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Spanish Conqueror

Spanish adventurers in the early 16th century
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The Spanish conquistador refers to the arrival and conquest between the 15th and 17th centuries New Continent of America And Asia the pacific ocean Spanish soldiers and explorers in other regions. Since 1492, navigator Christopher· Columbus Since the discovery of the American continent, these conquerors have Pacific region Establish colonial rule.
They explored and conquered more than half of Central and South America for the Spanish Empire. Their exploration was neither promoted by the government nor funded by the government, but a private activity sponsored by businessmen. Their main purpose was to explore, loot and promote Christianity to the local people.
Chinese name
Spanish Conqueror
The fleet came to the Caribbean
A lot of damage was done during the activity
Break through
from Cortez Led by the Spanish Invading Army


In 1492, the fleet of the navigator Columbus came to Hispaniola Island in the Caribbean Sea and established colonial rule the following year, starting to establish the Spanish colonial empire. Since then, many Spanish explorers and soldiers have come to this new continent and conquered local natives, such as Juan Ponce de Leon and Diego Vel á zquez de Cu é llar, who conquered Puerto Rico and Cuba respectively, accelerating the expansion of Spain's influence in the Americas. In addition, since the funds for the conquest were provided by the King of Spain and the Holy Roman Emperor, and the conquerors only needed to turn over part of the looted profits to the king, more people became conquerors to earn profits.
In 1521, the conqueror Hernan Cortez Destroyed the Aztec civilization in Mexico and established“ New Spain ”。 Since then, the Spanish conquerors began to invade the Inca Empire in the south. In 1533, Francesco Pizello The capture of Cusco, the capital of the Inca Empire, destroyed the Inca civilization in South America.
Spanish knights, about 1500-1540
However, the conquerors also began to turn their eyes to Asia and the Pacific in the east. since Ferdinand Magellan Since the completion of the round the world voyage, the conquerors began to invade these eastern regions. In the late 16th century, the Spanish explorer Miguel L ó pez de Legazpi conquered the Philippines and became the governor of the Philippines. Later, some islands in the Pacific became the targets of Spanish conquistadors and established Spanish colonies in the Far East Pacific region.

Main impacts

The conquerors did a lot of damage during their conquest. After conquering the American civilization, they raped women and massacred local natives, and destroyed everywhere, while the original culture was also destroyed. In addition, the epidemic brought by Europeans also greatly reduced the population of Native Americans.
The areas conquered by the conquerors became more Spanish Empire The layout of. Through the conquerors, Spain was able to establish its overseas colonial regime, increasing Spain's influence in the world. The conquerors brought European civilization and architecture to these colonies, which had a certain impact on the local modernization.


Many famous explorers pursue treasures that only exist in legends, such as the Seven Golden Cities and the Fountain of Youth; Another group created the important first records of many European explorers in this era. Vascanoni Gbagbo led his troops across Central America, becoming the first European to see the Pacific Ocean.
The Spanish Empire's 50 year exploration and exploitation in the Americas, on the one hand, increased its wealth, on the other hand, expanded its territory, but at the expense of the local natives. In 1521 AD, Hernan Cortes captured Tenochtrand, the capital of the Luztec Empire; In the 1530s, Francisco Pizarro conquered the Inca Empire in Peru. Even if these great civilizations were destroyed, the action of indigenous people against foreign invaders continued for many years.



Break through

In 1519, by Cortez The Spanish invasion army led by Tenochtitlan The war of conquest. according to Spanish According to the records of, Montizuma II was stoned to death by his own people; And based on Indian He was strangled by the Spanish. After the death of Montezuma II, the Spanish realized that the danger was approaching, and they decided to break through that night. These conquerors were full of looted treasures and wanted to slip away along a dike road, only to be found. Indian boats surrounded the Spaniards, and a fierce battle began. Many Spaniards were forced to throw their treasures into the water to lighten their burden. Many others fell into the water in the scuffle because they carried gold, and died with it. This night, more than 1000 Spaniards and more aborigines died in battle. Later generations called it a "miserable night". After the Spaniards fled in panic, Tenochtitlan did not get calm. The smallpox brought by the invaders ravaged the city, and people died in the city constantly. Quetravac succeeded to the throne, but died of smallpox a month later. The last chief was Kuotmok, who organized the defense of Tenochtitlan and was hanged by the Spanish four years later.

mexico city

In the 16th century, after defeating the Aztec Empire, the Indian civilization of Central America, the Spanish conquistador razed Tenochtitl á n, the capital of the empire, and rebuilt it on the ruins. It was also the capital of New Spain, the country established by the Spanish on the new continent. Tinochetland was originally a water city built by gradually filling the lake with the island in Texcoco Lake as the center. The Spanish increased their efforts to fill most areas of the lake after conquering this place. Therefore, most of the urban areas of Mexico City today are built on unstable backfill soil, and have no resistance to natural disasters such as earthquakes. In 1821, Mexico became the capital of the United Mexican States when it became independent.

Famous people

Hernan Cortez , conquer Mexico, Honduras, Baja California Peninsula
Francesco Pizello , conquer Peru
Juan Ponce de Leon , conquer Puerto Rico and Florida
Francesco de Oreiana, conquering the Amazon
Pedro de Alvarado , conquer Guatemala, Mexico and Peru
Sebastian de Bellarcasar , conquer Ecuador and Colombia
Francesco Hernandez de Gotohua, conquering Yucatan Peninsula
Pedro de Valdivia (Pedro de Valdivia), conquest of Chile