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language unit

Linguistic terms
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Language unit, linguistic term. That is, the unit of each structural level of the language system. Different units can be divided according to different standards. For example, French Martine divides the language units into morpheme and phoneme. E. Benveniste (1902-1977) in France divided five language units: distinctive features, phonemes, morphemes, lexemes and sentences. Saussure called morphemes, words and idioms (fixed phrases) as language units, while free phrases and sentences were classified as speech units. Some people distinguish between phonetic units and grammatical units. The former includes phonemes, phonemes, syllables, etc., while the latter includes morphemes, words, phrases (phrases), clauses, sentences, etc. Some people also call words and idioms lexical units, and sememes and sememes semantic units. In addition, some linguists also call the word structure pattern and sentence structure pattern as language units. [1]
Chinese name
language unit
Units at all structural levels of the language system