
Lambranchia or Bivalvia
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Shellfish, i.e Molluscs Class of. It is three germ layers, symmetrical on both sides, and has true Coelom Of animals. The true coelom of mollusks is formed by the split coelom method, that is, the coelom formed by the mesoderm. However, the true coelom of mollusks is not developed, and only exists in the pericardiocoelom and gonadal coelom. Molluscs vary greatly in morphology, but can be divided into four parts in structure: head, foot, visceral sac and mantle. The head is located at the front of the body, and the feet are located at the back of the head and the ventral surface of the body. It is a multi muscular and fleshy motor organ protruding from the body wall. The visceral sac is located at the back of the body, and is an internal organ surrounded by the soft body wall. The mantle is a membrane or a pair of membranes formed by the extension and drooping of the body wall on the back of the body. The cavity between the mantle and the visceral sac is the mantle cavity. Calcium carbonate is secreted from the mantle to the body surface, forming one or two shells around the whole body. A few kinds of shells are surrounded by the body wall or completely disappear. These basic structures have great changes and differences in different classes. Molluscs have complete digestive tract, respiratory and circulatory systems, and more evolved than the original kidney Metanephric (metanephridium)。 Molluscs are various and widely distributed. There are more than 110000 existing species and 35000 fossil species, which is the second largest category in the animal kingdom after arthropods. In particular, some molluscs use "lungs" to breathe, and their bodies have the ability to regulate water, making molluscs and arthropods the only terrestrial animals suitable for living on the ground invertebrate
Chinese name
Animal kingdom
Distribution area
Mainly distributed in the ocean
Common types
Oysters , mussel, clam, snail

brief introduction

Due to the different waters where they live, shellfish can be divided into different species - some live in salt water, such as the sea, or live in fresh water, such as rivers and streams. The most famous marine shellfish is the grayish black mussel, and the pearl mussel is widely distributed in the freshwater basin. The breeding season of shellfish is between spring and summer. The female shellfish lays eggs in the water, and correspondingly, the male shellfish also discharges mature sperm into the water. A certain chemical signal is used between them to ensure simultaneous emission. Sperm and egg meet in water and fertilize. Soon, the fertilized eggs hatch out small larvae. These larvae gradually develop into young shellfish. After about four weeks, they grew out of their shells and fell to the bottom. They stay there and gradually attach themselves to passing fish like a ship throwing an anchor. This "anchor" is some thin flagella, which is also called "beard" [1]


There are many kinds of shellfish, such as red shellfish, salamander, snail, conch, clam, clam, etc [2]

Form and structure

The body of shellfish is soft, symmetrical and undivided Axe foot Visceral sac , mantle and shell 5 parts. The head has sensory organs such as mouth, eyes and antennae. The foot of the axe is on the belly of the body and is composed of strong muscles. It is an organ for crawling, digging mud or swimming. Visceral vesicles are located on the back of the body, including heart , kidney, stomach, intestine Digestive gland and Gonad And other internal organs. The mantle is wrapped around the outside of the body and consists of two layers of epidermis, connective tissue and a few muscles. Mantle Epidermal cell Secretory shells, mantle and shells are protective organs of shellfish.
The nervous system of shellfish consists of four pairs of ganglia of brain, foot, side and viscera and the nerves connected with them. Cerebral nerve The ganglion is located on the dorsal side of the esophagus and sends nerves to the head and front of the body; Ganglia pedis Located in the front of the foot, it sends nerves to the foot; Lateral ganglia Located in the front of the body, it sends nerves to the coat and gills; The visceral ganglia are located in the back of the body and send nerves to the visceral organs. The primitive species of shellfish have simple nervous system and no significant ganglia. The more evolved species form ganglia, while the more evolved species form "brain" with ganglia concentrated in the head. sense organ It mainly includes antenna, eye Balancing bursa Olfactometer Etc.
The digestive system includes the mouth, lingual esophagus Gastrointestinal , anus and accessory Digestive gland Among them, the tongue is a special organ for licking and grinding food of shellfish, and is one of the important basis for classification.
Shellfish gill And lung breathing. The aquatic species have gills, which are usually formed by the extension of the skin inside the mantle, and are called the gills. There are gill filaments on both sides or one side of the gill axis of each gill slice, and cilia on the gill. According to the movement of cilia, the respiratory water flows through the gills in a certain way gas exchange Some species lose their own gills and breathe with the secondary gills (posterior gills) formed on the skin surface or on the skin surface. A part of the mantle of terrestrial species forms a pulmonary chamber with dense pulse network, so as to breathe in the air.
The circulating system is generally open tube type, but in advanced Cephalopods Arterial and venous tubes are connected by microvessels to form closed tubes. The center of the shellfish circulatory system is the heart, which has one ventricle, one, two or four auricles. The blood contains hemocyanin, which is generally colorless. Only a few species, such as bivalve clams and Gastropods Of Snail There is heme, and the blood is red.
The main organ of the excretory system is the kidney. Kidney constitution cilia Of nephridium Forming, one end and Pericentric cavity And the other end is opened in the outer sleeve cavity. The number of kidneys varies according to the type, including 6 pairs, 2 pairs, 1 pair or only 1 pair. In addition to the kidney, some kinds of glands around the heart wall or part of the liver also have excretion function.
The reproductive system includes gonads, reproductive ducts, connectors and some accessory glands. Hermaphrodite or Hermaphrodite

