Zhanshi Mansion

One of the central institutions in the Ming and Qing Dynasties
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Zhan Shifu was one of the central organs in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and was founded in the Ming Dynasty Hong Wu Korea. In order to imitate and expand the old institutions of the Ming Dynasty, this institution is mainly engaged in Prince or emperor 's housekeeping services, including Zhan Shi (Top 3) Shao Zhan Shi (Grade IV) and other official positions. [1]
Chinese name
Zhanshi Mansion
Foreign name
Zhanshi house
Administer government affairs, workshops and bureaus, and provide guidance crown prince
Official position
Zhan Shi, Shao Zhan Shi

Zhanshi Mansion of the Ming Dynasty

In the early years of Hongwu Main Hall Gather famous Confucian scholars from all over the world to instruct the prince prince Soon, the prince lived in the Wenhua Hall, and the Confucians took turns to wait on him, and selected talented people to join him Accompanying reading At that time, Eastern Palace Official Genus addition Prince Shaoshi Young Fu Minority insurance Besides the guests, there are also Zuo Zhanshi and his colleagues Zhan Shiyuan Things Deputy Zhan Shi Zhan Shicheng , Left and Right Government Envoys, Tongzhi Left and Right Government Affairs, Left and Right Government Deputy Envoys Moral integrity Doctor Zanshan They all led their posts by honouring old ministers. There are also literature, Zhongshe, Zhengzi Eunuch official title given to the crown prince's herald , concubines, Zan Du and other officials.
In the 15th year of Hongwu (1382), it was changed to left Youchunfang Officials, each with a commoner son, moral code Zhongyun Praise kindness , Sizhilang, and each Bachelor It will be decided immediately Division Economic Bureau Official, set up horse washing proofread books , orthography; In the 22nd year (1389), because there were too many subordinate officials without command, the Zhan Academy was established to sum up; In the 25th year (1392), it was renamed Zhan Shifu Zuo Chunfang , Youchunfang, Sijing Bureau and other departments, to take charge of the government affairs, workshops and bureaus, and appoint one Zhanshi( Top 3 ), Shao Zhan Shi 2 persons( Top four products ), Fu Cheng 2( Top six products )。 Book Hall Book 1( From the seventh grade ), Record affairs 2 persons( Zhengjiupin ), 2 Tongshi Sheriffs.
Zuo Chunfang: The official has a bachelor's degree( Top 5 )、 Zuo Shuzi (Top 5) Zuo Yude From the fifth grade )1 person each, Left middle allow (first six products) Zuo Zanshan From the sixth grade )、 Zuo Sizhilang (From the sixth grade, not permanent) 2 people each, Zuo Qing Jilang 1 person( From the eighth grade , not permanent), Zuo Sijian 2 persons( From Jiupin , not permanent). The officials of Youchun Square are like Zuochun Square.
Division Economic Bureau: There are 1 person for horse washing (from the fifth grade), 2 persons for proofreading (from the ninth grade) and 2 persons for orthography (from the ninth grade).
clear Tian Lanfang Ming Henan Political Participation Yuan Cemetery:“( Yuan Keli son Yuan Shu )So Ren Zi Just choose. First taught Zhan Shifu as a clerk and worked in Nanjing Zuo Jun Dudu Mansion Everything Taipu Temple Cheng, the chief of Hubu Yamashita. "


Zhan is in charge of the government affairs of the government, the workshop and the bureau to coach the prince. Shaozhan is second to Zhan. Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty He attached great importance to the education of the crown prince. He did not casually give him heavy responsibilities, but also set up a complete set of Eastern Palace officials to instruct the crown prince. Tomorrow will ·Official VII quoted Ming Tong Ji:


The first month of the first year of Hongwu (1368), Zhongshu and governor's office Discussion, imitating the old system of the Yuan Dynasty Middle order , I want to play with the prince. The emperor said, "Learn from the past, and must choose the good ones. People in the Yuan Dynasty do not learn from the past, and officials are not appointed to be good, but their kind is the same. How can we learn from them? My son is still young, not enough to learn, and not much to change, so it is appropriate to respect the master, learn the classics, learn from the past and the present, and understand the opportunities. One day, all military and national important tasks will be revealed. Why should we follow him as a middle school order?" Zhan Tong Kaodong Palace Official Junior teacher , Shaofu, Shaobao, Zhan Shi, Leader of the Government, Yu De, Zan Shan, Guests and other officials.
This shows the great foresight of the Ming Taizu. The officials of the Zhanshi Mansion had the most direct influence on the prince, so the Ming Taizu carefully selected his people and often took the post of honouring old ministers. According to the Ming History· Tang Duo According to the Biography, when the Zhan Academy was first set up, the Taizu said to the Ministry of Officials: "When you coach the prince, you must choose a person who is important. Three generations of protection and Fu, courtesy is very dignified.". Minister of War Tang Duo is sincere and generous. He thinks that Zhan is a good man, and his food and literature salary is the same as before. " Later, Fan Donggong Official vacancy He ordered the court officials to elect the officials who were loyal and loyal to the government. Before the Emperor Yingzong, he was also a minister, an assistant minister, and an imperial historian. After Xianzong, for example Minister of Rites The courtiers were led by those who were born in the Imperial Academy. The Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty stipulated that palace officials should be led by court officials at the same time. His plan was far-reaching.
According to《 Hong Wu's Sage Administration 》Record: Minister of Rites, December 1370, the third year of Hongwu Tao Kai Please select a person to serve as the official of the Eastern Palace. I will be responsible for tutoring him if I quit the post. The emperor said, "The ancients were unprepared for their officials, but only the talents and abilities were used. I think that the court officials who have talent and hope for virtue and who are also officials of the Eastern Palace are not meaningless. I think that the court officials and the officials of the Eastern Palace are not capable of each other, so they become a rift, or have treacherous plans, and alienate the bones and the moon (meat). The disaster is not trivial. If Jiangchong This is a good example. Today, I have legislated that the provincial and Taiwan governor's office should also be the official of the Eastern Palace to praise and assist. The father and son should be one, the monarch and the officials should be one, and the common people should have no trouble. This shows that the system of "concurrent receiving" stipulated by the Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty accepted the Western Han Dynasty The disaster of witchcraft Lessons learned from. The "concurrent leadership" of palace officials can prevent the court officials from forming a structure with palace officials, resulting in treachery and "estrangement of flesh and blood". This is the Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty regulating the court Internal contradiction Important measures.
Tongshi Sheren held the ceremony of calling and saying goodbye to the Eastern Palace. "All court officials who make pilgrimage, enter the paper and spring, enter the experience of the prince, then introduce and raise a case". Chunfang Bachelor In charge of the prince's invitation to the emperor and his reading. It is about the subset of classics and history, the compilation of classics, and the compilation of books and periodicals. All those in the East Palace in the atlas of the world will receive it and hide it. The proofreading and orthography are the assistant for washing the horse, and they are responsible for writing, decorating and correcting the errors of ancient books.


