bank loans

economic behavior
zero Useful+1
synonym Loan bank (Loan bank) generally refers to bank loans
bank loan , which means that the bank policy A method of lending funds to fund demanders at a certain interest rate and agreeing on a time limit for repayment economic behavior It is generally required to provide guarantee, house mortgage, or income certificate, and good personal credit before applying.
Moreover, in different countries and different development periods of a country, the types of loans classified according to various standards are also different. Such as American Industrial and commercial loans Mainly Ordinary loan Limit Working capital loan , standby loan commitment, project loan, etc Industrial and commercial loans Multi use Bill discount credit Accounts and Overdraft account Etc.
Chinese name
bank loan
Loan object
Individual or enterprise
Loan classification
Bank loans, etc
lending rate
4.9%, appropriately adjusted according to the purpose of the loan

Basic definitions

A bank loan is a loan that an individual or enterprise makes to a bank at a certain interest rate according to the policy of the country where the bank is located capital It is an economic act of lending money to individuals or enterprises in need of funds and agreeing on a time limit for repayment.
Nowadays, more and more post-80s and post-90s generation loan When buying a house or a car, for a while, the loan business provided by the bank has become the "new favorite" of the times. However, it is still a bit difficult to get a successful loan in the bank, and it is even more difficult to get a loan in some specific periods. Here are some tips for successful loans, hoping to help more people to make successful loans.
1. Reason for borrowing: The borrower should be frank and clear in the process of applying for the loan, and write down the purpose of the loan and the advantages of personal repayment in detail. For example, good personal credit record.
2. Loan amount: The amount of loan applied for by the borrower in the bank should not be too high, because the larger the amount, the higher the possibility of failure. However, this is not what the lender hopes. They certainly do not want their loan funds to see the news of lending within half a month. If the loan applied by the lender is large, it is suggested that the borrower reduce the loan amount appropriately, so that the hope of passing the bank review will be greatly increased.
3. Loan description: fill in the application materials in detail, loan purpose, personal credit record, income source, repayment ability, family income, etc. To ensure that the borrower can repay the loan on time no matter when, where and what the situation is.
4. Loan repayment: After the borrower successfully applies for the loan, he must repay the loan at the specified time. Do not be fluky and delay the repayment time, which will result in bad personal credit records. In addition, the relevant departments will try their best to recover the overdue loans.

Characteristics of Hong Kong loans

When the branches of Hong Kong funded banks in mainland China accept applications for bank loans, they can issue RMB loans or Hong Kong dollar loans according to the demands of loan applications;
one . RMB loan Annual interest rate The fluctuation of the benchmark interest rate stipulated by the Central Bank shall not exceed 3%. According to the current situation, the benchmark interest rate will generally rise, which can reach lending rate Seven to nine percent, RMB loan term , each commercial bank Risk Management It is required to decide.
two The annual interest rate of Hong Kong dollar loans is determined by the bank according to Hong Kong regulations. The annual loan interest rate is between 3% and 4%, and the loan interest rate is half lower than the RMB loan interest rate;
The difference between the Hong Kong dollar loan and the RMB loan, calculated by the same loan of RMB 1 million, can save the bank loan interest of 30000 to 40000 a year, which is a good choice for entrepreneurs.

Loan classification


Loan type

(Bank Loans)
According to different classification standards, bank loans have different types. For example:
bank loans
1. According to different repayment periods, it can be divided into short-term loan Medium term loan and Long term loan
2. According to different repayment methods, it can be divided into Demand loan Term loan And overdraft;
3. Press Loan purpose Or different objects, which can be divided into Industrial and commercial loans Agricultural loan Consumer loans Securities broker loans Etc;
4. Press Loan guarantee Different conditions can be divided into Bill discount loan Bill mortgage loan Commodity mortgage loan Credit loan Etc;
5. According to different loan amount, it can be divided into Wholesale loans and Retail loans
6. According to different ways of interest rate agreement, it can be divided into Fixed rate loan and Floating rate loan , etc.

short-term loan

Short term loans refer to loans with a loan term of less than one year (including one year). Short term loans are generally used for the borrower's working capital needs in production and operation.
The currencies of short-term loans include RMB and other countries and regions Convertible currency Short term working capital loan The term of is generally about six months, and the longest is not more than one year; The short-term loan can only be extended once, and the extension cannot exceed the original period.
The loan interest rate is based on People's Bank of China The interest rate policy formulated and the floating range of loan interest rate are determined according to the difference of loan nature, currency, purpose, mode, term and risk, among which the foreign exchange loan interest rate is divided into floating interest rate and fixed interest rate. The loan interest rate is specified in the loan contract, and customers can inquire when applying for a loan. Penalty interest will be charged for overdue loans according to regulations.
The advantage of short-term loans is that the interest rate is relatively low, and the fund supply and repayment are relatively stable. The disadvantage is that it cannot meet the needs of long-term funds of enterprises. At the same time, because short-term loans use fixed interest rates, the interests of enterprises may be affected by interest rate fluctuations.

Guarantee company

Design appropriate loan scheme, strive for favorable loan interest rate and accelerate the progress of loan processing
Provide professional assessment and guarantee services
Many investments Guarantee company The standardized and efficient operation in post loan management and loan risk resolution has won the full trust of banks. Some cooperative banks have outsourced post loan collection and loan asset disposal to guarantee companies, and both parties have achieved good cooperation results.

