Zhuge Liang

Wu Dasima in the Three Kingdoms Period
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Zhuge Liang (j ì ng), with the word Zhongsi [1] Langya Yangdu (Today's Shandong Yinan County )People. Three Kingdoms Period Minister of the State of Wu [2] , Cao Wei Sikong Zhuge's birthday The youngest son of. [3]
He has a square personality and is famous for his talent. the Wei state of the Three-Kingdoms Period Mannose Two years (257 years), father Zhuge's birthday Launch a rebellion Soochow My father was defeated and killed, and took refuge in Sun Wu , as Right General , the officer to the Grand Sima and the Deputy Military Division. The Last Emperor of Wu Sun Hao After the capital was moved to Wuchang, he was ordered to guard Jianye After and Ding Feng Hefei was defeated.
After the war of Jin and Wu, he led the people to surrender to the Jin Dynasty. Thinking of his father's hatred, he would never serve in the Jin Dynasty and would never know where he ended up.
Full Name
Zhuge Liang
three countries
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
Key achievements
Defeat Shi Dan and capture Sun Qian
Highest office
Dasima [22] , Deputy Military Division
Native place
Langya Yangdu

Character's Life


Stayed in Soochow

Zhuge Liang was the youngest son of Zhuge's birthday. He was originally in the State of Wei with his father. He was upright, talented and prestigious. [22] The second year of Ganlu (257), Zhuge's birthday Garrison Shouchun Resist the general who controls the government Sima Zhao , and send a long history Wu Gang Take Zhuge Liang and Yamen's children to the Eastern Wu Kingdom to pledge and ask for reinforcements. [4]
Zhuge Qi stayed for a year and ended up defeated Hu Fen The three ethnic groups were killed. Zhuge Liang stayed in Soochow Right General [5]

Battle with the Jin Army

In September of the first year of Sun Wu Ganlu (265), Emperor Wu Sun Xuan The capital was moved to Wuchang, and Zhuge Liang and imperial censor Ding Gu Liuzhen Jianye [16]
Baoding In October of the first year (266), Yong'an Mountain bandits Shidan Gather thousands of people to kidnap the Yong'an Marquis Sun Qian Rebellion and attack on Jianye, we should change Sun Qian. There were more than ten thousand people before Jianye, but they chose to choose auspicious days and sent envoys to stay in the name of Sun Qian Ding Gu And Zhuge Liang. But Zhuge Liang immediately executed his envoy. Shidan then moved on. Zhuge Liang and Ding Gu counterattacked and defeated Shidan's followers in Niutun, capturing Sun Qian. [6] [17]
In the third year of Baoding (268), Zhuge Liang and Youda Sima Ding Feng He attacked Hefei and was attacked by General Jin Andong Sima Jun With King Yiyang Simawang repel. [18-19]

Powerless to recover

Later, Zhuge Liang served as the Chief Sima [22] , Deputy Military Division. [7]
In the winter of 279, Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty Send troops to attack the Eastern Wu in multiple ways and launch the battle of Jin to destroy Wu. In the following year, Jin troops successively captured towns along the Yangtze River, Wang Hun When they approached Niuzhu, Zhuge Liang was ordered to contact the Taishou of Danyang Shen Ying And the escort Sun Zhen , at the Prime Minister Zhang Di Led him to cross the river to meet the battle. After crossing the river, besiege Chengyang Duwei Zhang Qiao At Yanghe Bridge, Zhang Qiaobing was only seven thousand. He closed the gate and stood on his own, and asked for surrender. Zhuge Liang suggested killing Zhang Qiao and his soldiers. Zhang Ti said: "It is not suitable to deal with their small troops first because the strong enemy is in the front. Moreover, it is unlucky to kill the surrendered people." Zhuge Liang said: "These people pretended to surrender as a way to slow down their troops because the rescue has not arrived and they are not strong enough. Kill all the enemies when they are not ready to fight, which can improve the morale of the three armies. If they go ahead without disposal, they will become future trouble. " Zhang Ti refused to listen and continued to move forward. Wang Hun, the general of the Jin Dynasty, sent Sima Sunchou, Zhang Han, the governor of Yangzhou, and Zhou Jun to form an array against the Wu army. Shen Ying led five thousand blue turban soldiers to charge the enemy's array three times, but the Jin army did not waver. After Shen Yingjun retreated, the army was in chaos. General Xue Sheng and Jiang Ban of the Jin Dynasty took advantage of the chaos to attack, and the Wu army broke up. Zhang Qiao attacked from behind, breaking the Wu army at Banqiao. [7]
Zhuge Liang led hundreds of people to escape. During the escape, he met Zhang Ti and asked him to leave with him. Zhang Ti refused. Zhuge Liang went to him personally and said, "There is a certain fate in the world. Is it possible for you to have insight? Why are you waiting to die here?" Zhang Ti said with tears: "Zhongsi (Zhuge Liang's words), today is my death day. Moreover, when I was a child, I was appreciated by the Prime Minister of your family. I often worried that I could not die well and failed to live up to the good fortune of my family. Now you can die for your country. Why run away? Don't stop me. " Zhuge Liang also shed tears and stopped holding him. After a hundred steps, he saw that Zhang Ti was killed by the Jin army. [8]

