zero Useful+1


[jǐng jù]
Chinese words
The epigram is a chinese Vocabulary, pronounced j ǐ ng j ù, refers to a concise, profound and moving sentence, usually a sentence or paragraph quotation , mainly used for excitation And tell the parties some truth, reminding people to maintain a certain spiritual character in life, so it is also a wake-up sentence. From The Records of Youyang Zazu Nuogao.
Chinese name
jǐng jù
Foreign name
Basic explanation
Simple and profound sentences
Youyang Zazu, A Record of Nuo Gao


Basic explanation:
1、 concise and meaning profound A moving sentence [1] Such as“ To worry before the common people worries; to enjoy only after the people can enjoy !” 2. Sentences that are alert and moving can state profound truth through a simple sentence, and can remind us all the time.
It refers to some famous or ordinary people's words, writings, historical records, conclusions or suggestions obtained through practice, and more famous words to warn the world. It is the concentrated essence.
Tang Dynasty Duan Cheng Formula In the Records of Youyang Zazu, Nuo Gao: "Guo Daigong tasted the mountain residence. At midnight, someone's face was like a plate, and his eyes were out of the light. He was not afraid of the public. Xu Ranhan wrote on his cheek: 'People who have been garrisoning for a long time tend to be old, and horses during the Long March are not fat.' The public's epigram was also written, and when it was finished, things were destroyed."《 The Dream of Red Mansion 》Chapter 38: "From the whole article, each has his own epigram." Yuan Ying Joy and Sorrow, the Immortal Poetic Soul:“ The poet Wen Yiduo once said, 'Poetry is a drum. Today's China is in the age of war, and drums are needed. Poets are drummers. ’”
English translation:
an aphorism;an epigram;a catch phrase

Main chapters



The value of life is measured by what people do for the present age Xu Wei
Life should be like a candle, burning from the top to the end, always bright Xiao Chunv
Life is like playing chess. If you make a mistake, you will lose the whole game Freud
Life between heaven and earth, if the gap between Baiju, suddenly.
The significance of life does not care about the changes of the outside world, but about the inner experience.
The meaning of life lies in this process. You should carefully understand and ponder the details of this process, whether it is a section of gold or a section of iron, you should know the full value of each section.
As usual, life is a struggle worth fighting, but its prize is fighting.
Life is a great treasure. I know to choose the most precious jewels from this treasure.
There is no round trip ticket in life. Once you leave, you can never return.
There are two tragedies in life: one is disillusionment, the other is complacency Bernard Shaw
The value of life should be based on what he has contributed, not what he has achieved Einstein
Life is not a pleasure, but a very heavy job Leo Tolstoy
The value of life is not measured by time, but by depth Leo Tolstoy
Man's value is determined by himself Rousseau
A gentleman is worth justice, and a villain is worth profit—— Kongqiu
The harder the flint is hit, the more brilliant the light will be Marx
Just as bad qualities can be exposed in luck, the best qualities can also be shown in misfortune Bacon
The ultimate value of life lies in the ability to awaken and think, not just in survival Aristotle
In the vicissitudes of fate, people's integrity can be best seen Shakespeare
If I have more or less inspired the efforts of some people, our work has more or less expanded the scope of human understanding, thus adding a little joy to the world, then I will feel satisfied Edison
For me, the meaning of life is to put oneself in the position of others, worry about others' worries, and enjoy others' happiness Einstein
Life is really like this cup of strong wine. Without repeated refining, it will not be so delicious Guo Xiaochuan
The industrious bee never has time to mourn Black
If life deceives you, don't be depressed or indignant! Let's put up with it when we are unhappy. Believe it, happy days will come Pushkin
Do not stretch out your hand, you will be caught if you stretch out your hand. The Party and the people are under supervision, and it is hard to escape in full view. You are afraid to hold your hand and not stretch it, but he is conscious of it. In fact, if you want to stretch it, you dare not stretch it, and the people shrink from it Chen Yi
The rich and the poor are happy. Men are so powerful here Cheng Hao
We have to eat, sleep, be lazy, love, that is to say, we have to touch the sweetest things in life: but we must not yield to these things Curie, Jorio
A person with a full spiritual life must be summer palace A person with high ideals must be a noble person. He must be a person who is only the master of material things and not the slave of material things Pottery casting
I never regard ease and happiness as life itself -- this ethical basis, I call it the ideal of pigsty Einstein
Just saying no, what matters is doing Lu Xun
A person comes to the world naked, and finally leaves the world naked. When you think about it, fame and wealth are all external things. It is the happiest thing in life to do one's best to make people in the society benefit more from their work leader in the National Salvation Movement
To live by oneself is to make others live better Lei Feng
Human life is limited, but there is no limit to serving the people. I will devote my limited life to serving the people limitlessly Lei Feng
Even if we are a candle, we should also "turn the candle into ashes and start to dry with tears". Even if we are just a match, we should also shine at a critical moment. Even if our bones decay after death, we will also turn into phosphorus fire and burn in the wilderness Ai Qing
Anyone who plays life will accomplish nothing; Who can't dominate himself is always a slave Goethe
It is not difficult for a person to do some good things, but it is difficult to do good things all his life and not do bad things Mao Zedong
A person is most afraid of dishonesty. Honesty is the most valuable thing for young people. "Honesty" means not deceiving oneself. It's easy not to cheat others, and the hardest not to cheat yourself. "Honesty" means being down-to-earth and not taking advantage. There is no cheap thing in the world, and whoever wants to take advantage will suffer. -- Xu Teli
Life can't be deceived. One should live an open and aboveboard life Feng Xuefeng
People who think they are smart often end up with no luck. The smartest person in the world is the most honest person, because only honest people can stand the test of facts and history Zhou Enlai
Therefore, the aspirant is also the heart of learning; To be a scholar is to be ambitious sunny
Extinguish, extinguish, instantaneous light. Life is just a walking shadow.
We judge people's activities according to their purposes. Only when the purpose is great can the activity be said to be great Chekhov
If life is linked with the lofty responsibility of the times, you will feel that it is immortal.
A gentleman is worth justice, and a villain is worth profit Kongqiu
We know what we are now, but we don't know what we will be in the future
It makes a person's limited life more effective, that is, it prolongs a person's life.
Although there are many shortcomings in the activities of the world, they are still beautiful Rodin
Life can not only be counted in years and months, but sometimes events are also the best calendar.
There are thousands of forms of life, and each person can only experience one. The happiness of others is have a maggot in one's head , even if you get it, you will not enjoy it.
Life is a battle Cololenco
Life is the only wealth.
Life is what I want; Righteousness is what i want. You can't have both He who gives up his life and takes righteousness.
When your hopes fail one by one, you should be firm and calm Longfellow
Whose thoughts are the most abundant, whose feelings are the most pure, whose behaviors are the most noble, whose life is the most substantial.
The industrious bee never has time to mourn Black
Every animal wants to live according to its own specific life. The lion wants to live the life of a lion, and people want to live the life of a man.
Don't sigh the pain of life! Regret that they are weak Golgi
It is impossible to have two lives, but many people are not good at spending even one.
Believe in yourself first, and then others will believe in you Turgenet
Hope is the faithful sister of misfortune Pushkin
Happy is the man who knows life and loves it.
I hope I don't feel guilty about life every time I recall it Guo Xiaochuan
A person's life may burn or decay, I cannot decay, I am willing to burn Nikolai Ostrovsky
If you want to love your own value, you must create value for the world Goethe
Society is like a ship. Everyone should be ready to take the helm Ibsen
Life is empty and insipid only in the eyes of insipid people Chernychevsky
The value of a person should be based on what he has contributed, not what he has achieved Einstein
Only by dedicating oneself to society can one find the meaning of the short and risky life Einstein
Everyone, who doesn't love life? Love life to the extreme, and then love the group Qiu Jin
I never regard ease and happiness as the purpose of life itself - -- this ethical basis, I call it the ideal of pigsty Einstein
There is no eternal night in the world, and there is no eternal winter in the world—— Ai Qing
The past belongs to death, and the future belongs to you—— Shelley