Application conditions

borrower Required conditions
1. Natural persons aged between 18 and 60 (Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, the mainland and foreigners are also allowed)
2. Have the ability to stabilize career, stable income and repay loan principal and interest on schedule
3. The borrower's actual age plus the loan application period should not exceed 70 years old
Materials to be provided by the borrower
1. Both husband and wife's ID cards and household registration books/temporary residence cards and household registration books are required for foreigners
2. Marriage certificate/divorce certificate or court judgment/single certificate 2 copies
three Income certificate (Format specified by the bank)
4. The company's A copy of the business license Copy (with official seal)
five Credit certificate : including academic certificate, other real estate, bank statement, Large amount deposit receipt etc.
6. If the borrower is an enterprise legal person Business license, tax registration certificate, organization code certificate articles of incorporation Financial statements.
Note: Since May 10, 2010, the non local household registration has been in Beijing House purchase loan It is also necessary to provide the tax payment certificate of the past year or the social insurance policy of the past year and other materials that can prove that it has worked in Beijing for one year.
The house seller shall provide materials
1. ID card, household register, marriage certificate (marriage certificate or single certificate) of both husband and wife
2. Property Ownership Certificate
exceptional case
Information required for foreigners to purchase houses:
Taiwanese ----- Mainland travel permit (Taiwan compatriot certificate), household registration Liana (It can prove the marital status), approval form for purchasing a house in Beijing, mortgage notarial certificate (entrusted to handle the later housing receipt and mortgage registration)
Hong Kong people ------ Hong Kong identity card, marriage certificate, mortgage notarization certificate (entrusted to handle the later housing collection and mortgage registration) Korean people ------ passport Chinese translation notarization, name Chinese translation notarization, household registration Chinese translation notarization (can prove the marital status), mortgage notarization certificate (entrusted to handle the later housing collection and mortgage registration)
Other nationalities ------ notarization of Chinese translation of passport, notarization of Chinese translation of name, notarization of Chinese translation of marriage certificate, notarization of mortgage (entrusted to handle the later house requisition and mortgage registration)
The Seller shall provide information for the enterprise:
Legal person ID card, original and duplicate of business license, organization code certificate Board of Directors Resolution of sale, articles of association Power of Attorney , ID card of trustee, collection account Certificate (official seal is required for the above materials), property certificate

Credit conditions

1. Credit line
The credit line is the maximum limit that the borrower is allowed to borrow as stipulated in the agreement between the borrower and the bank.
2. Revolving credit agreement
Revolving credit agreement is an agreement whereby banks legally promise to provide enterprises with loans not exceeding a certain ceiling.
Compensatory balance is a percentage (usually 10% to 20%) of the loan limit or actual borrowing amount that the bank requires the borrower to keep in the bank Minimum deposit balance

Loan interest

The latest bank implemented on October 24, 2015 Benchmark interest rate of deposit and loan Table: Six months (inclusive) 4.35% One year (inclusive) 4.75% One to five years (inclusive) 4.9% Note: The benchmark interest rate is stipulated by the central bank, and the bank loan interest rate can fluctuate up and down on this basis.

Different conditions

Due to different loan types, the conditions and materials for applying for loans are different. The following will introduce the conditions required for several common loans.
Personal credit loan is a more fashionable way of loan, so what conditions do you need to apply for such loans. Generally, banks require borrowers to have second-generation ID cards, stable work certificates Income certificate . Proof of loan purpose; Good personal credit status; There are also certain restrictions on the borrower's income, which generally requires the borrower's average monthly income to be no less than 4000 yuan. After submitting relevant application materials, the bank can apply for 5-8 times of the monthly income after passing the review, namely: Unsecured unsecured loan Ping An Bank New First Loan Loans.
Loan type II: housing mortgage
The reason why more and more people choose Real estate mortgage loan The reason is that the loan interest rate is generally the benchmark interest rate, so there is less pressure to repay the loan. What are the conditions for applying for such loans. Generally speaking, in addition to the strong requirements on the income and credit of the lender, the duration of the house should be less than 20 years, and the house area should be more than 50 square meters; The house has strong Liquidity Generally, the amount of mortgage loan shall not exceed 70% of the assessed value of the house. In this way, after submitting relevant materials and being approved by the bank, you can apply for a loan with a maximum term of no more than 15 million yuan and a maximum term of 20 years.
Loan type III: college students Venture loan
College students pay more attention to such loans than they can imagine College student entrepreneurship loan There are supportive policies, such as loan subsidies or Interest free loan So what are the conditions for applying for such loans. Generally speaking, the requirements for college students' entrepreneurship loans are: college students who are in college or within two years of graduation; College degree or above; Over 18 years old. Relatively speaking, the application conditions for such loans are relatively loose, and then only the student ID card, transcript Account Statement And other materials submitted to the bank, and the loan can be obtained after passing the review.
Loan type IV: Individual loan
The self-employed have become the main force of social and economic development. However, many self-employed have difficulty in financing. Many people choose this kind of loan. What conditions do they need to apply for this kind of loan. Generally speaking, they should have full civil capacity and a local household registration; There is a fixed local business site with stable income; Can provide legal collateral (pledge); Open a deposit account with the lender. After the above conditions are met, the information required by the bank can be submitted for review.
Loan category V: Housing mortgage loan
A lot of people House purchase To apply for a housing mortgage loan, what conditions do you need for the loan. Generally speaking: with valid ID card and Certificate of marital status Good credit record and willingness to repay; Stable income; The commercial housing sales contract or letter of intent of the purchased housing; Have the ability to pay the first purchase price of the purchased house; Opening in a bank Individual settlement account And effective guarantee. After the above conditions are met, the application materials can be submitted to the bank, and the bank will review and decide whether to lend.

