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Range covered by wireless router
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Coverage According to the IEEE802.11 standard, the maximum distance that a general wireless router can cover is usually 300 meters, but the coverage should mainly depend on whether the environment is open or not. When the equipment is not equipped with an external antenna, it is about 300 meters in the field of vision; If it is a semi open space or an area with barriers, the transmission is about 35-50 meters. With the help of an external antenna (as a link), the transmission distance can reach 30 to 50 kilometers or even more, depending on the gain of the antenna itself. Therefore, it needs to be applied according to the needs of users
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It is related to whether the environment is open or not. When the equipment is not equipped with an external antenna, it is about 300 meters away from the visual field; If it is a semi open space or an area with barriers, the transmission is about 35-50 meters