Stick to the truth --- don't waver no matter where you are herzen
Any credible truth is an image of truth Black
Because truth is brilliant, as long as there is a crack, it can illuminate the whole field herzen
Truth does not exist in the uglified reality george sand
How rare is the small diamond of truth, but once it is mined and polished, it will be durable, hard and shiny Beveridge
All outstanding things are simple, and they are fascinating because of their wisdom and simplicity Golgi
In terms of truth and knowledge, anyone who pretends to be an authority will fall down in the laughter of God Einstein
Truth is the child of time, not authority Bertolt Brecht
Those who seek truth can only be those who explore alone, and have nothing to do with those who do not really love truth boris pasternak
Respect for people should not be better than respect for truth Plato
Only by being faithful to the facts can we be faithful to the truth Zhou Enlai
Truth, even if it only sees a line, we can't let its brightness become dim Li Siguang
The key is to have a heart that loves truth, and absorb truth whenever and wherever you meet it Goethe
We must have the courage to face the truth without mercy Lenin
Anyone who has a flippant attitude towards truth in minor matters is also not trustworthy in major matters Einstein
The discovery of truth or the completion of moral responsibility all cause us joy and make our whole life tremble...... Croce
The pursuit of truth is more valuable than the possession of truth Lessing
Doubt is not a weakness. It is a shortcoming to always doubt without judging Lu Xun
It is a unique style of scientific workers to be both imaginative and realistic. Let's explore the infinite truth in the endless universe Guo Moruo
The duty of man is to have the courage to explore truth Copernicus
The friendship of a gentleman is as light as water. It is necessary to have a good temper and make good friends with benevolence and righteousness. It is to accumulate intangible assets. A lot of success comes from intangible assets—— Fang Haiquan
Truth is not a coin. The ready-made ones can be hidden in your pocket Lessing
He who sticks to the truth is great Hugo
The closer you approach the truth, the more fascinating you will find the truth La Mettrie
If you want to monopolize the truth, the truth will laugh at you Roman Roland
In all I have said, I only seek the truth, not just to win the honor of speaking the truth, but because the truth is beneficial to people Aier Maintenance
Truth is the daughter of time Da Vinci
Truth has such power. The more you want to attack it, the more your attack will enrich and prove it Galileo
It is better to compare truth to flint -- the more it is beaten, the more brilliant it will shine Marx
Truth, though bitter, is bright Putorini
Mistakes cannot stand failure, but truth is not afraid of failure Tagore
The main feature of a well-trained thinker is that he does not easily draw conclusions without sufficient evidence Beveridge
There is no evidence that matters are valid Wang Chong
Only people's social practice is the criterion for the truth of people's understanding of the outside world. The criterion of truth can only be social practice Mao Zedong
Life is what I want; Righteousness is what i want; You can't have both of them, and you should give up your life to get righteousness Menke
Who has never died since ancient times? Keep your loyalty to the past known as a model of fidelity to the last Song sovereigns