Foreign species

bank loans
(1) Ordinary loan limit and standby loan commitment. Ordinary loan limit is a form of loan restricted by informal agreement. Based on the seasonality and regularity of capital demand, the enterprise entered into an informal agreement with the bank to agree on a maximum amount of loans to be provided by the bank to the enterprise within a specified period. During this period and the amount of loans, the enterprise can obtain bank loans at any time. When an enterprise applies for a loan line, it must explain to the bank its financial status before the loan, and the bank will decide whether to grant credit and implement the agreement according to the enterprise's credit status and its own operational requirements. spare Loan commitment The loan is in the form of a formal and legally effective agreement. The enterprise signs a formal loan agreement with the bank, and the bank promises to provide loans to the enterprise within the specified period and limit and requires the enterprise to pay commitment fees to the bank.
(2) Working capital loan and Project loan The working capital loan is based on the fact that the enterprise has a long production cycle, a large amount of raw material reserves Capital return Slow and other characteristics, determined by product sales progress Loan Term And the amount of loan. Project loans are loans for large construction projects with high risks and costs. They are characterized by large amounts, high risks and high interest rates. The rationality and feasibility of the project are taken as the basis for deciding whether to lend or not. The recourse of loan debt is directed against the project, not against companies and enterprises. For super large projects, they are usually combined by several banks to syndicate Or syndicated loan to Diversify risk
(3) Bill discount The characteristics of bill discount compared with general loans are as follows:
Credit Object. Bill discount is based on bill As the object rather than the borrower;
② Loan line. Discount loan The amount of is only the same as the bill face value discount rate And notes Residual maturity Relevant, but not affected by such factors as the purpose of the loan and the borrower's financial status;
Capital return Manner and duration. Bill discount can be processed through bill processing Transfer discount and Rediscount Withdraw funds in advance;
④ Risks and benefits. Bill discounting has a relatively reliable settlement guarantee mechanism and Risk diversification Mechanism, but the income is lower than that of general loans.
(4) credit Accounts and Overdraft account The credit account is mainly used by the bank to arrange Installment loan A convenient form of. An overdraft account is opened in a bank Current account A convenient form for customers to provide loans.

Loan mode

small and medium-sized enterprises Tips for obtaining bank loans:
Establish good bank enterprise relationship. We should pay attention to credibility. To write well investment projects Feasibility study report Highlight the characteristics of the project. Choose the right time for loan. Obtain support from SME guarantee institutions.

Venture loan

Venture loan It means having certain Production and operation capacity Or a special loan issued by an individual who has engaged in production and business activities and has applied for funds for starting or re starting a business, and has been approved by the bank as an effective guarantee. Eligible borrowers can obtain a single loan support of up to 500000 yuan according to their individual resource status and repayment ability.


For those who need to start a business, they can flexibly Personal consumption loan For entrepreneurship. The amount of mortgage loan generally does not exceed 70% of the assessed value of the collateral Ceiling RMB 300000. If the business needs to purchase commercial houses along the street, the proposed house can be used as collateral to apply for a commercial house loan from the bank. The loan amount generally does not exceed the proposed purchase amount Commercial buildings Valuation 60% of, Loan Term Not more than 10 years.

pledge loans

except deposit receipt In addition to pledge treasury bill Insurance company Policy And other vouchers can be easily obtained Personal loan Loan pledged by deposit receipt 80% of the amount of the loan deposit certificate; National debt pledge loan 90% of the face value of the loanable national debt; Insurance company launched policy loan The amount of does not exceed the amount of Cash value 80% of.

Guaranteed loan

If the borrower does not have a deposit certificate national debt There is no insurance policy, but the borrower's spouse or parents have a better job and stable income, which is also an excellent credit resource. At present, banks have a special preference for high-income groups, and lawyers, doctors, civil servants, employees of public institutions and financial industry personnel are all listed as Credit loan The employees in these industries only need to find one or two colleagues to guarantee them ICBC ccb Financial institutions such as Guaranteed loan When all kinds of materials are ready, approval can be obtained on the same day, so as to obtain entrepreneurial funds quickly.


According to the principle of "those who are under 60 years old, healthy, honest, and have certain labor skills Laid off and unemployed , self employment self-employed or Partnership Those who work with organizations can hold the certificate issued by the labor and social security department Preferential certificate for reemployment towards commercial bank Or its branch Small amount guaranteed loan According to the regulations, entrepreneurs can hire laid-off and unemployed people, and after consultation, they can apply for unemployment loans with the reemployment preferential certificate. The maximum loan for each person is 20000 yuan, and the interest rate is the lowest among local bank loans. If the enterprise employs 10 laid-off workers, it can enjoy a low interest rate loan of up to 200000 yuan.

