
[yù ràng]
One of the Four Assassins
zero Useful+1
Yurang, surname Ji, surname Bi, Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period Jin state during Spring and Autumn period People, the State of Jin Zhengqing Zhiboyao His family ministers.
Jin Chugong Twenty two years ago (453 years ago), Zhao, Han and Wei joined hands in Battle of Jinyang Middle attack Zhishi , Zhiboyao was defeated and killed. In order to avenge Zhiboyao, Yu Rang assassinated her many times Zhao Xiangzi He even painted his whole body with paint to make himself unrecognizable, swallowed charcoal to change his voice, and finally ambushed Zhao Xiangzi under the bridge and was caught by him.
On his deathbed, Yu Rang sought Zhao Xiangzi's clothes and pulled out his sword to cut off his clothes to show his revenge for the Lord. Later, he killed himself with his sword, leaving an allusion that "a scholar dies for his bosom friend, and a woman looks for herself".
Zhou Dynasty → Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period (Jin State)
Ethnic groups
Huaxia nationality
Key achievements
It is widely known that "people who are friends die"
True name

Character's Life


gratitude for receiving help and encouragement by a superior

Yurang was originally Fan I will give it to my family minister later Zhongxing As family ministers, they are unknown. [1] It was not until he became Zhibo's family minister that he was put in an important position, and Zhibo respected him very much, and the principal minister had a close relationship.

Aspire to revenge

Duke Ai of Jin Four years ago (453 BC), just as he was being grateful, Zhibo was attacked and destroyed by the Han, Zhao and Wei families. The territory he had been granted by the Jin State was divided up by the three families. Zhao Xiangzi, who hated Zhibo the most, even painted his skull into a drinking utensil.
In 475 BC, Zhao Jianzi died, and his son Zhao Xiang succeeded him. [2] Yu Rang fled to the mountains and remembered Zhibo's kindness. He resented Zhao Xiangzi for making Zhibo's head into lacquerware to hold wine. He vowed to avenge Zhibo and assassinate Zhao Xiangzi.
So he changed his name, pretended to have been punished, and went into Zhao Xiangzi's palace to repair the toilet. He carried a dagger and planned to wait for an opportunity to assassinate. When Zhao Xiangzi was about to go to the toilet, his heart was palpitating. He asked the person who repaired the toilet, only to find that it was Yu Rang, so he was arrested. When being interrogated, Yu Rang said bluntly: "I want to avenge Zhibo!" The guards wanted to kill him, but Zhao Xiangzi said: "He is a righteous man, and I should carefully avoid him. Besides, Zhibo has no heir after his death, and his family officials want to avenge him. This is the world's wise man." Finally, he let him go. [3]

smear one 's body to disguise oneself and eat charcoal to change one 's voice

After a while, Yu Rang, in order to achieve his revenge intention, did not hesitate to apply paint on his body to make his skin fester like scabs. He also swallowed charcoal fire to hoarse his voice and shaved his beard and eyebrows, so that even his wife did not know him when he pretended to beg in the street. When a friend passed him, he recognized him and said, "Aren't you Yu Rang?" He replied, "It's me." The friend said with tears, "With your talent, and committed to serving Zhao Xiangzi, Xiangzi will surely be close to you and dote on you. It's not easy for you to do what you want again!" Yu Rang said, "After I entrust myself to serve others, I will kill him again. It is to serve his monarch with a different heart. I know that it is very difficult to choose this approach, but the reason why I choose this approach is to make those officials who serve the monarch with a different heart feel ashamed."
He thought it was against the justice of the monarch and his subjects, which showed his integrity. [4]

