Press ID

Professional ID
zero Useful+1
synonym Press card (Press card) generally refers to the press card
The press card is owned by our news organization News gathering and editing personnel be engaged in News interview The valid work identity cards used in the activity shall be printed and issued by the General Administration of Press and Publication, numbered by the General Administration of Press and Publication, and stamped with the seal of the General Administration of Press and Publication, the special seal for the issuance of press cards, the special seal for the annual review of press cards, and the official seal of the news agency. No other unit or individual may make or copy press cards, or make or issue other official documents for interviews.
The professional qualification examination for journalists is an admittance professional qualification examination, which is held once a year. Two subjects are set up, namely, Basic Knowledge of Journalism and News Gathering and Editing Practice, to assess whether the employees of news organizations who have entered the job have the necessary political literacy, professional ability and professional ethics to engage in news gathering and editing. [6]
As of December 2021, 194263 journalists across the country have valid press cards. [5] On November 4, 2023, the first professional qualification examination for journalists was held in 31 provinces (districts, cities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, and more than 39000 journalists from all news organizations across the country took part in the examination. [6]
Chinese name
Press ID
Scope of application
News gathering and editing personnel
Holder's education
College degree or above
New edition
December 2, 2019

application area

The news gathering and editing personnel must hold the press card when they are engaged in the news interview, and they should show it to the interviewee actively during the news interview. The legitimate rights and interests of the holder of the press card to engage in news reporting shall be protected by law. News agencies should publish the website of the "National Network System for the Management and Verification of Journalist Cards" on their affiliated media to facilitate the public to check the press cards and accept supervision.

System implementation

On October 29, 2014, in order to strengthen the construction of news website editors and journalists and improve the overall quality of the team, National Internet Information Office and State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television Jointly issued the Notice on the Issuance of Press Cards on News Websites, which requires the official implementation of the notice on national news websites Press card system As a result, the news website editors and editors nationwide were formally integrated into the unified management. [1]
The official implementation of the press card system on national news websites will strictly follow the《 Measures for the Administration of Internet Information Services 》Regulations on the Administration of Internet News Information Services《 Measures for the Administration of Press Cards 》、《 Circular of the State Council on Authorizing the State Internet Information Office to Manage Internet Information Content 》And other relevant regulations. [1]
The first batch of implementation scope is the news website approved by the State Internet Information Office, which has obtained the first class qualification of Internet news information service license and meets the conditions. The applicants should be full-time news gathering and editing personnel within the news website establishment or formally employed with more than one year of news gathering and editing experience. The State Internet Information Office is responsible for the training and qualification verification of journalists for news website editors, and the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television is responsible for issuing press cards. [1]
The press cards issued on national news websites this time are consistent with those issued to traditional media to ensure the same standard and unified management of traditional media and online media. News websites must carefully review the qualifications of applicants and strictly control the scope of issuance of press cards in accordance with relevant provisions such as the scope of issuance, application conditions and application procedures. At the same time, the Notice also requires the host or competent department of news websites to conscientiously perform their duties of review, strictly review the application materials submitted by news websites, guide news websites to complete the issuance of press cards on time, and constantly strengthen the supervision and management of journalists on news websites. [1]
In order to implement the press card system on news websites, the State Internet Information Office will establish a working linkage mechanism with the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television to be responsible for the daily supervision and management of press cards on national news websites, and launch a round of certificate application, training, review and coordination for new journalists on news websites every year, Do a good job in the annual review of journalists on licensed news websites and other follow-up work. [1]
On November 27, 2019, State Press and Publication Administration Issued《 Notice on the unified renewal of press cards nationwide in 2019 》It was decided that from December 2, 2019 to March 31, 2020, the press cards of national news organizations should be renewed.
The 2019 edition of press cards will be uniformly printed by the State Press and Publication Administration without any charge, and the replacement work will all be carried out through the network system of China Reporters Network. During the renewal period, the old press card will continue to be valid. The old version will be invalidated after March 31, 2020. [2]