International trade financing

International trade financing refers to the import and export trade settlement related financing provided by the government and banks to import and export enterprises Short term financing Or credit facilities. These businesses include Credit issuing Import documentary bills Shipping Guarantee Export documentary bills Packaged loan , Foreign exchange Bill discount international factoring Financing Forfeiting export credit for buyers Etc.
(1) Short term financing of international trade
* exporter Short term funds can be obtained from imported goods and banks. Including: ① importer Advance payment to exporters. ② Banks provide loans to exporters, if none Collateral Loans, bank loans against trust receipts, export commodities mortgage Packing loan, goods in transit mortgage loan, foreign storage loan, etc.
*Importers can obtain short-term funds from exporters and banks. Including: ① loans provided by exporters to importers, such as account opening credit Bill credit 。② The bank provides loans to importers. Including bank to importer Direct financing Acceptance bill discount Bank acceptance Credit, letter of credit Financing.
(2) In international trade Long-term financing (Export credit) Export credit refers to the government or bank's efforts to encourage domestic enterprises Commodity export , and to the home country exporter Provided by foreign importer or importer's bank Credit funds Of economic activity This is an important trade financing way for SMEs to relieve capital pressure. include Seller's credit Buyer's credit Two aspects.
Seller's credit refers to the bank providing credit to domestic exporters, and then the exporters importer provide Deferred payment A form of export credit. Buyer credit, indicating the location of the exporter Bank draft Or a credit company provides loans to the bank or importer where the importer is located to expand the export of domestic goods. (3) Compensation trade financing
Compensation trade financing means that foreign institutions provide machinery, equipment, technical services and training to domestic enterprises as loans, and after the project is put into production, domestic enterprises will repay them with the products of the project or by other agreed methods economic activity This way is to solve the problem of backward equipment and technology of small and medium-sized enterprises, Lack of funds Is one of the effective ways. This Financing mode The foreign businessmen shall pay the import of equipment and technology of the enterprise first, and then pay the import price in installments with the income or products obtained therefrom.
The general procedure is:
Project financing feasibility study. It mainly includes investigating the supporting construction environment and conditions of the project in China and enterprises, such as supporting funds, technology, talents, land, remote materials, infrastructure and relevant national policies; Economic effects of certification projects Social effects Etc; As the product faces the international market, it is also necessary to certify the international competitiveness and overseas market prospects of the product. Determine and submit items for approval. After passing the project feasibility certification, the relevant data shall be submitted to the specified competent department for approval. Negotiate with foreign businessmen. The main contents of negotiation include equipment or technical performance, price, quantity, installation, maintenance and personnel training; Definition of ownership of transfer technology property rights; The quantity, specifications and quality standards of the products to be reimbursed; Repayment period. Sign the contract. After both parties reach an agreement, the relevant negotiation results shall be written into the contract. Perform the contract. Effectiveness of contract Later, both parties will operate in accordance with the provisions of the contract, and the enterprise will make trade financing payments in accordance with the provisions of the contract. (7) Comprehensive credit
Comprehensive credit, that is, the bank grants a certain amount of credit to some high-quality customers (customers or customers who can provide low-risk guarantees) with good operating conditions and reliable credit for a certain period of time Credit line , enterprises can recycle within the validity period and limit.
General credit limit The enterprise shall declare relevant materials at one time and the bank shall approve them at one time. Enterprises can use funds in installments according to their own operating conditions, borrow and repay at the age of, and save money at the same time financing cost Comprehensive credit High quality customers Conditions:
credit rating Above AA+(included). Asset liability ratio Not higher than the good value of the customer's industry. Contingent liability balance Not more than Net assets There was no operating loss in the past two years, and the first half of the year Return on total assets Not lower than the industry average. No defect in recent two years Credit record (8) Secured loans
The guaranteed loan is made by the borrower to provide the bank with legal conditions Third party guarantee As the repayment guarantee, when the borrower fails to perform the repayment, the bank has the right to require the guarantor to perform or assume the loan mode of paying off the joint liability of the loan as agreed. Including loans guaranteed by natural persons Guarantee company Guarantee loan, custody guarantee loan, etc. According to the above methods, more specific financing methods can be formed. For example:
(1) Bill discount Financing. Means that the Noteholder will Commercial paper (Mainly Bank acceptance bill and Commercial acceptance bill )Transfer to the bank and obtain deduction Discount interest After the fund. The cost of financing in this way is very low. You only need to take the corresponding bills to the bank to go through the relevant procedures.
(2) Intellectual property pledge loan Is legally owned patent right Trademark right Copyright The property rights in the project are evaluated and then applied to the bank for financing.
(3) Export foreign exchange earning loan It means that for enterprises producing export products, banks can Export contract , or provided by the importer Credit visa , provide Packaged loan Foreign exchange can be provided to enterprises with spot exchange accounts mortgage For enterprises with foreign exchange income sources, they can obtain RMB loans with foreign exchange settlement certificates; For enterprises with good export prospects, a certain amount of Technical transformation loan
In addition, small temporary loans can also be used Credit card overdraft To get funding. The overdraft function of bank credit cards is increasing. A credit card is generally as low as 3000 yuan or 5000 yuan. For entrepreneurs of small business shareholder Or several family members, each with several cards, can also solve the problem of no funds for purchase within a certain period of time (such as 60 days).

Interest saving strategy

Four interest saving strategies for bank loans: the length of loan period should be reasonably planned
Strategy 1: shop around three carefully selected banks
At present, the competition among banks is very fierce market share , will adjust the loan interest rate according to the range of loan interest rate specified by the state. Therefore, when making loans, capital demanders should "shop around" and choose banks with low interest rates to lend.
For example, for the same loan of 100000 yuan, the loan term is one year, and the loan is executed one by one benchmark interest rate If you choose the latter, you will pay more than 1000 yuan of interest per year.
Strategy II: Reasonable plan for selecting the deadline
about Fund demander The time required for using money is long and short. Therefore, in order to avoid overpayment of interest, the duration of bank loans should be reasonably planned. The same is true for loans. The longer the loan grade term is, the higher the interest rate will be. That is to say, choose Loan Term The longer the grade, the different interest will be paid even on the same day.
For example, current short-term loan The interest rate is divided into two grades: half year and one year. It is stipulated that the half year grade interest rate shall be implemented within half a year of the loan term, and the one year grade interest rate shall be implemented if the loan term is more than half a year but less than one year. If Fund demander The loan term is 7 months, although it is only 1 month longer than the semi annual time point, according to the current provisions on loan interest calculation, only one-year loan interest rate can be implemented, which will increase the capital demand invisibly Loan interest Burden.
Strategy 3: Clarify the way of price difference optimization
The banking department is responsible for Operation mode On the one hand, there are mainly credit, guarantee, mortgage and pledge. Correspondingly, when banks implement the loan interest rate, the upward floating of the loan interest rate will also be different. For the same loan with the same application period and amount, if you choose the wrong loan form, you may bear more loan interest expenditure Let yourself pay more for nothing.
Therefore, Fund demander When lending to banks, it is very important to pay attention to and clarify the interest rate spread under different loan modes. For example, in 2023, the lowest interest rate loans implemented by banks are Bill discount And pledge loans. If your own conditions permit, it must be more appropriate to use these two forms of loans.
Strategy 4: Sign the loan agreement carefully
Many fund demanders seem very casual when signing agreements on bank loans. In fact, this unrestrained behavior shows that they lack good financing Financial awareness , often pay more interest when lending, resulting in artificial "high interest". Because the loan form of some banks will make the capital demander pay more interest invisibly. For example, Lien deposit balance loan and Withholding interest loans
The so-called retained deposit balance loan is Fund demander When obtaining a loan from a bank, the bank requires it to Loan principal Part of the money is kept in the bank account to restrict the fund demander from Loan principal and interest Repayment can be made as scheduled when due. However, for fund demanders, a discount on the loan principal is equivalent to an overpayment of interest.
so-called Withholding interest loans That is, some banks Loan interest It can be repaid on time, and all loan interest will be withheld from the principal of the lender when the loan is issued. Because this way will reduce the loan funds available to fund demanders, it will objectively increase the financing costs of fund demanders.

