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Guisheng Academy

Guangdong Ancient Architecture
Guisheng Academy in Guangdong Province Zhanjiang City Xuwen County Xucheng Town In the old city. Dramatist of Ming Dynasty Tang Xianzu Demobilized in the 19th year of Wanli (1591) Xu Wen When the history was written down, the local scholars were moved to commit suicide, so they proposed to build this academy. It was built many times in the Qing Dynasty and rebuilt in 1984.
Chinese name
Guisheng Academy
Time of establishment
School motto
A gentleman learns the Tao and loves others. All life in the world should be valuable
major awards
In 1990, it was listed as a provincial cultural relics protection unit in Guangdong
Well known alumni
Tang Xianzu
Inside the Old City of Xucheng Town, Xuwen County, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province

brief introduction

Guisheng Academy is located in Shengdian Pond (now Nanmen Pond )50 meters to the east, there was a stone road Cloud Climbing Tower (Ming Dynasty architecture) has been extended to the Academy and connected with the Confucian Temple, forming the basic pattern of Xuwen's culture and education.


Guisheng Academy, Xuwen County, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province
Today, when we enter Guisheng Academy, we are more interested in learning and learning than in honoring and remembering. In this Academy, we can see the general style of education in the Ming and Qing dynasties and the general layout of the Academy.
Guisheng Academy is located in the north and south. It is a quadrangle courtyard Architecture. There is a three bay front hall of the Academy, 13.5 meters wide and 7 meters deep. It is a brick and tile structure on the top of the hard mountain, with two front eaves columns. There is a plaque on the front hall gate, "Guisheng Academy". There are several lush phoenix trees and ancient banyan trees in the front courtyard of the Academy, and an ancient well called "Dream Spring", which is said to have been carved by Tang Xianzu. 19.6 meters ahead along the front hall, there are two eastern and western learning houses, each with six bays, 16 meters wide and 6.5 meters deep, of brick and tile structure. The study rooms of the Ming and Qing dynasties were divided into 12 classrooms: erudite, interrogative, deliberate, discerning, conscientious, practical, intellectual, self-cultivation, family and state governance. The main hall between the two study rooms is the lecture hall, which is 7.1 meters deep and 6.3 meters wide. There is also an ancient pavilion in the courtyard of the Academy. There are many ancient steles carved in the courtyard, including the stele of "Rules of the Academy", the stele of "Five Masters' Regulations on Binxing", the stele of "Guisheng Academy Official Land", and the new donation stele.
In front of Guisheng Academy, there is a stone road of the Ming Dynasty, which is 732 meters long and 4.6 meters wide. It runs from east to west. There are two tracks formed by ox cart wheels on the road, which is 13 cm deep. 300 meters west along the stone road, there is a school palace. It was built in the Ming Dynasty, and only the Dacheng Hall remains. It was rebuilt in 1986 and is now in good condition. The Academy and Stone Path are Cultural relics protection units in Guangdong Province


