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phonetics It is a branch of linguistics that studies language sounds. Phonetics in a narrow sense corresponds to English phonetics (pronunciation) specific In contrast to the essence of speech and the method of producing speech Phonology (or called phonology ), Research Phoneme Or voice Distinguishing feature Operated in a language Abstract rule And voice system. Phonetics in a broad sense refers to the combination of these two aspects of research. This paper introduces phonetics in a narrow sense.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Scope of study
The Pronunciation Mechanism of Language and the Law of Characteristic Change

brief introduction

X-ray Vowel Tongue Bitmap of Mandarin
Phonetics is a branch of linguistics. Research human language The subject of sound. It mainly studies the pronunciation mechanism, phonetic characteristics and the changing rules in speech. Because its research content is related to pronunciation action (physiological phenomenon), Voice Characteristics( physical phenomenon )And sense of hearing( Psychological effect )The different language groups of human beings have their own phonetic characteristics, so the research of modern phonetics should have both natural science and social sciences As the foundation. Phonetics( phonetics )The word comes from Greek φωνετικος, It means sound. Early research covers a wide range, including pronunciation or pinyin, and pronunciation in addition to phonetic characteristics Systematics Etc. stay Traditional Chinese Phonology The description and classification of phonetics in the study also belong to the category of phonetics. However, since the development of modern scientific phonetics, the classification has become more and more detailed, and the definition has become more rigorous. Phonetics specifically refers to the study of the characteristics of speech itself.
Phonetics is the object of phonetics research, which refers to the specific voice that human beings emit when they speak, that is, the voice of speech.
The research scope of phonetics includes the following three categories:
Articulatory phonetics: This discipline studies Articulatory organ (e.g. lips, teeth, tongue glottis , vocal cords, etc.) how to coordinate actions with each other to produce voice.
Acoustic phonetics (Acoustic phonetics): This subject studies phonetics acoustics Phenomena, such as the wavelength, duration amplitude Etc.
Auditory phonetics (audit phones): What this discipline studies is organ of hearing How to perceive and recognize voice.
The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), developed by the International Phonetic Society, is a phonetic scheme widely used by the linguistic community to mark speech sounds.

Scope of study

Early phonetics research was mostly for the needs of language teaching and interests in language research. Due to the improvement of medical equipment, people can observe the movement and function of the vocal organs, which has developed physiological phonetics Due to the development of acoustic instruments, many aural language phenomena can be not only visually observed, but also artificially synthesized Acoustic phonetics because Psychological test method The research of thinking and auditory neurophysiology is progressing day by day, and speech control Auditory feedback In Phonological regularity The analysis is more and more in-depth, and perceptual phonetics (or Psychophonetics )And developed into neurophonetics. These are three major branches in terms of research means. Because of the progress of the information age and Man machine dialogue The isolated study of speech can no longer meet the needs of. Because human language is not a combination of isolated sounds, but a series of interdependent and variable sounds. At the same time, language is inseparable social environment And personal language habits, and the study of pronunciation cannot be separated from the rules of specific language (including grammar, word revision Sound change And so on), and then put forward the phonetics of linguistics.
The research objects of phonetics are traditionally limited to vowels, consonants, tones, stress, rhythm Sound change Wait, these belong to Qualitative research because Analytical means And the urgent need for voice information processing Prosodic features Comprehensive research and quantitative study
In addition to teaching and linguistic research, the application of phonetics has covered various subjects related to human language, such as speech correction, communication engineering Auto-Control , and artificial intelligence. along with Fifth generation computer The theory and achievements of traditional phonetics can no longer meet the requirements of the development of artificial intelligence and human-computer dialogue, so the fifth generation phonetics or speech engineering It combines the above knowledge in physiology, acoustics, perception and linguistics to explore the variables and invariant For technological revolution Services.

international phonetic alphabet

In order to make the symbols of recorded voice more consistent, International Voice Association In 1886, a set of "International Phoneme 》In 1888, it was published in the Society's publication "Phonics Teachers", and has been adopted by linguists around the world since then. During this period, it was added and modified several times, and the latest revision was in 2020. These phonetic symbols and some Additional symbols It basically meets the requirements of describing the pronunciation in various languages of the world.