Basic knowledge

1303 Loan
1、 This account is used to account for various types of payments made by enterprises (banks) according to regulations Customer loans Including pledged loans mortgage , guaranteed loans Credit loan Etc.
Enterprises (banks) with loan nature granted according to regulations Syndicated loan , trade financing, agreement overdraft Credit card overdraft , refinancing and to make advances Wait, in this Account Accounting You can also set up "syndicated loan", "trade financing", "agreement overdraft", "credit card overdraft", "re loan", "advance" and other subjects separately.
Corporate Pledged loan of the insured , this account can be changed to "1303 insured pledged loans". For pledge loans and mortgages of enterprises (pawns), this title can be changed to "1303 Pledged Loans" and "1305 Mortgage Loans". For funds lent to other units by banks or other financial institutions entrusted by enterprises, this account can be changed to the "1303 entrusted loans" account.
2、 This project can be divided into loan category, customer“ principal ”, "Interest Adjustment", "Impaired", etc.
3、 Main accounting treatment of loans.
(1) The loan issued by the enterprise shall be debited to this account (principal) according to the contract principal of the loan, and credited according to the actual amount paid“ Deposit taking ”、“ Deposits with the Central Bank ”If there is a difference, debit or credit this account (interest adjustment).
Balance sheet date , which shall be calculated and determined according to the contract principal and contract interest rate of the loan Interest receivable but not received , Debit“ Interest receivable ”Account, based on the amortized cost and Effective interest rate Calculated Interest income , credit the "interest income" account, and debit or credit the account according to its difference (interest adjustment). If the difference between the contract interest rate and the actual interest rate is small, the contract interest rate can also be used to calculate and determine the interest income.
When the loan is recovered, the account of "deposit taking" and "deposit in the central bank" should be debited according to the amount returned by the customer, the account of "interest receivable" should be credited according to the amount of interest receivable recovered, and the account of "interest receivable" should be debited according to the amount returned Loan principal , credit this account (principal), and credit the "interest income" account according to its difference. If there is an interest adjustment balance, it shall also be carried forward at the same time.
(II) Balance sheet date , if it is determined that the loan is impaired, it shall be debited according to the amount that should be written down“ assets impairment loss ”Account, credit“ Loan loss reserve ”Account. At the same time, the balance of this account (adjustment of principal and interest) should be transferred to this account (impaired), debited to this account (impaired), and credited to this account (adjustment of principal and interest).
Balance sheet date The interest income calculated and determined according to the amortized cost of the loan and the actual interest rate shall be debited to the "loan loss reserve" title and credited to the "interest income" title. At the same time, it will be calculated and determined according to the contract principal and contract interest rate Interest receivable The amount is registered off the balance sheet.
take back impaired loans When the amount is actually received, debit the "deposit taking", "deposit with the central bank" and other subjects, debit the "loan loss reserve" subject according to the balance of the relevant loan loss reserve, and Loan balance , credit this account (impaired), and credit the "asset impairment loss" account according to its difference.
For loans that are really unrecoverable, they will be written off as bad debts after being reported and approved according to the management authority, debited to the "loan loss reserve" account, and credited to this account (impaired). Submit for approval according to management authority Retroversion Off the table Interest receivable but not received , reduce the amount of "interest receivable but not received" account off the balance sheet.
If the confirmed and written off loan is recovered later, the balance of the original written off impaired loan shall be debited to this account (impaired) and credited“ Loan loss reserve ”Account. Debit "deposit taking", "deposit with the central bank" and other accounts according to the amount actually received, credit this account (impaired) according to the balance of the original written off impaired loans, and credit the "asset impairment loss" account according to its difference.
4、 End of period of this subject Debit balance , reflecting the amortized cost of the loans issued by the enterprise as required but not yet recovered.
Definition of loan: a way of using credit funds. On the condition of repayment, certain interest shall be paid according to the amount and time of borrowing. Loan is a kind of financing way to borrow money from the bank with the borrower's property as collateral when there is a problem with funds.