After the middle of the Ming Dynasty, Zhan Shifu became a rank for the transfer of imperial officials, and other officials took the post of the prince when he came out of the cabinet.

Zhanshi Mansion of the Qing Dynasty



The Qing Dynasty followed the system of the Ming Dynasty. In the first year of Shunzhi's reign (1644), Zhan Shi Fu was set up as an institution to assist the crown prince of the Eastern Palace. It was abolished in November of the same year, and its affairs were merged into Internal Third Hospital In the ninth year of Shunzhi's reign (1652), it was reinstated, with Zhan Shi and Shao Zhan Shi, who served concurrently as officials of the three academies. In the 51st year of Kangxi (1712), it was abolished Crown Prince Stop after. In the 18th year of Qianlong's reign (1753), the imperial edict said: "The assistant of the Eastern Palace of Zhan Shi's Mansion was not built, and his officials could not have been set up. The first step was to advance with the imperial ranks, and I will stay for the time being to prepare for the move of the Ci officials to the local court.". Since then, the officials of Zhanshi Office have prepared Imperial Academy Transferred capital.

Personnel settings

Zhanshi Mansion has one Zhanshi Man and one Zhanshi Han( Top 3 ), Shao Zhan, Shi Man, Han, 1 person each (top four), Zuo Right concubine One man in Manchu and one man in Han (the first five grades), one man in Manchu and one man in Han (from the fifth grade), one man in Zuo Right middle tolerance Man and Han, 1 person each (first six), left Right praise kindness One man in Manchu and one man in Han (from the sixth grade), one man in Manchu and one man in Han (from the seventh grade), and six men in calligraphy.

Responsibilities of Zhan Shifu

Yes: where the emperor sits in court or is judged in autumn, court and the nine great ministers of state Zhan Shi and Shao Zhan Shi may serve as "attendants" or participate in the collective discussion on matters related to the meetings of Han, Ke and Dao. The Vice President Officer and the Compiler shall be responsible for the compilation of transcripts and holy precepts, as well as the cases of Zhan Shi and Shao Zhan in Zhan Shi's office. When compiling other books, Shao Zhan has to be the compiler.
In addition, some of the positions are mutually compatible with the Imperial Academy. As stipulated in the early Qing Dynasty, Fan Donggong Qianqiu Festival (Donggong Birthday), New Year's Day, Winter Solstice salute celebration, table and paper style, written and issued by Zhan Shifu District Bureau officials.

Internal organization of Zhanshi Mansion

It is divided into Zuoyouchunfang, Sijingju and the main book hall, and its officials and Split palm As follows:
Zuoyouchunfang There are 1 left and right commoner, Man and Han, 1 left and right Zhongyun Man and Han, 1 left and right Zanshan Man and Han, respectively, to take charge of the annotation and compilation. His Han staff were also in the Imperial Academy royal tutor imperial tutor , editing, reviewing, etc.
Division Economic Bureau There is one Xima Man and one Han to collect scriptures, classics and books. He is also a member of the Han Dynasty and an editor of the Imperial Academy. At the beginning, two people were set up to write the sermon and decorate.
Main Book Hall There is one master book man and one master book man, one master book man and one master book man; bithesi At least 6 people are responsible for translation.
The organization of Zhan Shifu is in charge of Zhang Zuo and Wen Yi affairs, and another two people are in charge of Manchu and Han books. Judging from the specific leadership of Zhan Shifu, there is no full-time staff in his own office, and he has actually become the assistant organization of the Imperial Academy. So in the 28th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu (1902), Reform the official system The implementation of the "New Deal" led to the fact that the name of Zhan Shifu was inconsistent with the reality, and it was first dismissed, and its affairs were classified into Imperial Academy