Spring in Red Mansions
Hong Kong Film《 New Dream of Red Mansions
Lingbo [32]
CCTV version TV play《 The Dream of Red Mansion
Beijing Film Edition《 The Dream of Red Mansion
Taiwan Huashi TV Drama《 The Dream of Red Mansion
Zhong Benwei [26]
Teleplay《 Red Mansion Girl
Belatedly good [33]
Mainland TV Drama《 Biography of Daiyu
New edition《 The Dream of Red Mansion
Little Drama Bone Dream of Red Mansions Grandma Liu Entering Grand View Garden