State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision

State administrative departments
zero Useful+1
synonym Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision (National functional department) generally refers to the National Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision
State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision (English: The state bureau of quality and technical supervision) It is the implementation of the national product quality law Metrology Standardization method Of State administration One of the functional departments.
Chinese name
State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision
Foreign name
The state bureau of quality and technical supervision
undertake the state council Other matters assigned

Main responsibilities

(1) Formulate and implement relevant national policies Quality and technical supervision Work guidelines, policies, laws and regulations, and formulate and issue rules and regulations. Organize the implementation of relevant laws and regulations, guide and supervise Administrative law enforcement Work. Manage the filing of technical regulations related to quality and technical supervision.
(2) Management Quality supervision Work. Manage and guide quality Supervision and inspection Manage Products Quality arbitration Inspection and appraisal. Organize and coordinate the investigation and treatment of the quality in the production and distribution of fake and inferior commodities according to law illegal activities
(III) Macro management And guide the national quality work. Organization and implementation《 Outline of Quality Promotion 》。 To study and draw up plans to improve the quality level of China development strategy Promote advanced Quality Assurance Experience and methods. Coordinate the establishment of major engineering equipment quality supervision system. Responsible for organizing major products quality accident Investigation of. Administration license for the manufacturing of industrial products Work.
(4) Unified management national standard Plan, approval, numbering and release of. Organize the formulation of national standards (including standard samples), coordinate and guide Industry standards Local standards Formulation and management of industrial standards and local Standard filing Supervise the implementation of standards. Manage the whole country Organization code and Commodity barcode Work.
(5) Unified management of measurement work. implement Legal measurement unit And national measurement system. Organization establishment, approval and management national standard of measurement And reference materials. formulate Measuring instruments Country of Verification system Table Verification regulation And metrological technical specifications, and organize the transfer of measurement values. Standardize and supervise the measurement of commodity quantity.
(6) Unified management and supervision Certification and accreditation Work. Study and formulate rules, regulations, approval and guidance for certification and accreditation Authorized institutions and Certification personnel Registration Authority. Coordination and supervision of implementation Mandatory management Of Safety certification Authorize, supervise and manage quality inspection institutions according to law Intermediary organizations Implement qualification recognition, supervision and management.
(7) Comprehensive management of boiler Pressure vessel , elevator Explosion proof electrical apparatus etc. special equipment To carry out safety supervision, formulate rules and regulations and organize their implementation. Supervise and inspect the import and export of boilers and pressure vessels.
(8) Organize the formulation of development plans for quality and technical supervision. Organize and coordinate the quality and technical supervision work of the industry and specialty. To manage and guide the scientific and technological work of quality and technical supervision. Organize and manage the publicity, education, training information work Organize the implementation of relevant professional Professional qualifications Work. Units directly under the Administration shall guide the work of affiliated societies and associations.
(9) Authority and direct subordinate Affiliated unit Of international co-operation Transaction. Represent the country to participate in international or regional organizations related to quality and technical supervision, sign and implement international cooperation agreements, and approve and implement international cooperation and exchange projects. To manage the notification and consultation of China's WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade.
(10) To undertake other tasks assigned by the State Council.


Beijing Haidian District 9 Madian East Road