
[yǔ sù]
Linguistic terminology
zero Useful+1
Morpheme, a linguistic term, refers to the smallest Sound semantic combination That is to say, one language unit To be called morpheme, three conditions must be met at the same time - "minimum, sound and meaning", especially "minimum" and "meaning".
The smallest refers to the size of the unit, which is relative to the advanced sound meaning combination units such as words and phrases; Meaningful refers to the meaning content of morpheme (the signified aspect of symbol), including Lexical meaning or grammatical meaning Grammatical meaning is also called grammatical function
Phonetic refers to the phonetic form of morpheme (that is, symbolic Signifier Aspect). Syllable, as the basic phonetic unit, is often the reference unit used to describe the phonetic form of morpheme. According to the matching relationship between morpheme and syllable, human language Can have monosyllabic language disyllable Language Trisyllabic language Division of X syllable language [3] So Monosyllabic morpheme As far as Chinese is concerned, Monosyllabic The definition of morpheme can be directly used to determine the language unit of Alternative method That is to say, the known morpheme is used to replace the language unit to be determined whether it is a morpheme or not. Both morphemes can be combined with other morphemes to form words. [1]
As mentioned above, "the smallest combination of sound and meaning" focuses on spoken language, but fails to give consideration to both written language Morphemes in speech. In fact, words or written forms are also important forms of morphemes. Like the phonetic form of language, it is an important carrier of morpheme realization. The voice form mainly focuses on the realization of hearing (Yes Sememe The direct oral and ear expression form takes the oral and ear as the output/input port), and the characters focus on the realization of vision at the same time (it is the writing or handwriting recording form of the combination of sound and meaning, and takes the hand as the output/input port). In the study of Chinese, it is often mentioned that "sound, form and meaning" should be taken into consideration. Here, "form" refers to the form of characters. Therefore, if both spoken and written languages are taken into account, morphemes can also be considered as the "smallest combination of sound, shape and meaning" in language.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Different language systems have different forms of expression
Smallest grammatical unit

Introduction to terms

Morpheme is the smallest combination of phonetics and semantics, which is the smallest meaningful language unit Morpheme is not a language unit used independently. Its main function is to serve as the material of words. It is said to be a combination of phonetics and semantics, a meaningful language unit. The purpose is to distinguish it from syllables. Some syllables have only sound and no meaning, and cannot be regarded as morphemes, such as "li" and "wong". It is said that it is the smallest meaningful language unit and does not belong to an independent language unit. The purpose is to distinguish it from words. [2]
Morphemes are divided into three word formation modes:
Monosyllabic morpheme: word formation is composed of one word that is meaningful
Disyllabic morpheme : Word formation consists of two words that are meaningful
Polysyllabic morpheme : The word formation is composed of more than two words that are meaningful


Sort by syllable
Monosyllabic morpheme
Heaven, earth, people, running, jumping, singing, red, white, people, friends, and thinking
Disyllabic morpheme
The two syllables that make up the morpheme are meaningful only when they are combined, Disyllabic morpheme Mainly including a compound word consisting of two characters Loanwords And proper nouns.
A. Double tone, continuous characters with the same initial: such as pipa, ping-pong, surging, tartar, embarrassment, thorns, spiders, wandering, hesitating, as if, connections, perturbed, eliminated, taotie, casual, vague, generous, jingdang, strange, exquisite, hesitant, etc.
B. Alliteration , Lianmian characters with the same vowel: calm, verdant, gourd, confused, creeping, brilliant, winding, boundless, hazy, reckless, untidy, wordy, encouraging mantis Alsophila spinulosa , Hurry Dong dragonfly , booming, clanging, rising Sprite , ethereal, ethereal, droopy, etc.
C. Not alliteration and repetition in rhyme Lianmian characters: such as centipede, dense Coral , pimple earthworm , sleepy, bell, taunt, girdle, jasmine Dragonfly , holes, couples butterfly , strainer, bouncing cicada , cunning, cunning, gecko Clam , peony, majesty, Tiyo, etc.
D. Loanwords are words that are transliterated and borrowed from languages other than Chinese. Such as cadre, polyester, jacket, taxi, bus, nylon jeep , tank Ballet , dada, tap, toast, sofa, soda, etc.
Polysyllabic morpheme
Mainly an onomatopoeia He transliterates loanwords. For example: Himalaya, Everest, Andes, Frankfurt, Olympics, brandy, vaseline, crackling, intermittent
Classified according to whether the question can be answered separately
free morpheme
The morphemes that can answer questions independently (such as "good", "come", etc.) have a strong word formation ability. They can form words independently or combine with other morphemes to form words, and their positions in sentences are flexible.
Morphemes that cannot be formed into words or sentences alone (such as "calendar", "language", "vision", etc.), but can be combined with other morphemes as word building elements to form words.
Classified by whether there is lexical meaning
The meaningful ones are called real morphemes, which mean time, place, place, etc root morpheme
The empty morpheme that has no real meaning is called empty morpheme. It only means something grammatical meaning , also called affix morpheme, has prefix, suffix and infix.

