Jia Yuanchun

Characters in Cao Xueqin's novel A Dream of Red Mansions
zero Useful+1
Jia Yuanchun, a Chinese classic《 The Dream of Red Mansion 》Characters in, Twelve Hairpins in Jinling one of, Jia Mansion Fourth Spring First, the Second Master of Rongguo Mansion Jia Zheng And Mrs. Wang His legitimate eldest daughter, Jia Zhu Of Younger sister Jia Baoyu Of Sister in law , also the first Jia Mu Children raised by themselves. Born Chinese new year's day And named Yuanchun, he was elected to the palace in his early years because of "virtue, filial piety, talent and morality" polite address to a lady , on Qin Keqing Jin Feng after death Fengzao Palace Shangshu , was awarded the title of virtuous princess, and the Jia Family was generally called "Empress".
Yuanchun is the glory of the family. Her imperial concubine made the Jia family become relatives of the emperor and the country, and her wealth and prosperity reached the peak. To meet her Lantern Festival Guining , Jia's residence has built a provincial villa, which is Grand View Garden However, she wept several times in the ceremony of "flowers are blooming and fire is burning", saying that the palace she was in was "a place where no one can see", which was in sharp contrast to the joy of the people in the Jia Family.
In addition, Yuan Chun is also the political backer of the family. At the end of the last 40 chapters of the sequel, she and her uncle Wang Ziteng The Jia family was also soon punished for their violent deaths. However, according to the results of many years of research by Redologists, the outcome of Yuanchun is not so simple Zhiyanzhai In a book called "Qiqiao" at Yuanchundian, he criticized:“《 Hall of Longevity 》The death of Concubine Yuan of Zhongfu "can judge that Yuan Chun died of political struggle after pregnancy.
Note: The Hall of Eternal Life wrote Four beauties One of Yang Yuhuan And tang xunzong Li Longji's story: Yang Yuhuan was killed by Li Longji in the An Shi Rebellion. [1-3]
Chinese name
Jia Yuanchun
Foreign name
Jia Yuanchun
First Lady, First Lady, Jia Fei, Yuan Fei Imperial Concubine , Empress
Chengmei (87 version TV series)
Wang Yanhua (10 version TV series)
Chen Shuyi (17 version TV series)
Huang Lulu (87 version TV play)
Chinese new year's day
Key achievements
Only select Fengzao Palace , Fengxian virtuous princess
Jinling Twelve Hairpins Album Third place
Jia Mu
Jia Zheng
Mrs. Wang
Jia Zhu Jia Baoyu
Dowry maid
Hold a harp
Position variation
Female history → Fengzao Palace secretary → virtuous concubine → noble concubine
Fengzao Palace

Role image

Chinese new year's day
She is the eldest among Sichun sisters and the second in the second room.
Jia Zheng First Daughter, the eldest daughter of Jia Family, female history in the palace Fengzao Palace Shangshu , virtuous concubine, noble concubine.

Role experience


Mothering in Yuanchun

Eighteenth round“ Lin Daiyu The sachet was cut by mistake, and Jia Yuanchun went back to the province to celebrate the Lantern Festival Jia Mansion The luxury of lanterns. At this time, when the Jia Family was in its heyday, Yuanchun was granted the title of virtuous and virtuous imperial concubine and went home to visit relatives, which was really a great event in the Jia Family. To meet Imperial Concubine Yuan's Mothering , the Jia Family spent a lot of money to arrange Rongguo Mansion Only to Suzhou The cost of hiring teachers, "buying girls", buying musical instrument stores and "spending candles and colorful lanterns and curtains" amounted to 50000 taels of silver. The Jia Family purchased all kinds of lanterns in large quantities. "At one time, people carried in candles one by one and lit them everywhere". [8]
Grand View Garden On the day when the first imperial concubine of the Yuan Dynasty gave birth to her, people gathered together to recite poems and paint. However, this is just an appearance. In the private room, Princess Yuan cried and described the imperial palace as a "no one's place" with "no interest at all". Behind the "happy gathering", we can see the tragic situation of separation of flesh and bone. [9]