Rebuild and protect the Academy and inherit the spirit of "valuing students"
The current Guisheng Academy was rebuilt in the third year of Daoguang Reign of the Qing Dynasty, expanding its area and renovating it on the original scale of the Ming Dynasty. The Academy was rebuilt again in 1985 and listed as a provincial cultural relics protection unit in Guangdong in 1990.
Guisheng Academy
In order to commemorate and publicize his educational ideology and the spirit of valuing life, the Academy has now been rearranged. Tang Xianzu's seat sculpture is placed on the rostrum in the hall, and Tang Xianzu's poem "Heaven and earth are the most precious, heaven and earth are the only life" is written on the wall of the sitting portrait, and a series of Tang Xianzu's clean government culture displays are also available.
The exhibition of Tang Xianzu's deeds and cultural relics is arranged in the two rows of wing rooms. In the exhibition, we can see the commemoration and admiration of Tang Xianzu by scholars of all dynasties and the high praise of Tang Xianzu by modern and contemporary celebrities. Scholars of past dynasties will pay homage to Tang Xianzu in Guisheng Academy when they come to Xuwenlai; Scholars of past dynasties also often met in the academy.
Among them, Tian Han, the playwright, wrote a poem "The monument of Guisheng Academy is still meaningful in Xu Wen of hundreds of generations", which not only summarizes Tang Xianzu's pursuit, but also expresses our admiration for our ancestors.
Reason for establishment
Tang Xianzu. portrait
Ancient Guangdong Xu Wen People in the county are aggressive, Tang Xianzu In order to promote the civilized indigenous customs of the Central Plains
Tang Xianzu named the 12 classrooms of the Academy as interrogation, erudite, thoughtful, discerning, dedicated, objective, knowledge, sincerity, integrity, self-cultivation, family and country governance, and《 Xu Wen Leaving Guisheng Academy 》In one article, he said: "Heaven and earth are the most important things. The universe is the only thing in this life. The sea waves are always drumming, and who knows the feelings of life." Tang Xianzu treated his disciples equally in teaching, taught them in accordance with their aptitude, and helped them to talk and practice. He never tire of paying attention to them every day.
Xiong Min, the magistrate of Xuwen County, donated salary silver to set up a "Guisheng Academy" at the side of Ximen Pond in Xuwen County to teach people to know books and rituals, understand the importance of life, and transform the custom of light living. He also publicized the philosophy of life that "a gentleman should love others when he learns the Tao" and that "all life under the heaven should be valuable".
Through Tang Xianzu's education and publicity, Xu Wen's style of writing gradually flourished and the imperial examinations prevailed.
The inscription of Wang Fuzi Bin Xing in the Qing Dynasty says: "Since Mr. Chen came to Xu Wenjian Academy in the Ming Dynasty, and Xu Yizhi studied, the Muqi educator dropped out of Wei Kedeng to be an official, and later he became the first to shine, and the style of writing was extremely good." Xu Wen suffered from drought for several years from the 19th year of Wanli to Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty, and the people did not have enough food to eat. But everyone studied, and there were still 15 people who were outstanding. Xu Wen in the Ming and Qing dynasties repaired the Guisheng Academy for many times, and formulated the Regulations of the Academy. He also allocated 96 stones of Xuetian as the fund for the association. It can be seen that Tang learning has gone deep into Xu Wen's heart. The news of Tang Xianzu's death reached Xu Wen, who built the "Tang Gong Temple" to express the respect and memory of the local people for him.
History Tang Xianzu and Xu Wenguisheng Academy
Ancient Guisheng Academy
In the 19th year of Wanli (1591) of the Ming Dynasty, Tang Xianzu was demoted to the history of Xuwen County, Guangdong Province, because he offended the Shenzong by impeachment language. In Xuwen, Tang Xianzu "deeply felt that people here were frivolous and did not know etiquette", so he teamed up with Xiong Min, a fellow villager and county magistrate, to jointly establish Guisheng Academy.
Tang Xianzu advocates love and "valuing life", which is the soul of his drama and the purpose of his education. Tang Xianzu set foot on Xu Wen's land with his idea of "valuing life", "setting up the Guisheng Academy to give lectures, and the morale of the people will be greatly improved". Since then, Xu Wen has formed the Binxing system to educate the local people and open their minds.
"The capital of dredging up foolishness is isolated from the sea. It is lucky that the elders will be inspired. When returning home and getting sick, it will be more humiliating and even worse for them to eat. When Xu heard about a few idle fields, he added a mouthful, which can be said to be a waste of food. If he wants to hang Changsha for nine days, he will cherish Hunan and thunder, and spend a night in the Guisheng Academy. What is it like to regard people at sea as valuing their own lives? Ten thousand miles of flaming Ming, ice and snow love themselves."
——Excerpted from Tang Xianzu's Answer to Xu Wen's Bear Order (the 19th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty (1587 AD))
In the 15th year of Wanli (1583) of the Ming Dynasty, Tang Xianzu took "Guisheng" to Xuwen [1]
Why did Tang Xianzu, a great talent, dramatist and educator in Linchuan of the Ming Dynasty, have a special liking for Xu Wenru? It starts from the 15th year of Wanli (1583) of the Ming Dynasty. Tang Xianzu, who reported on duty in Beijing that year, was extremely worried and dissatisfied with the reality when he witnessed the national famine and the border guard Taozhou crash. In the leap March of the 19th year of Wanli (1591), the appearance of comets was regarded as an "ominous omen" at that time, and the Shenzong took this opportunity to blame the officials. Tang Xianzu felt that the time had come, and Shangshu impeached those officials who had no deeds, and offended the Shenzong, and was demoted to the history of Xuwen County, Guangdong Province.
