
Kingdom of Spain
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Kingdom of Spain( Spanish :Reino de España; English: The Kingdom of Spain Iberian Peninsula , located in Europe And Africa At the junction of Portugal , near the north Bay of Biscay , Northeast and France and Andorra Bordering to the south Strait of Gibraltar With Africa Morocco Look at each other. The territory also includes mediterranean sea In Balearic islands , Atlantic Canary Islands And African Ceuta and Melilla The country is a mountainous country with a land area of 506000 square kilometers and a coastline of about 7800 kilometers. with Spanish As official language Is the second largest country in the world English Spain is divided into 17 autonomous regions, 50 provinces, and more than 8100 municipalities. In Morocco Ceuta and Melilla Two pieces enclave , the capital is Madrid As of January 2024, Spain has a population of 48.59 million. [24]
the medieval times In 1492, there were several countries standing side by side Spanish Recovery Movement After victory, establish a unified Kingdom of Spain Since the 16th century [1] , become Age Of Wind China's important maritime power Europe America Asia and Africa Build up a large number of colony [1] Signed with Portugal in 1494《 Treaty of Tordesillas 》, intended to divide the world into two. stay The Renaissance Period, Spanish Empire Became the most powerful country in Europe at that time The sun never sets Thirty Year War Then began to decline. After experiencing two republic And a Monarchy Later, it was announced in 1978 Constitutional monarchy [1]
Spain is a developed country capitalist country , also european union and NATO Member States. As of October 2020, its economic aggregate ranks fourth in the EU and fourteenth in the world. In 2022, the GDP will be 1.33 trillion euros, up 5.5% year on year, and the per capita GDP will be 27900 euros. [1]
On May 29, 2024 local time, the Spanish government officially issued an official decree permanently withdrawing the country's ambassador to Argentina. [26]
Chinese name
Kingdom of Spain
Foreign name
Reino de España [1] (Spanish)
The Kingdom of Spain (English)
major city
Barcelona Valencia Sevilla Malaga Bilbao Zaragoza etc.
National Day
October 12th [1]
National anthem
Royal March (Marcha Real)
Country code
official language
Spanish (Castilian)
Time zone
National leaders
Felipe VI (King) Pedro Sanchez Peres Castelhon (Prime Minister)
population size
48.59 million [24] (As of January 2024)
Population density
93.7 people/km2 [13] (2020)
Major ethnic groups
Castilian Catalan Galician Basque
Major religions
land area
506000 km²
Water area rate
Total GDP
EUR 1.33 trillion [1] (2022)
GDP per capita
EUR 27900 [1] (2022)
International telephone area code
Abbreviation of international domain name
Road access
Drive on the right
National flower
pomegranate flowers Carnation
National Motto
Transcending perfection (Plus ultra)
National football
Water Polo
Famous festivals
Ox Running Festival
Topographic area
Iberian Peninsula
Largest city

Historical evolution


Primitive period

800000 years ago, human beings lived in Iberian Peninsula According to archaeological speculation, it may be african Crossing in pursuit of prey Strait of Gibraltar Or hunters from other parts of Europe Pyrenees Come here and settle down, known as Iberian They mainly settled in mediterranean sea Along the coast and further south, Iberians have created many different cultures. ancient Greek The most important branch has been recorded in the history of, Greek Call them "Tuerduo". They are a tribe of Iberians Guadalquivir River The valley has established a kingdom with splendid culture. Northern Spain Aldamira The world-famous rock paintings left by the cave vividly record The Humans Living conditions. [2]

Period of alien rule

Main term: Punic wars
From about 3000 BC, foreign nationalities began to Iberian Peninsula Large scale migration. [2]
In 1200 BC Celts It enters the peninsula from the north and extends to the whole peninsula. The only area in the history of the Iberian Peninsula that has not been invaded by any foreign forces is Basque Living in the northern mountains.
In 1100 BC, Phoenicians It established a colony on the peninsula and created Gadil (Cadiz City). The Phoenicians established trade relations with Spain. In order to further develop the resources of the peninsula, the Phoenicians established permanent residences along the Mediterranean coast. [2]
In the 9th century BC, the Celts Central Europe Move in. Since the 8th century BC, the Iberian Peninsula has been invaded by foreign tribes Roman Visigoths and moors The rule of. The Spaniards fought for a long time against foreign aggression.
Punic wars During this period, Carthaginians took the opportunity to occupy most of the land in Spain, and their famous cities include Cartagena (“ New Carthage ”)。 Roman Defeated in the Punic War Carthaginian After that, the whole peninsula was soon occupied.
In the 6th century BC, Celts and Iberian They intermarried and merged with each other, resulting in the later Seltiberia people. The Phoenicians united with the Catagors to fight against the Seltiberia, and later the Catagors became the masters of the peninsula. [2]
In 218 BC, the Romans invaded Spain on a large scale. [2]
In 206 BC, the Romans drove the Catagors out of the Iberian Peninsula. The Romans met with heroic resistance in the process of conquering the Seltiberians. [2]
In 19 BC, Rome conquered the entire Iberian Peninsula. [2]
After that, Spain became Imperium Romanum A province of. [2]
In the 5th century AD, the Roman Empire began to collapse. In 409 AD, the Visigoths invaded Spain and established The Kingdom of Visigoth And thus began to rule for 300 years. [2]
In 711, Visigoths The rule over the Iberian Peninsula ended.

Muslim rule

In 710 AD, a rival for the throne of the Visigoths sought arab (also known as moors )With the help of, the invasion history of the Moors began. [2]
In 711 AD, the Moors invaded Spain and won Battle of Guadalet great victory. It took only seven years to conquer the Iberian Peninsula, which led to the beginning of nearly 800 years of Islamic rule in Spain, known as "Andalus", which was called "Andalus" in ancient China“ Green clothes and food ”。 At the beginning, there were several emirate Coexisting, it belonged to the Damascus caliphate empire. [2]
In 722 Asturias The first battle of the recovery movement started in the Kovadongga Mountain in the region. In this battle, the Christian army was the leader Peraio Under the leadership of the Arab army. Other European countries Christian They also responded in succession the pontiff And went to Spain to participate in the anti Arab holy war. While fighting with the Arabs, Christianity Formed Castilla and Aragon Two kingdoms. [2]
In 756 AD, the first Moorish king, Afderman I, established his capital Cordoba , and declare independence. [2]
Malaga Seashore
In the 10th century AD, the Moorish rule reached its peak. Later, the Caliphate of Cordoba split into several kingdoms. In the face of the Arab aggression and occupation of Spain, Christian Begin to resist. [2]
In 1085, the Christian army recovered Toledo Castilla The city was designated as the capital. [2]
In 1212 Alfonso VIII Under the leadership of, Kingdom of Castile Our army won a decisive victory over the Moors in Las Navas de Troosa; Since then, it has recovered Cordoba Sevilla Jerez Cadiz Wait for the city, and the last thing left is Kingdom of Granada [2]
In 1469, Isabella I Married the prince of Aragon Fernando II The marriage of Castile and Aragon laid the foundation for the final unification of the two kingdoms. [2]
In 1474, at the age of 23, Isabella was made Queen of Castilla, and she established a new court and urban administrative system. [2]
In 1479, Fernando succeeded to the throne and became King Aragon The War of the Castile Succession Excluding the intervention of Portugal, they were formally merged into a unified Spanish kingdom, and the couple were called "Catholic Double Kings". [2]