In a people's country, there is also a pivot to promote virtue Montesquieu
Man cannot live like a beast, he should pursue knowledge and virtue Dante
Do not do evil because it is small, and do not do good because it is small. Only virtuous and virtuous can be submissive to others Liu Bei
He who does not suffer from position does not respect, but suffers from virtue does not respect Don't be ashamed of your salary, but not of your intelligence Zhang Heng
Earth helps to build a city wall, and virtue builds a thick land Li Bai
Do a good deed with calm heart; If you do an evil thing, you will feel ashamed Shenhan Light
It is the most valuable revolutionary quality to be immersed in mud and free from erosion by bourgeois sugar coated bullets Zhou Enlai
The most sad thing for a person is the death of his conscience Guo Moruo
Shyness is the emotion of fear or fear of humiliation, which can prevent people from committing some despicable behaviors Spinoza
Don't be an improper profession. It won't last long. The legitimate industry should also operate in good faith, which is the condition for success. This is how a century old brand comes about—— Fang Haiquan
We should be zealously committed to acting according to morality, rather than talking about morality Democritus
I would like to prove that those who behave kindly and nobly can bear hardships because of it Beethoven
Decoration is also incompatible with virtue, because virtue is the strength and vitality of the soul Rousseau
Convinced that only moral citizens can pay an acceptable salute to their motherland Rousseau
Let's regard dishonour as the heaviest part of punishment Montesquieu
Sound judgment of facts is the real foundation of all virtues Comenius
Virtue is realized by deeds, not by words Comenius
The only work and the whole work of education can be summarized in this concept -- morality Herbart
Virtue is like a famous fragrance. The fragrance becomes stronger after burning or pressing. Good fortune reveals evil virtue most and bad luck reveals virtue most Bacon
Those who plot against others will suffer misfortune first Aesop
Consciousness is the mother of progress, and self abasement is the source of degeneration. Therefore, self abasement is indispensable leader in the National Salvation Movement
To know shame is to be brave Kongqiu
No shame is greater than ignorance of shame Wang Tong
Revolutionary morality does not fall from the sky. It is developed and consolidated from daily unremitting struggle and exercise, just as jade becomes brighter and gold becomes more refined Ho Chi Minh
Children are taught by others, and their problems are treated by others, even if they are teachers or doctors. However, I'm afraid we have to consider our own ways of doing things. Many people's best prescriptions are often nothing but waste paper Lu Xun
It is not that we cannot see justice, but we are afraid of seeing justice without acting bravely Xie Juezai
Luxury always follows licentiousness, and licentiousness always follows luxury Montesquieu
The inevitable consequence of luxury - the disintegration of weathering - has in turn led to the corruption of taste Rousseau
The purpose and function of etiquette is to make the original stubbornness soft, make people's temperament mild, make them respect others and get along with others John Locke
Be kind to others, like brothers; The evil spirit welcomes people and harms the soldiers Guan Zhong
There are great brave men in the world When you are suddenly confronted with it, you will not be surprised, and you will not be angry if you do not add it Su Shi
We should take care that we don't use words to hurt other comrades, but when others use words to hurt ourselves, we should also bear it Liu Shaoqi


Life is hard work, no gain without asking Zhang Heng
Profession is diligent, but lacking in fun; action is formed by thinking, but destroyed by following Han Yu
Genius is the ability to work hard without end Carlisle
Wisdom comes from diligence, genius comes from accumulation Hua Luogengbest-known Chinese mathematician
He who is eager to learn but not diligent in asking questions is not a good scholar.
One day's hard work can lead to a night's sleep; If you work hard all your life, you will have a happy sleep Da Vinci (Italy)
The decisive factor in forming genius should be diligence Murum
A person's brain is the same as his limbs. If he uses them more, he will become more efficient. If he doesn't use them, he will become useless Mao Yisheng
Do you want to be a happy person? I hope you can learn to bear hardships first Turgenev
Inspiration is nothing but a reward for hard work Repin
Why should you sleep in three hours and get up in five hours? It's most useless to be afraid of cold in ten days.
Success=hard work+correct methods+less empty talk Einstein
Without wind and rain, there is no rainbow.
Baojianfeng comes from sharpening, Plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold
People who have learned and made great achievements since ancient times cannot do without the word "bitter".
Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration Edison
There are many thorns on the road of art, which is also a good thing. Ordinary people flinch, except those with strong wills Hugo


Don't boast about anything. Arrogance and complacency will turn over. Looking at many things in the past and present, success comes from modesty and failure comes from extravagance Chen Yi
Not satisfied is the upward wheel Lu Xun
If you work hard and humble yourself, you will be attached to others; Pride and disdain will lead to many people going away Ge Hong
Depending on the size of the country and the people's respect, those who want to see the power of the enemy are called arrogant soldiers Weixiang
The foundation of virtue is for those who are empty Fang Xiaoru
A serious illness in life is just a word of pride sunny
You can learn from others without arrogance Tan Sitong
Prosperity is a disaster, modesty and perseverance are a blessing Zhang Tingyu
Modesty makes people progress and conceit makes people lag behind. We should always remember this truth Mao Zedong
Those who attribute their luck too much to their own cleverness and resourcefulness will most likely end up in a very unfortunate situation Bacon
Modesty is an indispensable virtue Montesquieu
The most difficult thing to overcome in the feelings of the people is pride. You can change it as you like, fight against it, defeat it, attack it, shame it, and humiliate it. It will also stick out its head and show itself Franklin
If you are not proud, you will be proud. If you are not proud, you will not be proud Zhuge Liang
The enemy of learning is your own satisfaction. If you want to learn something seriously, you must start from never being complacent. We should adopt such an attitude towards ourselves as "never tired of learning" and towards others as "never tired of teaching others" Mao Zedong
My motto is: One must not be arrogant, but one must not be unyielding artist renowned for creative development of both Chinese and Western painting techniques
People who often think that they are not good enough are reasonable when anything bad happens. With such a normal attitude, they will overcome many difficulties—— Fang Haiquan
Diligence but lack of knowledge, modesty comes from lack of knowledge. Fake modesty can only win vulgar applause, but can not achieve real progress Hua Luogengbest-known Chinese mathematician
What I want to do is just reach out and harvest the crops that others have sown for me Goethe
Modest students cherish the truth and do not care about their own personal praise: the first thing they think of is to show off the praise they have received, and they are indifferent to the truth. It is recorded in the history of thought that modesty is almost always related to the talent of students Proportional The immodesty is inversely proportional Plekhanov
No matter when, never think you know everything Pavlov
everyone has his own advantages; sometimes an inch may prove long. The material is insufficient; Wisdom is not clear Qu Yuan