Never sit in the north

The Jin army attacked Jianye Sun Xuan Surrender. (The Book of Jin contains an edict that Zhuge Liang is in Langya King Sima 伷 Please die before me. [23]
After the demise of the Eastern Wu Dynasty, Zhuge Liang fled and disappeared, Marsitis Knowing that Zhuge Liang's sister is Princess Langya, she must be at her sister's place, so she went to see him. Zhuge Liang fled to the toilet and never showed up. Later called as Waiter , nor accept it. After Zhuge Liang returned to his hometown, he still sat in the direction of Luoyang all his life because the Jin family had a grudge against him. [9]

Character evaluation

Fu Chang Praise of the Duke of Jin 》: ① "Liang Zi Zhongsi, Langxie, Sikong born a young son. Yazheng has talent." ② "Wu died, Liang entered Luo, and took his father's birth as the first ancestor Sima Zhao I swear I will never see my ancestors. Princess Langya, the great aunt of Emperor Shizu, is also the sister of Liang. The emperor and empress are beautiful among the sisters, so they can see where they are when they go, and Liang escapes to the toilet, so she becomes famous for her filial piety. " [10] [20-21]
Hao Jing : "Liang repeatedly leads them to the festival of chastity and righteousness. Although they compete with the sun and the moon, gold and stone, they can also compete with each other." "The name of the country is idle, and life is light and life is heavy. Where there is a white blade, one's heart cannot move. All officials are strong, and they will die if they talk. The festival is full of sky, and people will hear about it." [11]
Yu Jiaxi "Zhuge Three Sovereigns, who have won great fame and glory, are famous for their foresight, scrupulousness and beauty. So at the beginning of crossing the river, they were still called king and Ge." [12]

Anecdotes and allusions

Zhuge Liang was in the court when he was in Wu Sun Xuan Ask: "Your word is Zhongsi. What are you thinking about?" Zhuge Liang replied: "Family is about filial piety, serving the monarch is about loyalty, making friends is about honesty, and that's all!" [13]
Zhuge Liang is in Luoyang, but he doesn't have an old relationship with her because of her father's hatred Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty Meet. However, Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty knew that Zhuge Liang was with his sister Zhuge, Princess Langya, so he went to meet her. Zhuge Liang knew that Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty was coming and fled to the toilet, but Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty chased him to meet him and said, "Do you remember our friendship when we were children?" Zhuge Liang cried with tears, "I didn't paint my body, scrape the skin off my face, and see your face again. I am really ashamed and hate." [14-15]

Family members



Zhuge's birthday , Cao Wei Sikong and the General of the East Expedition. [24]


Zhuge Family, Zhuge Liang's elder sister, married Langya King Sima 伷 [9] [26]


Zhuge Yi , Zhuge Hui's elder brother, is an official. [25]
Zhuge Hui , Eastern Jin Dynasty Shangshu Decree , posthumously presented to Dr. Zuo Guanglu and Kaifu. [25]