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Records of Hearing and Seeing in the Western Regions

Historical Notes on Nimacha's Creation in the Qing Dynasty
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The Records of Hearing and Seeing in the Western Regions is a historical note written by Nima Cha in the Qing Dynasty. It was written in the 42nd year of Qianlong's reign (1777) and published in the 40th year of Qianlong's reign.
Records of Hearing and Seeing in the Western Regions
Creation era
the Qing dynasty
literary genre
Historical Notes
The Record of Hearing and Seeing in the Western Regions was written in 1777, the 42nd year of Qianlong's reign. The author was seventy-one people from Zhenglan Banner, Manchuria.
seventy-one , surnamed Nimacha, No. Chun Garden. During Qianlong's reign, 71 first served in Wuzhi County, Henan Province, and then "went out of Yangguan to the west, more than 3000 miles beyond the river source", living in Xinjiang for more than ten years. In about 50 years of Qianlong's reign, 71 returned to Beijing and served in the Criminal Department.
The Record of Hearing and Seeing in the Western Regions was written by 71 when he was working in Kuche. Seventy one believed that there was not only little information about the Western Regions in the ancient books at that time, but also many disagreements "according to the evidence recorded in the history". He "lived in the place for the longest time, and was the most sophisticated, so he did not hesitate to use slang as a compilation". It recorded in detail the human geography, customs, products and customs of the Western Regions at that time. It is a rare historical note, which is often quoted by later generations.