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Evidential effect

Legal qualification
synonym Evidential capacity (Evidential capacity) generally refers to the effectiveness of evidence
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Evidence effect refers to authentic act It is a reliable evidence with proof target of notarization True and legal Probative force , which can be directly used as the basis for identifying the facts. and, Notarial certificate Of legal effect It is more effective than the certificates issued by ordinary citizens, legal persons or other organizations on the same matter. [1]
Chinese name
Evidential effect
Evidential capacity
Legal qualification
People's Court
Relevant regulations
Notarization Law 》Article 36 and《 civil procedure law 》Articles 67 and 69 provide that notarized Civil juristic act The facts and documents with legal significance shall be taken as the basis for ascertaining the facts, unless there is evidence to the contrary sufficient to overturn the notarization. The people's court shall identify the authenticity of the certification documents submitted by ordinary citizens, legal persons or other organizations, review and determine Probative effect Article 69 of the Civil Procedure Law stipulates: "After legal procedures Notarized Legal acts Legal fact And documents, the people's court shall serve as the basis for ascertaining the facts, unless there is evidence to the contrary sufficient to overturn the notarial certificate. " [2]