Related differences

free morpheme And normative morpheme
A morpheme that can form a word independently or combine with other morphemes is called free morpheme For example: people - people, people, human beings, life, people, strong people... electricity - lights, telephones, movies, television, lightning, static electricity


about free morpheme , strictly defined as morphemes that can be spoken alone or can form sentences alone. Free morpheme and bound morpheme Relativity is one of the classifications of morpheme activity ability.
Free morphemes can have pauses at both ends, that is, both ends are free and do not adhere to other morphemes. Such as "good", "go", "home" and "grape" in Chinese. But free morphemes are not always free. Most free morphemes can be combined with other morphemes Compound words Is no longer a free morpheme. So free morpheme is sometimes free, sometimes No freedom
interjection It is often said alone. It can be said that it is often a free morpheme. Free morphemes are loosely defined as morphemes that can be used alone or can form words independently. It may not be possible to speak alone, but it does not adhere to other morphemes; Not all Chinese words can be said alone, so not all morphemes that are formed into words alone can be said alone, such as Function word "You" and "You", but their relationship with other morphemes or morpheme combinations is also free; Another example is that some morphemes that are not just spoken can also move freely under special conditions, such as "(Xinhua News Agency, 5 days) News", "spring, summer, autumn and winter". These morphemes with free positions are all single morphemes. Some grammar books also call them free morphemes or Semi free morpheme
Cannot be a word alone Morpheme It is called standard morpheme. Because Chinese is analytical language This morpheme is not common in Chinese.

word formation

about Compound words Here are some examples of the structural relations of.
1、 Compound form: two morphemes are combined into words according to a certain relationship, which can be divided into six forms:
1. Parallelism (combination): The relationship between two morphemes is equal, regardless of the primary and secondary. For example:
Friend's language struggle is great and brave. Just now, it's time to switch things on and off
2、 More formal The two morphemes have a primary and secondary relationship, and the former one describes or restricts the latter one:
The advantages of train and railway attach importance to snow white as long as the stone core is good hearted front door airship
3. Dominant (predicate object): There is a dominant relationship between two morphemes. The former morpheme represents an action, and the latter morpheme represents something dominated and affected by this action. For example:
The revolution takes the lead in mobilizing the limited officers. The leggings are conservative and reassured. The confidants are dishonest and admit defeat. Applause
4. Declarative (subject predicate): The latter morpheme is a statement of the former morpheme, and there is a declarative relationship between them. For example:
Earthquake Winter Solstice Pain Young, impatient, timid, sunrise nervous, thirsty, civil voluntary weight
5. Complementary: the latter morpheme is Supplementary notes The result of the action represented by the previous morpheme is complementary. For example:
Explain that improve the visibility, promote, reduce the recognition, defeat, narrow down, correct, overthrow, prove and expose
6. Noun quantifier: the former morpheme indicates something, and the latter morpheme indicates this kind of thing Unit of measurement The relationship between them is special. For example:
Ship Paper Population Room Gun Book Vehicle horse Lamp Cloth rice flower
2、 Additional formula: one represents concrete Lexical meaning The morpheme of Additional components Combine into words. For example:
Brush: brush and comb Pliers Clip Scissors
Er: Draw a stick and cover a circle
Tou: Steamed bun, stone, sweet and bitter
We: we, you, they, we
No. 1, No. 2, No. 10
3、 Reduplication: combining words by repeating morphemes. For example:
Mom gradually often just thinks about it