Period of maritime power

Spanish Armada
On January 2, 1492, the capital of the Moors Granada The fall, the Spanish recovery movement was declared complete, and Spain finally achieved reunification. [2]
In 1492, Columbus Led the fleet to set out from Gaddis, Spain, and found the new continent of America and boarded it on October 12 Bahamas Of San Salvador And then brought some Indigenous people And some items back to Spain. Columbus discovery West Indies Later, Spain gradually became a maritime power. Since then, Spanish colonialists began to Latin America And expand its territory to the other side of the Atlantic Ocean the Philippines [2]
In 1516, Juana And the prince Philip I 's son charles v In order to inherit the throne of Castile, Leon, Aragon, Navarra and other countries, Etrastamara is a grandson of the family King Juan Carlos Having established the earliest unified central monarchy in Europe personal union Country. In the 16th century, it was a maritime power, but later it gradually declined.
In 1519, Hernan Cortez Wait from Cuba arrive Mexico , conquered Aztec The tribal capital Tenochtitlan [2]
In 1530, Francisco Pizarro Lead people from Panama Depart and arrive in a few months Inca Empire , conquered the capital of the Inca Empire Cuzco Many tribes were eliminated Indian Civilization is destroyed. [2]
In 1588, Felipe II The British were crusaded, but the Spanish“ Armada ”Pirate born Drake The British navy led by Spain was defeated, and Spain lost its position as a maritime power and began to decline. [2]
In 1648, Spain lost the battle against France, and its military advantage on land also ended. After that, at War of the Spanish Succession China, ceded to Britain again Gibraltar And gradually lost Portugal And on Italy And Netherlands Spain gradually declined. [2]
In 1700, Carlos II Death, his sister Maria Theresa And the king of France Louis XIV Philip, the grandson of( Felipe V )From then on, the Spanish throne was ruled by Austria Habsburg Family Go to France Bourbon family Hands. Although Philip became King of Spain, in order to fight for the Spanish throne Austria (supported by Britain and the Netherlands) started a war and signed the Utrecht Peace Treaty Austria got Flanders Milan Sardinia and Naples Britain got Gibraltar and other places, the Netherlands got many fortresses in Flanders, and Spain only had its own land in exchange for the recognition of Felipe V. [2]
In the early 19th century, Napoleon After seizing the French regime, he aimed his expansion at Spain. Under the pretext of attacking Portugal by road, he sent troops to occupy Spain and arranged his brother to be King of Spain. The Spanish people rose up against France. On May 2, 1808, the War of Independence broke out. Spain paid a heavy price for the war, and lost most of its overseas colonies. [2]
In 1837, Isabella II After the adoption of the constitutional monarchy bill, it was formally merged into a country and decided to use the Spanish word "Espa ñ a" (from Phoenician , meaning "hare"), ending the more than 300 years of communist federalism.

Republic period

Statue of Don Quixote and Servant in "Spanish Square"
In 1873, the outbreak bourgeois revolution And establish the First Republic. Dynasty of December 24, 1874 Restoration
In 1898, the Spanish American War ended in Spain's defeat, Cuba Spain ceded its independence to the United States Puerto Rico Guam And sold it off the Philippines (US $20 million). Spain lost all its overseas colonies and lost its status as an international power. [2] And maintained in the First World War neutral
On April 12, 1931, the Spanish Dynasty was overthrown and the Second Republic was established. In the municipal elections, the left-wing forces won; On the 14th Barcelona San Sebastian And other places declare the establishment of a republic; stay Madrid The Revolutionary Committee announced the establishment of a provisional government; Alfonso XIII Voluntary exile abroad. On June 28 of the same year, the republicans held a national election to declare religious freedom. In December of the same year, Spain adopted a new Constitution, and the new government embarked on reforms and legislation in agriculture, education, regional autonomy, etc; At the same time, some right-wing political parties have been established. [2]
In 1932, the soldiers of the coup were pardoned, and the central government Catalonia The regional government is in conflict. [2]
In the general election in November 1933, the right-wing party won, and some new laws (such as the Basic Law on Agricultural Reform) were repealed. [2]
In February 1936, a coalition government led by the People's Front was established with the participation of the Socialist Party and the Communist Party.
July 17, 1936 Franco To launch a rebellion and trigger a three-year spanish civil war , seized power in April 1939, and exercised dictatorship for 36 years.

Restoration of the royal family

In July 1947, Franco declared that Spain Monarchy , serving as the head of state for life. In July 1966, Juan Carlos, the grandson of the last king Alfonso XIII, was appointed as the successor.
Madrid Palace
Franco died of illness on November 20, 1975, Juan Carlos I Ascend the throne and restore the monarchy.
On July 1, 1976, the former Secretary General of the National Movement was appointed Adolfo Suarez Gonzalez As Prime Minister, he began to transition to parliamentary democracy in the West.
In December 1978, the new Constitution was officially promulgated.
Spain joined in 1982 NATO
In 1986, Spain joined European Community
From 1996 to 2004, the People's Party was in power continuously.
From 2004 to 2011, the Labour Socialist Party came back to power.
In November 2011, the Labour Socialist Party lost the general election, People's Party Return to power.
On October 19, 2017, the Spanish government announced the suspension of the autonomy of Catalonia, which was officially implemented on October 21.

geographical environment


Regional location

Regional Location Map of Spain
The total area of Spain is 506000 square kilometers. (of which the land area is 499542 square kilometers and the water area is 5240 square kilometers), ranking fifth in Europe. The northernmost to southernmost part of the mainland is about 830 kilometers, and the longest east-west direction is 1000 kilometers. Most of the territory is located in Iberian Peninsula , northeast Pyrenees With France and Andorra Connected to the west Portugal Southern septum Strait of Gibraltar With Africa Morocco Look at each other. north Bay of Biscay To the east is the Mediterranean Sea, facing Italy across the sea, and to the northwest and southwest is the Atlantic Ocean. [1]

topographic features

Topographic Map of Spain
The terrain of Spain is dominated by plateaus with mountains between them. 3718 meters above sea level Taide Peak It is the highest point in China, and the highest point in China is 3478 meters above sea level Mount Murason Midland Meseta Plateau It is an occlusive plateau surrounded by mountains, accounting for about 3/5 of the national area, with an average altitude of 600-800 meters. There are things stretching from east to west in the north Cantabria Mountains and Pyrenees The Pyrenees is the border mountain between Spain and France. It is more than 430 kilometers long and has a peak above 3000 meters above sea level.
Spanish Mount Murason At an altitude of 3478 meters, it is the roof of the Iberian Peninsula.
Because the mountains are close to the coast, the plains are few and narrow, and only the Ebro Valley in the northeast and the Andalusia Plain in the southwest are relatively wide.
In Spain, 11% of the land is below 200 meters above sea level, 31% is between 201 meters and 600 meters above sea level, 39% is between 601 meters and 1000 meters above sea level, 18% is between 1001 meters and 2000 meters above sea level, and 1% is above 2000 meters above sea level.


The main rivers in Spain are Ebro River Duluo River Tahoe River Guadiana River and Guadalquivir River The longest is Tahoe River , 1007km long, downstream Portugal Domestic. Ebro River is 910km long, and the whole journey is within the territory. It is sometimes regarded as the largest river in Spain. Due to the ups and downs of these rivers, only Guadalquivir River The lower reaches are navigable, while other rivers are not navigable. [3]


Central Spanish Plateau Continental climate The north and northwest coasts have a marine temperate climate, while the south and southeast coasts have a Mediterranean subtropical climate.
The Spanish climate can be divided into the following parts:

natural resources

Spain's main mineral reserves: coal 8.8 billion tons, iron 1.9 billion tons, Pyrite 500 million tons, copper 4 million tons, 1.9 million tons of zinc and 0.7 million tons of mercury.
The total forest area is 15 million hectares. forest coverage 30%, cork Its output and export volume rank second in the world.

administrative division



Administrative map of Spain
Spain is divided into 17 autonomous regions, 50 provinces, and more than 8100 municipalities. In Morocco Ceuta and Melilla Two pieces enclave [1]


Spanish capital Madrid It is a famous historical city in Europe, with an urban area of 607 square kilometers, The population is 3.33 million, [24] With a history of more than 400 years, it is the political, cultural, economic and financial center of the country. Madrid is the comprehensive economic center of Spain's Central Economic Zone, and the center of transportation, logistics, research and development, consumption and high-tech industries. The communication and transportation in the city are well developed. The total length of 13 subway lines in the urban area is 226km; The city has the largest scale in Europe Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 36 ancient art museums, more than 100 museums, 18 libraries and more than 100 sculpture groups. [4]

major city

Barcelona , located on the Mediterranean coast in northeastern Spain, is the capital of Catalonia Autonomous Region. It is the gateway to the Iberian Peninsula. With an area of 91 square kilometers and a population of 1.51 million in the urban area and 4 million in the surrounding areas, it is the second largest city in Spain and one of the most densely populated cities in the world. [3]
Valencia , an important industrial and commercial city in Spain, with a population of 797000 and an area of 135 square kilometers. It is the largest container port in Spain and the fifth largest container port in Europe, with a total throughput of 57.79 million tons and a container throughput of 3.65 million TEUs in 2009.
Sevilla , the capital of Andalusia Autonomous Region, with a population of 702000, is the fourth largest city in China, the largest city in the southern region, the only city in Spain with an inland port, and an important economic, trade, tourism and cultural city in southern Spain.
Cordoba With a population of 328800, it is the capital of the Kingdom of Cordoba established by Mahbudeman I. It has been one of the major cities of Islam up to the beginning of the 11th century.