Chiqiao ambush

At last, Yu Rang figured out the time and route for Zhao Xiangzi to come out. One day before Zhao Xiangzi was going out, he ambushed at Chiqiao (later called Yurang Bridge, which is said to have two places, one in Xingtai County, Xingtai City, Hebei Province, and the other one in the north of Jinci Temple, adjacent to Chiqiao Village).
When Zhao Xiangzi was crossing the bridge, Ma suddenly got scared. He guessed that someone was assassinating him and asked his men to investigate. It was really good. Zhao Xiangzi asked Yu Rang: "Didn't you serve Fan and Zhongxing? Zhibo killed them all, but instead of avenging them, you entrusted yourself to be Zhibo's family minister. Zhibo is dead, why are you only so eager to avenge him?" Yu Rang replied: "My ministers are Fan and Zhongxing. Fan and Zhongxing met me, so I will repay them. As for Zhibo, when my countrymen met me, my countrymen reported it. (It means: I serve Fan and Zhongxing. They all treat me as an ordinary person, so I repay them like ordinary people. As for Zhibo, he treats me as a national scholar, so I repay him like a national scholar)
Zhao Xiangzi was very moved, but felt that Yu Rang could not be released again, so he ordered soldiers to surround him. [5] Knowing that there was no hope of survival and he could not fulfill his vow to assassinate Zhao Xiangzi, Yu Rang asked Zhao Xiangzi to take off one of his clothes and let him assassinate him symbolically. Zhao Xiangzi satisfied his request, and sent someone to take his clothes to Yu Rang. Yu Rang pulled out his sword and stabbed it many times. He looked up to the sky and shouted, "I can report to Zhibo!"
When Yu Rang died, he said, "Suicide with sword" [5] Another said, "Zhao Xiangzi ordered a search, captured Yu Rang again, and ordered his execution." [25-26]
Yurang cut his own throat (traditional Chinese painting)
Yu Rang's deeds spread, Zhao All the people with lofty ideals were moved by his spirit and wept for his death. [6]

Related Idioms

When Zhao Xiangzi failed to assassinate him, he pulled out his sword and cut his clothes to show his revenge. It is said that the idiom "cut his clothes three leaps".

Historical evaluation

Jiang Yan : "There is a swordsman, Shien, a young newspaperman, South Korea Zhao toilet , Wu Gong Tsubame , cutting kindness and enduring love, leaving the country, sobbing together, and looking at each other in blood. " [8]
Hu Zeng : "Yu Rang's reward has been well received, and his reputation is immortal today. Every year, people walk across the bridge. Who has the heart of a national scholar at that time? [9]
Zhou Tan : "There are few Hakka officials who can't stop. What's the difference between wisdom and wisdom in Zhongxing, and the final reward for national scholars." [10]
Xu Jun : "Your majesty treats me differently. When did the patriarchal cult fall suddenly? Once I died, who said nothing and did nothing? The Lord knows that he will never forget it." [11]
Zhang Mengjian : "The willow trees beside Yurang Bridge were once young in the spring. When pedestrians saw Liu Qingqing, they did not ask the name of Yurang at that time. This man has gone thousands of years, and his legacy will not change with the world. Broken steles are scattered and wild moss is deep, and who knows that an isolated minister is not indifferent. Yurang Bridge is a thousand miles away, and under the bridge there is a torrent of water flowing eastward. You should be ashamed to die if you see people with two minds in the world." [12]
Yin Yi "Lying on the waves, the rainbow is about to startle the gulls. I once heard that my hands were sad. The mountain rains rose and dried up when they came and went, and the flowers on the bank bloomed and fell since the spring and autumn. The tripod of the wise family has been divided three times, and the people with lofty ideals are rewarded with a sword. If you look back at the stone railing, you can't find a way out for two hearted officials." [13]
Li Fuqing : "Women are willing to please themselves, and men are willing to die for their bosom friends. If you are brave enough to give way, you can reach the goal. If you swallow charcoal and paint your body, you will forget your wife. How can a national scholar compare with others? If you have not achieved your ambition of cutting clothes, it is enough to report your wisdom. The old site of the barren bridge is empty, and the flowing water is just like that. So far, it is still like a sword." [14]
Yao Qingen "At the sight of banners and banners guarding the bridge, the cold sand is thick and the road is long. The rainbow runs through the sun, the Jingke River, and the horse is full of sad wind. The Yu Rang Bridge. Gold on the stage can buy people, and the pink in front of the bottle can pity the night. I feel that today is very desolate, but poetry is not lonely." [15]
Ji Dong "At the end of autumn, Pengshan is not proud of its misery. Flowing springs mingle with the shore and the setting sun is far away. Sad countrymen reward the land, and thin horses wear single shirts to yield the bridge." [16]
Wang Baoqian: "The chivalrous man is brave and sincere. He only wants revenge, but he doesn't make a living. Today, listen to the water near the bridge. It sounds like cutting a robe." [17]
Mr. Bajiu: "When the west wind blows, stand and mourn Yurang. Look for another three leaps, and you will still hear the fragrance of chivalry. A brave man dies as a bosom friend, and the history of history is full of splendor. When there is no successor, you will feel sad again." [18]
Fang Xiaoru "It is not enough to be a national soldier to support the danger without chaos, but to die for the loser". [19]
Zhao Yi "Since the Warring States Period, the disciples of Yu Rang, Nie Zheng, Jing Ke and Hou Ying have always respected each other with high spirit, and have been determined to do what others dare not do, and have been admired by the world." [20]
Yoshiki Tanaka : Yu Rang is also a typical assassin. He is not for his own interests, but simply for gratitude. It is also a unique solemn and stirring aesthetics. [21]