Reading brightens one's mind Voltaire
Books are the ladder of human progress—— Golgi
A book is a ladder for human progress, a lifelong companion, and the most sincere friend Golgi
Books are like medicines. Good reading can cure fools Liu Xiang
Books are the nourishment of the world -- Shakespeare
Man cannot live like a beast, he should pursue knowledge and virtue -- Dante
Reading makes people full, talking makes people quick, writing and notes make people precise... Historical books make people wise; Poetry makes people clever; Mathematics makes people fine; Natural history makes people deep; Ethics makes people solemn; Logic and rhetoric make people able to argue Bacon
Without studying, there will be no real cultivation, and no discrimination herzen
If I can survive, of course I still have to learn Lu Xun
Black hair doesn't know how hard it is to study early, while white hair regrets studying late.
Read a book a hundred times, and you will see its meaning.
I never tire of reading old books a hundred times, and I know it when I read them carefully.
There is no end to learning.
Read ten thousand volumes and write like a god.
Reading should be like a hungry man on bread—— Golgi
It will be the top of the mountain and the small mountains—— Du Fu
After reading 300 Tang poems, you can recite even if you can't write poems.
Three watch lights and five watch chickens, It was when men were studying
The best stimulus to learning is the interest in the textbooks.
Illiterates in the future will no longer be illiterate people, but people who have not learned to learn—— Alvin Tof-fler
The method of reading is to read carefully and think carefully step by step.
Viewing the mountain is full of feelings in the mountain, and watching the sea is full of feelings in the sea.
Travel thousands of miles and read thousands of books.
Every little makes a mickle.
The most important thing in reading is persistence.
Reading is learning, using is learning, and more importantly, learning.
Read for the rise of China—— Zhou Enlai
a book that is shut is but a block.


A man should respect himself and consider himself worthy of the highest things Hegel
If he doesn't know his own human dignity, he can't respect the dignity of others at all Schiller
Human talent is like a spark, which can be extinguished or burned. But there is only one way to force it to burn into a raging fire, that is, to work and work again Golgi
People who can do their best will prosper in everything Sun Yat-sen
One year's plan is like a tree valley; ten years' plan is like a tree; A lifelong plan is no better than cultivating people Guan Zhong
The ancients looked at horses but not their skins. Although they were thin, their bones were strange; There is no such thing as Bole Liang in the world, and Ma Wei, a golden city, is a fat one. ¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­ Ouyang Xiu
When a country employs people, it should be based on morality and end with talent The Emperor Kangxi brought out talented people from all over the country, each leading the way for hundreds of years Zhao Yi
I advise God to be energetic again , demote talents regardless of their own style. ¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­ Gong Zizhen
Talents are like gold and copper. They grow in the sand and do not decay quickly. May the public love the people as much as they respect them, so that they will not be buried in the dirt Yuan Mei
When people do their best, they will do everything; If you do more than one hundred things, you will become rich and strong without much advice Sun Yat-sen
Talent is rare and hard to know, so we should cherish talent and use people without doubt Zhou Yang
Cherish labor and talent. Talent is rare Deng Xiaoping
There is genius there. I spend the time of others drinking coffee on my work Although Lu Xun was a talented person, he did not need to learn and could not be sainted Liu Xiang painted a water on ten days and a stone on five days Du Fu
Profession is diligent, lacking in fun, and acting in thought is destroyed in following Han Yu
The decisive factor for forming genius should be diligence A little hard work is in proportion Guo Moruo
I am a clumsy learner. I don't have enough talent, but I study hard Mei Lanfang
We should know that learning is difficult, but we should be diligent Chen Yi


Do you love life? Then don't waste time, for time is the material of life Franklin
Think of every day you live as the last day of your life Helen Keller
There is a long time between today and tomorrow; While you are still energetic, learn to act quickly Goethe
The setting sun is boundless and the river is endless. I have to be busy this day Chen Shidao
Don't wait for leisure. The young man's head is white, and he is empty and sorrowful Yue Fei
When I was old, I threw an arrow Meng Xiao
A good year never comes again. It is advisable to encourage yourself in time. Time waits for no one Tao Yuanming
A year's plan lies in spring, and a day's plan lies in the morning Xiao Yi
Days are like rosary beads, sliding day by day, strung into weeks and months.
Time is gone forever, and it's hard to give up your career.
The golden age is in front of us, not behind us.
Time is Mental worker Capital.
Time is fleeting. Don't let me stay.
Time is a silent file.
Time is a good medicine that can cure all diseases.
Wasting one's life is tantamount to premature death.
Cherishing time can make life more valuable.
Time is like a surging torrent, it never returns, never linger.
The more one knows the value of time, the more he feels the pain of losing time.
To get time is to get everything.
From the perspective of economics, time is a kind of wealth.
Time withers bit by bit, like a candle burning out.
I always feel that the great ship of time is running behind me and getting closer and closer.
Night brings peace to the old and hope to the young.
Don't waste time, do something useful every moment, and quit all unnecessary behaviors.
Time is the most precious thing in all things, but if it is wasted, it is the biggest waste.
My industry is so beautiful, so wide, and so wide. Time is my property, and my field is time.
Time is life. To waste others' time without reason is tantamount to killing people for money.