Yuanchundian Opera

In the 18th Spring Festival, four plays were played, Fat batch It is pointed out that:
The first "Feast"; [Clamp:《 A handful of snow 》The defeat of the ambush Jia family.]
The second is Begging for Skills; [Clamp:《 Hall of Longevity 》The death of Concubine Fu.]
The third is "Fairy Destiny"; [Clamp:《 Handan Dream 》Mediocre Zhen Baoyu Send jade.]
The fourth is "Departing Soul". [Jijia: Fu Daiyu died《 The Peony Pavilion 》Medium. The four points of drama are the key to the whole book.] [3]
The first "Feast" from the Ming Dynasty Li Yu The play "A handful of snow" implied that the Jia family would be ruined due to the behavior of boasting of wealth in the "Feast".
The second "Qiqiao", from Hongsheng The play "Longevity Palace" was originally the 22nd Secret Oath. The play of Yuanchundian focuses on Emperor Ming of the Tang Dynasty And favorite concubine of emperor Minghuang I wish the emperor would be loyal to love, so as to keep the honor and wealth of Jia Family. An Shi Rebellion One of the reasons for Yang Guozhong The leader's uncle family has offended Anlu Mountain The frontier vassal led by Yang Guozhonghe was accused by the army and the people after the incident favorite concubine of emperor Minghuang , one was killed and the other hanged himself. This play suggests that the fate of Yuan Chun and Jia Family is similar to that of Yang Guifei and her family.
The third "Fairy Destiny", from the Ming Dynasty Tang Xianzu Drama《 Handan 》, which was the thirtieth "He Xian". At the level of the immortality of gems and jades, the immortals who sent pillows in Handan Story and the monks who came to enlighten gems in A Dream of Red Mansions are also immortals. On the aspect of scene response, "Fairy Destiny" is a hot farce, where the eight immortals come and are lucky and lucky, which matches the lively and festive scene of the provincial relatives "cooking oil with fire, and flowers with brocade".
The fourth "Departing Soul", from Tang Xianzu Drama《 The Peony Pavilion 》, it was the 20th issue of "Make a War", playing the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, and Li Niang died of illness. The Peony Pavilion uses plum blossom as a metaphor for beauty, implying that Daiyu The fate of. 63 times Li Wan It was said that Daiyu "should not be beaten by her husband", implying that after 80 times, Daiyu had been beaten, which should be Yuan Chun's act.

Death of Yuan Chun

Cheng Gaoben 83 back to Yuanchun, 86 back to Meng Jia Mu The death of Yuanchun in 95 times was very detailed. "It was the beginning of spring on December 18, Jiayin year, and the death date of the imperial concubine of the Yuan Dynasty was December 19, which had been handed over to Yinyue in Maonian year and was 43 years old". Yinnian was a tiger and Maonian was a rabbit. 86 times "I'm afraid we'll meet the prime month of Yin year. This is" comparison "and" comparison "," robbery "and" robbery ". 107 times" The land of East Province has long been Yinnian took the rent of Maonian ", which proves that the meeting between the tiger and the rabbit means nothing. The True Story of the Spring Festival takes the hour as the line, 83 times back to the provincial palace, and there are five hour marks: Chensi, Shenyou, Dawn, Maochu, Youchu. The tiger and rabbit in the last 40 chapters meet in the month of the first year.
But there are also problems. For example, 86 times wrote that she was born in Jiashen year, and she should be 31 years old when she died in Jiayin year. 95 times wrote that she was 43 years old, and the cause was called "the holy family is grand, and the body is fat, so it may be difficult to move. Every day, she is tired, and sometimes suffers from phlegm disease", which is improper.
Yuan Chun should give a dream by following the music Jia Zheng Mrs. Wang As a warning, the last 40 times wrote in Jia's dream: "The old lady is not very useful. When she closes her eyes, she sees the Empress of the Yuan Dynasty." (86 times).

role relationship

Jia Mu
Parent generation
one 's own mother
Peer generation
Half brother
Half sister
Aunt and Cousin
Aunt cousin and sister-in-law
Ethnic sister
His Majesty emperor
daughter of a cousin

