
Ethnic Name of Iberia Peninsula
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Spaniards are Spain Of Main ethnic groups Other parts are distributed in France Argentina , Germany Chile Switzerland Multigenus Europa And Alpine type. Spanish, generic Indo European Romans , for text Spanish Alphabet spelling. More than 90% of the residents believe in Christian Catholicism, and a few believe in Christ protestantism Spanish Traditional industry For textile, building materials, steel, manufacturing, shoemaking, automobile, food processing, emerging machinery, chemicals, electronics, communications, nuclear energy, Aerospace Very developed.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Spanish (English)
Foreign name
Los españoles (Spanish)
スペイン (Japanese)
Spain , France, Argentina , Germany, Switzerland etc.

National history

[Population] 46.54 million people, mainly Castilians, and ethnic minorities include Catalans, Garlicians, and Basques. Castilian (i.e Spanish )Yes official language And the national common language. ethnic minority Language is also the official language in the region. 96% of the residents believe in Catholicism. [1]
The history of the Middle Ages can be divided into several parts: Spain founded by the Spanish, and then Visigoths The established Spain was invaded by the Moors in the later period, followed by the recovery action, and the Spanish Christians recaptured Spain again.
Used to be part of the Roman Empire Iberian Peninsula , because Imperium Romanum And was abandoned. The reason why Rome declined was that it could not resist the constant invasion from foreigners, and finally embarked on the road of extinction.
Over the centuries, Spaniards became Christ And took root in the central area of the peninsula.
Until the eighth century, one of the Spanish leaders North Africa Muslims in France asked for support against the king of France. When Muslims from the southern tip of the peninsula Gibraltar After login, Iberian Peninsula The door was opened and Muslims began to expand their influence on the peninsula. In 50 years, except for a few mountainous areas and the northern part of the peninsula, these Muslims have achieved most of the areas. It soon developed into the most advanced European civilization in the Middle Ages. The prosperity and stability of this region are thanks to good agriculture, trade, currency and industry. The flourishing wisdom of the Muslim world is also a major part Helpful Among them, Cordoba With a population of more than 500000, it is the largest and most advanced city in Europe, second only to Constantinople at that time, with magnificent buildings, great works of art, amazing libraries and important academic centers.
However, due to the annexation and expansion of the local rulers, the internal division of Spain, and the invasion of the Spanish from the north and the Moors from North Africa, the prosperity and peace of the Iberian Peninsula were shattered. Until the middle of the 13th century, the power of the Moors was limited to Granada A small kingdom at the center. Although a few in the north Spanish Christianity The power of the kingdom is often reduced due to mutual attack, but they can still nibble at the power of the Moors step by step. At this point, Portugal Split up to form another kingdom. Granada of the Moors paid tribute to these northern Spanish kingdoms and cleverly used diplomatic strategies to divide and provoke them, thus being able to maintain for centuries. However, until 1469, Cass Tilian Isabella I , with Aragon Ferdinand II Marriage promoted the union of these two traditionally hostile Spanish kingdoms, and also foreshadowed the fate of Moorish Spain that was coming to an end.
Medieval Spain , is a world full of contrast. Its characteristic is that it can gain the maximum benefit from a diversified society, because it combines the influence of Spain, Judaism and Islam, and becomes a unique and rich culture. But at the same time, the forces represented by these cultures launched fierce attacks on each other. When two different cultures collide, the result is often cruel, which is reflected in the eight centuries of mutual conquest, Crusaders What we did in the Holy Land and the atmosphere we created became ruthless and cruel. These Christian soldiers finally drove away Muslims and won the reputation of the best warrior in Europe.
Since 1492, Granada has been Aragon And Cassidyl. This is also an important year. stay Queen Isabella Under the sponsorship of Columbus Finally, they found a new continent and local aborigines for Europeans.


The Spaniard's character is typical Southern Europe People's personality, enthusiastic, optimistic, unrestrained, practical, is quite different from the British's reserve, the German's stereotype, the American's enthusiasm, and the Japanese's seriousness.
One of the biggest characteristics of the Spaniard's character is optimism. They believe that people should not be slaves to life, but masters of life. They should be good at controlling life and arranging life Rich and colorful This can be fun.
The second characteristic of the Spaniard's character is enthusiasm and generosity. Anyone who has contacted Spanish people will have the impression that they are open and frank, easy to approach and make friends. Even if you meet a Spaniard for the first time, he will talk freely with you like an old friend.
The third characteristic of the Spaniard's character is Self-reliance They always like to do things by themselves, and are not willing to beg or rely on others. Even if I can't do it well, or I can't do it as I want, I am determined to try, even if I fail, I will not be disappointed. They think that if they put in efforts, they will gain. Especially for those rich in challenges and excitement, they have the courage to take risks and forge ahead. Both family education and social education encourage people to overcome all difficulties and constantly strive for self-improvement National spirit
Another characteristic of the Spaniard's character is that they act according to rules. No rules, no circles. They have a famous saying: "Follow the rules.". They believe that the rules are set by everyone and therefore cannot be broken. They are willing to use rules to restrain themselves.