As a person, we should respect our parents, be kind to our children, be generous to our poor relatives, and be polite to everyone Russell
We love our nation, which is the source of our self-confidence Zhou Enlai
The people not only have the right to love their country, but also it is an obligation and a kind of honor Xu Teli
I often think that I will die for my country in spite of myself Sima Qian
How can we become famous before the national humiliation is gone Li Bai
If you serve your country, you will die forever. Your temples will never turn green again Lu You
I knew everything was empty when I died, but I couldn't see Jiuzhou in sorrow. Wang Shifu set the Central Plains Day in the north, and never forgot to inform Naiweng of the family sacrifice Lu You
We should learn from each other and do our best to make our country rich and strong enough to stand on the earth Zhan Tianyou
Only the soul of the people is valuable, and only when it is carried forward can China make real progress Lu Xun
If you want to die without resisting Japan, leave it for today's shame. The country is so broken that I don't care about it Ji Hongchang
I am honored to become a world citizen from the qualification of a member of the Chinese nation. I am the son of the Chinese people. I love my country and people deeply Deng Xiaoping
By virtue in the republic, I mean to love the motherland, that is, to love equality. This is not a moral virtue, nor a Christian virtue, but a political virtue Montesquieu
Loving the motherland is the purest, keenest, noblest, strongest, gentlest, most affectionate, most gentle and most severe emotion. A person who really loves his motherland is a real person in all aspects Suhomlinski
I am yours, my motherland! It's all yours, my heart and soul; If I don't love you, my motherland, who can I love Pei Duofei
To die for the motherland is the most beautiful fate Alexandre Dumas
Only by loving the motherland, grieving its severe suffering and hating the enemy can we join in the struggle and win victory A Tolstoy
We Poles have no right to leave our motherland when our country is enslaved Madame Curie
Patriotism and hatred of the enemy can be multiplied -- only such patriotism can lead to victory Nikolai Ostrovsky
I praise the present motherland, but I should praise its future three times more Vladimir Mayakovsky
The beautiful rivers and mountains are in order, and all the people are the masters Zhu De
Although Jincheng is happy, it is better to return to hometown; Although paradise is good, it is not a place to stay for a long time. I'm going home! 。-- Hua Luogengbest-known Chinese mathematician
How great is the power of patriotism! In front of it, people's love for life and fear of suffering are nothing! In front of it, people themselves are nothing Chernychevsky
Science has no national boundaries, but scientists have national boundaries Pavlov
If I have some ability, I have the obligation to dedicate it to the motherland Linnaeus
Night vision is too vain to receive light, and there is no battlefield to serve the country Lu You
A person's service to the people does not necessarily have to stand at a conference to make a speech or do something earth shaking. He can tell others what he knows and thinks of at any time, anywhere, bit by bit, which is virtually sowing and cultivating for the country Fu Lei
We cannot all serve our motherland in the same way. Everyone should do his best according to his talent Goethe
Motherland, I will always be loyal to you, devote myself to you, and sing and fight for you with my piano voice forever Chopin
Whatever I do, I always think that if my energy allows me, I will first serve my country Pavlov
To make my life useful for the sake of the country, even if it can only be a modest effort, I will also be enthusiastic Gogol

Collective article

A drop of water will never dry up until it is put into the sea. A person can be most powerful only when he integrates himself with the collective cause Lei Feng
The individual to society is equal to the cells of the body. To be healthy, it goes without saying that every cell must be healthy Wen Yiduo
One flower can't make a beautiful spring. One person who is advanced is always alone, and only those who are advanced can move mountains and fill the sea Lei Feng
To live is to do something for the whole. Drops of water have the effect of embellishment, but they must join the rivers and seas to become waves Xie Juezai
People should be helpful. Although the lotus is good, it should be supported by green leaves One fence needs three stakes, and a hero needs three helpers Mao Zedong
One swallow does not make spring Craylov
The people are the soil, which contains the vital juice necessary for the development of all things; The individual is the flower and fruit on the soil Belinsky
Genius is not a monster that grows in the deep forest and wilderness. It is produced and nurtured by people who can make genius grow. So without such people, there is no genius Lu Xun
My opinions on many issues are quite different from those of my predecessors, but I owe my knowledge to them, as well as to those who first opened the way for this theory Copernicus
If I see far, it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants Newton
I should not attribute all my works to my own wisdom, but also to the thousands of things and people who provided me with materials outside of me Goethe
I am like a cow, eating grass and extruding milk and blood Lu Xun
Falling red is not a heartless thing. It turns into spring mud to protect flowers Gong Zizhen
The style of pine trees is to ask for little and give much Pottery casting
People help me, never forget; Don't forget that I help others Hua Luogengbest-known Chinese mathematician
I might as well play the role of a sharpener to make the steel knife sharp, although it can't cut anything by itself Horace
We have enjoyed great benefits from other people's inventions, and we should be happy to have the opportunity to serve others with any of our inventions; We should do this voluntarily and generously Franklin
Consistency is strong, but disputes are easy to conquer Aesop will become lazy, conservative and hostile to the development of life if he is on his own, outside the collective relationship and outside the scope of any great idea of uniting the people Golgi
Always feel that the land of the motherland is firmly under your feet, and live with the collective. Remember that the collective educated you. If you break away from the collective on that day, it is the beginning of the end Nikolai Ostrovsky
If anyone thinks that he is a saint and a buried genius, if he is separated from the collective, his fate will be sad. The group can improve you at any time and keep your feet steady Nikolai Ostrovsky
Common cause; A common struggle can give people the strength to tolerate everything Nikolai Ostrovsky