Application scope

News interview is an official act to effectively realize the people's right to know. Therefore, the press card is only issued to full-time editors of news organizations. The news organizations we refer to include news newspapers, publishing units of news periodicals news agency broadcasting station TV stations, news film studios, etc.
Among them, news newspapers and periodicals shall be recognized by the General Administration of Press and Publication; Radio and television news organizations shall be recognized by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.
To apply for a new press card, the following conditions must be met
1. Abide by national laws and regulations, news discipline, and professional ethics of journalists;
2. Have a college degree or above and have the qualification for news gathering and editing recognized by the relevant departments of the State Council;
3. Engaged in news gathering and editing within the establishment of the news agency, or formally employed by the news agency to engage in news gathering and editing;
4. Persons who have received press cards.
Scope of non issuance
1. The staff in the non acquisition and editing posts in the news organization, such as party affairs, administration, logistics, business, advertising, engineering and technology;
2. Staff other than news organizations include correspondents, freelance writers, freelance journalists who provide articles or programs for news organizations, and other personnel who collect and edit news articles for news organizations full-time or part-time.;
3. Staff of teaching guidance newspapers, college newspapers, and journal editors without news gathering business;
4. Persons with bad employment records or who have received criminal punishment.

statistical data

As of November 5, 2012, there were 248101 news gathering and editing personnel with press cards in China, including 105942 newspaper and journal reporters, and 142159 journalists from radio, television, news agencies and other media.
In terms of gender ratio, there are 140684 male journalists and 107417 female journalists, with a male female ratio of 57:43. In terms of educational background, 99% of news gathering and editing personnel with certificates have college education or above. From the perspective of age structure, young and middle-aged journalists accounted for the vast majority, including 31447 journalists aged 21 to 30, accounting for 12.7% of the total number; 97827 journalists aged 31 to 40, accounting for 39.4% of the total; 81141 journalists aged 41 to 50, accounting for 32.8% of the total; There are 34436 people aged 51 to 60, accounting for 13.9% of the total. [3]
As of December 2021, 194263 journalists across the country have valid press cards. [5]
In 2023, China Central Radio and Television Corporation will conduct annual verification of press cards for 7213 news gathering and editing personnel, apply for press cards for 232 news gathering and editing personnel, and cancel press cards for 133 resigned or retired personnel. [7]

Structural characteristics

The length and width of the 2003 edition press card is 107mm × 77mm. The cover and back cover are made of dark blue imitation leather fabric, which has the advantages of moderate hardness, water resistance, folding resistance, abrasion resistance, tear resistance, high and low temperature resistance, and difficult imitation. The cover is hot stamped with the national emblem of the People's Republic of China in bright silver and the Chinese and English characters of the "press card". The dark blue color is in sharp contrast with the silver color, which is solemn and authoritative.
Features, styles and anti-counterfeiting technology description
Back Cover Cover Two Title Page Inside One Inside Two Inside Three Cover Three
The inside page of the 2003 edition press card uses the special watermark paper with the words "GAPP" (the abbreviation of the General Administration of Press and Publication) as the content People's Bank of China Filing is only used for printing press cards. The watermark paper is in accordance with Banknote paper The process requires manufacturing, which increases its strength, folding resistance, waterproof and moisture-proof performance.
The inside pages of the 2003 edition press card are mainly in light gray and blue, echoing the cover. Printed on the title page of the certificate General Administration of Press and Publication National emblem; "General Administration of Press and Publication of the People's Republic of China" in both Chinese and English; The inside page of the certificate has an inch photo of the reporter, indicating the reporter's unit, name, gender, ID card number, reporter card number and date of issuance; The inside page of the certificate is marked with the words "Supervised by the General Administration of Press and Publication of the People's Republic of China", and also printed with the special seal for issuing the press card.
The 2003 edition of press card comprehensively adopts the domestic leading anti-counterfeiting technologies such as special anti-counterfeiting paper, multiple anti-counterfeiting inks, anti-counterfeiting stitching, professional anti-counterfeiting graphic design, and high-end anti-counterfeiting printing Anti counterfeiting materials After professional post press processing, the press card has excellent internal quality and extremely high comprehensive anti-counterfeiting function.
The anti-counterfeiting technology of the 2003 edition press card is divided into three levels, including nine anti-counterfeiting technologies. The first level of anti-counterfeiting adopts four anti-counterfeiting technologies, which can be identified only by visual inspection or touch. It is the simplest and most conventional method for the public to identify the authenticity of press cards; The second level of anti-counterfeiting adopts three anti-counterfeiting technologies, which need to be identified by a magnifying glass or ultraviolet lamp detector (ultraviolet lamp money detector), which is a method that the public can identify through simple equipment; The third level of anti-counterfeiting technology can only be identified through special instruments, which are mainly used by the press and publication administrative departments. This level of anti-counterfeiting technology is confidential and not open to the public.

