language contact

Chinese Language and Literature Terminology
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Language contact refers to the frequent communication between different languages or different dialects in the same language and the results it produces. The main reasons for language contact are trade, cultural exchange and mixed migration. Language contact will show mutual influence, making some changes in both or more languages. The common manifestation of one language being influenced by another is borrowing. Under certain historical conditions, stable and long-term contact may transform a language or produce a new integrated language. The former, such as Pidgin English in the Pacific Melanesia Islands, has become a national broadcasting language. The latter, such as the common language of Cape Verde, Portugal Creole It is a new language mixed with Portuguese and local languages at that time. In the community or region of the same language, although two or more languages interact with each other, they can still maintain their own independent phenomenon, which is called bilingualism in the phenomenon of language contact. For example, in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, German, French and the local language of Luxembourg remain independent. The daily form of modern language contact is translation, learning and speaking foreign languages. [1]
Chinese name
language contact
Phenomena of linguistic research
A language
Changes in pronunciation, syntax, semantics, etc



Various forms of contact, such as trade exchanges, cultural exchanges, and mixed migration, will lead to language contact. There are different types of language contact, the most common of which is word borrowing. Language contact has the following major situations: 1. the borrowing and absorption of language components 2. language integration. The borrowing and absorption of language elements can be divided into two situations: borrowing words and borrowing language rules. Some special forms of language contact, such as pidgin, mixed language (e.g. Creole), and international auxiliary language.


Language contact makes all kinds of Chinese borrowings in English emerge constantly. Words representing Chinese history and culture, such as Confucius, Laozi, Tao, Tao Te Ching, feng shui, Mandarin, have entered English everyday vocabulary. In terms of culture, sports and entertainment: "kongfu", "Tai Chi" and other words are widely known with the spread of Chinese kungfu movies. In terms of politics and economy, the term "lianghui" is derived from CNN (CNN) was the first to take the lead in using the word. Gradually, it gradually became the common vocabulary of major international media; The monetary units of our country, jiao and yuan, have also been included in the English dictionary. Interestingly, the word yuan has gone through the process of expanding its meaning in English. Yuan can also be used to refer to money in general. "Tuhao Tuhao" is expected to join hands with "Dama" in the form of words《 Oxford English Dictionary 》, this news has attracted extensive discussion and attention. According to relevant statistics, there are more than 200 words with Chinese origins in the Oxford English Dictionary. In fact, in daily life, many Chinese loanwords have occupied a place in the English vocabulary system and become an indispensable part of it.

cultural fusion

The "Global Language Monitor", headquartered in Texas, USA, released a report saying that "Chinese loanwords" have taken the lead in the new vocabulary of English since 1994, with the proportion of 5% - 20% more than any other language source. "It is surprising that Chinese has a greater impact on international English than English speaking countries due to the impact of China's economic growth." Professor Zhou Haizhong of Sun Yat sen University believes that English words derived from Chinese are the inevitable product of the contact between Chinese and English, as well as the inevitable result of the integration of Chinese and Western cultures; With the increasingly frequent exchanges between the Chinese nation and the English nation, there will inevitably be more and more English words and expressions from Chinese. [2]