Wrath of the gods

2012 American Film
open 4 entries with the same name
synonym Battle of the Gods 2 (Battle of the Gods 2) Generally refers to the anger of the Gods (2012 American film)
Anger of the Gods is an action movie produced by Warner Bros. in 2012, which is a sequel to the 2010 Battle of the Gods. Directed by Jonathan Libesman, Sam Worthington, Liam Neeson, Ralph Fiennes, Pei Chunhua, etc., the film was released in the United States on March 30, 2012. The film continues the story of "Battle of the Gods". It tells the story of Hades who came back from defeat and joined forces with Cronus, the king of Titans, hoping to capture Zeus alive. Perseus once again embarked on the journey of saving the world, and went to the underworld with Akina, the son of the "sea god", and Hephaestus, the "god of fire", to save Zeus >>>
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Poster of the Wrath of the Gods

essential information

Wrath of the Gods is an action movie produced by Warner Bros. in 2012《 The battle of the gods 》A sequel to. from Jonathan Lieberman Directed, Sam Worthington Liam Nissen Ralph Fiennes and Pei Chunhua The film was released in the United States on March 30, 2012 [1]
Film continuation《 The battle of the gods 》It tells the story of Hades who came back from defeat and joined forces with Cronus, the king of the Titans, hoping to capture Zeus alive. Perseus once again embarked on the journey to save the world. Together with Akina, the son of the "sea god", and Hephaestus, the "fire god", Perseus went to the underworld to save Zeus.
Chinese name
Wrath of the gods
Foreign name
Wrath of the Titans
Other translations
Battle of the gods 2: anger of the gods, battle of the gods 2
Production company
Legendary Pictures
Production area
Shooting date
March 2011
Shooting location
Issuing company
Warner Bros. Pictures
Dan Mazu
film producer
Kevin de la Noy
99 minutes
Release time
March 30, 2012 (Mainland China)
Box office
210 million yuan
Dialogue language
Film rating
Imdb encoding
Production time
February 5, 2010
Production costs
150 million yuan


Ten years after defeating the giant sea monster Kraken, Perseus , the illegitimate son of Zeus and human beings lived a peaceful life as a fisherman. He lives with his family and his 10-year-old child Helius. But what Perseus didn't know was that the great turbulence in life was slowly coming.
Because of human infidelity, Olympus The gods of Titan , and gradually lost control. The father of Zeus, who was sent to the bottom of hell with the Titans Cronus He is also waiting for an opportunity to rise again and launch a counter attack against his son Zeus. With the help of the rebellious Hades and Ares, the son of Zeus, Cronus kidnapped Zeus into hell and injected his power into the Titan. If the time is ripe and Cronus takes power, he will release all these monsters to the world, and then the world will become hell.
Perseus could no longer sit idly by. He and Queen Andromeda Poseidon The son of Aginor and the fallen god Hephaestus Together, they came to hell and found Cronus and the Titans. They will launch a final attack on the dark forces to save mankind [2]

screen credits



Sam Worthington Ornament Perseus
Dubbing Zhang Xin
Liam Nissen Ornament Zeus
Dubbing Liu Feng
Ralph Fiennes Ornament Hades
Dubbing Guo Yifeng
Bill Nye Ornament Hephaestus
Dubbing Cheng Yuzhu
Pei Chunhua Ornament Andromeda
Dubbing oriole
Danny Heston Ornament Poseidon
Dubbing Chen Zhaoxiong
Toby Kebel Ornament Agnole
Dubbing Wu Lei
Edgar Ramirez Ornament Ares
Dubbing Liu Qin
John Bell Ornament Helios
Dubbing Zhan Jia
Lily James Ornament Corina
Dubbing -
Sinéad Cusack Ornament Cleopatra
Dubbing -

Employee List

producer Kevin de la Noy Basil Iwanyk Joe Jacini Louis Leterrier Carl McMillan Thomas Tull Polly Cohen, Karum McDougall
director Jonathan Lieberman
Associate Director (Assistant) Mark Cochrane, Tania Gordon, Robert Grayson, Toby Heffman Alex Oakley
Scriptwriter Dan Mazu David Johnson Steven Knight Greg Berlanti Beverley Cross
Photography Ben Davis
clip Martin Walsh
Casting director Gina Jay
Art Direction Charles Wood
Art Design Thomas Browne Ray Chen, Jordan Crockett, Stuart Kearns, Mark Swain
clothing design Mary Fischer
Visual effects Nick Davies Chris Shaw Gary Brozhanich, Olivier Dumont, Brian Hirota
Scenery master Lee Sandales
Reference source of cast member list [3]
Mainland China Translation List
Other voice actors
Hai Fan, Hu Pingzhi, Wu Xiaolei, Zhang Tengbo, Meng Xianglong
Zhou Dong
Hu Pingzhi
sound recording
Yang Peide
Mixed recording
Wei Lujian, Yang Peide
China Film Group Corporation
shanghai film dubbing studio

Role Introduction

dubbing -
Ten years ago, the Kraken sea monster battle made Perseus a hero. But he just wanted to be a fisherman and raise his ten year old son. The power struggle among the gods made him go to the underworld again to rescue Zeus and defeat the Titans to save mankind.
Queen Andromeda
performer Pei Chunhua
dubbing -
Princess Andromeda, whose mother angered the Hades by showing off her beauty, was threatened by Hades as a victim of the ancient sea monster. When she decided to sacrifice herself to rescue the Argos people, Perseus rode a flying horse to rescue them.
performer Ralph Fiennes
dubbing -
Hades is the god of Hades. He is Zeus' brother and the mastermind behind all conspiracies. He is bent on overthrowing Zeus and becoming the new god king. It was he who sent Calibos to attack Perseus and his party, and also he forced Zeus to release the Kraken North Sea monster.
performer Liam Nissen
dubbing -
The highest god in ancient Greek mythology, he was the youngest son of Cronus and Rhea. With the support of his mother Rhea, he killed his father Cronus and became the third generation god king. He is very lecherous and often has affairs with other goddesses and mortals without his wife Hera. He has countless illegitimate children.
Role Introduction Reference Source [4]

