mashed peas

Dishes made of fresh peas and cream
zero Useful+1
Pea puree is made from 300g frozen fresh peas, thick and fresh cream 4 tablespoons of dishes. Pea mud is rich in Lysine This is not available in other grains. Lysine is an amino acid needed by human body, an indispensable nutrient Human essential amino acids One, it can promote human development, enhance immune function, and improve the function of central nervous tissue.
Chinese name
mashed peas
Main ingredients
fresh peas , cream
Butter, freshly ground black pepper

Pea puree nutrition

Lysine is alkaline essential amino acid because Cereal food The content of lysine in is very low, and it is easy to be damaged during processing, so it is called the first Restricted amino acid Lysine can regulate the metabolic balance of human body. Lysine provides structural components for the synthesis of carnitine, which will promote the synthesis of fatty acids in cells. Adding a small amount of lysine to food can stimulate Pepsin With the secretion of gastric acid, it can improve the secretion of gastric juice, increase appetite, and promote the growth and development of children. Lysine can also improve the absorption of calcium and its accumulation in the body, and accelerate bone growth. Lack of lysine may cause anorexia due to insufficient secretion of gastric juice Nutritional anemia , causing central nervous system obstruction and stunting.
It is rich in pea pods and young leaves of bean seedlings vitamin C And enzymes that can decompose nitrosamines in the body can decompose nitrosamines, which has the effect of anti-cancer and anti-cancer.
Peas are different from ordinary vegetables. They contain substances such as crotinic acid, gibberellin and phytoagglutinin, which have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory functions and enhance metabolism.
It is rich in dietary fiber It can prevent constipation and has the effect of clearing intestines. [1]


Treatment of diabetes: People don't eat a lot of peas in their daily life. Maybe it's the Chinese eating habits And the season of peas. What you may not know is that peas have great medical functions. To some extent, it can treat diabetes.
Beauty effect: According to the Compendium of Materia Medica, peas have the function of "removing the face" Black spot And make your face shiny. Modern research has found that peas are rich in Pro vitamin A Pro vitamin A It can be transformed into vitamin A , has the effect of moisturizing the skin. Because it is generally taken from food, it will not produce toxic and side effects.
Rich in lysine: peas are rich in nutrition, and are also valued in traditional Chinese medicine. It is rich in lysine, which is not found in other grains.
Enhance the immune function of the body: peas are rich in various nutrients needed by the human body, especially High quality protein It can improve the disease resistance and recovery ability of the body.
Prevention and treatment of cancer: rich in peas Carotene After eating, it can prevent the synthesis of carcinogens in human body, thus reducing the formation of cancer cells and the incidence of human cancer.
Benefiting the large intestine: Peas are rich in crude fiber, which can promote the peristalsis of the large intestine, keep the stool smooth, and play a role in cleaning the large intestine.
Treatment of qi and blood weakness: proper amount of peas, boiled lightly and eaten often; Apply to the weakness of qi and blood;
Other efficacy: sweet pea taste, flat nature, returning to the spleen and stomach meridian; It has the effects of benefiting the middle qi, stopping diarrhea and dysentery, regulating the health of the camp, facilitating urination, eliminating carbuncle and swelling, and detoxifying lactone; Indications: beriberi, carbuncle, milk blockage, spleen and stomach discomfort, hiccup and vomiting, abdominal pain, thirst and diarrhea. [2]

Approach 1


Material Science

300g frozen fresh peas, thick fresh cream 4 tablespoons, butter 1 tablespoon, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper


1. Take a shallow pot, add water and a little salt, and put it on a medium high fire to boil the water. Cook frozen peas for 3 minutes, or until the peas are soft.
2. Remove the peas with a colander and drain. Mixed peas, fresh cream butter , salt and pepper Put in a blender or large food processor. Stir and grind to uniform paste, but still see small pea fragments. If necessary, use seasoning to adjust the taste and eat immediately.

Approach 2

Ingredients: 100g peas, some ginger, onion, salt and vegetable oil.
Preparation and usage: peas Wash, boil in boiling water and remove. Heat the vegetable oil in a pot until it is almost ripe, and then add it ginger Stir until fragrant, add salt, stir fry peas repeatedly, add chopped green onion Mix well. Take it once a day.
Efficacy: invigorate the middle and qi, detoxify and promote diuresis.


1. Ripe dried peas are especially difficult to digest, and overeating can cause indigestion , abdominal distension, etc.
2. Don't wash the green peas you bought without eating them. Don't put them in the refrigerator; If it is peeled peas, it is suitable for freezing, and it is best to eat them within a month.
3. Eating more peas will cause abdominal distension, so it is not suitable to eat them in large quantities for a long time.
4. High quality vermicelli are made from bean starch such as peas. Alum is often added during processing. Frequent consumption of large quantities will increase aluminum in the body and affect health.

Food nutrition

Food name mashed peas
Content Reference Amount of food per 100 grams
energy 81 kcal
protein 5.8 g
Fat 0.7 g
Saturated fatty acid 0.1 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 0.3 g
Monounsaturated fatty acid 0.1 g
water content 77 g
carbohydrate 13.8 g
sugar 1.7 g
dietary fiber 1.8 g
sodium 340 mg
magnesium 22 mg
phosphorus 100 mg
potassium 170 mg
calcium 14 mg
manganese 0.2 mg
iron 1.3 mg
copper 0.11 mg
zinc 0.7 mg
vitamin E 0.3 mg