the way to distinguish

The following is the detailed description and identification method of the first two layers of anti-counterfeiting technology of the 2003 press card:
Position characteristics and identification methods of technical names used in anti-counterfeiting layer
The inner page of the first layer of full version watermark paper faces the inner page of the certificate to the light source, and the clear and layered watermark "GAPP" can be seen through backlight visual inspection
Professional anti-counterfeiting shading technology The relief shading of the word "GAPP" with clear printing lines can be seen through visual inspection on the inner page
Color separation printing technology The inner page pattern is composed of smooth curves. Visual inspection shows that different parts of the curve have different colors, and the color transition is extremely natural
Intaglio printing technology Inside page 2 is printed with full ink color, fine and clear lines, and has obvious concave and convex feeling when touched by hand. Visual inspection of the pattern at a 45 degree angle shows that the word "GAPP" is in the center of the pattern
The title page and inner page of the second layer of fluorescent ink The Three Kingdoms Emblem and the special seal for press card issuance can emit red fluorescence under the irradiation of the ultraviolet lamp detector
The inside page 2 of the microfilm is aligned with the "No." character in the "ID card number" with a magnifying glass, and it can be seen that the clearly printed "GAPP" microfilm letter is hidden in the last horizontal line of the "No." character
Anti counterfeiting binding line The inner page middle seam binding line can emit blue fluorescence under the irradiation of ultraviolet lamp detector
Five positions of annual inspection labels of press cards are reserved at the bottom of the inner page 3 of the 2003 edition press card. The qualified press cards are attached with round laser anti-counterfeiting annual inspection labels here, indicating that the annual inspection of press cards is effective. The annual inspection label of the press card shall be made with the most advanced anti-counterfeiting technology in China, naked eye It can identify its strong dynamic image features and surrounding English "Press Card". After the annual inspection label is pasted, the label surface substrate can be lifted, but the laser hologram can not be completely lifted, it is still stuck on the object to be pasted and destroyed, so it can play a role of one-time use.
The website of "China Reporters Network" is printed on the back cover of the 2003 edition of the press card. The public can log in to "China Reporters Network" according to the website, input the ID number and unified number on the press card, and verify whether the press card is a valid certificate.

New Certificate

The General Administration of Press and Publication will issue new press cards to news organizations nationwide from February 25, 2009.
Press Card 2009
The notice said that in order to ensure the normal development of news gathering activities, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of journalists, effectively strengthen the management of journalists and press certificates, and do a good job in supervision and service, it was decided to uniformly renew the press cards of national news organizations from February 25, 2009 in accordance with the provisions that press cards should be renewed every five years.
The unified renewal of press cards began on February 25 and ended on June 30. All news organizations should complete the replacement of press cards before June 30. From July 1, the General Administration of Press and Publication will ReporterNet The press cards that have not been renewed will be cancelled in a unified way, and the old press cards will all be invalidated.
The notice stressed that the press and publication administration departments at all levels and news organizations should, in combination with the work of this renewal, strictly review the qualifications of applicants for press cards, strictly control the scope of issuance of press cards, and resolutely clean up the ranks of journalists for those who do not meet the conditions.


