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[jiǎng guān]
Chinese words
Speaker, pinyin ji ǎǎ ng gu ǎ n, a Chinese word, means an official who speaks for the emperor at a banquet. It also refers to the officials of the Eastern Palace.
Chinese name
jiǎng guān
Related literature
Su Shui Ji Wen
Officials who made speeches for the emperor



An official who gave a speech at a banquet for the emperor. [1]


Song · Sima Guang's "Su Shui Ji Wen" (Volume IV): Meeting the Tianzhang Pavilion to make the Que, the lecturer Li Shu and other officials recommended the history museum to review Wang Zhu, but it was in the middle of the book, not in the line.
Ming· Kong Zhenyun The epitaph of Yuan Gong (Yuan Keli), the Minister of Military Affairs of the Senior Government Officer of the Ming Dynasty, is awarded to the Jinshi, the Tongyi doctor, the assistant director of Zhanshi's office and the academician of the Imperial Academy, the compilation of the records of the previous dynasties, the notes on living, the management of the internal book of the six Cao Zhangzuo, the writing of the official script of the exhibition of the Wenhua Hall, the former Youchunfang Youyu De Zuo Shuzi, the former Youyu De Zuo Shuzi, who is in charge of the affairs of the Nanjing Imperial Academy, the lecture officer of the Jingyan, and the family members of Tongjia Wang Duo I bow down to the calligraphy pill.
Seventy two biographies of the Ming Dynasty: When the emperor lived in the Eastern Palace, he moved to be a lecturer.
"Ming History · Wenyuan Biography IV · Jiao Hong": The eldest son of the emperor comes out and works together, and Hong is the lecturer.
The first volume of Chen Kangqi's "Records of Lang Qian" in the Qing Dynasty: today's Imperial Academy does not serve as a lecturer, and does not serve as a class. It still follows this system.