Spain has four main languages, except Spanish For the whole country official language Besides, the other three are regional official languages:
  • Spanish (also known as Castilian) is widely used throughout Spain.
  • Catalan (also known as Valencia), used in Catalonia, Valencia , and the Balearic Islands.
  • Basque , used in the Basque region.
  • Galician , used in Galicia.
Catalonia Language Galician And Castilian (the latter is often referred to as "Spanish") Latin , and have their own dialects. At the same time, there are also some other Romance dialects still in use, such as those used in Asturias and some Le ó n regions Asturian Or Bable, in part Aragon region Used Aragon , Aranese used in Val d'Aran in the northwest corner of Catalonia. Spaniards in the United States use the dialect in southwestern Spain.
Spanish people mainly believe in Catholicism


The oldest Spanish nation:
Flag of Spain
The concept of Iberian, in linguistics and geography It has different meanings.
In linguistics, especially historical comparative linguistics Among them, Iberians refer to the ethnic groups whose mother tongue is Iberian. As early as around 4000 BC, before the arrival of Indo Europeans, many Iberian speaking tribes had entered southwest Europe( Iberian Peninsula )Later, with the invasion of Indo European people (mainly Celts and Latinos), these Iberians were gradually excluded and assimilated, and only lived in Pyrenees The Basque people in the area still retain a language similar to the ancient Iberian language. Therefore, from the linguistic point of view, the Basque people belong to the category of "Iberians" today.
include Basque , and many extinct ancient languages, including Iberian languages (or languages cultural community ), which is different from that prevailing in Europe today Indo European The independent language family, its origin and evolution, as well as the development history of various ethnic groups that speak such languages, need to be studied and discussed by professionals.
Iberians are one of the prehistoric peoples in the south and east of Spain. Later, this name also means the entire Iberian Peninsula. From the 8th century BC to the 6th century BC, Celts moved to northern and central Spain in large numbers and infiltrated Portugal And Galicia, but not the south and east Bronze Age A native of Iberia. ancient Greek geographer The initial use of the term Iberia may be related to the Ebro (Iberus) River, which refers to those tribes living in the southeast coast. But in ancient Greece historian Herodotus At the time of Herodotus (the middle of the 5th century BC), the word Iberia has been used to refer to all the ethnic groups living between the Apollo River and the Huelva River. They may be related in language material civilization It is obviously different from the northern and western nationalities. But there are also some areas where Iberians and Celts coexist, such as Massif Central Northeast and Catalonia And the Celtiberian tribe of Aragon.
The origin of Iberians is unknown, and their language undoubtedly belongs to the non Indo European language family. The Iberian ancestors may have migrated to Spain in a very ancient time when Gibraltar and Italy Sicily Tunisia two land bridges were connected in Europe or other places. It can be seen from the remains of ancient works of art that Iberians seem to have long heads Medium build , dark white“ mediterranean sea Type ", but different from Celts The Iberians have been expanding northward, even to this day Southern France Jialong River Watershed. In the area occupied by Spain, mainly including the southern and eastern Mediterranean coast Andalusia , Murcia, Valencia, Aragon lowlands and Catalonia. The Iberians and the Iberian Peninsula are both named after the Ebro River The ancient name is Iberus River. Iberians have created a unique civilization Metalworking They are very famous in terms of skills, especially their own coinage and writing system.
Among the Iberian tribes once mentioned by classical writers, the Bastetani are the most important in terms of territory. They occupy the Almeria region and the Granada Mountains. Some tribes to the west of the Basteteni are commonly referred to as " Tate Tartessian, apparently named after the Greeks Sus (Tartessos). Guadalquivian Tours The Turdetani are the most powerful among them. Culturally, Greece is located in Emporion( Emporion , Ampurias today) and Alicante (Alicante) The colonial groups in the region had a deep influence on the tribes in the northeast and along the Valencia coast; The southeast tribes were Malaga Malaca, Sexi, Almuneca, and Abdera Adela [Adra], from here Carthage The influence of Phoenician commercial expatriates in places such as.
The Iberian tribes along the eastern coast seem to have been distributed around the independent city-state. In the south, there are some autocratic monarchs, Seville The wealth of El Carambolo near Sevilla is believed to belong to a monarch of Tatsos. The existence of religious sanctuaries led to those bronze or clay sculptures Character image The emergence of, especially in mountainous areas. There are many kinds of pottery products with obvious Iberian style. Local pottery has been found in southern France, Sardinia, Sicily and Africa, and various products from Greece are often unearthed there. The famous bust of "La dama de Elche", with distinctive headwear and decorations, shows the influence of classical culture. Iberia has developed agriculture, mining and metallurgy.
Iberian is not an Indo European language family Roman times It is still in use in the early days. Iberian manuscripts have been found on the east coast. The whole system consists of 28 syllable letters, some of which are converted from Greek and Phoenician, but most of which are unknown. There are many inscriptions written in this language, but except for some place names engraved on coins by many cities in the 3rd century BC, the meaning of most of the characters is incomprehensible. Before the Roman conquest of this place, the Iberians used this writing system all the time, and then switched to use it latin alphabet There was once an orthodox view that modern Basque came from Iberian, but many scholars believed that the two languages were independent.
Iberians in the sense of geography generally refer to all the permanent ethnic groups living on the Iberian Peninsula today, especially the two major ones Main ethnic groups Spanish and Portuguese. The languages of these two nations belong to the Indo European family of Latin languages. They can be seen as taking the ancient Celts as the main body, combining the Romans and germanic people A nation formed by the composition of.