Articulation and hearing organs

Sub laryngeal Larynx , three parts above the throat. The lower part of the throat extends from the trachea to the lungs. The breath from the lungs becomes phonetic sound source The larynx is mainly glottis And vocal cords. The vocal cords are two ligaments that act as the valves of the larynx. Their closing and opening become the glottis. When the glottis is wide open, the airflow is smooth, the glottis is closed, and the airflow rushes out to make the vocal cords periodic Mechanical wave It produces "music". The upper larynx includes Pharyngeal cavity , oral cavity and nasal cavity, mainly for voice regulation.
Oral cavity and nasal cavity are the main organs to regulate pronunciation. The nasal cavity is basically fixed, while in the oral cavity, due to the expansion and elevation of the tongue, Uvula The lift and droop of make the volume change and produce different sounds. The oral cavity from the lip to the glottis is called the "vocal cavity", which is divided into several segments.
Human ear score External ear middle ear And inner ear. The external ear has Auricle External auditory meatus and Tympanic membrane Ear wheel collection Sound wave , by Auditory meatus It is sent to the tympanic membrane and changes with the mechanical wave. The middle ear consists of a set“ Auditory ossicle ”, connecting the tympanic membrane to the inner ear. The main components of the inner ear are cochlea , inside basement membrane Respond to changes such as sound size.
Vocal cords vibrate periodically Mechanical wave The sound of Dullness When the glottis is open, the air flow through the vocal cavity is blocked by various parts to produce irregular noise, which is called voiceless in phonetics. Sound waves of speech travel between speakers and listeners and reach each other's ears. sound pressure The change of organ of hearing , and generate Nerve impulse To the brain to identify and understand. When people speak, their voice is also transmitted to their own hearing organs to monitor.

Articulation mechanism

Voice by person Articulatory organ Generated and sent into sound waves, transmitted to the other side's ears, and formed by the other side's reception and understanding“ speech communication ”A set of links is called "speech chain". Therefore, speech is generated by the vocal organ and received by the auditory organ. The research of these two parts belongs to the scope of physiology and psychology, while the characteristics of speech waves belong to physics acoustics As for the control and understanding of speech, it belongs to the scope of linguistics.


A sentence is divided into several words. A word contains one or more phonetic units, called syllables, which are composed of more than one phoneme. For example, the word communication in English has five syllables, and the word come has only one syllable; A word in Chinese is a syllable, and a word contains one to five syllables, but most of them are two syllables. It is difficult to define syllables clearly in one or two sentences. In the past, linguists had various definitions of syllables, such as "chest beat theory", where a syllable has a chest beat; "Sound peak theory", each syllable has only one sound peak; syllable nucleus Say ", a syllable has only one strongest vowel or consonant as the core;"; Muscle tension When speaking, the muscles become tense and weaken into one syllable at a time. But these statements are not comprehensive. Because in the actual continuous speech, the results of dividing syllables according to these statements may be inconsistent. Therefore, from the perspective of phonetic physiology alone, there will be differences in syllable division between pronunciation and hearing. If we analyze it according to phonetic description or phoneme classification, there will be more differences.
However, from the perspective of general acoustic phenomena, we can think that: ① at least one vowel (sometimes a consonant) in a syllable plays a central role; ② Between syllables intensity of sound There is a weak dividing point on the. However, if two syllables are connected by vowels without a consonant to separate them, the boundary is not obvious. For example, "Xi'an" and "Xian" in Mandarin are spelled with "xian".


The smallest phonetic unit commonly used in every language group, such as vowels, consonants and other phonemes, has its inherent sound quality. These sound qualities vary to a certain extent between different speakers or between different speech environments. For example, one [e] can be read open or closed, and one [l] can be read clear or dark. Although there are changes, the function of meaning discrimination is the same as the original normal sound. Each cluster of sounds is called phoneme phoneme It is called phonemic variant. Experiments have proved that there is no neat boundary between two adjacent phonemes, and the variants of the two phonemes are overlapped and crossed.

