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State Key Laboratory of Computer Science (Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

scientific research institution
State Key Laboratory of Computer Science rely on Software Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences , the laboratory was established in 1993 and Chinese Academy of Sciences It was approved to become an open laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and was renamed as a key laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2001. In the evaluation of national key laboratories in the field of information in 2002, the computer science laboratory was rated as an excellent laboratory. 2005 Ministry of Science and Technology It was approved to start the construction of national key laboratory, and completed the construction and passed the acceptance in 2007.
Chinese name
State Key Laboratory of Computer Science
Foreign name
State Key Laboratory of Computer Science
Establishment time
organizational management
Software Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Administrative subordination
Chinese Academy of Sciences

research field

Based on the basic issues raised in the field of computer science and technology at home and abroad, the laboratory carries out basic research on computer science theory and software for the strategic needs of the national development of software industry and national security. [1]
  • Basic theories and formal methods of computer science: study complex computing systems with concurrency, real-time, hybrid, mobility, probability, etc. as their main behavioral characteristics, establish and develop mathematical model theory (formal modeling) to describe the behavior of these systems, and normative theory (formal specification) to describe the nature of these systems, It also studies how to perform system verification (formal verification) automatically or semi automatically. Research the algorithm based on network structure and its complexity theory, reveal the new principle of network, establish new theory of network computing, and apply it to network security, robustness, controllability, intelligent network search, network prediction and other aspects. [1]
  • Software system principles and development methods: study the basic theory of programming languages, explore new frameworks and methods for software reliability development, study analysis, verification and testing methods for various concurrent programs, develop corresponding auxiliary tools, and improve the efficiency and performance of algorithms and tools in combination with the research of application examples. Research the core technology of basic software, develop the domestic operating system, middleware and database, form the basic software platform system, and realize the autonomy and controllability of China's basic software products. Break through the core key technologies of operating system, such as high security and credibility, optimization and adaptation of domestic software and hardware; Breakthrough in key technologies of new generation middleware to provide operational support for cloud computing and the Internet of Things; Break through the key technology of large-scale distributed real-time active database, and develop a distributed real-time active database system. [1]
  • Graphics, images and human-computer interaction: study the theories and methods of efficient graphic expression and rendering of dynamic complex visual phenomena, complex image processing methods and technologies for practical needs, the basic theory of natural perception and multi-channel integration methods of human-computer interaction in complex environments, and the intelligent interaction technology of context awareness. [1]
  • Parallel and distributed computing and trusted computing: research on highly scalable parallel algorithms and application software of tens of thousands of processors, heterogeneous distributed hardware platforms, computing coupling of massive data processing and high-performance simulation, and related feature theory, irregular grid, computational fluid dynamics simulation, etc. Research the basic theory, key technologies and systems, evaluation methods and tools of trusted computing and information assurance, including trusted computing architecture, protocol design and analysis, authentication and authorization and network trust, information confrontation and network assurance, trusted database and cloud security, and evaluation methods and tools of trusted systems. [1]
  • Big data and intelligent information processing: study the representation method, measurement model and semantic understanding mechanism of multi-source heterogeneous big data, including big data sampling method, heterogeneous feature selection, semantic similarity calculation model and data mining algorithm; Multi knowledge source oriented semantic Web ontology integration model and reasoning algorithm; Visualization method of multi-source heterogeneous big data; Real time intelligent control dispatching system, etc. [1]

Admission Guide

Every year, the laboratory recruits masters, doctoral students and post doctors who are interested in pursuing excellence in computer science at home and abroad, and also recruits some interns for young students. Basic requirements for laboratory enrollment: solid mathematical foundation, excellent algorithm design and programming experiment ability, good English communication ability, and team spirit. Warmly welcome Computer Science and Technology , software engineering and multimedia, as well as mathematics, physics, automatic control and other related subjects.
It is suggested that students who take the second round exam should make more preparations for courses related to the above requirements, such as advanced mathematics, linear algebra, discrete mathematics, data structure, algorithm analysis and design, etc.

Academic team

The laboratory has 50 researchers, including Academician of CAS 3 people, 24 doctoral supervisors, and researchers under 55 years old all have doctoral degrees, forming an active and energetic group with young and middle-aged people as the main body. Lab members have obtained First prize of National Natural Science Award 1, 2 second prizes, and 5 second prizes of the National Science and Technology Progress Award. Under the leadership and support of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Software, all members of the laboratory have made joint efforts, done a lot of work in scientific research and team building, and undertaken a number of major key projects of the country and the Academy of Sciences. The laboratory insists on putting the quality and level of research in the first place, and consciously resists the bad atmosphere of being eager for quick success and instant benefit, impetuous and boastful. At the same time, it advocates academic democracy and encourages competition and integration of different academic views. The laboratory has many founders and pioneers of China's computer software science.

Exchange and cooperation

The laboratory actively carries out various forms of academic exchanges and cooperation with domestic and foreign peers. The laboratory actively invites well-known scholars at home and abroad to visit for academic exchange. Every year, dozens of international peers engaged in basic research in computer science visit and exchange; The top prize of computer science Turing Prize winners who have visited the laboratory include Julis Hartmanis Tony Hoare、Robin Milner、Amir Pnueli、Andrew Yao、John Hopcroft、Joseph Sifakis、Edmund Clarke、Allen Emerson、Leslie Valiant。 The laboratory has become an important window for international peers to understand the basic research level of computer science in China and a bridge to establish contacts.
The laboratory has hosted and hosted international conferences for many times. Members of the laboratory also actively visit, participate in international and domestic academic conferences, hold reports in academic institutions at home and abroad, and carry out exchanges. The laboratory has specially set up an open research fund, which welcomes applications from domestic and foreign peers and carries out cooperative research with laboratory members.