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Responsibility objectives

The planned indicators of the enterprise have been broken down layer by layer and implemented to each responsibility center, becoming the goal of each responsibility center
Responsibility objectives refer to the planned indicators (general objectives of the enterprise) of the enterprise, which are broken down layer by layer and implemented to each responsibility center, and become the goal of each responsibility center. Factors to be considered in establishing responsibility objectives include: (1) whether the objectives summarize the business characteristics of each responsibility center; (2) Whether the contents contained in the objectives are related to the economic responsibilities of each responsibility center; (3) Whether the goal is advanced and reasonable, and whether it can play a guiding role. [1]
Chinese name
Responsibility objectives
General objectives of the enterprise
(4) Whether the objectives are conducive to improvement; (5) Whether the goal can motivate people to strive for completion; (6) Whether the objectives can be measured and assessed in the implementation process; (7) Whether the goal is coordinated with other goals; (8) Whether the implementation of objectives is bound by specific rules and regulations, and specific responsibility measures are taken to ensure it. (9) Whether the completion of each responsibility goal can guarantee the completion of the overall goal of the enterprise. See "Responsibility Indicators".