Distinguishing feature

In the early 1950s, western phonologists, in view of the past Voice analysis The adopted specification cannot express the minimum difference of voice, so Distinguishing feature Speech analysis theory. R. Jacobson They believe that the voice of all languages can be divided into several items according to their physiological characteristics and acoustic characteristics Minimum stereo pair For example: ① vowel/non vowel, ② consonant/non consonant, ③ nasal consonant Sex/Accent, ④ Agglomeration/ Dispersity , ⑤ sudden/continuous, ⑥ emergency/non emergency, ⑦ voiced/unvoiced. Later, some people thought that these projects were not comprehensive enough and gradually revised them. N Chomsky and M Harry decided on several other items. In which, except for some of the same as the above, press Articulatory site There are: ① anterior lingual/non anterior lingual, ② lingual crest/non lingual crest, ③ long seam/non long seam, ④ posterior lingual/non posterior lingual, ⑤ Lingual surface Raise/not raise the tongue surface, ⑥ lower the tongue surface/not lower the tongue surface; Press Pronunciation method There are ⑦ resistance removal/slow resistance removal. They also divided speech into two categories: resonance sound/blocking sound. There are some people in China Chinese phonetics Features, added several items, such as: opening/closing of vowels, qi/pinch, hong/thin, and sharp/penetrating of consonants (not aspirated/aspirated).
The minimum difference of speech sounds may not be summarized by dichotomous features in some situations. for example Lingual position There are half high and half low between high and low; There are also semi nasal sounds, different degrees of nasalization and other characteristics between the accent and nasal sounds. Therefore, some people have put forward the different characteristics of multi score and other theories. In real language, from Phoneme To another phoneme, there can be countless Phonemic variant , that is, it can be divided into countless phoneme Unit, and each pair of adjacent phoneme units constitute opposition. Therefore, if you press Dialectical relationship From the point of view, each pair of solids can be divided into countless features, and each of these features is Antagonistic relationship , can be called N-duality. Using this concept to analyze speech sounds can express the relationship between speech sounds.

phonological change

When one sound is connected with another, it often changes the original pronunciation due to the naturalness of pronunciation or other reasons, which is called assimilation. The preceding tone affects the following tone Cis assimilation , conversely, it is reverse assimilation. Cis assimilation mandarin The "duck egg" of [ji or tan] → [ji or dan]. The reverse assimilation is like "Nan men" → [nam men], while the front and rear assimilation is like "San pa" → [sam ba].
When two similar syllables are connected and one of them is changed into the other to avoid repetition or monotony, it is called Alienation As mentioned above, the two upper voices are linked to make the previous upper voice become positive, which is a kind of alienation. In addition, there is weakening, such as Beijing dialect "Cotton" [mi ε n xu] → [mi ε n xu? # 91;] (the word "flower" becomes easier to read, while a →? # 91;). The soft tone of voice also belongs to Weakening phenomenon Besides Accentuation Attenuation , leakage, transposition, substitution, conversion, etc Sound change Phenomenon. Some of these sound changes are the result of saving pronunciation or rhythm, while others are the result of historical evolution or language mistakes.


also called Vowel mandarin For example, a, i and u are vowels. Early people have known that vowels are unimpeded sounds in the mouth, while consonants are different. Later X-ray By fluoroscopy, we observed the activity of various organs in the mouth when vowels were uttered. Yes acoustics Through analysis, it is known that the difference of vowel timbre is caused by the difference of the common voice value in the vocal cavity. As for how vowels occur and how vocal cords act, there are also analytical instruments. So the knowledge of vowels has been greatly enriched.
Vowels are generated simply by the closed vocal cords being impacted by the exhaled air flow, sending out periodic mechanical waves, and resonating through oral adjustment. The difference of vowel timbre is determined by various parts of the mouth, including the height, front and back of the tongue, the roundness and spread of the lip, and the rise and fall of the jaw. The most important factor is the position of the tongue. Therefore, the description of vowel timbre in the past was mainly based on the "high point of the tongue", that is, the distance between the tip, surface or root of the tongue and the upper palate Secondary factors According to the experiment, the physiological parameters of vowels are divided more, such as: ① the height of the tongue, ② the anteroposterior degree of the tongue, ③ the arch (concave convex degree) of the tongue, ④ the width of the throat, ⑤ the height of the throat, ⑥ the vertical height of the lip( aperture ), ⑦ lip width (lip extension), ⑧ lip front pinch( Circularity ),⑨ soft palate Sagging degree (nasal degree), ⑩ vocal cords Closeness (air sound level), etc.

Lingual bitmap

Phonologists make a triangle or quadrilateral Mark the position of the front and back vowels of a language (mainly referring to the tongue position) on the diagram, and point out the characteristics of each vowel, so as to help learners practice pronunciation by themselves and facilitate teaching. The famous English phonologist D Jones Standards of Vowel chart This figure only includes 8 vowels, and 1-5 in Figure 1 are not rounded vowel , 6-8 are round lip vowels. After being revised by linguists, more vowel positions were marked in a picture. The left side of each line in Figure 1 is out of circle Labial sound On the right is the round lip sound. According to the acoustic parameters of vowels, a vowel bitmap similar to the tongue bitmap can also be made.