Biological characteristics

The lifestyle of shellfish varies from species to species. Terrestrial species belong to gastropods, which use muscular feet to crawl on land.
The aquatic life style includes floating, swimming, crawling, fixation, perforation and parasitism. The species of planktonic life drift in the water. Generally, they are small and have thin or no shells. Some species specialize into fins, such as many species of Pteropoda and Heteropoda; Some species can secrete one Vesicle , carrying animals floating on the ocean surface, such as the sea snail Janthina )。 Swimming species can migrate long distances in the ocean, such as squid Squid Squid Ommastrephes )Their feet are specialized into wrists and funnel Carcass There are fins on both sides. You can swim quickly and steadily by spraying water from the funnel and swinging the fins. Some bivalves such as Scallop in Shell , Chlamys farreri( Chlamys )、 Sun moon shellfish Amussium ), filing clams( Lima )Although they are not species of swimming life, they can perform butterfly swimming in the sea by virtue of the rapid opening and closing of shells and the role of mantle tentacles when necessary. Most aquatic shellfish live on the bottom, or crawl and crawl on the bottom, or dig holes in the bottom, or attach to other objects. For example, jade snail and mud snail( Bullacta )Wait and crawl at the bottom of the sand, abalone Horseshoe snail Trochus )、 Salamander Turbo )Wait to crawl on the rock, some Nudibranch as Manatee Doris )、 Radish snail living in fresh water( Radix )、 Snail Planorbis )Waiting aquatic plant Climb up. Their foot muscles are particularly developed, and the plantar surface is wide and flat, which is suitable for crawling. Many benthic shellfish live in burying habitats, and most bivalves belong to this type. Their feet have well-developed muscles and are shaped like axes. They are suitable for digging mud and sand on muddy sand beaches and burying their bodies underground, such as clams( Venus )Cherry clam( Tellina )、 Razor clam Solen ), Hailang( Mya )Wait, they are developed Water inlet pipe And the outlet pipe communicates with the bottom surface for feeding and breathing. Some benthic shellfish live in camps, such as Mussel , scallops, clams( Anomia )The foot can secrete Filum pedis For attaching to rocks Coral reef , other shells or objects. Oysters Chama Chama )、 spondylus Spondylus )Wait for one Scallop shell These species generally do not move after being fixed to live on foreign objects. Some benthic shellfish live in holes on rocks, coral reefs, shells, bamboo, wood and other foreign objects, also known as perforated organisms, such as Lithophaga Lithophaga ), Asteraceae Pholadidae )Some species, rock clams( Saxicava ), shipworm( Teredo ), Matt sea bamboo shoots( Martesia ), Wood eating Sea Bamboo Shoots( Xylo-phaga )They all rely on developed water pipes and traffic outside the tunnel to draw seawater for breathing and water intake Microorganism And organic debris as food. Some shellfish also live as parasites. Exoparasitism Such as cylindrical snail( Stilifer ), parasitic on Echinoderma Carpal Step groove Medium; Internal parasitism Such as inner shell screw( Entovalva )Parasitic on anchor sea cucumber In the esophagus.
