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Chinese medicine terms
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To subject to detoxification is a TCM term and treatment learning Language refers to the elimination of toxins in the body or on the body surface.
Chinese name
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To subject to detoxification
Relieve toxins in the body or on the body surface
Honeysuckle . Forsythia suspensa. Banlangen
Neiguan, Zusanli


1. Neutralize harmful substances in the body 2. Traditional Chinese medicine refers to the elimination of symptoms such as burning and fever.
"Poison" has heat poison Cold poison Epidemic poison poison produced by venomous insects Dampness toxin . Fire poison and food poisoning Due to different conditions, there are different methods such as oral administration and external treatment. Clinically Hyperthermia More common, commonly used antipyretic and antidote drugs, such as dandelion, kidney bean root, etc.

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Therapeutic academic language. General. It usually includes:
Blood pyrotoxin , should Cooling blood Detoxification. See this article for details.
② Yin cold stagnates into poison, which is usually dispelled by warming to dispel cold.
③ Relieve the poison caused by snake, insect, dog and animal stings.
④ Eliminate poisons that are ingested or contacted by mistake, or remove the resulting poisons.
⑤ Reduce the toxicity of drugs according to specific processing methods, or alleviate the toxicity of drugs through drug compatibility and coordination.

Toxic elimination principle

The general treatment principle is to quickly remove the poison that has not been absorbed to prevent further poisoning; Promote the excretion and detoxification of absorbed poisons; Treat symptomatically. The processing steps are cleaning gastric lavage Emetic , catharsis or enema, taking absorption, precipitation and protective agents; kidney Detoxification Etc.
Quickly remove the poison that has not been absorbed
Clean the toxic parts such as the skin surface or mucous membrane, and fully wash with clean water; For insoluble poisons, appropriate solvents can be selected. First choice for oral Chinese herbal poisoning gastric lavage Within 4-6 hours after taking the medicine, there are still most of the unabsorbed poisons in the gastrointestinal tract, so if Oral pinch Gastric lavage within 4-6 hours after poisoning is the most effective way to avoid the absorption of toxins from the digestive tract. Whether gastric lavage is thorough and timely is related to the success or failure of rescue. Not suitable for gastric lavage or for sober patients with mild illness and cooperation Emetic method , use finger and other mechanical methods to stimulate the throat, and take orally Emetic The gastric mucosa is stimulated to vomit. If the patient is not easy to take any emetic, he can follow the doctor's advice to inject 5~10 ㎎ of apomorphine subcutaneously, which can achieve the purpose of emesis in a short time, but should not be used for patients with convulsion or high inhibition. In order to rapidly expel toxins that have entered the intestinal tract or remain in the intestinal tract, 25-50% sodium sulphate or magnesium sulphate Solution oral catharsis or with normal saline Or high pressure enema with soapy water. Magnesium sulfate is sometimes absorbed by the intestine, so Central inhibition It should not be used by people with sexual poisoning. gastric lavage or Emetic After that, the patient was given 20~30g of carbon powder. Because activated carbon is a good adsorbent, it can absorb alkaloids, metals and other poisons, reducing the absorption of poisons through the digestive tract. At the same time, let patients drink strong tea, because tea contains a lot of Tannic acid It can combine with some toxic alkaloids or heavy metals to form sediment, preventing the human body from absorbing toxins. After taking absorption, precipitation and protective agents, the toxin should be discharged from the body as soon as possible in combination with catharsis. If toxic Chinese herbs can corrode the intestinal mucosa, let the patient take vegetable oil, milk, egg white, soybean milk, starch, etc. first to protect the intestinal mucosa.
Accelerate the discharge and detoxification of absorbed poisons
If some toxic drugs have been absorbed into the blood and tissues by the intestinal mucosa, detoxification and accelerated excretion of absorbed toxins must be carried out. If toxic drugs are known, different methods and antidotes can be selected according to the properties, components, and functional tissues and organs of the toxic drugs. If diuretics, antidotes Hemodialysis peritoneal dialysis , Chinese medicine antidote, etc. There are many traditional Chinese medicine antidotes. The most commonly used drugs are Mung bean , liquorice, ginger, honey, etc. If the name of poisoning drug is known“ Kill each other ”、“ Fear each other ”Principle of compatibility: use traditional Chinese medicine to detoxify. Take advantage of the mutual confrontation of drug properties to relieve one of the drug toxicity and adverse reactions, such as Wind proof arsenic killer , mung bean kill Croton , Banxiawei ginger.
Symptomatic treatment
Due to the variety and complexity of traditional Chinese medicine, as well as the difference in toxic dose, poisoning mode and treatment time of traditional Chinese medicine, the prognosis is affected. At the same time, the affinity of different components of drugs to different tissues, organs and systems is different, and the symptoms are also different. Especially when there is no specific rescue method, timely support therapy and Symptomatic treatment

Daily detoxification food

According to traditional Chinese medicine, mung bean is sweet and cold in nature, and can detoxify various poisons, such as gold, arsenic, plants and trees. Toxicity to heavy metals, pesticides and other food poisoning All have preventive and therapeutic effects. To accelerate the metabolism and excretion of toxic substances in the body, mung bean soup is the best antidote. Therefore, those who are often exposed to harmful substances such as lead, arsenic, cadmium, fertilizer and pesticide should especially eat more mung bean soup, mung bean porridge and mung bean sprouts in their daily diet.
Traditional medicine believes that pig blood is beneficial to bowel catharsis and clearance Intestinal incrustation Efficacy. Modern medicine confirms that Plasma protein After being decomposed by the stomach acid in the human body, it can produce a kind of detoxification and intestinal clearing decomposition product, which can react with the dust and harmful metal particles invading the human body, and then be discharged from the digestive tract.
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that kelp is cold in nature, salty in taste, soft and firm in function, clearing heat and promoting diuresis, removing fat and lowering blood pressure. Modern medical research has proved that alginic acid in kelp can reduce the absorption of radioactive element strontium in the intestines and can be discharged out of the body, so kelp can prevent leukemia and excrete cadmium into the body.
The antidote effect of tea has been recorded as early as in Shennennong Materia Medica. Modern medicine believes that tea can accelerate the excretion of toxic substances in the body, which is related to tea polyphenols, polysaccharides and vitamin C The comprehensive effect of is inseparable.
Fig : It is rich in organic acids and various enzymes, and has the effects of clearing heat, moistening intestines, aiding digestion, protecting liver and detoxifying. In recent years, it has been found that fig sulfur dioxide Sulfur trioxide , hydrogen chloride, benzene and other toxic substances have certain resistance.
Carrots are also effective antidote food. It not only contains rich Carotene , can increase human body after eating vitamin A It also contains a large amount of pectin, which can effectively reduce the concentration of mercury ions in the blood and accelerate the elimination of mercury ions in the body when combined with mercury, so it plays a great role in preventing mercury poisoning.
Acupuncture generally detoxifies Quchi and Sanyinjiao, dyspnea take Neiguan , vomit and take Zhongwan, Clenched jaw Take buccal carts and chiropractors, take people in coma Fountain And other acupoints.