According to the rise and fall of the tongue, vowels can be divided into four grades: high, sub high, sub low and low, such as i, e, ε, a and u, o, construction, or, from high to low. The higher the tongue position, the more closed the mouth, and the lower the mouth, the more open. In addition, according to the anterior and posterior position of the tongue, it can be divided into anterior, central and posterior positions. As shown in Figure 1, the left is Prevowel , on the right is Postvowel , inverted in the middle triangle Inside is Central vowel The central vowel [? # 91;], also known as mixed vowel, is neither front nor back nor high nor low.
There are at least four or five vowel phonemes in general languages, and more than a dozen. In normal speech, the tongue does not slide when pronouncing such vowels Monophonic In some languages, there are often two sets of vowels that play the role of meaning discrimination. The long vowels are mostly Tight vowel , while the shorter ones are mostly Loose vowel Also, when pronouncing vowels, the soft palate droops with nasal consonant The color is called nasal vowel. In Beijing pronunciation, some vowels with r color are called roll tongue (or tilt tongue) vowels.

Compound vowel

The combination of more than two vowels in a syllable is called Compound vowel In Chinese, two to three vowels are usually combined in one syllable. Two vowel names diphthong , such as ai, ao, ia, ua in Mandarin; three names triphthong For example, the intensity of these combined vowels is unequal, and one vowel is stronger than the other. Therefore, according to the position of the strong vowel in the syllable, it can be divided into front, back, or middle diphthong For example, ai, ou, etc. are front sound, ia, uo, etc. are rear sound, and iao, uai, etc. are middle sound. Generally speaking, the tongue position of the vowel in a syllable is lower than that of the silent one. The first vowel in a compound vowel, such as i, u, ü, is called Preposition
When the vowels of a compound vowel are pronounced together, Lingual position The transition from the previous vowel to the next vowel is gradual sliding, not jumping. Moreover, in Putonghua, the last vowel of the front or middle vowel is often pronounced "not at home", that is, the tongue position is higher and lower than before, and it is more central than before. For example, [ai] → [ae], [ou] → [oe].

Consonants and classification

also called Consonant In Mandarin, such as b, p, m and f are consonants. The pronunciation method is that due to the obstacles in the mouth, the exhaled air flow will burst into sound or rub into sound through these obstacles. The order of pronunciation can be divided into three stages. At the beginning, the stage of arranging the position of the vocal organs is called closure , the stage when the action has been performed but the sound has not yet been made is called holdup, and the stage when the sound is made is called released The air flow of consonants generally comes from the lungs, passes through the glottis and vocal cavity, and becomes sound from obstruction. There are two different sources of consonants formed by the opening or closing of the glottis. The glottis is open and the vocal cords do not vibrate, resulting in explosive or friction noise, which is called Clear consonant , the glottis is closed, and the air flow in the lungs bursts open, making the vocal cords vibrate, producing music, which is emitted at the same time (or earlier) with the eruption or friction Voiced consonant
Consonants have different timbres due to different pronunciation parts (blocking parts) in the mouth, so the pronunciation parts are also an important basis for analyzing consonants. Obstructions in the oral cavity are generally composed of static organs and dynamic organs. The static ones are mostly in the upper part, such as the upper lip, upper teeth, upper palate, etc., while the dynamic ones are mostly in the lower part, such as the lower lip, lower teeth mandible , tongue parts, etc. soft palate The small tongue at the back end is very flexible, although it occupies the upper part. It can move up and down to open and close the pharyngeal passage, which determines whether it is an accent or a nasal sound.
Most consonants are classified according to both pronunciation method and pronunciation position. Since the consonants of various languages in the world are different from each other, we should draw up a set of World Language The table of all consonants cannot be complete. Most of the consonants in the International Phonetic Alphabet have been summarized. Phonologists make amendments and supplements when analyzing the sounds of a particular language.
Modern phonetics studies the characteristics of consonants more and more carefully. In addition to the pronunciation position and method, it also analyzes the "vocal type", that is, in addition to the processes on the glottis such as voiceless and aspirating, the voiced consonants in some languages have different sound patterns due to different vocal cord vibration modes, which also play a role in distinguishing meanings. For example, low voice, also called Qiyin, is not fully closed when the vocal cords vibrate; One part of the vocal cords of the larynx vibrate normally, while the other moves slowly; In addition Aural speech The vocal cords do not vibrate, and the air flow makes noise due to friction caused by throat shrinking.