The breeding methods of shellfish vary from species to species. monoplacophora Polyphylla Excavatopoda Cephalopoda And most of the front branchials are dioecious, while the back branchials Anamorpha , probranchia and Bivalve A small part and all lungs of snails Both Hermaphrodite There are also some species with sexual changes, such as some species Oysters shipworm and Conch ( Calyptraea )Etc. Some types of hermaphrodite are fertilized by mating, and some are fertilized by releasing sperm and eggs into water or the gill cavity or "uterus" of the mother. In hermaphroditic species, two individuals fertilize each other. In some species, many individuals mate in a row. The first individual only plays a female role, the last individual only plays a male role, and the middle individual plays both a female and a male role, such as Hornless snails ( Acera )、 Sea hare ( Aplysia )Etc. Some eggs are scattered into grains, and some are egg Wrapped in the egg sheath, many egg sheaths stick together to form an egg group. The shape and structure of egg group vary with species, such as Natica Natica )The egg and sediment are bonded into a collar, Red snail Rapana )The egg sheath of Chrysanthemum The eggs of sea hares are vermicelli, commonly known as Sea flour Each egg of cuttlefish is wrapped in a round capsule, which looks like a bunch of grapes. The number of eggs laid by shellfish varies greatly due to the protection it receives in the process of fertilization and hatching. Some species that produce eggs for fertilization and hatching in water have a particularly high number of eggs, such as the egg laying American oyster( Crassostrea virgnica )It lays tens of millions to more than 100 million eggs. Juvenile food Oysters Ostrea edulis )Only hundreds of thousands to 1 million capsules will be produced. A kind of bay clam( Nucula )Capable of protecting the egg behind a shell chitin In the cyst, only 20-70 eggs were laid. Primitive gastropods The eggs are directly laid in seawater for fertilization, and the number of eggs laid is large. For example, abalone can produce more than 100000 eggs, while the eggs are laid in the "womb" for fertilized and hatched species such as snails( Viviparus )Only dozens of grains are produced, Snail ( Margarya )Only 3-5 were produced. Some species of shellfish will reach Sexual maturity , the service life is only 1 year, such as Nudibranch And some species of cephalopods. Some species have a long life span, but most of them reach sexual maturity within one year. The growth rate varies with species and environmental conditions. If the temperature is appropriate and the food is sufficient, the growth will be fast, otherwise, the growth will be slow. The life span of shellfish is the highest in bivalves, and that of mussels and Mya Mya arenaria )Can live for 10 years, Pinctada martensii Pinctadamartensi )It can live for 12 years, Clam Class has a long life, pearl mussel Margari-tana margaritifera )Can live for 80 years, Tridacna Tridacna )It can even live for one century.
The feeding mode of shellfish can be divided into predation and filter feeding. Predatory species can be divided into herbivorous and carnivorous. Many primitive gastropods, such as abalone Horseshoe snail Li Bei And many lungs snails , such as Conch Lymnaea )、 snail 、 Smoke pipe screw( Clausilia )They are herbivorous. Mesogastropoda Some of them have water pipes, such as conch( Strombus )And Neogastropoda Most of them are carnivorous. Some of them eat animal carcasses, and some eat Hydra , ring worm, bivalve crabs , fish, etc. Cephalopods are also carnivorous. They prey on bivalves, crabs, and even chase schools of fish. Most bivalves are filter feeding.

Population distribution

It is mainly distributed in the ocean, and a few species live in freshwater lakes.