"Heaven and earth are precious, and heaven and earth only live in this life", "All life in the world should be rich and noble", Tang Xianzu praised "life is precious", which is consistent with the "supreme love" advocated in his dramatic thought. In the inscription of "Peony Pavilion", he said: "The living can die, the dead can live, and the dead can not die, and the dead can not be revived, and neither is the supreme love."
Tang Xianzu respected life and emotion, which is not only the soul of his drama, but also the purpose of his education. This kind of educational thought is the representative of the anti Neo Confucianism in the Ming Dynasty - Neo Confucianism imprisons human nature and human desire. Tang Xianzu advocates love and "valuing life".
Tang Xianzu's thought of "valuing life" has three characteristics: first, everything is people-centered and people oriented; The second is to question suicide and reflect on human nature; The third is to realize the idea of "valuing students" by educational means on the platform of academy. These thoughts are mainly reflected in his "Guisheng Academy Theory" and "Ming Fu Theory" written by Xu Wen.
In the 19th year of Wanli (1591) of the Ming Dynasty, "Guisheng" was used to create a college to enlighten people
Tang Xianzu was in charge of the assistant politics of the Crown Prince during his reign( Doctor Taichang Temple )He was able to be upright both in court and out of office. At that time, he dropped from the sixth grade to the fifth grade, which was a rise and fall from central officials to local petty officials. As an educator, Tang Xianzu's educational ideas are not only reflected in the guidance to the Crown Prince, but also reflected in his practice of local education.
In the 19th year of the Wanli era of the Ming Dynasty (1591), Tang Xianzu was demoted to a desolate place in the south of the Five Ridges (Southern Barbarians) thousands of miles away from Beijing because he offended the emperor's dignitaries. Xu Wen, "deeply aware that people here are too lazy to learn etiquette," joined his fellow prefect Xiong Min to jointly establish Guisheng Academy and elucidate the educational proposition of "Guisheng".
Liu Yingqiu, Tang Xianzu's contemporary Tanhua, affirmed his thought and pursuit of founding the academy with "valuing life" in "Guisheng Academy Record": "righteousness is still self serving, and training all disciples". In his Biography of Mr. Yumingtang, Cai Shiquan, a scholar of the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, even called Tang Xianzu "setting up the Guisheng Academy to give lectures, and the morale of Tang Xianzu was greatly improved".
The idea of "valuing life" advocated by Tang Xianzu has influenced more than ten generations of Xuwen people. From the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, many students followed the sages and worked hard to study, and the number of aspirants increased greatly. According to incomplete statistics, during the 223 years from the beginning of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty to the 19th year of Wanli (that is, before Tang Xianzu was demoted to Xuwen), only 14 people were selected by Xuwen, while 13 people were selected during the 53 years from the 19th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty to the last year of Chongzhen.
Since Tang Xianzu created a new situation of land education for Xu Wen, Xu Wen has attached great importance to education, and many schools have appeared in the same era. In addition to the Confucian Temple built in the Hongzhi period, Mengxi Academy and other institutions of ritual and moral education, such as Mingshan, Chongde, Guangye Restoration Society, have been established. Since then, Xu Wen has formed a Binxing system to educate the local people and open their minds.
Today, the "Five Masters Bingxing Regulations Fangming Stele" still exists in the academy, and continues to this day. present situation
Cultural Exploration and Revitalization: Realizing Tang Xianzu's Educational Dream
Today, Tang Xianzu's influence in Xuwen can still be seen everywhere. Xuwen County Discipline Inspection Commission has held an integrity education base in Guisheng Academy to promote the idea of valuing life; Xuwen County Education Bureau Hold Guisheng School here to continue Tang Xianzu's educational philosophy; People set up Guisheng Society to deeply study Tang Xianzu's thought and creation.
With the joint efforts of all walks of life, Xu Wen is actively building a culture of valuing life. As a provincial-level cultural relics protection unit, Guisheng Academy has been renovated and rebuilt again and again, which is as bright as yesterday, not only preserving the school running standards of the Ming Dynasty, but also restoring the scale after the restoration of the Qing Dynasty. At present, the exhibition area and activity area have also been expanded to the county museum and Guisheng Park to fully display the influence of Tang Xianzu's thought and the value of running a school. plan
Not long ago, the Counsellor's Office of Guangdong Provincial Government organized experts to visit the cultural site of Guisheng Academy and made instructions to research and develop it as a key cultural protection unit in the province, which will become a cultural and educational base in the province. Therefore, under this instruction, the local culture, history, culture and education department carried out a variety of cultural explorations, committed to creating new cultural attractions, and combined with the goal of strengthening the county through education, worked hard to achieve cultural revitalization and realize Tang Xianzu's education dream for hundreds of years.