It is also called explosive pronunciation. The moving part of the vocal organ moves closer to the static part, resulting in occlusion (obstruction). The airflow flows out of the open glottis, opens the occlusion, and bursts into sound (removal of obstruction). After removing the obstruction, the glottis immediately closes, the vocal cords vibrate, and the vowels are added Unaspirated sound After removing the obstruction, the glottis is still open for a short period of time to let the air flow continue to flow out, and then the vowel is connected Aspirating sound The former is like [p], [t], [k] in Mandarin, while the latter is like [p '], [t'], [k '].


The dynamic and static organs in the oral cavity are close to each other, forming a gap. The exhaled air flow produces noise when passing through, which becomes Fricative sound , such as [f] and [s] in Mandarin, [v] and [je] in English.


The pronunciation action is blocking first and then rubbing. The moving and static parts of the organ are first close together at a certain point, such as Stope When removing the obstruction, the obstruction is slightly relaxed to let the air flow through such as Fricative But the difference between it and fricative is that it blocks first and then relaxes; The difference between it and plosives is that when removing obstacles, they do not immediately release the obstacles and leave a slight gap. Unaspirated Affricate The vowel sounds are immediately followed by the removal of obstacles, such as [堭] and [慯] in Mandarin. Affricates are sometimes treated as complex consonants in western languages. The aspirating plug fricative means that after removing the obstruction, there is still air flow rushing out of the lung, passing through the obstruction and then connecting vowels, such as [堭] and [慯] in Mandarin.

nasal consonant

The moving and static organs in the oral cavity are close together, forming an obstruction like a plosive. The soft palate droops to open the nasal passage, and the vocal cords vibrate. The air flow is divided into two paths in the small tongue, one to the nasal cavity, forming a nasal sound, and the other to the oral cavity, blocked by different blocking parts, resulting in different resonance timbres, such as [m] and [n] in Mandarin, Shanghainese [嬜].


The tip of the tongue in the mouth or behind the tip of the tongue against the back of the upper teeth gums Or hard palate, leaving a gap on both sides (sometimes one side) of the tongue. The soft palate rises, the vocal cords vibrate, and the air flow from Tooth edge Flow out and then release, such as [l] in Mandarin. yes , we have lateral With friction at the same time Marginal fricative , such as Guangdong Taishanese [峠].


Lower lip, tip of tongue or Uvula The moving part of the voice is in contact with the static part of the upper lip, gingiva, palate, etc., making the vocal tape sound a trembling sound. Jitter scale Trill , a scale that leaves after one touch Flicker The former is like [p] in Russian, and the latter is like [de] in English.


It is also called Tongyin. Some High vowel For example, [i], [u], [y], the tense part of pronunciation( Lingual culmination )The distance from the static part is very small, resulting in slight slit Friction. Such as [j] or [w] in Mandarin.
The sound source of the above consonants mostly comes from the pulmonary airflow. In addition, there are several consonants. The air flow does not come from the lungs when pronouncing, but the air pressure in the mouth is driven by the lifting action of the throat and the movement of the tongue, which become the power to open the block. There are three kinds of sounds driven by the air pressure in the mouth:
① Squeeze throat: Obstructive conditions, such as plosives, close the glottis and all obstacles on the glottis, move the throat upward, push the air in the closed mouth, and form pressure. When the occlusion is released, the air flow squeezed out of the glottis escapes. as American Indian languages [p '], [t'], [k '] of.
② Contraction sound: the glottis is tightly closed, the obstruction in the mouth is the same as the plosive, and the throat drops, so that the air in the occluded mouth is decompressed, and the sound is formed by removing the obstruction. as Africa , [抩], [庽], [g] in American Indian languages.
click consontant root of the tongue Rise against the soft palate to isolate the mouth from the glottis. At this time, the occluded lips or tongue tip and the upper gingiva and palate will be quickly removed, resulting in lower air pressure in the mouth and inward popping at the obstruction. African Zulu There is this sound, such as [抣].

Prosodic features

also called suprasegmental features , also known as rhythm (supra segmental )。 This is in addition to vowels, consonants and other timbre features, including pitch, intensity Sound length And all the characteristics of their interrelationship. They are represented in phonetics as tone, intonation, stress and rhythm.


