
Bavaria, Germany
zero Useful+1
Berchtesgaden is located in Germany Southeastern Bavaria The Alps At the foot, it is 20 kilometers away from Salzburg, Austria, with a population of about 8000. Besitesgarden established a national park in 1978, which includes the clear and green King Lake and Germany's second highest peak, Watzmann. Besitesgarden is also famous for Hitler's "Eagle's Nest".
Chinese name
Foreign name
Landkreis Berchtesgadener Land
Administrative Region Category
Bavaria , Upper Bavaria
839.97 km²
Government residence
Bart Reichenhar
population size
102407 (2006)
License plate code

geographical position

Landkreis Berchtesgadener Land Bavaria A county belonging to the Upper Bavarian Administrative Region, Batraichenhar is the capital.
The east, south and southwest of Bechtesgaden County are covered by Austria Of Salzburg Encirclement, northwest and north and Landkreis Traunstein Adjacent. Because of its unique geographical conditions, it became the core of Nazi Germany during World War II hinterland Because of the beautiful national park world-famous.

Nazi garrison

University of Salzburg Professor Ernst Hanisch once said, "Hitler holds Upper Salzburg with one hand and Auschwitz with the other. The former is a beautiful and peaceful resort, while the latter is like a death factory, giving birth to endless terror."
Within the jurisdiction of Besitesgarden Upper Salzburg Obersalzberg has been Hitler's holiday residence (Feriendomizil Hitlers) since 1923. In 1933, it was transformed into the official residence area (Berghof, F ü hrer Spergebiet) of Hitler and Nazi senior officials. In 1937, it was established at the foot of the Upper Salzburg Mountain Nazi Germany except Berlin The second government residence outside.
In 1923, Hitler completed the second volume of his anti Jewish book My Struggle on the Upper Salzburg Mountain near Besitesgarden, and was deeply fascinated by the mountain and lake scenery of Besitesgarden. After Hitler came to power as a Nazi, the upper Salzburg Mountain experienced great changes. First, a simple summer house was built. Later, according to the design of architect Alois Degano and Hitler himself, it was expanded many times to become a large residence. The central hall of the building has a window that can rise and fall, You can see the alpine scenery of Besitesgarden.
Since 1933, the Salzburg Mountain has been rebuilt into the official residence area of Hitler and Nazi senior officials. Around Hitler's residence, there are also the residences of Nazi leaders Martin Bowman, Herman Goering and Albert Speer, the SS base, protocol office and underground bunker. Many Berlin officials have also moved to Bethesgaden, A small airport was built under the valley for the transportation of large machinery, and it was transformed into a refugee camp after World War II.
In 1937, the residence of Hitler's government was built at the foot of the Upper Salzburg Mountain, which was the second government residence of Nazi Germany except Berlin. Hitler stayed in Bethesgaden for several months every year. The political plan during this period was released, and as the head of the empire, the residence received British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, former British Prime Minister David Lloyd George Romania Among the guests from countries including King Carroll II, the most important one was the meeting with Austrian Prime Minister Kurt Schusnig on February 12, 1938. Under the threat of Hitler threatening to enter Austria, Germany and Austria signed the Treaty of Bethesgaden, taking the first step of Nazi Germany's annexation of Austria a month later.

Hitler's Eagle Nest


Build Eagle Nest

Hitler "Eagle's Nest" (German: Kehlsteinhaus or Adlerhorst, English: Eagle's Nest) is a villa located on the top of a mountain named Kehlstein in the upper Salzburg Mountains.
In order to celebrate Hitler's 50th birthday (1939), Martin Bowman ordered a villa to be built on the top of Kehlstein Peak, 1881 meters above sea level, on the upper Salzburg. As a gift from the Nazi Party to Hitler, it later became the famous "Eagle Nest", from which you can see the Alps of Bethesgaden, Originally designed for Hitler to receive formal guests. The villa and supporting facilities were completed in 1938 after 13 months of construction. The road from the foot of the mountain to the villa does not directly lead to the villa, but to a 1700 meter high platform. The 124 meters from the platform to the villa need to take an elevator. The elevator is built inside the mountain rock. From the platform, you can reach the entrance of the elevator through a hole door and a channel about 130 meters long. However, Hitler only came to the "Eagle Nest" about 10 times, and each stay did not exceed 30 minutes. The "Eagle Nest" did not have the defensive measures to launch a sudden bombing against the Allies. After the Allies began to carry out air raids on most areas of Germany, the Nazis strengthened air defense facilities in the upper Salzburg area and laid underground bunkers at the bottom of the mountain.

The bombing survived

Hitler and Berchtesgaden
Before the end of World War II, Dwight Eisenhower, while planning to occupy Berlin, the capital of Nazi Germany, was worried about the withdrawal of the SS and other Nazi core troops to the Alps, and ordered the Allied forces to carry out a large-scale bombing of the Upper Salzburg Mountains on April 25, 1945, but did not bomb most of Bechtesgarden, Most of Hitler's buildings in Upper Salzburg were destroyed, leaving only Hitler's protocol house and underground bunker; The Eagle Nest has indeed become a major bombing target, but it has not been damaged. Besitesgarden was captured by the Allies on May 4, 1945.

Post-war reconstruction

The "Eagle Nest", a luxury villa of Hitler, was not known until the end of World War II. It was not made public by the media until the end of World War II. The British journalist Wade Price called it "one of the eight wonders of the world" and named it "Eagle Nest" in his postwar reports. Today's "Eagle Nest" still maintains its original state and attracts countless tourists. In 2005, Hitler's residence in Upper Salzburg was transformed into the Bechtesgarden Intercontinental Hotel, also known as "Germany's First Mountain Resort". [1]

national park

Established in 1978 Bethesgaden National Park Berchtesgaden Nationalpark is one of the most beautiful scenic spots in Germany. It is located in the southeast corner of Germany, not far from the border between Germany and Austria.
Besitesgarden is surrounded by the Alps. The peak of the Watzmann Mountains is 1300 to 2500 meters high, which is the second highest peak in Germany. The other Jenner is 1874 meters high. About 3 km away from Besitesgarden is the green King Lake, which is an 8 km long mountain lake. Beside the lake is St. Bartholoma with white walls and red roofs.
Besitesgarden has different views throughout the year. Spring is full of new green, and mountain flowers are in full bloom, which is unbearable to leave; In summer, blue sky and white clouds, green water and clear waves; Autumn has come, with red leaves all over the mountain, cattle and sheep all over the slope, and the morning fog and sunset glow; The snow covered winter here is the heaven and earth for mountain skiers; It's really a fairyland on earth.

Best travel time

Germany is located in the cool westerly belt between the Atlantic Ocean and the eastern continental climate, with four distinct seasons, mild and humid. When traveling here, it is generally enough to prepare suitable clothes for North China. In summer, it is hot in the daytime and cool at night, so you need to take sweaters; In winter, the climate in the north is warm and humid, even warmer than that in the south. The average temperature in winter (January) is between 1.5-6 ℃; In summer (July), it is between 18-24 degrees. It rains all the year round. The exceptions are the Upper Rhine Valley, the Upper Bain and the Halz Mountains. In contrast, the Upper Rhine Valley is warmer and wetter; You can often feel the dry hot wind blowing from the Alps when you go to Bain; Harz Mountain has sharp mountain wind, cool summer and snow in winter.