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Xiting Town

Towns under the jurisdiction of Tongzhou District, Nantong City, Jiangsu Province
Xiting Town, affiliated to Nantong City, Jiangsu Province Tongzhou District , located in the middle of Tongzhou District, east to Dongshe Town Bordering to the south Jinsha Town Adjacent to, west to Si'an Town Neighboring, north and Shigang Town Connected, the town people's government is 10 kilometers away from Tongzhou District People's Government, [1] The administrative area is 69.21 square kilometers, [2] By the end of 2019, the registered population of Xiting Town was 50217. [2]
In 1951, Xiting Town was located in Xiting District. In 2000, Shachang Township was incorporated. [1] As of June 2020, Xiting Town has jurisdiction over 2 communities and 9 administrative villages; [3] The town people's government is located at No. 1, Qingnian West Road. [1]
In 2019, there were 282 industrial enterprises in Xiting Town, 29 of which were above the designated size, and 43 comprehensive stores or supermarkets with a business area of more than 50 square meters. [2]
Chinese name
Xiting Town
Administrative Region Category
Nantong City, Jiangsu Province Tongzhou District
geographical position
Central Tongzhou District
69.21 km²
Area under jurisdiction
2 communities, 9 administrative villages
Government residence
1 Qingnian West Road
Area Code
Postal Code
two hundred and twenty-six thousand and three hundred
climatic conditions
Subtropical monsoon climate
License plate code
Su F
50217 persons (Registered population by the end of 2019)

Historical evolution

In 1951, Xiting Town was located in Xiting District.
In 1958, the United People's Commune was established.
In 1959, it was renamed Xiting People's Commune.
In 1961, it was divided into two people's communes, Xiting and Tingdong.
In 1983, the government and commune were set up separately, and Tingdong Township and Xiting Township were set up.
In 1984, it merged Tingdong Township and Xiting Township to establish Xiting Town.
In 2000, Shachang Township was incorporated. [1]

administrative division

By the end of 2011, Xiting Town had seven villagers' committees, namely Caomiao, Xichan Temple, Tingdong, Lizhuang, Bazongqiao, Tongle and Hualu, and two residents' committees, namely Xiting and Shachang, with 384 villagers' groups and 56 residents' groups. [1]
As of June 2020, Xiting Town has jurisdiction over 2 communities and 9 administrative villages: Xiting Community, Shachang Community, Caomiao Village, Xichansi Village, Tingdong Village, Lizhuang Village, Bazongqiao Village, Tongle Village, Hualu Village, Jiuzongdu Village, Longba Village; [3] The town people's government is located at No. 1, Qingnian West Road. [1]

geographical environment


Location context

Xiting Town is located in the middle of Tongzhou District, east of Dongshe Town Bordering to the south Jinsha Town Adjacent to, west to Si'an Town Neighboring, north and Shigang Town Connected, the town people's government is 10 kilometers away from Tongzhou District People's Government, [1] The administrative area is 69.21 square kilometers. [2]
Xiting Town


The main rivers in Xiting Town are Yunyan River, Tuanjie River and Shizong Vertical River, with a total length of 22.15 kilometers and a river network density of 2.8 kilometers per square kilometer. The largest river in Xiting Town is Tuanjie River, which flows through the territory from Xingdong to Wujia, with a length of 18 kilometers and 56 township rivers, with a total length of 133.37 kilometers. [1]

natural resources

In 2011, Xiting Town had 46600 mu of arable land, 1.05 mu per capita. [1]


By the end of 2011, Xiting Town had a total population of 44200, including 36900 permanent urban residents, with an urbanization rate of 44.5%. Among the total population, 21700 men, accounting for 49.2%, and 22500 women, accounting for 50.8%. The population density was 777 people per square kilometer. [1]
By the end of 2017, the permanent population of Xiting Town was 49133. [2]
By the end of 2019, the registered population of Xiting Town was 50217. [2]
 Xiting Town Xiting Town Xiting Town
Xiting Town




In 2011, the financial revenue of Xiting Town was 126.64 million yuan, and the per capita financial revenue was 2865 yuan. From the perspective of all major taxes, business tax was 10.967 million yuan, value-added tax was 53.07 million yuan, corporate income tax was 18.48 million yuan, and individual income tax was 4.53 million yuan. The total output value of the whole town is 1.263 billion yuan, including 146 million yuan of added value of the primary industry, 728 million yuan of added value of the secondary industry, 389 million yuan of added value of the tertiary industry, 116:57.6:30.8 of added value of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and 14000 yuan of annual net income per capita of farmers. [1]
In 2019, there were 282 industrial enterprises in Xiting Town, 29 of which were above the designated size, and 43 comprehensive stores or supermarkets with a business area of more than 50 square meters. [2]