First, the color of the cover has been changed, and the layout has been slightly adjusted. The cover of the new press card changed the original blue color to coffee color. Second, the contents of the second cover are added. The second cover is used Map of the People's Republic of China The anti-counterfeiting shading is designed according to the graphics of six administrative regions in Northeast, North China, East China, Central South, Northwest and Southwest, as well as Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.
Third, the number of pages has been added. The new press card has changed the original one page annual inspection page to five pages, and the annual inspection page uses the background picture with the characteristics of traditional Chinese bronze drums.


The new press card has taken five measures to prevent forgery and improve:
1. Anti counterfeiting technology
In terms of anti-counterfeiting technology, the new press card mainly uses 15 anti-counterfeiting technologies in four aspects: paper anti-counterfeiting, pattern anti-counterfeiting, ink anti-counterfeiting, and binding line anti-counterfeiting.
The main anti-counterfeiting technologies are: watermark, safety wire, fluorescent fiber; Vector kink shading, embossed shading, dot matrix anti copying, gravure latent image, micro text secret record, text screening; Photorefractive illusory ink UV fluorescent ink UV fluorescent anti-counterfeiting binding line, etc.
Compared with the 2003 edition press card, it mainly adds security lines, fluorescent fibers, dot matrix anti copying, text screening, color changing pearlescent ink, laser marking and other anti-counterfeiting technologies.
(1) Paper anti-counterfeiting
·Watermark paper of "GAPP";
·Personalized safety line with fluorescence;
·With fluorescent fiber.
(2) Pattern anti-counterfeiting
(3) Ink anti-counterfeiting
(4) Binding line anti-counterfeiting
2. Improve the design of annual certificate inspection logo
The new edition of the press card adjusts the annual inspection logo originally concentrated on one page to five pages. After the annual inspection is completed, the annual inspection label is pasted on the annual inspection page of the current year. The annual inspection label is produced with fragile paper, and can no longer be completely opened after being pasted, which can play a very good anti-counterfeiting function. Moreover, the label is marked with the validity period of the certificate, strengthening the annual inspection work every year, So as to strengthen the management of press cards.
3. Add the design of certificate serial number
In order to strengthen the management of blank certificates, each new edition of press card is printed with a unique serial number, and each certificate must be registered and kept by a specially assigned person when it is put into storage. The management responsibility of all blank certificates should be assigned to each person to avoid the loss of blank press cards.
4. Press card information is centrally printed and uniformly received
The renewed press cards will be printed in the management unit, and the news unit will collect the information from the management department to ensure the accuracy of all the press cards, and also to avoid the mismanagement problems after the news unit received the blank press cards in the past.
5. Improve the quality of certificates
The new press card focuses on improving the material and processing technology.
·The new version of certificate uses high strength pure PVC as the cover
·The inside page is a watermark paper printed with RMB containing fluorescent safety wire and fluorescent fiber
·The press card samples passed the high and low temperature tests from minus 20 ℃ to minus 60 ℃ and the three-month wear resistance test
Various experiments have shown that the quality of the new press card has been significantly improved, which can meet the needs of journalists in various harsh natural environments. It is sturdy, durable, easy to carry, and has the characteristics of waterproof, folding proof, and deformation free.

Penalty event

Since 2014, Sichuan Province has cancelled the press cards of more than 1000 people who do not meet the requirements for holding a certificate. [4]
On May 13, 2014, the bureau specifically sent a notice to all news organizations and their competent sponsors in Sichuan Province, as well as the reporter stations of the central and foreign media in Sichuan, clearly requiring all organizations to comprehensively clean up the situation of holding press cards, and actively and timely cancel the press cards that do not meet the application conditions. Through this clean-up, the press cards of 1281 persons who did not meet the conditions for holding certificates were cancelled in the whole province. [4]
On September 11, 2014, Sichuan Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television The investigation was carried out immediately after Ziyang Daily was found to have committed suspected violations in the process of applying for the press card. [4]
On September 14, 2014, the Sichuan Provincial Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television Bureau issued a notice in advance of administrative punishment to a Sichuan illegal newspaper. [4]