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John Howard Northrop

American organic and biochemist
synonym Northrop (American biochemist) generally refers to John Howard Northrop
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Northrop is an American organic and biochemist. Born in 1891, graduated from Columbia University , working in Jacques Loeb's laboratory. [1 ]
Chinese name
John Howard Northrop
Foreign name
John Howard Northrop
date of birth
July 5, 1891
Date of death
May 27, 1987
University one is graduated from
Columbia University
Organic and biological chemist
Key achievements
1946 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
John Howard Northrop
the First World War During this period, he served as the head of the field chemical unit of the United States, and successfully studied the method of producing acetone by soil drum fermentation. Later, he studied enzyme chemistry, carried out a series of studies on digestive system enzymes, and successfully extracted pure protease crystals from pig stomach and synthesized Trypsin and Chymotrypsin And refined the crystal shape for the first time Diphtheria antitoxin So in 1946, he shared with two other scientists Nobel Prize in Chemistry