the West

[xī fāng guó jiā]
Countries with Western ideology in the mainstream
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Western countries ideology Mainstream countries. There are different definitions in different occasions and at different times. Now mainly refers to Five Eye Alliance and European Union Countries, because the cultures of these countries come down in one continuous line.
britain Toynbee Historical Studies 》"The West and westernized countries are obsessed with chasing each other on this path full of disasters and destruction, so none of them can have vision and intelligence to save themselves and all mankind." [1]
Chinese name
the West
Foreign name
Western countries
Countries with Western ideology in the mainstream

Main features


Ideological enlightenment

The discovery of Chinese thought, for Europe , especially France Any dream of getting rid of Tyranny and Monastery People who live provide arguments. Because China does have a colorful, most prosperous and elegant civilization. [2]


Western culture is Europe (except Eastern Europe External) North America The product of the people's long-term historical activities. It originated, developed and matured in Europe, and expanded to North and South America in the 20th century Oceania It is an expansionary culture that has influenced the whole world.
Western culture originates from ancient Greece Roman culture And Hebrew culture Renaissance , 16th century Reformation , 17th century scientific revolution And 18th century enlightenment campaign Developed to the end of the 18th century and the 19th century industrial society So that the western culture becomes more and more mature. In the 1950s and 1960s, along with The Third Technological Revolution , some western countries began to enter Post industrial society Western culture has also experienced Modernism reach Postmodernism The evolution of.


In contrast to the Chinese diet which focuses on "taste", the Western diet is a rational concept. No matter what the color, aroma, taste and shape of food are, nutrition must be guaranteed, and attention should be paid to how many calories, vitamins, proteins and so on one day. Even if the taste is the same, you must eat it because it is nutritious. This diet concept is compatible with the whole western philosophy system. Metaphysics is the main feature of western philosophy. western philosophy The object of study is the reason of things. The reason of things is often metaphysical. The metaphysical principles are connected with each other, forming philosophy. This philosophy has brought vitality to the western culture, which has achieved rapid development in natural science, psychology and methodology. However, in other aspects, this philosophy has greatly hindered the development of food culture. At a banquet, you can pay attention to tableware, materials, services, and the matching of shapes and colors of raw materials; But no matter how luxurious and upscale, from Los Angeles to New York, steak has only one taste, no art to speak of. Even if there is a match, it is also carried out in the plate“ French lamb chops ”Put mashed potatoes on one side, lean on lamb chops on the other side, add boiled green beans on the other side, and add a few pieces of tomatoes. In terms of color, there is sharp contrast, but in terms of taste, all kinds of raw materials are irrelevant and harmonious, each has its own taste, simple and clear. Although food and wine are very important in Western style banquets, they actually serve as a foil. The core of the banquet is friendship, which is achieved through the conversation with the guests next to you. If we compare the sociability of a banquet with dance, we can say that a Chinese banquet is like a group dance, while a Western banquet is like a social dance for men and women.
It can be seen that the purpose of Chinese banquet and western banquet is very obvious, and the difference between Chinese diet and western buffet is more obvious. This method is to display all the food one by one, so that everyone can get what they need. They don't have to be fixed in their seats to eat, and they can move freely. This way is convenient for emotional exchanges between individuals. It doesn't have to put all the words on the table, and it also shows Westerners' respect for personality and self. However, they eat their own food and do not interfere with each other, lacking the feeling of some Chinese people chatting and having fun together.


People believe Christianity Catholicism The church is the main spiritual building, which is widely used latin alphabet In terms of culture, it mostly inherits the ancient Greek and Roman culture with a long history.

social contact

In English speaking countries, you need to make an appointment in advance to visit someone. Do not visit suddenly. Otherwise, the interviewee will feel unhappy because this sudden visit has disrupted his work arrangement and caused him great inconvenience. Appointed visits are usually on time, but traditionally, especially for banquets or parties, Americans are used to arriving 3 to 5 minutes late, and 10 minutes late is no problem. This is to give the hostess some time to change clothes and make up.
Of course, people in English speaking countries also have one of the biggest taboos, that is personal privacy. A man's home is his castle A man's home is his castle. The same is true for personal affairs. You don't need to let others know, and you don't want others to interfere.
Asking about a person's age, property, salary, marriage, love, religious belief, political orientation and other personal matters is another way of violating someone's "castle". Therefore, questions such as "How old are you?", "What's your income?", "How much did that dream cost you?", "Are you married or single?", "Are you a Republic or a Democracy?", "Are you Catholic?" must be avoided. If you really want to know the situation of others, you can talk about your own situation first, and then lead the other party to take the initiative to talk about his situation.
In addition, English speaking countries have the habit of sending flowers as gifts, which also has some taboos. First of all, don't send flowers in even numbers, because even flowers will bring bad luck. It is also taboo to send white flowers, such as white lilies, which are regarded as omens of bad luck or symbols of death. In addition, white or red and white flowers should not be sent to hospital patients.


Christmas It is a big festival in the West. The taboos of this festival are mainly related to Christmas pudding Contact. Many westerners believe that stirring pudding can make everything go well in the coming year. Therefore, when making Christmas pudding, every member of the family should at least stir the pudding and make a wish, which they believe is likely to be realized. However, it should be noted that the pudding can only be stirred clockwise, not counterclockwise; You can't tell anyone your wish.
In western Christian countries, most people believe Jesus Betrayed by traitors and nailed to death cross The story of suffering. In memory of him“ Good Friday ”, time is every year Easter The closest Friday before. Westerners generally think this is an unlucky day. On this day, we must not engage in anything symbolically related to Jesus' crucifixion. Such as hair cutting, horseshoes nailing, and all carpentry work that requires nails.

"Western Countries" in Ancient China

Western countries are also a geographical division concept of ancient Chinese centering on China. Modern usage rules are synonymous with "the western world", the ming dynasty At the beginning Indonesia Malaysia and Brunei The middle is the boundary, and the east is called the Oriental Ocean, and the west is called the Western Ocean. Therefore, the place called the South China Sea and the West South China Sea in the past was called the Oriental Ocean and the Western Ocean in the Ming Dynasty Siam Bay The sea is called "rising sea".

East West pattern

the Second World War After the end, the Soviet Union Leaded“ socialist camp ”And U.S.A Leaded“ Capitalist camp ”The bipolar confrontation pattern and Cold War The relationship between the two is usually called east-west relationship. Although "camp" no longer exists, the word "western countries" is still used.