delivery value

Difference between total customer value and total customer cost
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Delivered value is Total customer value And Total customer cost Difference. Among them, the total customer value includes all the benefits obtained by customers in the process of purchase and consumption interest Probably from Product value service value People value or Image value The analysis of total customer value is the focus of customer theory research. Total customer cost includes the amount paid by customers to purchase a product or service Cost of money , as well as the buyer's expected time, physical strength and Spiritual cost
Chinese name
delivery value
Economics Marketing
Explanation of words
Due to the continuous development of society, the production capacity of goods has been greatly improved, so that today's consumers are faced with complex choices of goods and brands, which makes enterprises must pay attention to how customers make choices. Obviously, from an economic point of view, since consumers are socio-economic participants and commodity value The implementer of, he must act according to the "bounded rationality", that is, the customer is evaluated according to the maximum value provided. Therefore, the premise of modern marketing theory is that the buyer will buy from the enterprise, which they think can provide the highest customer delivered value The so-called customer delivered value refers to the whole Customer value (total customer value) and Overall customer cost (total customer cost). Overall customer value refers to the total benefits that customers get from a given product and expectation, including Product value service value People value and Image value The overall customer cost is the money, time, energy and Spiritual cost
The concept of customer delivered value is put forward by enterprises Business direction It provides a comprehensive analysis idea. First of all, enterprises must improve production management and operation in an all-round, whole process and in depth to make their products acceptable to customers, Business performance The improvement of is not the result of behavior, but the function of multiple behaviors. In the past, we emphasized that marketing only focused on some specific operational elements such as products, prices, distribution, promotion, etc., while the delivered value believed that Customer value The realization of "s includes not only material factors, but also non-material factors; Not only the improvement of operation is needed, but also the management must adapt to the changes in the market. Secondly, creating good overall customer value in the production and operation of an enterprise is only the premise for an enterprise to gain competitive advantage and successfully operate. An enterprise should not only focus on creating value, but also pay attention to what consumers put into purchasing goods and services Total cost When purchasing goods and services, customers always want to minimize the relevant costs, including money, time, energy and spirit, while at the same time hoping to gain more practical benefits from them. Therefore, enterprises must also reduce production and Cost of sales To reduce the time, energy and spirit consumption of customers to purchase goods, thus reducing the monetary cost Cost of money Obviously, fully understanding the meaning of customer delivered value can guide industrial and commercial enterprises to comprehensively design and evaluate the value of their products in market operation, so as to maximize customer satisfaction, and then improve Enterprise competitiveness It is of great significance.