National symbol


national flag

Flag of Spain
Flag of Spain It is rectangular, and the ratio of length to width is 3:2. The flag is composed of three parallel rectangles, red, yellow and red, from top to bottom. The yellow part in the middle occupies 1/2 of the flag, and the national emblem is painted on the left. Red and yellow are the traditional colors loved by the Spanish people, symbolizing their loyalty to their motherland. Spain used red, yellow and red flags to hang on the ship in 1785, becoming the representative colors of Spain. The yellow part is painted on the left Spain National Emblem They represent the four ancient kingdoms that make up Spain.

national emblem

Spain National Emblem
The national emblem of Spain represents the five kingdoms that made up Spain in history: the upper left corner represents the golden castle with red background Kingdom of Castile , pink lion on white background in the upper right corner Kingdom of Leon , red and yellow vertical bars in the lower left corner represent Aragon Kingdom , the gold chain on the red background in the lower right corner represents Kingdom of Navarra , the lowest white background, green leaves, and red pomegranate represent Granada , three in the middle with blue background Iris yes Bourbon family Logo of. Two The Pillars of Hercules Weiran stands on both sides of the coat of arms, as if the security of the country is under its protection. A top is painted on the top of the left column crown On the top of the right column is the imperial crown, which represents the two pillars guarding Gibraltar and Leon Island in the Spanish Channel. The big crown on the shield represents Asturias A region in northern Spain. A red ribbon looped around the silver pillar with the words "Overseas and Mainland China" written on it.

national anthem

Royal March
The Spanish national anthem originated from Charles III in the 18th century( Carlos III )The military march of Granada in the period was called Spanish Honor March by the royal name and Infantry March by the folk name. The royal family has organized musicians to write new songs for many times, but none of them can surpass this song, so this national anthem with songs but no words continued. Until the end of 2007, the national campaign to collect lyrics was launched, and the lyrics of the Spanish national anthem were determined. However, this lyric has not been widely recognized, and the problem of the lyrics of the Spanish national anthem has been put on hold.


As of April 2023, Spain has a population of 48.2 million, mainly Castilians (Spanish), and ethnic minorities include Catalans, Galicians, Basques, etc.




According to the current Constitution of Spain regime by monarchical parliamentary system , implementing legislation, administration and judicature Separation of powers The king is the head of state and commander in chief of the armed forces, and the prime minister is the highest head of government, who is nominated by the majority party of the parliament and appointed by the king. The executive power is controlled by the government, and the legislative power is controlled by the bicameral system The parliament of the People's Republic of China.
Influenced by the international financial crisis and the European sovereign debt crisis, Spain's economy is in a grim situation. The People's Party government is under great pressure to implement fiscal austerity policies in response to the crisis. However, because it has an absolute majority in parliament, its ruling position is relatively stable. [1]


The current Constitution was adopted in a national referendum on December 6, 1978, and came into force on December 29. The Constitution stipulates that Spain implements a parliamentary monarchy, and the throne is inherited by direct descendants of Juan Carlos I. The king is the head of state, and the government governs the country and is responsible to the parliament. The judges of the courts at all levels exercise judicial power independently in the name of the king. The Constitution recognizes and guarantees the autonomy of all ethnic regions. [1]


The Spanish Parliament, composed of the House of Representatives and the Senate, exercises legislative power, approves financial budgets and supervises government work. The legislative power is dominated by the House of Representatives, and the Senate is the regional representative chamber. Members are elected by universal suffrage for a four-year term. On May 29, 2023, Prime Minister Sanchez announced the dissolution of Parliament, and the general election was held in advance on July 23. The new Parliament was established on August 17. [1]
On August 17, 2023 local time, in the first round of the Spanish parliamentary elections, Francina Almung (Francina Armengol) was elected President of the Parliament. [18]
According to the parliamentary election results on July 23, the distribution of seats in the House of Representatives is as follows:
Allocation of seats in the House of Representatives
People's Party
one hundred and thirty-seven
Labour Socialist Party
one hundred and twenty-one
Vociferous party
"Solidarity Movement"
Left wing of the Republic of Catalonia
"Together for Catalonia"
Basque Solidarity
Basque Nationalist Party
reference material: [1]


  • central government
After consultation with the parties in the House of Representatives, the King nominated the candidate for Prime Minister, and appointed the Prime Minister after the approval of the confidence vote of the House of Representatives. The Prime Minister is the head of government, who nominates deputy prime ministers and cabinet ministers and forms a government. On July 23, 2023, Spain held parliamentary elections, and King Felipe VI nominated the Chairman of the People's Party (PPP), Philip Fejo, as the candidate for Prime Minister, but he failed to pass the confidence vote in the House of Representatives. The king then nominated Prime Minister Sanchez of the caretaker government as the candidate for Prime Minister. In November, Sanchez passed the confidence vote in the House of Representatives and was successfully re elected as Prime Minister. On November 21, the new government was established and sworn in. [1] [19] [24]
  • Regional government
April 20, 2022 (local time), Spain Catalonia The regional government announced that as many as 60 independent leaders of the Catalonia region were suspected of being secretly monitored during the period from 2017 to 2020, the regional government of Catalonia would suspend relations with the central government of Spain. [15]


Spanish justice is divided into national courts and local courts. The highest judicial organ is the Supreme Court, and the President is recommended by the General Committee of Judicial Power and appointed by the King. The General Committee of Judicial Power is the administrative body of the judicial justice system. It is composed of a chairman and 20 members. The position of chairman is temporarily vacant. The current acting president of the Supreme Court is Francisco Mar í n Cast á n.
There is a Constitutional Court that specializes in supervising and guaranteeing the implementation of the Constitution and hearing unconstitutional cases. It is composed of 12 justices. The president is elected by the justices and appointed by the king. The current President of the Constitutional Court is C á ndido Conde Pumpido Tour ó n
The highest procuratorial organ is the State General Procuratorate. The current State Attorney General Alvaro Garc í a Ortiz. [1]


We will implement a multi-party system. The main political parties are the Workers' Socialist Party, the People's Party, the Voices Party, the "Solidarity Movement", etc.
1. Partido Socialista Obrero Espa ñ ol: the ruling party of the center left wing. Founded in 1879, he was in power for six times from 1982 to 2011, and formed a minority government on June 2, 2018. The general election in April 2019 became the largest party in the parliament, and the general election in November of the same year was the largest party for a second time. On January 7, 2020, the Labour Social Party and the left-wing election coalition "united we can" form a joint government. In July 2023, the general election will become the second largest party in the parliament. Pedro S á nchez P é rez Castej ó n, General Secretary.
2. Partido Popular: the largest opposition party and the center right party. Formerly known as the People's Alliance, it was founded in 1977 and renamed as the People's Party in 1989. Implement the line of "middle reformism". He took office for the first time in May 1996, continued to take office in March 2000, and won the general election again in November 2011. In November 2016, after two rounds of general elections and several cabinet formation negotiations, the People's Party struggled to form a government. On June 1, 2018, the People's Party government was impeached and stepped down, and former Prime Minister Rajoy resigned as the party chairman. The general elections in April and November 2019 are the second largest party in the parliament. In July 2023, the general election will become the largest party in the parliament. Alberto N úñ ez Feij ó o, the party chairman.
3. Voice Party (Vox): a party of the extreme right. Founded in December 2013, the party won 24 seats in the House of Representatives in the general election in April 2019, which is the first time that the party has won seats. The general elections in November 2019 and July 2023 are the third largest party in the parliament. Santiago Abascal, the party chairman.
4. Sumar: left-wing political organization. It was established in March 2023, including the member parties of the ruling coalition such as the "United Left" and other national and local parties and social organizations. It will become the fourth largest party in Parliament after the general election in July 2023. The party leader is Yolanda D í az P é rez, the second deputy prime minister and minister of labor and social economy.