Interest rate table

People's Bank of China It was decided to lower the benchmark interest rate of RMB loans and deposits of financial institutions from October 24, 2015 to further reduce social financing costs.
List of benchmark interest rates of central bank loans in 2016:
Various loans
Annual interest rate%
Within one year (including one year)
four point three five
One to five years (including five years)
four point seven five
More than five years
four point nine zero
Personal Housing Accumulation Fund Loan
Annual interest rate%
Less than five years (including five years)
two point seven five
More than five years
three point two five
The latest benchmark bank interest rate table of 2012 (September 14, 2012)
interest rate
Current deposit
zero point three five
Lump sum deposit and withdrawal time deposit
three months
two point six zero
half a year
two point eight zero
a year
Two years
three point seven five
three years
four point two five
five years
four point seven five
Various loans
interest rate
six months
five point six zero
a year
One to three years
six point one five
Three to five years
six point four zero
More than five years
six point five five
Provident fund loan
Less than five years (including five years)
More than five years
four point five zero
The latest interest rate table of bank loans in 2011
Personal Housing Accumulation Fund Loan
Medium and long term
Individual housing fund
6 months
Inside (%)
6 months to
1 year (%)
One year to
Three years (%)
Three years to
Five years (%)
Five years later
Upper (%)
Five years later
Lower (%)
Five years later
Upper (%)
six point one zero
six point five six
six point six five
six point nine zero
seven point zero five
four point four five
four point nine zero
five point eight five
six point three one
six point four zero
six point six five
six point eight zero
four point two zero
four point seven zero
five point six zero
six point zero six
six point one zero
six point four five
six point six zero
four point five zero
five point three five
five point eight one
five point eight five
six point two two
six point four zero
three point seven five
four point three zero
five point one zero
five point five six
five point six zero
five point nine six
six point one four
three point five zero
four point zero five
four point eight six
five point three one
five point four zero
five point seven six
five point nine four
three point three three
three point eight seven
five point zero four
five point five eight
five point six seven
five point nine four
six point one two
three point five one
four point zero five
six point zero three
six point six six
six point seven five
seven point zero two
seven point two zero
four point zero five
four point five nine
six point one two
six point nine three
seven point zero two
seven point two nine
seven point four seven
four point zero five
four point five nine
six point one two
six point nine three
seven point zero two
seven point two nine
seven point four seven
four point three two
four point eight six
six point two one
seven point two zero
seven point two nine
seven point five six
seven point seven four
four point five nine
five point one three
six point five seven
seven point four seven
seven point five six
seven point seven four
seven point eight three
four point seven seven
five point two two
six point four eight
seven point two nine
seven point four seven
seven point six five
seven point eight three
four point seven seven
five point two two
six point two one
seven point zero two
seven point two zero
seven point three eight
seven point five six
four point five nine
five point zero four
six point zero three
six point eight four
seven point zero two
seven point two zero
seven point three eight
four point five zero
four point nine five
five point eight five
six point five seven
six point seven five
six point nine three
seven point two zero
four point four one
four point eight six
five point six seven
six point three nine
six point five seven
six point seven five
seven point one one
four point three two
four point seven seven
five point five eight
six point one two
six point three zero
six point four eight
six point eight four
four point one four
four point five nine
five point four zero
five point eight five
six point zero three
six point one two
six point three nine
four point one four
four point five nine
five point two two
five point five eight
five point seven six
five point eight five
six point one two
three point nine six
four point four one
Adjustment Table of Housing Mortgage Loan Interest Rate after the Latest Interest Rate Increase
lending rate
Interest rate before adjustment
Adjusted interest rate
1、 Deposits of urban and rural residents and units
(1) Current deposit
zero point three six
zero point three six
(2) Lump sum deposit and withdrawal time deposit
three months
one point seven one
one point nine one
half a year
one point nine eight
two point two zero
a year
two point two five
two point five zero
Two years
two point seven nine
three point two five
three years
three point three three
three point eight five
five years
three point six zero
four point two zero
2、 Various loans
six months
four point eight six
five point one zero
a year
five point three one
five point five six
One to three years
five point four zero
five point six zero
Three to five years
five point seven six
five point nine six
More than five years
five point nine four
six point one four

Financing conditions

First, in terms of loan varieties, it is generally advisable to gradually upgrade from small to large. You can first apply to the bank through effective pledge, mortgage or third-party guarantee and other procedures Working capital loan , and then apply for project loan when you have certain strength.
Second, in terms of the amount of loans, since private operators are generally not very wealthy, they should act within their capabilities and try to avoid large investment.
Third, in terms of the loan interest rate, according to the relevant regulations of the People's Bank of China, commercial banks and urban and rural credit cooperatives can raise the loan interest rate for private operators by less than 30%. However, the floating rates of banks and credit cooperatives are not the same, so when applying for loans, you can 'shop around' and try to choose financial institutions with small interest rate floating rates to lend.
Fourth, in terms of the loan term of bank financing loans, the current short-term loans are divided into two interest rate grades: six months (including six months) and six to twelve months (including one year). For short-term loans with a term of less than one year, the contractual interest rate is applied, and the interest is not calculated in sections; Medium and long-term loans can be divided into three grades: 1~3 years, 3~5 years and more than 5 years. The interest of medium and long-term loans will be calculated by sections. In case of loan interest rate adjustment, the new interest rate of loans of the same grade in the same period will be implemented on January 1 of the next year.