Role evaluation


Book evaluation

Original verdict
  • original text
A bow is painted and hung on it Citron There is also a lyric saying:
Over the past 20 years Distinguish right from wrong Where the pomegranate blossoms.
Three Spring Struggle and Early Spring Scenery, Tiger Si Meet and dream. [1]
Lipoid There are tigers, rabbits and tigers, Passbook In writing "tiger and rabbit", Zhou Xiaoben "distinguishes right from wrong" as "distinguishes who".)
  • notes
1. Distinguishing between right and wrong in the past 20 years - 20 years: or the time Yuan Chun spent in the palace; Or the age when Yuanchun entered the palace. Twenty years can be regarded as an integer or more than twenty years. Distinguish between right and wrong: know the world.
2. pomegranate flower The opening is just like the palace -- Liuhua: pomegranate flowers Many scholars believe that this is to say that pomegranate has many children, which also means many children. Yuanchun has no children or is pregnant, which is one of her tragedies. However, the emphasis of this sentence is on pomegranate flower, pomegranate flower: also known as Lou Zi flower (the 31st reason unicorn Volts White headed double star )When it was opened, it was bright, red and flaming, with the light of fire, which attracted people's attention. It was a metaphor for the imperial concubine granted in the Spring of the Yuan Dynasty; At the same time, pomegranate flowers bloomed at the latest (in the fifth month of the lunar calendar), which corresponded to the fact that the imperial concubines in the Spring of the Yuan Dynasty were icing on the cake for the Jia Family in the heyday, while the imperial concubines were making things worse for the Jia Family in the end, because the Jia Family did not have enough economic competition.
3. Three Spring Struggle and Early Spring Scenery - Three Spring refers to the three sisters of Spring Greeting, Spring Exploring and Spring Cherishing. Argument: How can it be comparable. This sentence implies that although the other three sisters have their own characteristics, they are generally inferior to Yuanchun.
4. Tigers and tigers meet and dream of returning - tigers and tigers are beasts, according to Liu Xinwu According to textual research, Jia Yuanchun should have died in a palace struggle. [1] The tiger refers to the emperor, and the Si refers to the eunuch beside the emperor. As long as the eunuch doesn't get the Jia family's benefit: money (corresponding to the second sentence), he will say something bad to Yuanchun. As long as the emperor listens, Yuanchun's wife's journey is a dream.
  • appreciate
"Bow" is homophonic to "palace", which is a metaphor for Fengzao Palace; "Citron" is homonymous to "Yuan", implying the Spring Festival. Citron means that it is a very happy event to be crowned as a high-ranking imperial concubine in the Jin Dynasty. "Gong Li" is homonymous to "Gong Yuan", which refers to the palace life of Yuanchun. It is also homophonic to "palace grievance", Yuan Chun's Tragedy of fate And psychological feelings Cultural factor Her tragedy of palace resentment is mainly reflected in "going to the place where no one can see", "separation of flesh and bone, no interest in the end". The dream of Sister Huifeng implied that Yuanchun was involved in palace fights.
"Twenty", indefinite denotation Yuanchun life span. "Distinguishing between right and wrong" generally refers to the worldly fame and wealth market, right and wrong places. 25 times Ket "But after exercising channeling, they will make trouble with the world", which is as common as "distinguishing right from wrong". Another book is "Distinguishing Who".
The "pomegranate flower" has many children, which means many children and grandchildren, so there are many bonsais in the palace pomegranate The pomegranate flower shows that Yuanchun is pregnant, but it is only the pomegranate flower, not the pomegranate seed, which means that she did not give birth to a child when she died.
"Sanchun", there are also words such as "not long to explore Sanchun scenery" and "to see through that Sanchun scenery" in Xichun judgments and songs. According to Liu Xinwu's textual research, "Sanchun" refers to the three years when Jia's family was most proud of themselves, which are also the three years in which most of the ink is drawn in the novel, and most of the chapters in the full text are also about these three years. Qin Keqing Early warning of "all fragrance will be exhausted after the end of the third spring" Augury In fact, it means that after three years, Jia's family has declined. According to his words, shortly after Jia Yuanchun's death, Jia's residence was copied.
"Tiger meets rabbit", many Ancient edition All write "tiger" Si Meet and dream ", only Gao E The sorted general edition was written as "Meet the Tiger and the Rabbit" (Gao E changed his mind in order to take care of the following 40 chapters, and Yuan Chun died of illness in the year of the rabbit and the month of the tiger). Both tigers and tigers are beasts. Jia Yuanchun should die in a palace struggle.
Yuan Chun lived for about twenty years in the world of mortals; One of the most distinguished wedding events in my life was the conferment of virtuous and virtuous imperial concubines in Jin Dynasty, and the kiss of relatives during the Lantern Festival; It's a pity that she only enjoyed such splendor for three years, and her dream died in a palace struggle.
