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Proton decay

A hypothetical radioactive decay
Proton decay Particle physics On, it is a hypothetical Radioactive decay This hypothesis predicts that proton stay decay Will become lighter Subatomic particle , usually neutral pions and positron
Chinese name
Proton decay
Foreign name
Proton decay
Field of application
Particle physics
Is a hypothetical Radioactive decay



Proton decay has never been confirmed, and there is still no evidence to show the possibility of proton decay.
stay Standard Model Theory Medium, proton is baryon In theory, it is stable because proton Of Baryon number Is roughly conservation I.e proton Not with Perturbation The form of decays into other particles because proton Is already the lightest (and therefore the lowest energy) baryon Some grand unified theories (GUTs) beyond the scope of the standard model theory explicitly deny Baryon number The symmetry of allows protons to pass through X boson And decay. Proton decay is one of the few observable GUTs proposed. Now, all attempts to observe this decay None of our experiments succeeded.