Behind the Scenes

  • Javier Baden He was once a candidate to play Ares, and James Franco Was a candidate to play Agino.
  • because Alexa Davolos She said that she was "unable to shoot this sequel", so she had to change her role in the previous film. In order to find the actor who plays Andromeda, the cast auditioned continuously Hayley Atwell Georgina Hager Janet Montegory , Dominique McAligott and Clemens Posey Wait for the actress.
  • Gemma Atden I was going to play in this sequel, but because he was going to play《 Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters 》One film, but no schedule, so she didn't appear in this film.
  • When the first episode of the film was released in Spain, its title was Furia de Titanes. If translated into English, it was called Wrath of the Titans, which is the same as the sequel [5]

Award record

Youth Choice Award
Best sci-fi/fantasy film
All crew [6]

Behind the scenes production

Creation background
To shoot《 The battle of the gods 》The idea of the sequel of "The War of the Gods" was put on the agenda as early as before. At that time, the producer designed the title for the film called "Return of the Gods"( Return of the Gods )。 Later, because the title didn't have much to watch, it was changed to "Wrath of the Gods". For this film, the former director Louis Leterrier cover Jonathan Lieberman Replaced by. The soundtrack has also changed, choosing rock music instead of narrative music [5]
Post conversion 3D
The Wrath of the Gods is still converted into 3D format in the later stage. Instead of using 3D digital cameras, it uses traditional film cameras. Director Jonathan Ribesman tried several digital cameras, but none of them could achieve the desired effect. He had to use traditional film to shoot, because the film's graininess and unparalleled expressiveness to light and color were most suitable for shooting such magnificent epic works. Jonathan Ribesman also said that it was the intention of Warner Brothers to transform "Wrath of the Gods" into 3D format through post production [5]
Production of props
The Greek armor worn by the film's main actor and military soldiers is designed by Jenny Temime, an experienced female designer who is also famous《 Harry Potter 》The costume designer of the film series, and the inspiration comes from the real Greek armor in the cold weapon era. The work of the producer Simon Brindle is to lead a team of 15 people to turn this group of "armchair" armor into reality with both hands. In the context of CG technology Hollywood But Brindel insists on doing things in the old college style. He and his team used leather, mallets, and some ancient Greek The tools used forged this suit of armor. The biggest feature of armor production is "simple tools". Different armor requires different production techniques, but the basic process is almost the same [7]

Production and distribution

When Anger of the Gods was released on 3D and IMAX screens in 60 regions of the world except North America, it earned a total of 78 million dollars at the box office《 The Hunger Games 》Won the champion of overseas box office list. The film was released simultaneously in China and North America, and earned 45 million yuan at the box office in three days over the weekend. However, The Wrath of the Gods had a poor start in the North American market, with only the first episode of the weekend box office of 34.2 million dollars《 The battle of the gods 》( 61 million 230 thousand )Half of. Fortunately, the overseas performance of the film was good, making up for the losses in North America. The achievement of $78 million made the film more than 100 million worldwide at the first weekend [8]

Film evaluation

Mythology theme is acclimatized
This film makes it easy for the audience to recognize an old American growth story from under the gorgeous coat of Greek culture. "American heroes" could have been embedded in any kind of cultural surface, but in Greek mythology, they were not acclimatized, ancient Greek Cultural background and Hollywood "Hero growth formula" is out of place, not to mention how absurd it is to look at the intertwined "family relationship" of the ancient Greek gods from a modern perspective. "Greek drama" is generally recognized as a term referring to the chaotic and complex ethical relationship among the people, including homosexuality, incest, interracial marriage, and all kinds of strange behaviors. In the face of such a dark history, it is necessary to sort out Perseus' true feelings for his son, and even his son has become his fighting belief. It is like trying to dig out a small and fresh hot spring in the heavy taste, which leads to the main contradiction of the story being pretentious [9] NetEase Comments
The scuffle intensifies when the gods return
"The Wrath of the Gods" takes on the story clues of the first film, but it brings fans a fresh audio-visual feast with a new plot arrangement and plot design. Perseus, the son of Zeus' demigod, joined forces with various righteous immortals to challenge the villain Hades to capture Zeus's shocking plot, so a series of fighting and fierce scuffles were inevitable. Compared with the first film, the scuffle scene of this film is more grand, and the plot is more twists and turns and interlinked, and the design of watching the eggs is more exquisite. Keep people in a high tension watching state at all times. Especially in IMAX theaters, you can experience the breathtaking world scuffle, and also have a good experience [10] China News Online Review
3D special effect upgrade is difficult to distinguish true from false
Compared with the first one, "Wrath of the Gods" has a huge improvement in special effects. In terms of technology and shooting in 2010《 The battle of the gods 》Compared with the past, the special effects technology has developed by leaps and bounds, laying a strong technical foundation for the creation of the film's peak special effects. With the upgrading of 3D format conversion technology in the later period and the great leap forward of IMAX projection technology, IMAX 3D special effects make the audio-visual effect of "The Wrath of the Gods" particularly amazing. In the sense of presence created by IMAX cinema, fans will enter into the mythical scene of fantasy and truth [10] China News Online Review