Monosyllabic words can be used independently, so they can form words independently. For example, morphemes such as "people, running, me, pull, red..." are called "morphemes"; Some cannot be used independently, so they cannot be formed into words alone. For example, morphemes such as "people, people, opportunities..." are called "non morphemes". A morpheme that cannot be a word alone can never be a word; A morpheme that can be formed into a word alone cannot guarantee that it is a word at any time and on any occasion. For example, "people" in "people" is not a word, It's here It appears in the form of morpheme and is a constituent of the word "people". It cannot be taken apart or inserted with other elements.
It is worth noting that a small number of morphemes can not form words independently, that is, their positions are often fixed when they are combined with other morphemes. For example: First, boss, A Mao, scissors, paintings, stones, and we. The positions of "the first, the old, the ah, the son, the head, the men" are fixed in front or behind, and cannot be changed. We call such morphemes additional elements, and some people call them affix Of. Although the meaning of this additional element is not so obvious, it is different from the "grape, grape, centipede, and centipede" mentioned earlier. The former has a vague meaning, while the latter has no meaning.
The morphemes that can form words independently, and the extension of words and morphemes overlap, one morpheme for one word, such words are called Simplex word , is formed by a morpheme, and its structure is simple without further study. Morphemes that cannot form words independently can be combined with other morphemes to form a word, which is what we call compound words.

Sample explanation

Let's look at the following sentence:
He sat on the sofa reading.
This is a larger Grammatical unit , we cut it as small as possible, and it becomes:
He │ sat │ sat │ on │ sofa │ in │ read │ books
Each part cut off is meaningful and can no longer be divided into morphemes. The "sofa" here is just a morpheme, which is English sofa The transliteration of can express a meaning, so it can't be further divided.
It can be seen that morphemes have two characteristics: first, they are minimal and cannot be further divided; First, it is meaningful.
mandarin In monosyllabic word There are no more than 1400 morphemes, and the number of morphemes is far larger than that. Why? Because one syllable represents many different meanings. For example, the syllable x ī n can mean "Xin (hard work), Xin (new person), Xin (heart), Zn( Zinc ore ), Salary( salary ), wick (lamp wick), fragrance (fragrance), joy (joy) and other morphemes. Because Chinese characters are not Pinyin characters The syllable x ī n is written in different forms, which helps us analyze morphemes. However, it cannot be said that a Chinese character is a morpheme. The relationship between the form, sound, meaning and morpheme of a Chinese character, in addition to the above one syllable represents several morphemes, which can be represented by several Chinese characters, there are also some situations as follows.
One Chinese character represents several different morphemes and pronounces the same sound. For example, the word "deputy" (f ù) can represent three morphemes: "deputy ①", which means the second, secondary meaning, such as "deputy director" and "non-staple food"; "Vice ②" means appropriate, such as "not worthy of the name"; "Pair ③" refers to the measurement unit of something, such as "a pair of gloves" and "a pair of stretchers".
A syllable represents only one morpheme and is written as a Chinese character. For example: shu í - who, z ě n - how, w á - wa, s ě ng - monk, h é n - trace. There are few examples of this situation.
A morpheme can be expressed in different Chinese characters. For example, "search" of "collection" can be written as "蓃蓃蓃蓃蓃蓃蓃蓃蓃蓃", and "Su" of "awakening" can be written as "?", which is called variant character.
Several different syllables, representing different morphemes, are written in the same Chinese character. For example: ch  - poor (difference), ch à - poor (bad), ch  i - poor (bad), c ī - poor (uneven).
A syllable, written as a Chinese character, can contain two morphemes. For example, "li ǎ" and "san ǎ" are pronounced with only one syllable, but they actually contain two morphemes, "two" means "two"; "Three" means "three".
Some Chinese characters are meaningless and do not represent any morpheme. For example: grape, grape, centipede, centipede
Some Chinese characters represent morphemes on a certain occasion, but they do not represent morphemes on a certain occasion. For example, "Sha, Fa, Qiao, Ke, Li, Ma, Da" are morphemes respectively; But in "sofa", "chocolate" and "motor", they are only symbols of one syllable, not morphemes. (Chocolate is transliteration Loanwords , is a polysyllabic morpheme)
If morphemes are divided into syllables, they can be divided into Monosyllabic morpheme Disyllabic morpheme and Polysyllabic morpheme See above for example.