Commemoration for future generations


Historical records

Zizhi Tongjian Volume I
Historical Records· Biography of Assassin [22-23]
Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals - No Invasion
Lu's Spring and Autumn Period - Wang Dao

Xingtai Yurang Bridge

Xingtai City Xingtai County Zhai Village In the southwest corner, the terrain is low and the spring is babbling. In the deep of the reeds and weeping willows, there is a flagstone bridge called Yurang Bridge (also known as“ Chiqiao ”)。 It is said that this is Yu Rang Stab, a righteous man in the Warring States Period Zhao Xiangzi The place. Later generations admired Yurang's loyalty and called this bridge "Yurang Bridge". The Annals of Xingtai County recorded in detail the deeds of Yurang Bridge, which became a famous scenic spot in Xingtai. [24]
The story of Yurang repaying the Lord with his death, which has been passed down from generation to generation, has become“ Zhao Yan The representative figure of the people who are generous and sad. The Annals of Xingtai County recorded the deeds of Yurang in detail. Yurang Bridge has become a famous scenic spot in Xingtai. In the 18th year of Wanli, Zhu Gao, the governor of Xingtai County, built the Yurang Temple, taking Yurang as a local hero, and offering sacrifices at four times. Scholars often recite the stories of Yurang. Poets in Qing Dynasty Chen Weisong Path Xingzhou I wrote a song when《 Nanxiangzi 》He said: "The autumn scenery is cold and the sabre is cold, and the north wind is blowing the raging waves. He is young and rich in Ma Sanhe. He is drunk in the Soap Oak Forest and shoots sculptures Jinggao Yan Zhao's Elegy The matter is still unresolved. Recall that yesterday the sound of the car was cold and easy to drink. Today, I have generously crossed the Yurang Bridge. "
Ancient Steles of Yurang Bridge in Xingtai
Unfortunately, the "Yu Rang Bridge" was destroyed during the Anti Japanese War. The stone tablet beside the bridge recording the deeds of Yu Rang also became the cornerstone of the bridge when the Beijing Guangzhou Highway was rebuilt.

Xingtai Yurang Park

Xingtai used to have a Yurang Bridge, which was the site of Yurang's assassination of Zhao Xiangzi. Yurang Temple was built to commemorate the assassination of Zhao Xiangzi in previous dynasties and was later demolished. Now there is a Yurang Park near the original Yurang Bridge to commemorate Yurang's loyalty. [24]
Statues in Yurang Park

Film and television image

In 1996, Cao Peichang played the role of Yu Rang in the TV drama The Eastern Zhou Dynasty.
In 1997, the TV drama The Great Assassin: Fan Shaohuang played Yu Rang.