Dream of Red Mansions
  • original text
Hate impermanence
Xironghua is just in time. Hate impermanence comes again.
Let everything go.
Wandering leisurely consumes the fragrant soul.
Looking at home, the road is far and the mountain is high.
So I asked my parents in their dreams to tell me that my son's life has entered the golden age,
Tianlun Oh, you need to step back early! [1]
  • notes
1. Xironghua is just the right moment - it actually means that Yuanchun chose Fengzao Palace, added a virtuous princess, and acquired the great honor and wealth of Fengluan.
2. Hate impermanence comes again - impermanence: Buddhist term. All things in the world of Buddhist figures are in the process of generation and destruction. They are constantly migrating and never have permanent residence, so they are called "impermanence". The old superstition said that when people were dying, they would come with an envoy who captured the living soul to call people dead. This envoy was also called "impermanence" or“ messenger of death ”。 There are both meanings here.
3. Your life has entered the yellow spring. Tianlun, you need to step back early—— Huangquan: Also called "Jiuquan", it refers to the underground, that is, the cave buried after death. Tianlun: used to refer to father, son, brother, etc relationship [1]
  • appreciate
Yuanchun was worried about the family's fate until her death. She had a premonition that the Jia family would suffer, which made her feel very regretful. "Looking Home" actually means Jinling Nanjing. When Yuan Chun died, he was far away from Nanjing. In fact, he died in the imperial palace, Redologist It is believed that Yuan Chun was locked in a place where he could not see the outside world because he was out of favor, and the statement of "so I asked my parents to tell each other in a dream" further explains that no one came to tell Jia's family about Yuan Chun's death, so I can only tell them in a dream: "My son's life has entered the yellow spring, Tianlun, it is necessary to step back and leave early!" It also implies that the defeat of Jia's family after Yuan Chun left, which aggravates Yuan Chun's A sense of tragedy They also accused the feudal system of being inhuman.
Jia's residence Four families The reason why China ranks first is that it has the most wealth and power, and this is because it has a great backer to ensure such a prominent position - Jia Yuanchun, the Jia family of successive ministers, has become relatives of the emperor and the country because of her. Therefore, the first half of the novel focuses on Yuan Chun's "choosing Fengzao Palace", "sealing up virtuous and virtuous concubines", and "visiting relatives", and tries to describe the "burning fire cooking oil, flowers blooming with brocade" of Jia Family. However, "although we are envious of luxury, we are embarrassed to leave. Who knows the bitter and sweet when we gain a false reputation?" Let's see the scene of Yuanchun returning home to visit relatives in the private room and meet with relatives. Behind the "glory", we can see the tragic situation of bone and flesh separation. Yuan Chun cried and said that the imperial palace was a "no see place" that was "no fun at all". It was just like coming out of a place where she was confined by a solitary confinement. From here, the author could see the brilliance of Yuan Chun's heart above the secular world at a glance. Cao Xueqin The powerful brushwork reveals that the glory admired by the feudal class is also an abyss for a noble woman like Jia Yuanchun, who has to pay the price of losing her freedom.
However, all this is just the development of the plot later Bedding After visiting relatives, Yuanchun's return to the palace seems to be a separation, but in fact it is a farewell; She lost not only her freedom, but also her life. Therefore, the description of the grand occasion of the Jia family brought by Yuan Chun's dignitaries is also intended to indicate that her death was the destruction of the trees in the Jia family's shadow, which is a contrast to the miserable situation after the defeat and confiscation of the Jia family.
The death of Yuan Chun not only marked the political loss of the faction represented by the four families, but also sounded the death of the Jia family knell And she herself is completely feudal ruling class The victims of the internal strife of the palace. In this way, Cao Xueqin, who claimed to "never interfere with the times", boldly opened a corner of the political curtain, allowing people to see the dirty activities of unscrupulous struggle for power and profit among various factions within the feudal ruling group from the ups and downs of a feudal family. Jia Tanchun The profound meaning of the words "I wish you had eaten me, I would have eaten you" can also be understood from this aspect.
Self assessment
I am not good at chanting, and I am short of talent. My younger sister has always known that tonight, I will not be responsible for the scenery. (18 times) [3]
He commented
Leng Zixing : The second child gave birth to a young lady, who was born on the first day of the New Year, which is strange. (2 times) [4]
Leng Zixing: Father Zheng's eldest daughter, named Yuanchun, has been elected to the palace as a female historian because of her virtue, filial piety and talent. (2 times) [4]