What a magnificent cause and great goal it is to work for the happiness of mankind Saint-Simon
The greatest possible happiness of each person is among the greatest happiness achieved by all people Zola
Real happiness can only be realized when you truly realize the value of life Munir Nasuf
Only revolutionaries, whether they live or die, can give happiness to everyone Lu Xun's cattle eat grass and his horses eat food. Cattle enjoy the least and produce the most. Therefore, it is best to be a scalper. I am willing to be an old scalper for the Party and the people all my life Wang Jinxi
People get happiness in performing their duties. It's like a person carrying something, but his heart is very comfortable. If a man does not have it and does not fulfill his duties, he will be driving an empty car, that is to say, he will waste nothing Rozov
Only the happiness of the whole human being is your happiness dietzgen
If happiness lies in the pleasure of the body, it should be said that cattle are happy when they find fodder to eat Heraclitus
If one day I can contribute to our public interests, I will consider myself the happiest person in the world Gogol
Personal pain and joy must be integrated into the pain and joy of the times Ai Qing
Thousands of buildings have been built, and all the poor people in the world are happy Du Fu
A person with lofty ideals will feel happy even in the most difficult times Xu Teli
Of course, a writer must earn money to live and write, but he should never live and write in order to earn money Marx
Blessed are those who have nothing, for they will have everything Romain Rolland
When you are happy, don't lose the virtue that makes you happy Moroa
Happiness based on other people's pain is not real happiness A Babayeva
It is a myth to want to get happiness without paying any price Xu Teli
Digging through the depths of the soul, people are traumatized by mental torture. That is to say, they get rid of the pain from the injury and healing, and embark on the road of rebirth Lu Xun
Humans are the only animals that blush, or should blush Mark Twain


Youth is the time to learn wisdom, and middle age is the time to put it into practice—— Rousseau
The interest in the knowledge content may become the learning motivation—— Suhomlinski
Mr. A should not specialize in teaching. His responsibility is to teach people how to behave; A student should not study exclusively. His responsibility is to learn the way of life—— Lu Xun
Learning is like motherly love. It nurtures children with pure and gentle joy. It may be a sin to ask for extra rewards—— Balzac
Children's spiritual world cannot be turned into simple learning. If we try to make all the mental strength of a child focus on his lessons, his life will become unbearable. He should not only be a student, but also, above all, a person with various interests, requirements and aspirations—— educational theorist and reformer


To advance civilization for the world, to create happiness for mankind, to create a youth family, a youth country, a youth nation, a youth human, a youth earth, and a youth universe with the youth of me, so as to enjoy the endless life Li Dazhao
Young people are the king of life, the spring of life, and the beauty of life Li Dazhao
Youth is always beautiful, but real youth belongs to those who always strive for the top, always forget their work, and always be modest Lei Feng
Youth is the pillar of the revolution. Youth are the defenders of the fruits of revolution and the force that accelerates history to a better world Soong Ching ling
If the young generation of a nation does not have youth, it is the great misfortune of the nation herzen
Youth is an open-minded period. We should use this period to develop our open-minded character Russell
Young people's sensitivity and ingenuity can complement each other once combined with the rich knowledge and experience of mature scientists Beveridge
Youth is our future and our hope Stalin
On any occasion in life, you should stand in the front line of soldiers Nikolai Ostrovsky
It is not unintentional to write poems to you. Don't be ashamed of your youth Yu Qian


Go your own way and let others talk Dante
Great energy is produced only for great purposes Stalin
The right way is to absorb what your predecessors have done, and then move on Leo Tolstoy
The struggle has been going on every day since human beings began Sun Yat-sen
Human beings should strive even more to survive in competition Sun Yat-sen
We must strive for survival and development Mao Dun
Striving to improve life is a respectable act Mao Dun
Everyone has the heart to struggle Li Shutong
Struggle is the father of all things educational theorist and reformer
No matter what you do, as long as you are willing to work hard, there is no failure Newton
After the heel is set, you must use your strength and skills to fight on your own Bernard Shaw
We should work hard and make a difference. In this way, we can say that we have not wasted our time and may leave our footprints on the beach of time Napoleon
It is the nature of the striver to persist after being accused of doing good deeds Balzac
Only such a person is worthy of life and freedom, if he struggles for it every day Goethe
One must go through a lot of hard work to achieve something Andersen
If you want to succeed in anything, you must pay a price: struggle Emerson
The pursuit and struggle for truth and knowledge is one of the highest qualities of human beings Einstein
Imagine your own reaction to difficulties. Instead of escaping or avoiding them, you face them, deal with them, and struggle with them in an enterprising and wise way Maxwell Marz
The secret of invention lies in constant effort Newton
No matter what kind of sky is overhead, I am ready to withstand any storm Byron
If you cherish your feather too much and don't damage it, you will lose two wings and never be able to fly in the sky Shelley
Stop fighting, and life will stop Carlisle
Only diligence and perseverance can make us succeed... Diligence and perseverance come from the means needed to achieve success Smith