Current King: Felipe VI Born in Madrid on January 30, 1968, he is the youngest son of King Juan Carlos I and Queen Sofia. After graduating from Canada's Rexfield High School in 1985, he received a three-year formal military education at Spain's Saragossa Army Academy, Marin Naval Academy and San Javier Air Force Academy. After finishing the military academy, he entered the Madrid Autonomous University to study law, economics, information technology and history, and then went to Georgetown University in the United States to further study and obtain a master's degree in international relations. In 1977, he was granted the title of Crown Prince of Asturias of Spain, and he ascended the throne in June 2014. Like skiing and squash, good at sailing. She married Leticia in 2004 and has two daughters. The eldest daughter, Princess Leonor, is now the crown prince of Spain.
On June 2, 2014, Prime Minister of Spain Rajoy announced at the press conference that King Juan Carlos I had announced his abdication to Crown Prince Felipe. After the completion of the accession ceremony on June 19, 2014, the Crown Prince formally inherited the throne and became the new King Felipe VI of Spain, and went to the National Assembly at 10:30 a.m. to formally swear the coronation and make a public speech.
Prime Minister Pedro S á nchez, born on February 29, 1972, has a doctor's degree in economics and business management. In June 2014, he was elected as the General Secretary of the Labour and Social Party, resigned as the General Secretary of the Party in October 2016, and was re elected as the General Secretary of the Party in May 2017. At the end of May 2018, Rajoy, the then Prime Minister, was successfully impeached for the corruption case involving the People's Party, and became the new Prime Minister in June. The Prime Minister will be re elected twice in January 2020 and November 2023.

Sovereign territory

Spain has Canary Islands , in the Mediterranean Balearic islands , owned in Africa Melilla and Ceuta (Morocco claims sovereignty). Britain occupies the southern part of the peninsula Gibraltar
The northern coast of Spain is Bay of Biscay , Northeast and France and Andorra Contiguous Pyrenees Separating these countries on both sides; East and southeast mediterranean sea , going south and crossing only 14km wide Strait of Gibraltar Will be able to reach Africa's Morocco Rectangular Portugal It is a neighbor to the west of Spain.
Spain is surrounded by the sea on three sides, with a coastline of about 3904km. In addition, there are Balearic Islands and Canary Islands. The coast is relatively flat and straight, and the real natural harbors are concentrated in the north, such as Ferol, Pontvedra and Vigo Etc. Cartagena It is the only natural harbor located in the Mediterranean Sea. The southeast coastline is not a port, but a scenic beach resort. Spain's famous bays include Cadiz Bay And the Gulf of Valencia. [3]




Developed industrial countries, whose economic aggregate ranks 4th in the EU and 14th in the world. Agriculture, industry and services accounted for 2.3%, 20.8% and 67.9% of GDP respectively. After the international financial crisis and the European debt crisis in 2008, the economy suffered a serious impact. In 2014, it achieved recovery growth, ranking first in the EU. In 2016, GDP exceeded the level before the financial crisis. In 2023, the GDP will be 1.46 trillion euros, a year-on-year increase of 2.5%, which is higher than the average level of the euro area for the third consecutive year. The per capita GDP will be about 30000 euros, the inflation rate will be 3.1%, the unemployment rate will be 11.76%, the public debt will be 1.54 trillion euros, and the public deficit will account for 3.66%. [1] [24]

Agriculture and animal husbandry

Spanish Handicrafts
Spain is the fourth largest producer of agricultural products in the EU, the first largest exporter of fruits and vegetables in the EU and the third largest exporter of fruits and vegetables in the world, with a high level of agricultural modernization. The developed land for agriculture and animal husbandry covers more than 24 million hectares, ranking second in the EU. It mainly produces olives, grapes, oranges, etc. Food crops mainly include barley, wheat, corn, etc. The planting area of olives and the output of olive oil, the annual output and export volume of wine, and the annual export volume of citrus fruits rank first in the world. Animal husbandry, marine fishing and aquaculture are among the top in the EU.


The main industrial sectors include food and beverage, automobile, electric power, chemical industry, metal products, oil refining, steel, rubber, plastic products, mechanical equipment manufacturing, non-metallic mineral products, etc. The textile, shipbuilding, aerospace, pharmaceutical and other industries also have large output values.
automotive industry
Major automobile producing and exporting countries in EU. In 2023, the automobile output will be about 2.4 million, with a year-on-year growth of 13.4%, ranking second in the EU and eighth in the world; 1.881 million cars were exported, up 3.3% year on year, and 70% of the car exports were sold to other EU countries.
Wind power generation
The land and ocean wind energy available in Spain is 40000 MW. Renewable energy in Spain has developed rapidly. By the end of 2013, the installed capacity of wind power generation was 22959MW. In 2013, wind power generation was 54478GWh, accounting for 20.9% of the total power generation. In 2013, the industry employed more than 20000 people. [5]
manufacturing industry
There are 35 shipyards and 16 shipyards in Spain, including 250 supporting factories, 40000 employees and a total annual sales of $1.5 billion. Spain's Izar Group is the ninth largest shipbuilding group in the world, accounting for 80% of Spain's shipbuilding output. In addition to shipbuilding, the group is also involved in ship repair and refitting, power and propulsion devices, electronic navigation and defense systems and other fields.

Service industry

Spain's service industry is one of the important pillars of the national economy, and the tourism industry is developed. In 2023, it will receive 85 million foreign tourists, with a year-on-year growth of 18.7%. The tourism revenue will reach 108.7 billion euros, with a year-on-year growth of 25% and a contribution rate of 12.8% to GDP. Tourist attractions include Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, etc. Catalonia is the autonomous region that attracts the most foreign tourists. The World Tourism Organization is headquartered in Madrid. [1] [24]
In Spain, more than 300000 merchants and more than 60% of ATMs can accept UnionPay cards (card numbers start with 62), covering the main business districts of Madrid and Barcelona, mainly including airport duty-free shops, brand stores, hotels, restaurants and other places frequented by tourists, and the ATM of some tourist attractions has Chinese operation interfaces. [1]


