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West Lake Academy

The academy founded by Song Weiyu, the magistrate of Nanhai in the first year of Yongzheng's reign
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Guangzhou Today Yuexiu District West Lake Road. Its predecessor was Nanhai Yixue, which was founded by Song Wei, the magistrate of Nanhai, in the first year of Yongzheng (1723). Liu Shu, the magistrate of Nanhai, also donated money to Lian in the eighth year of Yongzheng (1730). In the eighth year of Jiaqing (1803), Kang Jitian, the Guangdong Chief Executive, donated money to build Yangshi Academy and Yushan Academy At the same time, the treasurer was allocated to expand the Nanhai Yixue, and the Nanhai Yixue was renamed the West Lake Academy, which was convenient to set up at this time.
Chinese name
West Lake Academy
geographical position
Yuexiu District, Guangzhou
Nanhai Yixue
Initial construction
The first year of Yongzheng (1723)

brief introduction

By the time of Daoguang's reign, the West Lake Academy was gradually dilapidated and collapsed in many places. Feng Lusheng, a native of Nanhai County, Xu Peiwei, a magistrate of Guangzhou, Xi Jian, and others advocated
Fund raising The West Lake Academy was expanded and repaired again. The project was started in the 28th year of Daoguang's reign (1848) and completed in the 30th year of Daoguang's reign (1850). More than 6000 taels of silver were spent on the project. A number of rooms were built in the east and west wings, as well as the carving rooms. The Zhaozhong Temple was moved to the west to worship the martyred officials and gentry in Guangdong; Later, the Xianxian Hall was built to worship Confucius Zhou, Cheng (the second Cheng), Zhu, and Zhang in the Song Dynasty, making the West Lake Academy a little larger. The entrance gate is the outer courtyard of the academy, surrounded by stone railings, and equipped with kitchen wells; The academy is a lecture hall, and there are dozens of couplets in the living quarters (dormitories) on both sides, which can accommodate forty or fifty students; At the back of the lecture hall is the east and west wing, which is the place for the dean to store books, school articles and accommodation, and also for the purpose of making friends with writers.
In the 31st year of Guangxu's reign (1905), the West Lake Academy was transformed into a simple science museum for junior teachers in the South China Sea. It was closed again in the 32nd year and changed in the 33rd year (1907)
It was Nanhai Middle School. Soon Nanhai Middle School moved to Ludi Lane in the west of the city, and the West Lake Academy was abandoned.

The System of the West Lake Academy

The West Lake Academy was built by the Nanhai magistrate Righteousness study It was rebuilt as an official county-level academy, mainly to teach imperial examinations and arts.
When the West Lake Academy was first established, academy The system is also extremely imperfect. According to records, the Academy has never set a budget, but only employed the gentry of Nanhai County
Long speaker, from Nanhai County squire It shall be recommended and submitted to the county magistrate for approval. Every year, the county office will pay the president 120 liang, Nanhai Academy 100 liang, and only 220 liang a year. Every spring Zhixian Conduct screening, selection There is no quota for the regular and supplementary students, and there is no quota for the rewards for the students, which are distributed by the county office; And only official classes are issued, while teacher classes are not.
In the fourth year of Tongzhi (1865), Wu Fuzhai, the magistrate of the county, donated 1100 taels of cheap silver, and sold 10 official shops in Shiwan for 500 taels of silver, which was allocated to the West Lake Academy. In the sixth year (1867), Zheng Yunfan, the magistrate of the county, allocated 1000 taels of official silver Governor of Guangdong Jiang Yifeng allocated 2000 merchants to earn interest, and as the fund of Xishu Academy, the West Lake Academy began to develop a system of rewards for students. But overall, the West Lake Academy has a total of 4600 taels of capital, 46 taels of interest per month, and 552 taels of interest per year, which is very little. Therefore, its reward is much less than other academies.
The academy only starts classes from February to July every year. There are three classes every month. Every fifth, fifteenth, and twenty fifth day of the first lunar month, students will take examinations to make art papers; There are 15 supervised students in the main class, 25 children in the main class, and students and children in the main class receive one or two silver plasters per month, a total of 42; The rewards for the official classes shall be given by the county bureau without quota; The rewards for the teachers' courses are paid by the Academy. The top five students are the supervisors: the first five, the second and third three, and the fourth and fifth two; The top ten students in the primary school are the first five, the second and third three, the fourth and fifth two, and the sixth to the tenth five cents each. The statistics reward is only forty-seven dollars and five cents a month be very careful in reckoning In addition, students and human studies also have to pay fees. No matter whether they are hospitalized or not, each of the regular students has to pay four Chinese pennies. If the students with additional courses are hospitalized, they also have to pay four Chinese pennies. If they are not hospitalized, they have to pay two Chinese pennies. All the chores in the Academy are also handled by the students, and the rewards are only one or two dollars. This is also the reason for too little funding. All the opinions said that the reward was too little, and the reconsideration increased. There were also 20 essays and 10 essays awarded, but the funds were not paid, so the awards were very few. People in the county also proposed to raise funds to expand funds, but it was also a dead end. So the West Lake Academy is far less influential than Yushan Academy, which is also a county-level academy. Even so, the West Lake Academy has provided the basis for Nanhai students to learn arts and crafts. Most of the deans employed are celebrities, and many talents have been cultivated.