Difference from words


Basic Introduction

This mainly involves Monosyllabic Morpheme and monosyllabic word The two are completely consistent in form. For example, "Dian", "Chun", "Yue" and "Shu" are all words and morphemes, because no matter what words are, they must be formed by morphemes, which cannot be separated from the constituent material of morphemes. So what's going on here Distinguishing words And morphemes? This is mainly Viewing angle Different, if we focus on the smallest combination of phonetics and semantics, then the above language units are morphemes, and if we focus on the smallest can act independently Sentence element , then language units like the above are words. For example, in "Where is spring? Spring is in our hearts", spring is a word, which is composed of morphemes. In "Where is spring? Spring is in our hearts", "spring" is not a word, but the material of words, that is, morphemes. Morphemes and words cannot be distinguished. Most words are disyllable Form, while morphemes are mostly monosyllabic forms, and morphemes in monosyllabic forms only have the problem of different observation angles between morphemes and words, while non morphemes do not have this problem. For example, "Wei" and "Xiang" can only be morphemes, not words.
The functions of words and morphemes are very different, and the syllable form also has significant characteristics, so it is not difficult to distinguish them. However, it should also be noted that Chinese morphemes are very active and can often be used as independent words in many cases, because from the history of morphemes Ancient Chinese It is basically consistent with words in Modern Chinese Although morphemes and words have some division of labor, there is no clear boundary. For example, "moon" of "moon" can only be said as "moon", so "moon" should be a morpheme. However, "moon" is undoubtedly a word again in "moonrise startles mountain birds" and "mountains are high and the moon is small". It can be seen that it is not easy to tell whether these units are words or morphemes simply from the perspective of form. We must pay attention to the perspective of observation. From different perspectives, they can be classified into different categories, which does not erase their respective characteristics. This is a bit like identification phoneme and Phoneme , such as the Mandarin pronunciation unit p natural quality Angle observation is phoneme and phonetic Social attribute Angle observation is phoneme.

Learning essentials

Most Chinese words are composed of two morphemes, and some words contain more than two morphemes. For example, "tractor", "library"“ outlook on life ”"Electrification"“ typical ”"Young man" and so on. Such a word is composed of the first two morphemes and then a morpheme.
Understand the characteristics of Chinese morphemes, their relationship with Chinese characters, and their relationship with Chinese vocabulary Learn Chinese It is very useful. Since morphemes are meaningful, words composed of morphemes are related to the meaning of morphemes. "Peace", "Competition", "Water", "Spacecraft", "Peace", "Applause", "Panic", "Earthquake" Equivalency The meaning of "li" is a collection of two morpheme meanings. For words with special combinations such as "ship" and "vehicle", the morpheme behind the quantifier is also meaningful. We can't say "ship" as "ship based", and "book" as "book only", because ship is the theory, and book is the theory.
After knowing morpheme knowledge, we can better identify the meaning of words. For example, the words "water conservancy" and "water power" can be distinguished by understanding the morphemes "benefit" and "force".
stay Teaching Chinese In Chinese, morpheme plays an important role, but the concept of morpheme is relatively abstract. When teachers teach this part, don't talk too much theoretical analysis We can combine the knowledge of morphemes into the teaching of Chinese characters and vocabulary, and teach them to students through a large number of various exercises. In this way, the teaching effect may be better.

Relation between Chinese characters and Chinese characters

(1) One Chinese character corresponds to one syllable, one morpheme, and most of the Monosyllabic morpheme This is the case. For example, "chronic" corresponds to diseases that are difficult to cure.
(2) One Chinese character corresponds to one syllable and multiple morphemes, that is, the so-called amphiboly This situation is common. For example, "fragrance" corresponds to multiple meanings such as fragrance, good taste, popularity, kiss, etc.
⑶ Many Chinese characters correspond to the same syllable and morpheme, and variant characters in Chinese are typical representatives.
⑷ One Chinese character corresponds to multiple syllables and morphemes. In Chinese Polyphonic polysemy It belongs to this correspondence.
(5) Some Chinese characters are meaningless and do not represent any morpheme. That is to say, a morpheme is corresponding to multiple Chinese characters and syllables. For example, "chocolate" is not a morpheme, but a symbol recording syllables.