Spain is affected by the international financial crisis and the continuing spread of the Greek sovereign debt crisis, and the western financial situation is grim. In 2019, Spain's total public debt reached EUR 1.19 trillion, accounting for 95.5% of GDP. The fiscal deficit accounts for 2.1% of GDP. Affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, as of July 2020, the western public debt rate has risen to 110.21%. The International Monetary Fund estimates that the deficit rate of the West will rise to 14.1% and the public debt rate will reach 123% in 2020.
In 2021, the total public debt will reach 1.42 trillion euros, accounting for 118.4% of GDP. The fiscal deficit rate in 2021 will be 6.87%. [1]
Major commercial banks: Banco Santander, with total assets of more than 1.57 trillion euros (by the end of the third quarter of 2021), ranking first in the West, fourth in Europe and top 20 in the world. CaixaBank, after completing the acquisition of Bankia at the beginning of 2021, has a total assets of more than 685.7 billion euros, ranking second, and is the bank with the largest assets, the largest number of employees, business outlets and customers in the western region. Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA), with total assets of more than 651.8 billion euros, ranks third. [1]

foreign trade

In 2023, the total value of imports and exports of goods in Western Europe will be 826.33 billion euros. Among them, 435.17 billion euros were imported and 391.16 billion euros were exported. The trade deficit was € 44.01 billion. It mainly imports petroleum, chemical products, fuels, electrical equipment, etc; It mainly exports automobiles and accessories, mechanical equipment, chemical products, agricultural food products, etc. The main trading partners are the European Union, Asia, Latin America and the United States.
In 2023, 28.2 billion euros of foreign capital will be attracted, mainly to the service industry (54.3%), industry (42.2%) and construction industry (3%). The main source countries of investment are the United States (28.9%), the United Kingdom (13.1%), Germany (10.6%) and France (9.2%). The investment from Australia, Switzerland, Canada, Mexico and other countries has increased significantly. [1] [24]

direct investment

From January to September 2010, Spain's foreign investment was 49.05 billion euros. The main investment sectors include transportation, telecommunications, energy, finance, insurance, real estate, etc. The main investment region is Latin America. In 2009, it attracted 14.694 billion euros, down 62% year on year. [1]




There are four main languages in Spain. In addition to Spanish as the national official language, the other three are regional official languages:
  • Spanish (also known as Castilian) is widely used throughout Spain, accounting for 74%.
  • Catalan (also known as Valencia), used in Catalonia, Valencia, and the Balearic Islands, accounting for 17%.
  • Basque , used in the Basque region, accounting for 2%.
  • Galician , used in Galicia, accounting for 7%.
Spaniards generally use their own official language in economic and trade exchanges. Government officials and businessmen engaged in foreign affairs generally speak English or French. There are 500 million Spanish speaking people in the world, which is the third most used language in the world and the second most used language in the country. [6]


96% of Spanish residents believe in Catholicism. [6]
Spain belongs to the Christian cultural circle, and many taboos are the same as those of European and American countries, such as regarding "13" as an unlucky number, avoiding yellow, purple, black, chrysanthemum, etc. [6]
Spanish Catholic Church
Since Spain Roman The Catholic state was established at the beginning of the ruling period. The war of "reconquest" from the eighth century to the twelfth century( Recovering lost ground movement )After driving the Arabs out of the peninsula, Catholicism completely controlled Spain. Medieval Spain“ Inquisition ”Across Europe, they used torture and killed heresies, from princes and ministers to ordinary people. Europe Reformation Spain became a thorn in the side of Protestant countries in Western Europe. After the 18th century, the contradiction between the church and secular forces intensified, the anti religious movement rose day by day, and the church force gradually declined. However, 94% of Spaniards still believe in Catholicism, and the rest protestant Jews and Muslims.
Spain is divided into eleven parishes, of which Toledo is the largest and most important. Bishop Toledo has been Spanish since the Gothic period Cardinal
The influence of Catholicism is reflected in the daily life of Spaniards. Like other Catholics, Spaniards spend the most important moments of their lives in churches: baptism after birth, first communion, weddings and funerals after death. There are many festivals in Spain, one reason is that every city, every village and every profession has a saint as the guardian god. Every time a saint's birthday comes, the city or the guild will hold a mass and a religious procession. In addition, every believer also has his or her own patron saint, who not only has his or her own birthday, but also has a saint's birthday, called "D í a del Santo". Most Spanish names are taken from saints. The most common male and female names are "Jose" and "Maria", and both men and women often use these two names together. For example, the former Prime Minister of Spain is called "Jose Mar í a Aznar"( Jose Maria Aznar )。


Spanish folkway is unrestrained and enthusiastic, and local people love it bullfight , and keen to jump Flamenco Dance It's also guitar The modern classical guitar originated and flourished in Spain.
On July 3, 2005, Spain became the world's third Same sex marriage A legalized country.


Spanish Etiquette
Spaniards usually shake hands when meeting guests on formal social occasions. When meeting acquaintances, boyfriends often hug tightly. Spanish names often have three or four sections. The first two sections are their own names, the last section is their father's surname, and the last section is their mother's surname. Usually called father's surname orally.
Spaniards attach great importance to reputation and always try their best to perform the signed contract. Even if they later find that there is something unfavorable to them in the contract, they are unwilling to publicly admit their mistakes. In this case, if the other party can help them in good faith, it will win the respect and friendship of Spaniards. Spaniards are strictly punctual only when they participate in bullfighting activities, but guests should be punctual. Even if the other party arrives late, they should not blame it. Spanish They are cheerful, enthusiastic, but excitable. It is normal for them to quarrel sometimes. They are used to it.


The Medal of Arts and Literature is the recognition of the Spanish government for those who contribute to Spanish and Spanish cultural communication by participating in literary and artistic creation activities in various fields. It has been awarded to four people worldwide before (2009). Don Quixote 》Chinese Translator Dong Yansheng He was awarded the Spanish Arts and Literature Medal.

Goya Award

Goya Award It is the annual film award awarded by the Spanish Academy of Arts and Film Sciences, known as the "Oscar Award" of Spain. Spanish art masters Francisco Goya It was first awarded in 1987, including 28 regular awards and a lifetime honor award. The winner can get a bronze bust of Goya.


Flamenco Dance
Flamenco Dance Together with bullfighting, they are known as the two quintessence of Spain. Flamenco is a comprehensive art in Spain, which combines dance, singing and entertainment, and originates from the place where the traditional Roma people live. Today, Flamenco has become one of the representative arts with Spanish characteristics. Adhering to the free and easy nature of gypsy, and integrating the noble and gorgeous of Europe and the unrestrained enthusiasm of America, Flamenco has long been known on the world stage and is accepted and loved by more and more people.

Ox Running Festival

Pamplola Bull-running Fiesta
Ox Running Festival It is a traditional festival in Pamplona, which started in 1591 and attracts tens of thousands of people every year. The official name of Spain's annual bull running festival is“ San Fermin ”San Fermin is rich in the northeast of Spain Navarra Province provincial capital Pamplona The patron saint of the city. The origin of the bull running festival is directly related to the Spanish bullfighting tradition. It is said that it was very difficult for Pamplona people to drive six tall bulls from the bullpen on the outskirts of the city to the bullring in the city. In the 17th century, some bystanders had the courage to run in front of the bull to provoke it and lure it into the bullring. Later, this custom evolved into the running bull festival.

Human tower

Human tower
Human tower It's Spain Catalonia A traditional folk custom activity in the region, similar to the Chinese traditional "overlapping arhats", is called "Castell" in Spain. This activity has been handed down for hundreds of years, and became popular in the 19th century. Every year, Catalonia holds a competition to build a human tower, which can be up to ten stories high.


