
[huà wù yuán]
Call center staff, answer calls and solve business problems
zero Useful+1
A telephone operator, usually working in the company's call center, mainly answers customers' calls, solves relevant business problems, and is engaged in on duty long-distance call, international call, number inquiry radio pagers information service PBX And various attendant consoles, as well as the personnel who conduct business queries on the processor.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Seated representatives, Customer service specialist etc.
Career grade
Junior, intermediate, senior operator, technician
Professional tasks
Answer calls and solve related business problems
Work location
Call center of each company

Professional standards


Career content

  • Answer the call in order, accept the user's use of telecommunications services, and fill in the record sheet;
  • Connect and handle user business needs;
  • Connect and deal with business calls received;
  • Foreign exchange bureaus provide language assistance, call assistance and other services when calling China, and undertake international call inquiry business;
  • Control business flow And circuit quality;
  • Handle and change the user's telephone number according to the procedure;
  • Accept all kinds of special services of special line users;
  • Continue to handle outgoing calls, incoming calls, transfer calls, cancellation, cancellation and cancellation;
  • Connect and deal with the business of connection change, call change, serial call, paging call and teleconference;
  • Accept information service business;
  • Accept PBX services;
  • Accept onboard consulting business.

Career grade

There are four levels in this profession, namely junior operator( National Professional Qualifications Level 5), intermediate telephone operator (Level 4 of national vocational qualification), senior telephone operator (Level 3 of national vocational qualification), technician (Level 2 of national vocational qualification).
The following types of work are included in this occupation:
Long distance operator
Telephone operator for number inquiry
International operator
The profession of telephone operator appeared at a very early age. It has different characteristics in different periods job content
During the Anti Japanese War, the main job of telephone operators was to receive and send telegrams Morse code Of Confidential work Position.
From the liberation to the widespread popularity of the telephone, telephone operators generally worked in ordinary units, telephone bureaus or post offices, mainly Scope of work Is to connect the Telephone line It is connected manually to ensure the communication between both parties.

Post responsibilities

(1) Collect and analyze all kinds of information related to marketing work, including those related to enterprises and their industries Product sales Market competition , and the enterprise's Marketing objectives Marketing concept Business Philosophy Etc. In addition Enterprise products All the knowledge and information of the Product performance , form, etc.
(2) According to the information collected and processed and the Sales target , develop a telemarketing plan.
(3) Aim Target customers And build relationships. According to the market survey results, as well as the customer list, ordering information Prospects To target and predict the number of customers. At the same time, make telephone calls to customers to determine the target customers.
(4) Development Sales plan Call plan with customers. Determine which product performance can be introduced to customers and which indicators can be met customer demand Of Product characteristics , and formulate corresponding customer call plans and plan the time.
(5) Execute the sales plan. Through customer phone calls and various Promotion means To determine whether the sales task can be achieved and the next stage of sales Planning The key link of.

Professional quality



Influence quality is excellent Marketing personnel Possess and apply the most common quality, often with the potential Achievement oriented Interaction, ultimately driving the achievement of high performance. In practice Telemarketing There are several ways to exert the influence quality in the process of
Focus and customer establishment trust Or leave some specific and deep impression on the other party (including voice, language and other details).
By understanding the most concerned and sensitive issues of customers and meeting their requirements to exert influence, it shows that the enterprises they represent attach importance to and understand customers, so as to gain customers' continuous trust and loyalty.
Understand customers' views on marketing and related personnel, and take actions to predict and guide others' behaviors.


Telemarketing Personnel's Initiative It is often manifested in the spirit and perseverance of perseverance, that is, trying different methods again and again to complete a task, and never giving up in the face of failure and rejection. In the long run, initiative also means seizing opportunities, taking quick action to deal with potential threats in the future, and paying more efforts in advance than required by work.

Interpersonal understanding

Interpersonal understanding yes Telemarketing One of the core qualities of personnel, it is also the quality of influence and customer service The basis for quality to play its role. Telemarketers with this quality can judge customers' intentions and tendencies according to their words, predict their future needs, and adjust their own ways accordingly. This is what we mean by "putting yourself in the customer's shoes" and creating value for customers.

customer service

customer service It is also possessed by excellent marketing personnel basic quality One is to provide customers with products and services that meet their needs, and act as consultants when customers make major decisions. Especially for the latter, to establish long-term and stable cooperative relationship with customers, excellent telemarketers often have to play a trusted advisory role. Obviously, the success or failure of this role not only requires the marketing personnel to have a continuous and correct understanding of customer needs, but also requires the marketing personnel to be able to Customer orientation Put forward various suggestions to customers based on the principle of.


The main performance is that they are confident in their own ability and in facing various challenges, and do not give up or slack in the face of failure, but actively respond to the same. Confidence is Telemarketing One of the most basic qualities of personnel. Of course, all marketing personnel must have the ability to withstand or tolerate failure and rejection endurance However, in terms of the way of explaining and handling failures and rejections, excellent marketers and ordinary marketers will show great differences. Generally, excellent marketing personnel will treat failure and rejection with a positive and optimistic attitude. When explaining the reasons for failure and summarizing the lessons of failure, they can not only objectively external cause Conduct analysis, including intense market competition And customers' preferences for other products, and can objectively evaluate themselves What did you do With nothing done, and develop a corresponding positive improvement plan. However, ordinary marketing personnel often lose their morale due to failure and rejection, or find many reasons to defend themselves.

Information search

That is, search for relevant products technological development Prospects , customer demand, market competition, etc Telemarketing One of the necessary qualities of personnel. Some marketing personnel with high quality will collect information in a variety of ways. They focus on obtaining information through direct ways such as inquiry and investigation.

Relationship building

Establishing information cooperation relationship with customers is one of the core contents of marketing work. Relationship building Mainly reflected in Customer retention Contact, make regular telephone calls, and form regular and good interaction with customers.

Inductive thinking

Inductive thinking is mainly used to analyze and summarize customers' psychology and related behaviors, so as to solve problems raised by customers, or get further contact with them.

Automatic control capability

When facing customers' complaints, complaints or resistance, marketing personnel must have good self control ability And face it with a positive attitude.

team work

team work In a sense, it can also be regarded as an effective way to cultivate and develop talents, and at the same time, to promote the call center Site management Play a supporting role.


Workflow : A. Morning shift 07:30-16:00
1. Arrive on time to sign in and check LOG BOOK;
2. And night shift Shift handover, see if there is anything to follow (such as calling early);
3. Be familiar with relevant information of the day (weather, EA VIP , hotel activity arrangement, MORNING CALL, room transfer record, guest message [whereabouts], DND, etc.);
4. Clean the traffic room; 5. Carry out normal traffic work; 6. Shift handover.
B、 Mid shift 15:30-24:00
1. Sign in, check LOG BOOK and hand over to the morning shift.
2. Be familiar with the EA and VIP situation of the day (room number, name, title, colleague, etc.)
3. Familiarize yourself with the relevant information of the day (same as the morning shift)
4. Mid night shift Switchboard It should be known that division manager Name, CALL machine, location.
5. Carry out normal traffic work;
6. Play on time closed-circuit television Program;
7. Keep the attendant room clean;
8. Turn off the background music at 11:00 pm, and 10:30 in winter
9. Shift handover.
C、 Night shift 23:30-07:30
1. Sign in, read LOG BOOK and hand over to the middle shift.
2. Understand the VIP check-in situation of the day;
3. Check the MORNING CALL record of the middle shift record and input it into the computer;
4. Turn off CCTV;
5. Carry out normal traffic work;