Lai Da : I only wait outside Linjing Gate, and I can't get any information inside. Later, the eunuch Xia came out to congratulate us and said that our eldest daughter had been granted the title of minister of Fengzao Palace and the title of virtuous princess. Later, the master came out and told me the same. Now the master is going Eastern Palace Yes, please quickly ask the old lady to lead the ladies to thank you. (The 16th time) [13]
Mammy Zhao : Amitabha! i see. So our family is ready to pick up our eldest daughter? (16 times) [13]
Xue Baochai : Don't do it now, just take care of my sister. Who is your sister? Wear it on the head imperial robe It's your sister. You recognize my sister. (18 times) [3]
Wu Jinxiao : Although there are more and more affairs in the mansion now, there are going and coming Long live God Don't you reward me! (53 times) [10]
Jia Rong You people in Shan'ao Haiyanzi know this. Can't the empress give us the emperor's treasury! Even if he had this in mind, he could not do it. There is no reason not to appreciate it. Coming to the festival on time is just some colorful satin antiques. The reward of silver is only one hundred taels of gold, which is worth one thousand taels of silver. What is enough for one year? In the past two years and that year, we didn't lose thousands of silver! In the first year, when you visited relatives and built a garden, you can figure out how much you spent on that bet. If I go back to visit relatives in two years, I'm afraid I'll be poor. (53 times) [10]
Jia Tanchun : The first day of the New Year is not a waste. The elder sister takes it. I can't complain that he is so lucky that his birthday takes precedence over others. (62 times) [5]
Xinger : It's needless to say, our eldest girl, but if it's not good, it won't be good. (The 65th time) [6]
Wang Xifeng : Last night, I suddenly had a dream. It was funny to say that I dreamed of a person who was kind but didn't know it name , find me. When asked what he was doing, he said that his mother sent him to ask for 100 pieces of brocade. I asked him who she was, but he wasn't talking about our lady. I would not give it to him, so he came up to take it. As he grabbed it, he woke up. (72 times) [12]
Mrs. Wang : Don't you hear people say, "Marry a chicken and a dog". Everyone there is like your big sister as a empress. (81 times) [7]
Xue Ta : I heard outside that it was Princess Jia who died, so I came back. Our Concubine Yuan is fine. How can we say she is dead? (86 times) [11]
Aunt Xue : It would be better if I had a primary illness last year. I didn't hear about Concubine Yuan's illness this time. I only heard that the old lady was not very useful in the first few days in the mansion. When I closed my eyes, I saw the Empress of the Yuan Dynasty. Everyone was worried until they found out that nothing was wrong. In the evening of Daqianle, the old lady said, 'Why did Princess Yuan come to me alone?' People always believe what they think when they are ill. The old lady said, 'If you don't believe me, Princess Yuan told me that it's easy to be glorious, and we need to step back.' (86 times) [11]
Xue Baochai: These ladies and women in the mansion said that they knew they were not our wives. I said, 'Where can you decide?' He said: 'In the first month of the previous year, a fortune teller was recommended by other provinces and said that he was very accurate. The old lady asked someone to put the eight characters of Princess Yuan in the eight characters of the girls, and sent them out for him to calculate. He only said that the girl whose birthday was on the first day of the first day of the first lunar month was afraid of the wrong time. Otherwise, she would be really a noble person and could not be in this mansion. The master told everyone that no matter whether he was wrong or not, he should count it as eight words. The gentleman said that there was Wounded officer When money is lost, only the official's salary and horse are in Shen's words. This is what the family can't support, and nothing good can be seen. This day is Yimao, Muwang in early spring. Although it is comparable, the better you know, just like that good wood, the more you cut it, the better it becomes. What kind of gold is most valuable when you are happy alone, and what kind of high official's salary is only flourishing? This is called Feitian Luma Grid. What else Daily salary returns to time It's very valuable. Tianyue Erde is in favor of the pepper house. If the time is right, this girl must be a mistress. Isn't that accurate! We still remember saying that it was a pity that Ronghua would meet Yin Nian soon Uzuki This is "compare and compare", "rob and rob", for example, good wood is too exquisite to be firm in essence. They forgot all these words and just fooled around. I just remembered to tell our grandma that this year is in the prime of Yin year. (86 times) [11]

Other evaluations

She has the feeling of filial piety to her mother and love to her younger brother. She has the heart of being loyal to the monarch and the country. She also has the virtue of advocating frugality and simplicity. In addition, she also has the gentle and honest style of being resentful but not angry. [2]

Film and television image

shaoxing opera A Dream of Red Mansions
Symphonic edition Shaoxing Opera Film A Dream of Red Mansions
Teleplay《 Biography of Daiyu
reference material [14-21]