The custom of "Coca" performance originated from a local legend in Spain in the Middle Ages. According to the local legend in Spain, in the Middle Ages, two local women relied on this dance to get rid of the evil dragon and survive. "Coca" came from this.
In the "Koka" performance, the little girls put on beautiful traditional costumes, and then let their mothers put them on their shoulders, and mother and daughter dance together.

holiday and vacations

There are many festivals in Spain. In addition to national festivals, each autonomous region, province and town has its own patron saint's festival. National festivals mainly include: New Year's Day (January 1), Three Kings' Day (January 6), Holy Week (April every year, the time is uncertain), International Labor Day (May 1), Assumption Day (August 15), National Day (October 12), Halloween (November 1), Constitution Day (December 6), Holy Spirit Conception Day (December 8), Christmas Day (December 25).
National style festivals include Carnival, Faya Festival, Holy Week, April Festival, Saint Isidro Festival, Holy Communion Festival, Running the Bull Festival, Santiago Festival, Tomato Festival, Saint Pilar Festival, etc.
Spaniards hold open-air concerts, masquerade dances, religious parades, fireworks, song and dance performances, bullfights and other activities during the festival, and the whole people go out to revel. Spaniards also often use festivals to "bridge" holidays, and few people work during Holy Week, July August, Christmas, New Year's Day and Three Kings' Day. [16]


Spanish Army
Spain has abolished the compulsory military service system and realized the professionalization of the military. It mainly includes the army, navy and air force, and the National Guard is a paramilitary force. The king, as the supreme commander of the army, declared war and peace according to the authorization of the parliament. The Prime Minister is responsible for determining national defense guidelines and policies, handling crisis situations and conducting strategic leadership over military operations. The National Defense Council is the coordination and advisory body for national defense affairs under the leadership of the Prime Minister, and its meetings are presided over by the Prime Minister or the King. Under the leadership of the Secretary of State for National Defense, the Ministry of National Defense is responsible for implementing national defense policies and regulations, and managing the construction of national defense human resources, materials and weapons and equipment. The Ministry of National Defense has a National Defense Staff Department, which is responsible for formulating military strategies, managing military construction, and coordinating military operations of various services. The legal maximum number of active servicemen is 140000. By the end of 2022, there will be about 120000 active servicemen, including 76000 in the army, 21000 in the navy and 23000 in the air force. In 2023, the defense budget will be 12.317 billion euros, up 25.8% year on year, accounting for 1.2% of GDP. In June 2022, it will host the NATO Madrid Summit.




High speed train enters Madrid Station
Spain's railway transportation system is very advanced, and it is in a leading position in Europe and even in the world. The total railway mileage is 156500 km (up to 2022). The high-speed railway mileage exceeds 4000 kilometers, ranking second in the world. The high-speed railway mainly adopts French TGV technology. Covering 50 major cities nationwide, the average speed is 222 km/h, the maximum speed is 300 km/h, and the punctuality rate is 99%. In 2020, the total investment in Spanish railway infrastructure will be 1.921 billion euros, up 7% year on year; The investment in high-speed railway was 1.272 billion euros, up 6% year on year.
The Spanish government and RENFE Railway Company are still continuing to invest in the construction of new lines and vigorously explore the commercial potential of railways. The development goal of Spanish railway is to reach any city in the country in half a day. The railway network is connected to the European railway network, and you can take a train to London, Paris, Vienna and other major European cities.
In December 2014, the first "Yixin Europe" international freight train connecting Europe and Asia arrived at Madrid freight station in Spain, opening a new page in the history of trade and transportation between China and Europe. This train starts from Yiwu, passes through 7 countries, and takes 21 days to extend the "Yiwu Xinjiang Europe Railway" from Central Asia to Europe. [16]


The Spanish highway network consists of highways, national trunk roads, autonomous regional roads, local roads, etc., with convenient transportation. You can drive anywhere in Spain. The total mileage of roads at all levels is about 667000 km (2022).
The international buses launched by Eurolines in Spain can directly reach European cities. With a European bus pass, you can take Eurolines' buses to and from more than 20 European countries. [16]

water transport

Spain ranks third in the EU in terms of the number of sea freight, and the ports of Algeciras and Valencia rank among the top ten in the EU and the top 50 in the world. In 2020, the passenger traffic volume of 46 ports managed by the Spanish Port Authority was only 1.4 million person times, down 87.1% year on year; The freight volume reached 505.7 million tons, down 8.4% over the previous year.
The main ports are Barcelona, Bilbao, Valencia and Algeciras. The main routes opened include: from Barcelona and Valencia to Balearic Islands, from Cadiz to Canary Islands, from Malaga to Melia, etc.
On June 12, 2017, COSCO Shipping Port (Spain) Co., Ltd. signed an agreement with TPIH Iberia, S.L.U. (a Spanish registered company), whereby COSCO Shipping Port (Spain) acquired 51% of the shares of Noatum Port Holdings (NPH) in Spain held by TPIH. In 2019, NPH was renamed COSCO Shipping Port (Spain) Terminal Co., Ltd. [16]

air transport

Madrid Airport
There are 49 airports in Spain, In 2022, the passenger and freight volume will be 244 million person times and 1 million tons respectively. Larger airports include Madrid Barajas Airport, the fourth largest airport in the EU, Barcelona Elplat Airport, the fifth largest airport in the EU, etc.
Affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, in 2020, the airports under the Spanish Aviation Authority transported a total of 76.06 million passengers, a year-on-year sharp drop of 72.4%, a record low. Among them, the passenger volume of international routes dropped 77.8% year on year to 41.88 million person times; The passenger volume of domestic routes decreased by 60.6% year-on-year to 33.75 million person times. [16]



medical care

Spain is a country with a high social welfare system, and all people enjoy social medical insurance. [7]
Spain has a high medical standard and advanced medical equipment. It is one of the countries with the best public health system in the world. The health care network is complete, health centers and hospitals are densely distributed, which can provide primary diagnosis and specialized care, and it is very convenient to get medical treatment. Spain has a perfect prevention and emergency system, and the first aid system is developed. [7]
The outpatient service in Spain adopts the appointment system, and the health care doctor is responsible for transferring the patient to the relevant doctor. "Mobile phone diagnosis and treatment" activities are implemented in many autonomous regions, and doctors remind patients to see doctors and take medicine on time through mobile phones. There are about 300 public hospitals and about 460 private hospitals.
According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, Spain's total medical and health expenditure accounted for 9.3% of GDP in 2011. According to purchasing power parity, the per capita medical and health expenditure was 2984 dollars. [7]


The Spanish education system is a centralized management system. The state is responsible for education investment and management of the entire education system. From early childhood education to the completion of 2-3 year vocational college education, free education is implemented (except for private colleges), and 87% of the education funds are directly allocated by the state. [16]
university of barcelona
Free compulsory education in primary and secondary schools (6-16 years old). 6 years in primary school, 4 years in middle school and 4-5 years in university. Major institutions of higher learning include: Madrid Comptons University, Madrid Autonomous University, Salamanca University, University of Barcelona, etc. The education budget in 2023 will be 5.354 billion euros, up 6.6% year on year.
Spain's education is balanced among the five educations. Spain is a kingdom composed of 17 autonomous regions. Each autonomous region is independent, so there is no unified plan and outline for all disciplines in the country. Interestingly, the Spanish government strictly stipulates the teaching hours for all disciplines.
Spanish teachers have the right to decide their teaching content and methods according to the conditions of the school, the level of students and local characteristics. This practice, which has no unified outline and only stipulates the number of hours, not only guarantees the time for teaching in all subjects, but also provides space for creativity for teaching in all subjects.
In the regulations issued by Spain in 1992, the school stipulated that under compulsory education, each class should have no more than 25 students, and the total class hours per week were 25 hours, of which sports must account for 3 hours.
Spanish schools have three hours of physical education every week. According to the differences in the school's geographical environment, there are rich teaching contents, including dance, football, basketball, volleyball, rhythmic gymnastics, gymnastics, track and field, swimming, boxing, and judo.
In Spain, from metropolises with millions of people to small mountain villages with hundreds of people, schools have modern sports teaching facilities, such as gyms, gyms, urban and rural schools.

science and technology

Spain is a traditional science and technology power. It has accumulated rich and unique experience in biotechnology, renewable energy, climate change, environmental protection, information and communication technology and other fields. It has always maintained a high level in agricultural science and technology, health care, food security, rational use of water resources, nano and new materials. [16]

People's livelihood

The Spanish government's welfare expenditure is increasing. All employees can enjoy social insurance, with 34% of the cost borne by the state and 64% by enterprises and individuals. In 2011, the average life span was 82.1 years, 79.2 years for men and 85 years for women. In 2011, there were 676300 doctors. There are 289 public hospitals and 457 private hospitals. In 2011, the average annual consumption per capita was 11137 euros, a decrease of 0.2% over the previous year, and the average annual consumption per household was 29482 euros. In 2012, the average monthly pension was 946.4 euros. In 2012, 10.5 million families applied for Internet services, 66.7% of them used broadband Internet services, 49.9% of the people in the West used the Internet every day, and 39% of the people in the West used mobile Internet services. [1]