Implementation standards

Specify loan conditions
bank loans
The loan conditions mainly include two aspects: loan interest rate and loan time limit, and a certain punitive interest rate can be adopted for short-term loans. When the lender of last resort system of the central bank gives assistance, the recipients should pay a corresponding price, which can not only include punitive interest rates, but also seek other ways, such as additional charges. As for the time limit of the loan, a unified time limit may not be determined, but it cannot be indefinite, that is, the assistance provided by the lender of last resort is valid and must be repaid when the time limit expires. This ensures that the lender of last resort system provides a stable mechanism support, rather than the purpose of insurance; At the same time, the Bank is also urged to strengthen its own management, improve its operational efficiency and get out of the crisis as soon as possible.
Clarify the choice of aid modes
bank loans
In the environment of gradual restructuring and full opening of the banking industry, the last lender We should diversify our assistance methods and adopt flexible ways to adapt to different situations.
First, strictly restrict the way of refinancing. Although refinancing can alleviate the crisis of financial institutions to a certain extent, it has little effect on maintaining the stability of the entire financial system. On the contrary, the increase in the amount of refinancing has exacerbated the central bank's NPL ratio , which also leads to an excessive supply of basic money and a certain degree of inflation. The lender of last resort should strictly limit the use of this method when rescuing the banks in question.
Second, carefully implement the rediscount window. When China's banking industry is fully open to the outside world, commercial banks often have the possibility of insufficient liquidity, insolvency or even crisis or bankruptcy. In this case, rediscount measures will play the role of lender of last resort. During implementation, it shall be ensured that Rediscount rate higher than Interbank offered rate In terms of aid recipients, ensure that recipients are unable to access other financing channels (such as Interbank borrowing market )The lender of last resort from the central bank should be available to avoid commercial banks obtaining rediscount funds and then re lending to the interbank lending market to earn interest margins, so as to prevent them from relying on the People's Bank of China.
Third, norms Open market business This is the lender of last resort's injection of liquidity and adjustment into the banking system Liquidity of commercial banks The horizontal medium is the central bank lender of last resort The deformation form of. In 2023, Open market operation The business is used more and more frequently, and the business is more and more active.
In order to adapt to different situations, the lender of last resort can also play its role in the form of central bank guarantee and commitment. In the event of a systemic crisis, the central bank, as the lender of last resort, usually tries to assure the public that it will take firm measures and limit the scope of any financial turbulence.
Differences between bank loans and financial leasing
1. Financing line. Bank loans are greatly affected by national macro-control and central bank credit policies; The financing line of financial leasing is determined by the customer's qualification conditions and equipment value, and the range of line is large;
2. Financing term. Banks generally have a term of less than one year Working capital loan Dominant; The maximum length of finance lease can be 3 years;
3. Repayment method. The principal repayment method of the bank is relatively simple; Financial leasing can provide flexible installment plan;
4. Guarantee method. Banks generally require real estate mortgage or approved third-party guarantee; Financial leasing is mainly determined flexibly according to the qualification conditions of customers, and generally uses the purchased machine tools as collateral.


Compared with other financing methods, the main disadvantages of bank loans are:
First, the conditions are harsh, there are too many restrictive clauses, and the procedures are too complicated, which is time-consuming and laborious, and sometimes it can not run for a year;
Second, the loan term is relatively short, and the long-term investment is rarely available;
Third, the loan amount is relatively small, so it is difficult to solve all the funds needed for enterprise development through banks. Especially for enterprises in the initial and start-up stages, the risk of loans is high, and it is difficult to obtain bank loans.

lending rate

Annual interest rate (%)
Monthly interest rate (‰)
Monthly payment amount (yuan)
Total principal and interest (yuan)
6 months
Repayment of principal and interest at maturity
three hundred
ten thousand four hundred and fifty-six
four point five zero
four hundred and forty
thirteen thousand two hundred and forty-two
four point five zero
four hundred and forty point five one
ten thousand five hundred and seventy-two point one eight
four point five zero
three hundred and one point five one
ten thousand eight hundred and fifty-four point two nine
four point eight zero
two hundred and thirty-three point seven five
eleven thousand two hundred and twenty point zero seven
four point eight zero
one hundred and ninety-two point two one
eleven thousand five hundred and thirty-two point eight four
four point nine five
one hundred and sixty-five point four five
eleven thousand nine hundred and twelve point one zero
four point nine five
one hundred and forty-five point eight zero
twelve thousand two hundred and forty-seven point zero four
four point nine five
one hundred and thirty-one point one two
twelve thousand five hundred and eighty-seven point seven five
four point nine five
one hundred and nineteen point seven six
twelve thousand nine hundred and thirty-four point one nine
four point nine five
one hundred and ten point seven two
thirteen thousand two hundred and eighty-six point three three
four point nine five
one hundred and three point three six
thirteen thousand six hundred and forty-four point one four
four point nine five
ninety-seven point two seven
fourteen thousand and seven point five seven
four point nine five
ninety-two point one six
fourteen thousand three hundred and seventy-six point five eight
four point nine five
eighty-seven point eight zero
fourteen thousand seven hundred and fifty-one point one two
four point nine five
eighty-four point zero six
fifteen thousand one hundred and thirty-one point one four
four point nine five
eighty point eight two
fifteen thousand five hundred and sixteen point five eight
four point nine five
seventy-seven point nine eight
fifteen thousand nine hundred and seven point three eight
four point nine five
seventy-five point four eight
sixteen thousand three hundred and three point four nine
four point nine five
seventy-three point two seven
sixteen thousand seven hundred and four point eight five
four point nine five
seventy-one point three zero
seventeen thousand one hundred and eleven point three seven
four point nine five
sixty-nine point five four
seventeen thousand five hundred and twenty-three point zero one
four point nine five
sixty-seven point nine five
seventeen thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine point six eight
four point nine five
sixty-six point five three
eighteen thousand three hundred and sixty-one point three one
four point nine five
sixty-five point two four
eighteen thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven point eight three
four point nine five
sixty-four point zero six
nineteen thousand two hundred and nineteen point one six
four point nine five
nineteen thousand six hundred and fifty-five point two two
four point nine five
sixty-two point zero two
twenty thousand and ninety-five point nine three
four point nine five
sixty-one point one three
twenty thousand five hundred and forty-one point two one
four point nine five
sixty point three two
twenty thousand nine hundred and ninety point nine eight
four point nine five
fifty-nine point five seven
twenty-one thousand four hundred and forty-five point one four

