zero Useful+1


Terminology in the field of literature
"Vocabulary", that is, "vocabulary", is one of the indicators of language proficiency. The degree to which a person can understand or use a language. It can be divided into four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing, and each skill can correspond to a vocabulary.
Chinese name
Introduction to terms
English Vocabulary Level Comparison Table
500: the average level of primary school students in China.
1000: average level of domestic junior high school students or American farmers.
3500: The average level of domestic high school students can understand basic scientific articles.
5000: Level IV and VI. I can understand the documents in the regular workplace, and can basically communicate freely with foreigners.
8500: TOEFL level, enough to deal with English social workplace materials.
12500: It can even be worshipped by foreigners. Can understand English original novel.
20000: Enjoy the English books.