Whoever has the will to go through thousands of hardships can achieve any goal—— menander
Nothing is worse than death of heart, nothing is worse than no ambition—— Zhuangzi
Although we use judgment to think about problems, the final solution is the will, not intelligence—— Waller
Everything is created by human will—— Proutus
If you deny the freedom of will, there is no morality—— Froude
No one can deprive us of our free will—— Epictetus
Cultivating will is our goal for survival—— Love and give life
Ideal is the beacon. No ideal, no firm direction; No direction, no life—— Tolstoy
Will is everyone's spiritual strength, the free vision to create or destroy something, and the creativity to create miracles from nothing—— Lemontov


People who grow up successfully in hardship often suffer from abnormal deviation due to psychological shadow. This deviation is a kind of hostility towards society and people all the time. We don't trust any one person, and we don't feel sympathy for any one person. Being stingy, who loves money as much as life, is also a secondary phenomenon of psychopathy. On the contrary, a well-trained and knowledgeable person, though growing up from difficulties, is more compassionate and generous. Because he knows life and the joys and sorrows of the world Nan Huaijin
If you are not competent for something, you must not easily agree to others. Once you agree to others, you must fulfill your promise Washington
The gentleman in the lower position will slander more, and in the upper position will praise more; The villain in the lower position will be praised more, and in the upper position will be slandered more Liu Zongyuan
If you want to love your own value, you must create value for the world Goethe
A gentleman gives words to others, and a commoner gives money to others Xun Kuang
In ancient times, a gentleman would like to hold a beautiful jade and hide it in a deep place. Later people would like to use stone as jade and dazzle it Zhu Xi
We love our nation, which is the source of our self-confidence Zhou Enlai
A gentleman does not mirror water, but mirrors people. The mirror in the water is the face of meeting, and the mirror in the person is the sign of good luck and bad luck Mozhai
The real greatness of a person is that he can realize his own insignificance Paul
Show respect for others' opinions. Never say, "You are wrong." -- Carnegie
Do not do evil because it is small, and do not do good because it is small. Only virtuous and virtuous can be submissive to others Liu Bei
Those who betray their companions often unknowingly destroy themselves together Aesop
Lotus is less sentimental than peony, and it is difficult to move the capital when it blooms, but its flowers and fruits are in full bloom at the same time, which will not be beautiful and empty. If there are good results, our efforts will have infinite significance—— Fang Haiquan
Society is like a ship. Everyone should be ready to take the helm Ibsen
Go on the journey of life. The future is far and dark. But don't be afraid. Only those who are not afraid have a way Lu Xun
It is always harder to reform oneself than to prohibit others Lu Xun
We should not waste our lives, we should be able to say, "I have done what I can." -- Madame Curie
We are the masters of our country, and we should always think of our country Lei Feng
The value of life is not measured by time, but by depth Leo Tolstoy
Those who have a modest, cheerful and sincere attitude, coupled with patience, are very lucky Seneca
We cannot all serve our motherland in the same way. Everyone should do his best according to his talent Goethe
Life is not a pleasure, but a very heavy job Leo Tolstoy
When asking for help, it is easier to ask the poor than the rich Chekhov
Believe in yourself first, and then others will believe in you Roman Roland


In a people's country, there is also a pivot to promote virtue Montesquieu
Man cannot live like a beast, he should pursue knowledge and virtue Dante
Do not do evil because it is small, and do not do good because it is small. Only virtuous and virtuous can be submissive to others Liu Bei
He who does not suffer from position does not respect, but suffers from virtue does not respect ; Don't be ashamed of your salary, but not of your intelligence Zhang Heng
Earth helps to build a city wall, and virtue builds a thick land Li Bai
Beauty has the function and power to attract people to good—— Plato
The ideals that illuminate my path and constantly give me new courage to face life cheerfully are kindness, beauty and truth—— Einstein
It is the most valuable revolutionary quality to be immersed in mud and free from erosion by bourgeois sugar coated bullets Zhou Enlai
The most sad thing for a person is the death of his conscience Guo Moruo
Shyness is the emotion of fear or fear of humiliation, which can prevent people from committing some despicable behaviors Spinoza
We should be zealously committed to acting according to morality, rather than talking about morality Democritus
Emotion has great inspiring power, so it is an important prerequisite for all moral behaviors kairov
Without great character, there can be no great people, not even Great artist Great actor Roman Roland
Reason is higher than heart, and thought is more reliable than emotion Golgi
Teach your children "virtue": it is virtue, not money, that makes people happy. This is my experience. It is morality that supports me in distress. It is morality besides art that keeps me from committing suicide Beethoven
If morality is corrupted, taste will inevitably degenerate Diderot
I would like to prove that those who behave kindly and nobly can bear hardships because of it Beethoven
Decoration is also incompatible with virtue, because virtue is the strength and vitality of the soul Rousseau
I firmly believe that only moral citizens can pay an acceptable salute to their motherland Rousseau
Poverty without flattery, wealth without pride Zi Gong
If we strengthen our roots and economize, we will never be poor Xun Kuang
Those who are extravagant and lazy are poor, while those who are diligent and thrifty are rich Han Fei
In the journey of a gentleman, we should cultivate our moral integrity and cultivate our morality through thrift, No ambition can be realized without indifference, and no future can be achieved without tranquility 。-- Zhuge Liang
It is never fair for a man to make himself completely at the mercy of wealth Democritus
Anyone who is frugal on weekdays will easily get through difficulties in poverty; Whoever is luxurious when he is rich will die of hunger and cold when he is poor Sadi
It is not necessarily reasonable to speak aggressively Sadi
Bees sip honey from flowers, thanks for camping when they leave. The flamboyant butterfly believes that the flower should thank him Tagore