Overdue increase

Behind the beautiful performance landscape of the banking industry, the quality of bank credit assets has always been worrying Credit asset quality It was tested. Some joint-stock banks' interim performance reports also verified this concern.
The banking regulatory indicators for the second quarter previously released by the CBRC showed that Bank non-performing loans The month on month recovery is greater than that of state-owned banks. The non-performing loan balance of state-owned big banks rose 0.9% month on month, and the non-performing loan balance of joint-stock banks, urban commercial banks, rural commercial banks and foreign-funded banks rose 8.1%, 12.3%, 13.9% and 20.8% respectively.
Overdue loans increased significantly
During the slowdown of economic growth, some small and medium-sized enterprises experienced certain difficulties in operation, especially in Zhejiang, where private lending was more prevalent, which became an important reason for the decline of bank asset quality this round. Take Ping An Bank as an example. In terms of industry, 78% of its new non-performing loans came from the manufacturing industry; From a regional perspective, 88% of the new non-performing loans in the first half of the year came from the eastern region, which shows that the operating difficulties of SMEs in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai have a great impact on the asset quality of Ping An Bank.
Shanghai Pudong Development Bank is no exception. The bank said in its semi annual report: "Affected by the regional economy, the company's new non-performing loans in the first half of 2012 were mainly concentrated in Wenzhou and Hangzhou, and the quality of loans in other regions remained basically stable. In view of the increased credit risks in Wenzhou and Hangzhou in the first half of 2012, the company has taken account of the loan reserves."
However, some analysts believe that there is an obvious phenomenon in the change of asset quality of listed banks: some banks have increased their non-performing loans more than at the beginning of the year, and their overdue loans have also increased more over the same period. The non-performing ratio has increased more, the provision coverage has declined faster, and the asset quality pressure they will face in the future will also be greater.
From the perspective of overdue loans, as of the end of the period, the overdue loans of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank were 12.3 billion yuan, an increase of 5.51 billion yuan, or 88.1%, compared with 6.79 billion yuan at the beginning of the period. The balance of overdue loans of Minsheng Bank was 16.849 billion yuan, an increase of 63.22%; Overdue loans of Ping An Bank in the first half of the year increased by 51% compared with the beginning of the year; The balance of overdue loans of China Merchants Bank was 18.834 billion yuan, an increase of 38.27%; Overdue loans of Industrial Bank increased by 37% half year on month; The balance of overdue loans of Huaxia Bank was 5.858 billion yuan, an increase of about 30.7%.
Although overdue loans may not necessarily turn into non-performing loans, and eventually cause impairment losses of banks. However, the substantial growth of overdue loans still makes the market credit Asset quality raised concerns.

Loan Skills

Seeking the lowest loan cost with a lower interest rate: because the pricing strategies of financial products are different, the same loan variety has different interest rates in different banks. In addition to selecting the interest rate level, other factors should also be considered, such as whether to pay the service charge for the loan, whether to evaluate the collateral and other factors that may lead to increased costs.
The difference of different repayment methods can reach ten thousand yuan: the bank has stipulated a variety of flexible ways to repay the loan, and there are two commonly used ways - "equal monthly repayment" and "equal monthly principal repayment". With different repayment methods, the difference in monetary costs can reach tens of thousands of yuan.
"Large amount repayment" reduces the total loan amount and saves interest; Make full use of the fine regulations related to loans to further reduce the cost of loans.

types of loans

June 1996 by People's Bank of China In the General Principles of Loans, loans are classified as follows:
(1) Self operated loans, entrusted loans and specific loans
Self operated loan refers to the loan independently issued by the lender with funds raised in a legal manner, the risk of which shall be borne by the lender, and the principal and interest shall be recovered by the lender. Entrusted loan refers to the loan that is provided by government departments, enterprises, institutions, individuals and other principals, and issued, supervised and assisted by the lender (the trustee) according to the loan object, purpose, amount, term, interest rate, etc. determined by the trustor. The lender (trustee) only charges service fees and does not bear the loan risk. Specific loans refer to those approved by the State Council and ordered to Wholly state-owned commercial banks Loans granted.
(2) Short term loans, medium term loans and long-term loans
Short term loans refer to loans with a term of no more than one year. Medium term loan refers to the loan with a term of more than one year (excluding one year) and less than five years (including five years). Long term loans refer to loans with a term of five years or more.
(3) Credit loans, guaranteed loans and bill discounting
Credit loan refers to the loan issued in the borrower's reputation. Guaranteed loans refer to guaranteed loans, mortgage loans and pledged loans. Secured loan refers to the loan《 Guarantee Law of the People's Republic of China 》The stipulated guarantee is undertaken by a third party as agreed when the borrower fails to repay the loan General warranty liability Or loans issued by joint and several liabilities. Mortgage loan refers to the loan issued with the property of the borrower or a third party as collateral in the form of mortgage as stipulated in the Guarantee Law of the People's Republic of China. Pledged loan refers to the loan issued with the movable property or rights of the borrower or a third person as collateral in the form of pledge as stipulated in the Guarantee Law of the People's Republic of China. The term "bill discount" refers to a loan granted by a lender to purchase the borrower's undue commercial bills.
Loan Skills
Seeking the lowest loan cost with a lower interest rate: because the pricing strategies of financial products are different, the same loan variety has different interest rates in different banks. In addition to selecting the interest rate level, other factors should also be considered, such as whether to pay the service charge for the loan, whether to evaluate the collateral and other factors that may lead to increased costs.
The difference of different repayment methods can reach ten thousand yuan: the bank has stipulated a variety of flexible ways to repay the loan, and there are two commonly used ways - "equal monthly repayment" and "equal monthly principal repayment". With different repayment methods, the difference in monetary costs can reach tens of thousands of yuan.