In addition to vowels and consonants, tone is also a major part of speech. The tone is represented by the pitch change. The wavelength is controlled to be long or short, making the tone high or low. Alone natural state The range of tonal fluctuation is generally stable.
languages of the world It can be divided into non tone language and Tonal language Two types. The tone of non tone language bears the function of mood, while the tone of tone language (shown in the tone of words), like the consonant vowel, plays the function of meaning discrimination. as mandarin The words "ma" m ╣, "ma" m á, "ma" m ╣, and "scold" m à have the same pronunciation, but different meanings due to different tones. There are two types of pitch patterns for different tone languages. One is the scale type, which is distinguished only by the flat tone of the scale divided into grades Tune One is Camber Type, use zigzag tone to distinguish tone types (languages with arch generally also have flat tone). Voice tone Field width Yes, the difference between the adjustment values is larger, and the narrow one is smaller. Different people have different tonal domains, and the tonal domains of the same person in different moods also change. Therefore, the pitch of voice is relative rather than absolute.
The tone value of the single character of Putonghua was once Liu Fu better known as YR. Chao Tested by experimental method, after acoustic Instrument test , shape and value adjustment is much more accurate.

tone mark

past times linguist Common high-low curve or staff To describe the tone of voice. better known as YR. Chao The tone symbols, or marked letters, published in 1930 have been adopted by most linguists. This is the tone mark of the five degree system, which is the average of the tones relative pitch It is divided into five degrees: low, half low, medium, half high and high, which are represented by 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. a key signature Take vertical line as Comparison line , add horizontal line or curve to the left broken line Indicates the pitch and camber (shape modulation) of the tone. For example, the four tones of Putonghua: if there are long and short vowels in a language, the horizontal line of the short tone symbol can be shortened by half, such as. In Mandarin Soft voice Symbols, and dots instead of horizontal lines. E.g. In case of tone change, place the horizontal line or point on the right side of the vertical line.

tone sandhi

When two or more syllables are spoken together, the original Monosyllabic tone There are always changes. For example, in the spoken Chinese, the two upper tones are continuous, and the front part changes to the upper part, for example, "Haomi"="mm"; "At least". Three tone continuous reading, generally divided into grammatical structures Single double lattice Or double single grid. The former is like "the old factory director", "the factory" is changing into a flat, while "the old" is changing into a half, and the latter is like "the factory director's office", "the factory" is changing the rising tone , and "long" is the excessive shape adjustment of medium and short tone. Generally speaking, two words tone sandhi With basic Continuous tone pattern. Except for a few individual rules, the tone sandhi above three or four characters is a combination of single character and two character tone sandhi.


The tone change of a sentence is called intonation. Non tonal languages (such as English, German, etc.) mainly change their intonation, which varies according to the tone of voice. For example, English usually uses an exclamation at the end of an exclamatory sentence, while question Use interrogative tone at the end of the sentence. Tone language (such as Chinese mandarin )The basic unit is the tone type of single word and two word continuous tone. In normal speed sentences, even if there are different tones, these basic tones can still maintain their original camber. Therefore, the absolute adjustment value can be changed, but the general adjustment mode is unchanged. Only in the acceleration statement can the modulation be greatly changed.


Generally, it refers to the length of each syllable in a sentence. The rhythm of the sentence is composed of the meaning groups in the sentence, which is quite similar to that in music time Each "beat" of language includes one to three syllables disyllable Is the most common. The length of the beat often depends on the speed of the whole sentence and the priority of the meaning group, not as strict as the music beat. The following is the acoustic length analysis of a sentence in Mandarin: the horizontal line at the bottom of the sentence represents a meaning group and becomes a beat. The number below the sentence is the length of the meaning group, and the unit is seconds. It can be seen from this sentence that the length of the two word group is basically 0.3 seconds, Trisyllabic Both are 0.5 seconds, while Light reading A single word of takes only 0.1 seconds. These two three character groups are both emphatic words, so they are relatively longer than two character groups.


The degree of pronunciation is shown by the strength of the pronunciation airflow. The words in a sentence are heavy and light, representing whether the word is strengthened or not. In non tone language, the syllable stress of a word generally has the function of distinguishing the meaning of a word, which is called Word stress For example, English ' object Object. In tonal language, stress generally only represents mood, and does not distinguish word meaning. In a sentence, the accent often falls on an important Meaning group (The combination of words), sometimes can change the meaning of this sentence, called logical stress.