Spanish Football
Football is a popular sport among Spaniards. According to the statistics in 2014, Spain has more than 800000 registered players and 20000 registered clubs. Spain National Men's Football Team It won three awards in 1964, 2008 and 2012 European Cup Champions and 2010 World Cup Champion Spanish Football League A It is one of the top domestic leagues in Europe Real Madrid Barcelona Atletico Madrid The other teams are the top teams in the world.
Spanish bullfighting
Spanish bullfighting
Spanish bullfighting It is the quintessence of Spain, which originated in 1761. It is one of the unique scenes of Spain, which is popular throughout the country and world-renowned. Although there is controversy about this from the perspective of animal protection, the ancient tradition unique to Spain has been preserved to the modern times and is welcomed by many people. The bullfight season is from March to October. During the bullfight season, two bullfights are held on Thursdays and Sundays respectively. If it is a festival or a national celebration, you can watch it every day. [8]
World Formula One Championship Spain (Catalonia track)
Spain Barcelona Of Catalonia Built in 1991, the track is 4.730km long, and is recognized internationally as the closest to the perfect track. [9]
Spanish men's basketball team
Spanish men's basketball team It has always been a strong team with outstanding achievements. They won the gold medal at the 2006 World Championships. At the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and the 2012 London Olympic Games, Spain twice narrowly lost to the United States and won the runner up. The famous players of the Spanish men's basketball team include Gasol brothers.

Newspapers and periodicals

National comprehensive newspapers mainly include El Pa í s, El Mundo, ABC, La Vanguard, La Raz ó n, etc. Marca, a sports newspaper, has the largest circulation in China.
Main news agency: Agencia EFE, an official news agency (a public enterprise wholly-owned by the Western government, the government appointed and removed the president but did not interfere in daily operations), founded in January 1939, is one of the top ten news agencies in the world. It has branches in more than 180 cities in more than 120 countries and regions around the world. The number of articles published in Spanish ranks first in the world.
Main television station: TVE is the only national comprehensive television station among public television stations. Private TV stations with great influence include Cuatro, Telecinco, La Sexta, Antena 3, etc. [1]

International Relations


foreign policy

Spain is a member country of the EU, NATO, OECD, and a permanent guest country of the G20. Pursue Europeanism and focus on EU institution building. We attach great importance to relations with the United States, pay attention to maintaining the traditional influence on Ibero America, strengthen relations with the Mediterranean region, Africa and Arab countries, and actively expand cooperation with emerging Asian countries. Adhere to multilateralism, and take humanitarian, climate change, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, gender equality, counter-terrorism and other issues as priority topics in multilateral diplomacy. We should attach importance to public diplomacy, integrate positive factors in economy, culture and sports, education, art and other aspects, and create a good national image.

external relations

Relations with the EU
Regard Europe as the first of the three pillars of foreign policy, strive to play a greater role in the EU and support the EU's strategic autonomy. After the outbreak of COVID-19, Spain was the second largest beneficiary of the European Union Recovery Fund, receiving a total of 140 billion euros in free aid and loans, promoting the EU to accelerate economic recovery through green and digital transformation. In the second half of 2023, it will assume the rotating presidency of the European Union. [22]
Relations with the United States
We regard relations with the United States as an important diplomatic fulcrum. In June 2018, King Felipe VI paid a state visit to the United States. In July 2021 and May 2023, Prime Minister Sanchez visited the United States twice. During the NATO Madrid Summit in June 2022, King Felipe VI and Prime Minister Sanchez met respectively with US President Biden.
Relations with Portugal
On May 11, 2023 local time, the Spanish and Portuguese governments issued a joint statement stating that the new treaty of friendship and cooperation signed by the two governments at the 32nd Spain Portugal Summit in 2021 came into force, which will replace the treaty of friendship and cooperation signed by the two governments in 1977. [17]
Relations with Maghreb and Mediterranean countries
Spain maintains traditional close relations with Maghreb countries and plays a positive role in regional integration, peace and stability. He advocated strengthening political, economic and cultural relations with countries in the region on the basis of dialogue and mutual respect, especially restoring friendly and cooperative relations with Morocco.
Developing relations with Mediterranean countries is one of Spain's diplomatic pillars. On the issue of peace and stability in the Middle East, it is emphasized that peace negotiations are the only way to resolve the August 1 conflict, and the implementation of the peace process requires the cooperation of the international community. We support the relevant resolutions of the United Nations and the Middle East "Peace Roadmap" plan, and are willing to make important efforts to resolve the Middle East conflict within the EU, and continue to provide a venue for the "Middle East Peace Conference". Spain believes that the Mediterranean region is of strategic significance to the EU, which should contribute to the stability and prosperity of the region. [10]
Relations with North Africa
North Africa is the diplomatic priority. Promote the peaceful and democratic process of relevant countries. Development assistance to Africa has been tilted to medical and health projects and "good governance projects". In March 2022, the West adjusted its traditional position and publicly approved for the first time the "high degree of autonomy" plan for Western Sahara proposed by Morocco.
On April 7, 2022 local time, Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez visited Rabat, the capital of Morocco, and met with King Mohammed VI of Morocco. Both sides stressed their willingness to open a new stage of bilateral relations on the basis of mutual respect, mutual trust, long-term coordination and frank cooperation. [14]
Relations with Latin American countries
Maintain special traditional relations with Latin American countries, and take the development of relations with regional countries as a strategic priority. He advocated the establishment of the Ibero American Community, promoted the establishment of the EU Latin America strategic partnership, and facilitated the holding of the new EU Latin America Summit in mid July 2023.
Relations with Asia
Taking the Asia Pacific region as the diplomatic focus in the new era, he believes that the focus of the world economy will accelerate its shift to the Asia Pacific region, further develop political, economic, trade and cultural relations with Asia Pacific countries, and enhance its influence in the region.
Relations with Israel
On November 30, 2023, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said that he doubted whether Israel had complied with international humanitarian law in view of the number of civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip. To this end, Israel summoned the Spanish ambassador to Israel on the same day, and announced the recall of the Israeli ambassador to Spain. [21]
On January 4, 2024 local time, according to Al Jazeera, the Israeli government said that the recalled Israeli ambassador to Spain would return to Madrid, Spain. [23]
On May 24, 2024 local time, Israeli Foreign Minister Katz issued a statement saying that in response to Spain's decision to recognize the Palestinian State, Israel decided to cut off the contact between the Spanish embassy in Israel and the Palestinians, and prohibited the Spanish consulate in Jerusalem from providing consular services to Palestinians from the West Bank of the Jordan River. [29]
On May 31, 2024 local time, Spanish Foreign Minister Alvarez confirmed that the Spanish government had sent a note requesting Israel to withdraw any restrictions on the normal consular activities of the Spanish consulate in Jerusalem. Alvarez said that the Spanish embassy and consulate are protected by international law and the Vienna Convention, and this regulation cannot be unilaterally changed by Israel. Therefore, the Spanish government rejected the resolution of the Israeli government to restrict the Spanish consulate in Jerusalem from providing consular services to Palestinians. [32]
Relations with Argentina
On May 29, 2024 local time, the Spanish government officially announced the permanent withdrawal of its ambassador to Argentina Maria Hessus Official decree of. The reason is that Argentine President Mile did not apologize for his improper remarks against Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez and his wife. [26-27] [31]
Relations with China
[Bilateral political relations]
On March 9, 1973, China and the West established diplomatic relations. In November 2005, the two countries established a comprehensive strategic partnership. In November 2018, President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to Spain, and passed through Spain twice in November 2016 and November 2019. In March 2020 and May 2021, President Xi Jinping talked with Prime Minister Sanchez. In November 2022, President Xi Jinping met with Prime Minister Sanchez during his attendance at the G20 Bali Summit. In October 2014, Prime Minister Rajoy paid an official visit to China. In September 2016, Prime Minister Rajoy came to China to attend the G20 Summit. In May 2017, Prime Minister Rajoy came to China to attend the first Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. In March 2023, Prime Minister Sanchez attended the 2023 annual meeting of the Boao Forum for Asia and officially visited China. [11]
[Bilateral economic and trade relations]
Spain is China's fifth largest trading partner within the EU, and China is Spain's largest trading partner outside the EU. In 2023, the bilateral trade volume will reach 48.58 billion US dollars, down 5.4% year on year. Among them, China's exports were 39.71 billion US dollars, down 4.5% year on year, mainly textiles, electromechanical, chemical, light industrial products, etc; China's imports were US $8.87 billion, down 9.1% year on year, mainly pork, machinery equipment, transportation equipment, plastic products, mineral products, pharmaceuticals, etc. [25]
[Cooperation in science, technology, culture, education and tourism]
In 2006 and 2013, Spanish Cervantes College and Chinese Cultural Center were established in Beijing and Madrid respectively. At present, there are 9 Confucius Institutes and 1 independent Confucius classroom in Spain. There are about 15000 Chinese students studying in the West. The two countries have 29 pairs of friendly provincial and municipal relations. [11]
On November 24, 2023, Mao Ning, spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, announced that in order to facilitate exchanges between Chinese and foreign personnel, serve high-quality development and open up at a high level, China decided to expand the scope of unilateral visa free countries on a trial basis and implement a unilateral visa free policy for people holding ordinary passports in Spain. [20]
With the State of Palestine
On May 28, 2024, Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez announced that Spain recognized the Palestinian State with East Jerusalem as its capital, including the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. [28] [30]