Physiological characteristics

Digestion: In the original sediment feeding type, the food digestion and the structure of the digestive tract still maintain the shape and function of the original mollusk. For example, the stomach wall of protobranchials is very thin, in which the stomach projection, crystal rod and other structures are still retained. Food is digested extracellular in the stomach, and digested and absorbed intracellular in the digestive blind sac. In the advanced filter feeding species, there are no tentacles around the digestive tract mouth. The gastric projection and screening area on the gastric wall are not developed, while the rod capsule is developed and protrudes beyond the gastric wall. There is mucus secretion in the capsule, which is solidified to form a crystal rod. Digestive enzymes (amylase, lipase) are adsorbed on the crystal rod. The cilia in the capsule wall make the crystal rod rotate constantly, and the top of the crystal rod is dissolved to release digestive enzymes for extracellular digestion. The rotation of the crystal rod also plays a role in mixing food and enzymes. The top of the crystal rod is constantly worn by food, and the back end can be continuously supplemented. The rotation of the crystal rod also enables small food particles to enter the gastric caecum for intracellular digestion and absorption. Indigestible food residues are discharged into the body through the intestines, anus and outlet holes. A slow but continuous food flow in the digestive tract is unique to Lamellibranchial filter feeders. The septibranch is a carnivorous animal. Its muscular stomach wall is surrounded by chitin, forming a millstone. Its crystal rod is underdeveloped and extends into the stomach in a small stick shape, with relatively developed digestive enzymes.
Circulation and gas exchange: bivalve animals are open circulation, and the pericardium is located at the back of the body. There is a ventricle and two auricles in the pericardium, and there are valves between the ventricle and the auricle to prevent blood reflux. In protobranchials and filamentous branchials, the anterior great artery only flows forward from the ventricles, such as mussels; in lamellibranchials, in addition to the anterior great artery, the posterior great artery also flows backward from the ventricles, such as mussels. After flowing out of the artery, the blood will branch to the front of the body, feet and viscera, and form a blood sinus in the tissue. After passing through the blood sinus, it will converge into blood vessels, pass through the kidney and gills, and then flow back to the auricle and ventricle. The gill is its main gas exchange place. When water flows through, the oxygen absorbed by the gill is less than that of other molluscs, which may be related to the larger surface area of the gill than that of other molluscs. In addition, all bivalves have more or less developed mantle circulation. After the blood flows out of the artery, it directly flows into the mantle to form blood sinuses. The blood sinuses converge into blood vessels, or flow back to the auricle directly, or flow back to the auricle after the metabolic products are discharged from the kidney. The jacket circulation is also an auxiliary place for gas exchange. Most bivalves do not exist in the blood Respiratory pigment Only a few species, such as clams and clams (Lima), have heme, which makes the mantle and other tissues red. The septibranch has disappeared, and the gas exchange is completely carried out by the mantle.
Excretion: The excretory system of bivalves is a pair of metanephras, located in the ventral side of the pericardium. The kidney is a long tube, but the opening of the inner renal orifice is at the front end of the pericardial cavity, and the opening of the outer renal orifice is below the inner renal orifice of the outflow, so the back end of the kidney is turned back. There are glands called glands in the front half of the kidney, where waste is filtered, followed by the bladder part, which is the storage place for metabolites. There is no distinction between the gland part and the bladder part in the protobranchial kidney. The kidney of freshwater species has the function of salt reabsorption, so the urine discharged is hypotonic.
Nerves and senses: The nervous system of bivalves is relatively simple. The original species has four pairs of ganglia: brain, side, foot, and Sheng. The more evolved species, brain, and side ganglia are combined, so there are only three pairs of ganglia. The brain side ganglia are located on both sides of the esophagus, controlling the anterior adductor muscle and coordinating the movement of the foot and the shell. The visceral ganglion is located on the muscle column of the posterior obturator muscle, which controls the contraction of the viscera and the posterior obturator muscle. The foot ganglion is located in the muscle at the front of the foot, which controls the movement of the foot. In addition, there are two pairs of nerve cords between the brain side ganglion and the visceral ganglion, and between the brain side ganglion and the brain foot ganglion to connect the ganglion. Sensory development is not developed. For some species with greater activity ability, such as scallops, there are pairs of small tentacles on the middle fold of the mantle edge, which contain tactile and chemical sensory cells. There are also many small eyes. The structure of the small eyes is relatively developed, and even contains crystals and omentum, which can sense the change of light intensity. In addition, there is a pair of balance capsules around the foot ganglion to control the balance of the body. Many species have some sensory epithelium under the posterior adductor muscle or around the water outlet, called olfactometer, which can sense changes in water quality and water flow.