Visiting details

In Spain, hosts usually greet or say goodbye to guests by shaking hands when meeting and saying goodbye. When acquaintances meet and say goodbye, men usually shake hands or hug, and men and women or women make face to face salutes.
Spaniards are warm and hospitable. They talk casually. They generally like to talk about politics and sports (such as football, tennis Golf ), bullfighting, tourism, weather, work, business, etc. When talking with Spanish people, it is strictly forbidden to ask each other Wage income Private property , clothing price, age (especially women), marriage and family affairs religious belief Etc. When talking, be careful not to talk loudly, speak rudely, interrupt others, etc.
It is customary to give gifts to each other in Spain. Spaniards seldom give practical items, but generally give away picture albums, books, handicrafts, etc. Chinese delegation When visiting government officials or enterprises, the group can present handicrafts, books, picture albums, music CDs, ties, scarves, etc. If you are invited to a Spanish home, don't forget to bring the hostess one or two gifts, such as flowers Chocolates , scarves, wine, etc. Spaniards pay attention to gift packaging. When exchanging gifts, Spaniards usually open the gift package in person, appreciate the gift and express their gratitude. In addition, make sure that the gifts (especially fragile items) are intact before giving them. Therefore, it is best to carefully check whether the gift is in good condition after arriving in Spain, and then package the gift.
Of course, it is also necessary to communicate in euphemism and correct Spanish~


Spanish "Bullfighter"
bullfight It is a national custom left by Spain for many years. " Spanish bullfighting ", originated in ancient Spain religious activities (Kill cattle to offer sacrifices to the gods).
In the 13th century, Alfonso X, the king of Spain, began to turn this ritual activity into a bull race performance (the real bullfight performance was in the middle of the 18th century). Spain has more than 300 bullfights (the largest is Madrid Ventas Bullring, which can accommodate 25000 people). From March to November every year Spanish Bullfight Festival , usually Sunday and Thursday are bullfighting days (use the Africa Purebred bull).
The bullfight performance is wonderful and cruel. People are cruel to cattle, and cattle are cruel to people. Spain kills about 50000 bulls every year. In the 300 year history of bullfighting, 125 famous masters matador More than 40 of them died under the horn.
There are international disputes about bullfighting, and there are also disputes in Spain. Most people believe that bullfighting is a national custom left by Spain for many years and should not be banned. But there are also a few people, especially animals Protection organization , advocating banning bullfighting. It is said that in the Spanish royal palace, some people like watching bullfights, while others don't. king King Juan Carlos and queen I don't like watching bullfights. Former Spanish Prime Minister Asinar also doesn't like bullfights and never sets foot in the bullring. It was recently reported that Spain's second largest city Barcelona The municipal government is planning to make a decree to make the bloody entertainment of bullfighting disappear completely "within a few years", but the motion has just seen Newsagent That is, it was strongly opposed by the local bullfighting alliance and other organizations. Because bullfights are Spanish traditional custom In addition, there are still many people who live by bullfighting. If we cancel bullfighting, will we lose countless jobs? It seems that Spaniards who have fought with cows for hundreds of years will continue to compete with them in the future.

Hercules Lighthouse

Spanish mythology Hercules Lighthouse
The Hagrid Lighthouse in Spain is still in use Ancient Rome The lighthouse also has the title of "the oldest usable lighthouse in the world". It was built in the 2nd century AD and restored by the eustaquio giannini engineering team in 1791. The 185 foot tall lighthouse has been standing and looks as solid as ever. It will also be declared by Spain in 2009 World Cultural Heritage Items for. (has been declared as World Heritage Site )Heracles Heracles Hercules, yes MYTHOS The greatest hero in Roman myth Hercules in( Hercules )。