Any act that is not intended for collective interests is suicidal and harmful to society Makarenko
Just as branches and trunks are linked together, branches that break away from trunks will soon die Honegger
The most beautiful things in our world are created by labor and the intelligent hands of people Golgi
Only human labor is sacred Golgi
Weeding day at noon, sweat dripping under the soil. Who knows that every meal is hard Li Shen
I think the best way to seek happiness in life is to respect labor. All happiness can be obtained by labor, and all misery can be relieved by labor Li Dazhao
Labor is the source of all knowledge Pottery casting
All good things that exist are fruits of creation Mill
The most important thing in people's life is labor training. There can be no normal life without labor Rousseau
Labor is the inevitable obligation of everyone in society Rousseau
Perfect new people should be cultivated in the process of labor and for the sake of labor Irving
Physical labour is a great disinfectant against all social viruses Marx
Labor is the source of all power, morality and happiness La Jonaioli
Labor is the father of wealth, and land is the mother of wealth William Petty
socialist system The establishment of the Chinese Communist Party has opened up a way for us to reach the ideal realm, which depends on our hard work Mao Zedong
Knowledge comes from hard work, and any achievement is the result of hard work Soong Ching ling
When the same thing happens, some people feel very painful, while others can accept it. Because they have different endurance. People with patience are easy to succeed—— Fang Haiquan
The task of cultivating ability must be continued, and learning methods must be improved at any time to improve learning efficiency Ye Shengtao
It is not only that people ask me to do things, but also that people strive to do things without asking me to do them. Only in this way can we have fun and gain Xie Juezai
It should be remembered that our business needs hands, not mouth Tong Dizhou
Always have confidence in everything and always think "yes". If you do one thing, you should first worry about: "I'm afraid not?" Then you will have no courage Gai Jiaotian
Those who do everything with one mouth and do nothing are hypocritical and hypocritical Democritus
Genius can't make people not have to work, can't replace labor. To develop talent, we must study for a long time and work with high tension. The more talented a man is, the more complicated and important the task he faces Smirnov
A person with real talent feels the highest happiness in the process of work Goethe


Morality is the defender of freedom—— Smitz
Give me liberty or give me death—— Patrick Henry
Discipline is the first condition of freedom—— Hegel
Freedom can only be preserved through friendship—— Hugo
Those who are willing to be slaves do not know the power of freedom—— Baker
The freedom of the individual shall not infringe upon the freedom of others—— Muller
Once rooted, freedom will grow like a plant—— Washington
Freedom is one of the greatest blessings God has given to mankind—— Cervantes
Including grand ceremonies and gathering all families; Freedom of thought is inclusive—— Cai Yuanpei
People who cannot restrict themselves cannot be called free people—— Pythagoras
Freedom is the right to act arbitrarily within the scope permitted by law—— Montesquieu

Traffic Safety

Traveling thousands of miles on Ping'an Road, being a happy person for a hundred years
I hope people will stay here for a long time
The road is irregular and the country cannot be disturbed
Meet on a narrow road and "let go" wins
Punishment for violation of rules and regulations seems heartless and most affectionate
Love wife, love son, love family, disregard of traffic rules is equal to zero
Drink, drive and gamble
One second car accident, a lifetime of pain
Abide by traffic laws, care about life journey
Solid and dotted zebra crossings are all life safety lines
In case of an accident, call the police to help the wounded and the dead. See the truth
Always bright in mind, traffic light, safe driving and life
There is only one life, and I will accompany you safely all my life
Courtesy, three first, smooth people's peace
Careful driving, less trips, careless driving, more trips
One person drives the car and the whole family reads a safe family photo
People get sick and don't get on the car. The car gets sick and doesn't get on the road
Slow down Don't rush to take care of life forever
Ten Accidents, Nine Fast Motorcycle Racers Should Love Themselves
Drunk (sin) destroys (regrets) in wine

Safety Production

Safety first, the alarm bell always rings. Work safety and joint management.
Great production and safety. A thousand mile dike collapses in the ant nest
One person is safe and the whole family is happy. A moment of neglect is a lifetime of pain.
It is hard to find a lesson when the big things are small. If things turn out to be trivial, there will be many future troubles.
One more look is safe. More prevention and fewer accidents.
Be prepared for danger in times of safety and be always ready. A small hole cannot be mended, but a large one cannot be blocked.
Hidden dangers make it difficult to remove accidents. Adversity is easy to come by
Work after drinking will lead to disaster. Smoke on the move, and the flames burst into the sky.
When winter comes, the wind is strong and the things are dry. Dust accumulation and spontaneous combustion are important for fire prevention.
Safety management should be strict everywhere. Meticulous, not caring.
Check frequently and eliminate hidden dangers. Constant efforts, check erroneous ideas at the outset
A small seat belt is dear to thousands of families. When working high above the ground, fasten it.
Accidents are like tigers and wolves. They are hidden in the dark. If you don't pay attention, it will hurt people.
Be cautious at all times, and be happy in safety. The inspection and maintenance are detailed, and there is no position for hidden danger.
Be careful and never make a big mistake. It is meticulous and serious, and its safety foundation is deep.
One guard and one security guard, and all guards are as stable as a mountain.
Everyone is responsible for safe production; A responsibility is fully implemented.

Eight honors and eight disgraces

Be proud of loving the motherland and ashamed of harming it.
It is proud to serve the people and ashamed to depart from them.
Take pride in advocating science and shame on ignorance.
Take pride in hard work, and take pleasure in leisure rather than hard work as shame.
Be proud of unity and mutual assistance, and be ashamed of benefiting oneself at the expense of others.
Be proud of being honest and trustworthy, and be ashamed of being selfish.
Be proud of abiding by the law, and be ashamed of breaking the law.
Take pride in hard work and shame on extravagance.
—— Hu Jintao