Territorial dispute

1. Gibraltar
Strait of Gibraltar It is the main route from the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean, and its strategic position is extremely important. Spain and Britain have been fighting for sovereignty here for a long time. The Spanish government asked Britain to return a tiny peninsula in southern Spain Gibraltar
In 1704, Britain War of the Spanish Succession And conquered Gibraltar. Due to the defeat in the war, Spain signed the《 Treaty of Utrecht 》And ceded Gibraltar to England forever. For many years after the war, the people of Gibraltar had always hoped to continue to accept British rule, and had voted overwhelmingly in many referendums in support of British rule. In its programmes 2231 (XXI) and 2353 (XXII), the United Nations requested the United Kingdom and Spain to reach an agreement on the question of Gibraltar to end the colonial situation. The Spanish Government claimed that the United Nations solution was superior to the Treaty of Utrecht, so it made a request to recover its territory. In addition to the issue of sovereignty, the demarcation of the border has also led to constant disputes between the two countries. The United Nations recognized Gibraltar as a Non Self Governing Territory. [3]
2. The west belongs to the territory of North Africa
The west belongs to the territory of North Africa In northern Africa Ceuta Melilla And uninhabited areas Gomera Island Husama Islands Islas Chafarinas and Perehir Island These areas are currently under the actual control of Spain.
Morocco Claim sovereignty over the above areas. The Moroccan side believes that the above areas were seized by Spain when Morocco was unable to protect itself. Before that, Morocco had not signed any treaty with Spain to cede these lands. Spain claimed that the above land was invaded by Islamic forces, that is, part of the Kingdom of Spain before 711 AD. Spain also pointed out that Morocco only requested the land for geographical reasons. Egypt to Sinai Peninsula Turkey's sovereignty over Turkey Istanbul The ownership of is often seen as a supporting argument for Spain. [3]
3. Oribinsa
Portugal Spain's sovereignty over Oribinsa was never recognized, because in 1815 congress of vienna Spain is required to return the land to Portugal, and Spain means that the prerequisite for the decision of the Vienna Conference is to maintain the integrity of the Treaty of Badahos. [3]



scenic spot

Madrid Barcelona Sevilla , Sun Coast, Beautiful Coast, etc.
Canary Islands - Tropical scenery, sun coast - Mediterranean beach Balearic islands - Mediterranean baths Madrid - Ancient cultural city.

cultural heritage

Historic Centre of Cordoba Granada Of Alhambra Palace And the garden of Heneralife, Burgos Cathedral Monasterio de El Escorial Guier Park in Barcelona Guier Palace And Mira Building Altamira Caves , Segovia Ancient Town and Elevated Diversion Canal Kingdom of Asturias The church of the period, the ancient city of Santiago de Compostela, the ancient town of Avila and the church outside the city Mudejar Architecture of Truel Toledo, a famous historical city Garajonay National Park , Caceres Ancient Town Seville Cathedral , Alcazar and Archives of the West Indies , Salamancapobright Monastery Archaeological Relics of Merida Guadalupe Saint Maria's Royal Monastery, Santiago de Compostela“ The Way of Pilgrimage ”、 Donana National Park , walled Kunka City, Valencia Silk Exchange Market, Las Madras, Catalonia Concert Hall and San Pau Hospital in Barcelona, Juso and Suso Monastery in San Milan, rock art in the Mediterranean Basin of Iberia Peninsula, University and historical area of Anaresa, landscape of Ibiza Island, archaeological site of San Cristobal and Atapulca in Lalaguana The Romanesque church of Verdbury in Catalonia, the archaeological site of Tarako Elche Palmyral lugo The Roman city wall, Aranjuez cultural landscape Renaissance The buildings of Uveda and Baesa.
Equles Lighthouse It is a lighthouse built in ancient Rome and still in use. It has a history of about 1900 years. The lighthouse is 55 meters high and stands on a peninsula near La Coruna, Spain. On June 27, 2009, UNESCO The World Heritage Committee has listed the Equles (Hercules in ancient Roman mythology) lighthouse《 World Heritage List 》。
On November 14, 2017, at the Conference of the Parties to the UNESCO Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage held at the Paris headquarters, he was elected to the World Heritage Committee. [12]

delicious food

Spain is a country with rich resources and developed economy. Its horticulture industry occupies an important position in the world, and it is also a major production area of grapes, olives and oranges. Its coast is rich in sardines. Spain is a paradise for gourmets, and every region has a famous food culture.
Spain is rich in potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and olives. Olive oil and garlic are preferred for cooking. Spanish cuisine combines the cooking methods of Western style northern and southern dishes, with a wide variety of dishes and unique taste; The main cuisines are: Parley, cod Jamon Iberico , wine, shrimp, oysters, Madrid broth, etc.
Sherry It is a Spanish protected brand grape produced in Andalusia, southern Spain, and originated from the place name Jerez The picked grapes should be pressed after being exposed to the sun. The sugar content of grape juice is high. After a certain period of fermentation, brandy is added to prevent fermentation. Therefore, the alcohol content is 15%~21%, and the wine is sweet. Because the word "sherry" has a long history and has become English, other countries such as the United States, Australia, etc. also produce sherry, but it is not authentic sherry in Spain.
Seafood rice
There are many kinds of paella, most of which are yellow. This is made with special paella materials. This material is the most important material, saffron, a yellow plant powder, which is not only full of fragrance, but also can remove the fishy smell of seafood.
Tapa is an appetizer before a meal or a snack between two meals, which plays an important role in Spanish food culture. Tapa has a wide variety, including meat, seafood and vegetarian dishes, but they are all salty, including cold food and hot food. The cold food part is mainly a bread folder. All kinds of fillings are matched with olive oil, sprinkled with onion powder and egg yolk layer as additives, which is very delicious. Most of the hot tapas are fried, such as fried squid, fried cuttlefish, fried chicken wings, etc., as well as grilled salty crisp shrimp, garlic shrimp, garlic mashed mushrooms, etc.


Guggenheim museum
Spain Bilbao city Guggenheim museum It is located on the side of the Nalwin River, covering an area of 24000 square meters, with 11000 square meters of exhibition space Frank Gehry Design, officially completed and opened in 1997, is an art museum dedicated to displaying contemporary art works. The museum is famous for its wonderful shape, unique structure and new materials, and is a masterpiece of architectural deconstruction.

