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grammatical function

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Grammatical function refers to the role and function of grammatical units in language structure. For example, the grammatical function of words is embodied in the ability to combine words (combining function) and the ability of words to take a certain position in a sentence (syntactic function). For example, "boiling water" and "water boiling" means that "boiling" has the function of combining before and after "water". "* ma kai" and "* ma shui" cannot be said, which means "ma" does not have the function of combining before "boiling" and "water"; "Very" has the ability to act as adverbial and complement in sentences ("very good" and "very good"), but has no ability to act as other elements. The grammatical function of a language unit is always shown in its structure, which is the sum of its structural relations. Some people use "grammatical function" to refer only to the combination function of language units, or to the syntactic function of language units. [1]
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grammatical function