economic value

Most species of shellfish can edible The meat of many shellfish is tender, delicious and nutritious. The squid, spear squid Squid octopus Octopus )And other marine organisms, abalone, conch Neptunea cumingi Neptunea )、 Babylonia Babylonia )、 Snails Voluta )、 Red snail , and many terrestrial snail They are fishing objects, while abalone and others are breeding objects. Many kinds of bivalves such as Arcidae Arcidae ), Fanbeike( Pectinidae )、 Mytillidae Mytilidae )、 Pearl fritillary Pteriidae )、 Oystidae Ostreidae )、 Clam Section( Mactridae )、 Muridae Veneridae )、 Muscidae Unionidae )、 Solenidae Solenidae )There are many kinds of resources in many families, such as, etc., which have developed into important objects of mariculture, and the output is also very considerable. In addition to fresh food, they can also be dried, salted or canned. The products include mussel (dried mussel) dried scallop (Scallop Adductor muscle ), dried oysters (dried oysters), dried razor clams, dried clams Dried squid , squid eggs (squid egg glands) and various canned shellfish. Many shellfish are indispensable fine Chinese medicinal materials, such as Pearl and Nacre powder , abalone shells Cassia obtusifolia , precious shellfish, squid's inner shell Snail meat , the eggs of sea hares, etc. Small shellfish with large yield can be used as farmland fertilizer and feed for poultry and livestock. The main component of shells is calcium carbonate, which is the raw material for burning lime. It can also be used to make paint conditioners, shell carvings and other arts and crafts, and pearls are valuable decorations.
But shellfish is also harmful to human beings. Some shellfish are poisonous, and will be poisoned after human consumption or contact. Some freshwater and terrestrial gastropods are human and livestock parasites Intermediate host , such as Schistosoma japonicum The larvae of Oncomelania hupensis In vivo. Shipworms in the sea Asparagus They are the species that specially drill through wood or rocks and live in caves, which do great harm to wooden boats, wooden piles and wood and stone buildings in the harbor.

Edible method

In order to avoid the potential safety hazards of shellfish and enjoy the delicious food with confidence, we must start with cleaning and cooking:
First, do not eat viscera. Heavy metals and other pollutants are easily concentrated in the visceral mass of shellfish, while the content of heavy metals in muscle is the lowest. Therefore, only the muscle of shellfish can be eaten. "Look at the color" is a simple judgment method. After opening the shell, the slightly blackened meat is mostly visceral mass. Some shellfish have a black sand line inside and can't be eaten.
Second, the shell is smooth Pimpled Oysters Scallop in Shell Etc, Razor clam Mussel The surface is clean and smooth, with less dirt attached and less pollution.
Third, salt water immersion and full heating Before cooking, shellfish should be put into salt water for a period of time. This can help shellfish expel all kinds of toxins and sand. Then, carefully clean the surface of the shell with a small brush. Cooking methods such as steaming and boiling are preferred, which can thoroughly heat and kill bacteria. When processing, it should be boiled in cold water to ensure the consistency of raw and cooked inside and outside. The method of barbecue is easy to cause uneven heating, and it is recommended to use less.

Shellfish currency

Shellfish currency
From the 21st century BC to the 2nd century BC, it was mainly used in the Central Plains. Later, it was gradually replaced by metal coins. The unit is "Peng", and every ten coins is "Peng". In the pre Qin period, shellfish played both the role of coin and ornament. Until the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the shell was still used as currency in the minority areas of China, which was called "ba (left and right structures, with 'shell' on the left and 'ba' on the right)".
Natural seashells
In the 11th century BC, it was produced on the seashore, and gradually evolved into Physical currency
Artificial shellfish (stone shellfish)
From the 16th century BC to the 2nd century BC, during the Shang and Zhou dynasties, the commodity economy continued to develop, and the demand for money continued to increase. The imitation jade shells, bone shells, pottery shells, stone shells, etc., which were used to make up for the shortage of natural currency circulation, were collectively called artificial shells Shellfish currency Their form is largely modeled on natural seashells, and their exchange value is about equal to or slightly lower than that of natural cargo seashells.
Artificial shellfish (bone shellfish)
16th century BC - 2nd century BC
Artificial shellfish (jade shellfish)
16th century BC - 2nd century BC
Artificial shellfish
16th century BC - 2nd century BC
11th century BC
In the 11th century BC, in the middle and late Shang Dynasty, with the development of society, human beings mastered the smelting technology, and then metal shellfish coins appeared. Shaped like natural seashells. yes Jinbei , silver shell, copper shell, etc. The unwritten copper shell cast with bronze is the first one to appear in China Metal coinage

Relevant regulations

In October 2023, the latest version of the list of precautions for carrying goods on trains will be released. Shellfish will be carried on the train, but it is required to be sealed and cannot be eaten in the train. [3]