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A line of poetry

[shī háng]
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Lines of poetry, seeing the name of a thing one thinks of its function A line of poetry is not necessarily a complete sentence. The length of the line is foot Number calculation.
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A line of poetry
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A line of poetry
(1) A line of poetry is not necessarily a complete sentence.
english The first line of a poem letter All words are capitalized, but a line of poetry is not necessarily a complete sentence, or can express a complete meaning. Sometimes a line of poetry is just one sentence, sometimes two or even many lines can form a sentence with complete meaning. The former is called end stopped line( Concluding line )The latter is called run on line (Interline sentence). This is one of the biggest differences between English poetry and Chinese poetry. China Poetry All lines express a complete meaning. Look at the following poem:
I shot an arrow into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For, so swiftly it flew, the sight
Could not follow it in its flight.
The first two lines are end stopped lines, and the last two lines are run on lines. Read a poem in a cross line sentence with a short pause at the end of the line.
Interline sentences are very common in English poetry. Sometimes a dozen lines can form a complete sentence.
(2) The length of the line is foot Number calculation:
The length range of English lines is generally one foot five foot. 6、 Seven, there are also eight tone step lines, but not many. Most of them are poems with four and five foot steps.
(Special terms for various long and short lines of poetry: one meter, two meter, three meter, four meter, five meter, pentameter, six meter, seven meter, six meter, eight meter, octameter, octameter)
When analyzing the metrical patterns of a poem, we should examine not only the basic metrical types of the poem, but also the number of metrical lines in the poem. Look at the following short poem:
Alexander Pope
You beat│your pate, │and fan│cy wit │will come:
Knock as│you please, │there’s no│body│at home.
(You clap your head, thinking that inspiration will come soon. But no one will open the door as you knock. pat, head. fancy, Verb: Think, imagine.)
The basic foot type of this poem is iambic, with five steps in each line. Therefore, the meter of this poem is“ Iambic Pentameter ”(iambic pentameter)。 The meter of a poem consists of the type of foot and the number of foot contained in the line.