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Shelf life

Time to retain any nutritional value declared on the label
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Shelf life means that food can be stored safely under recommended conditions; Ensure ideal sensory, physicochemical and microbial properties; Retain any nutritional value declared on the label for a period of time.
Chinese name
Shelf life
Foreign name
Shelf life
huò jià qī

Shelf life of food

It refers to the period for maintaining food quality (quality) under the conditions specified on the label. During this period, the food is completely suitable for sale and meets the quality (quality) specified on the label or in the product standard; After this period, the food is still edible for a certain period of time. (GB7718-94)
The shelf life of food depends on four factors: formula, processing technology, packaging and storage conditions. Changing any of them may affect the shelf-life of products - either positive or negative.

Shelf life content

Microbial control , color stability, yeast and mold inhibition, taste stability, texture stability and flavor stability. Shelf life problems also have a wide range of appearances, including oxidative browning, oxidation of flavor substances (especially oil phase), dehydration shrinkage (moisture absorption or water separation) or deliquescence (hardening and abnormal crystallization)