In 2011, the total agricultural output value of Xiting Town was 229 million yuan. The grain crops are mainly rice and wheat, producing 27600 tons of grain, 624 kg per capita, including 17700 tons of rice, 7671 tons of wheat, 2184 tons of corn and 847 tons of broad beans; The main economic crops include rape, cotton, vegetables, etc. The cotton planting area is 556 mu, and the output is 45 tons, which can provide 30 tons of commercial cotton to the society. The oil crop planting area is 20000 mu, and the output is 30000 tons, including 3800 tons of rape and 23000 tons of soybeans; The vegetable planting area is 13000 mu, and the output is 33000 tons. The main varieties are Chinese cabbage, cucumber, tomato, etc., including 3040 tons of Chinese cabbage, 3754 tons of cucumber, and 2450 tons of tomato. [1]
In 2011, the animal husbandry in Xiting Town was dominated by raising pigs, sheep and poultry, with 82000 pigs raised and 30000 on hand at the end of the year; The number of sheep raised was 61000, with 29000 on hand at the end of the year; The annual poultry production is 22000; The total output value of animal husbandry is 38.04 million yuan, accounting for 16.6% of the total agricultural output value. There are 71 large agricultural machines (vehicles). [1]


In 2011, the industry of Xiting Town was dominated by solar thermal utilization, textile and clothing, packaging products, traditional food and other industries, with a total industrial output value of 1.472 billion yuan, a total construction output value of 4 billion yuan, 12 industrial enterprises above designated size, 7200 employees, a total output value of 1.24 billion yuan, and one enterprise with a sales revenue of more than billion yuan. [1]

Commerce and trade

By the end of 2011, Xiting Town had 4 commercial outlets, 460 employees and a total sales of social goods of 20.1 billion yuan; The trade volume of urban and rural fairs was 210 million yuan, and the total export volume was 54.42 million dollars. [1]


In 2011, Xiting Town had four bank branches, with various deposit balances of 1.039 billion yuan and various loan balances of 235 million yuan. [1]

Post and telecommunications

In 2011, Xiting Town had a postal business income of 8.32 million yuan, and a telecommunication business income of 15.34 million yuan. [1]

social undertakings



At the end of 2011, there were two kindergartens in Xiting Town, with 573 children and 39 full-time teachers; There are 2 primary schools with 1288 students and 110 full-time teachers. The enrollment rate of school-age children in primary schools is 100%; There is one junior high school, 821 junior high school students, 76 full-time teachers. The enrollment rate of the school-age population in junior high school, the rate of primary school entrance, and the coverage rate of nine-year compulsory education all reach 100%. The education funds in the financial budget are 32.2983 million yuan, and the national financial education funds are 8.65 million yuan. [1]

Cultural and sports undertakings

At the end of 2011, Xiting Town had 1 town cultural station, 9 village level cultural activity centers, 20 various libraries, more than 100000 books, 3 provincial and municipal cultural relics protection units, 100% of sports villages installed fitness equipment, and 30% of the permanent population often participated in sports activities. [1]

medical and health work

At the end of 2011, Xiting Town had 17 medical and health institutions at all levels, 106 beds, 79 health professionals (including licensed doctors, 11 licensed assistant doctors, and 3 registered nurses), 278.9 million medical institutions completed diagnosis and treatment, 166 inpatient operations, and 168 discharged patients. In 2011, the incidence of legally reported infectious diseases was 15/100000, the prevalence of safe drinking water in rural areas was 100%, the prevalence of sanitary toilets in rural areas was 100%, and the number of new rural cooperative medical care participants was 40000, with a participation rate of 99%. [1]

social security

In 2011, the number of urban minimum living security households in Xiting Town was 14, 21 people, with a monthly average of 400 yuan, and the number of rural minimum living security households was 613, 798 people, with a monthly average of 280 yuan. The urban and rural minimum living security system was subsidized, with an expenditure of 1.815 million yuan, 28 medical assistance, 194 national pensions and subsidies for various types of preferential objects, 1.462 million yuan of pension costs, and 17100 people participating in the new rural endowment insurance, The insurance coverage rate was 99%, and the old-age security coverage rate of the town's registered residents reached 98% at the end of the year. [1]

Post and telecommunications

By the end of 2011, Xiting Town had 2 postal outlets, with a total one-way length of 60 kilometers, 38 delivery points and 100% rural postal rate; 11000 newspapers, 6000 periodicals, 2 telecom enterprises, 20000 telephone exchanges, 12000 fixed telephone users, 35000 mobile phone users, 16000 broadband access users. [1]


  • Water supply and drainage
At the end of 2011, there were two waterworks in Xiting Town, laying 308km of trunk pipelines, with a production capacity of 1.098 million cubic meters per day. The penetration rate of tap water among residents is 100%. There are 213 km drainage pipelines and 1 sewage treatment plant. [1]
  • power supply
At the end of 2011, there was one 110 kV substation and three main transformers in Xiting Town. The annual electricity sales totaled 931 billion kilowatt hours, the comprehensive voltage qualification rate was 98%, and the power supply reliability rate was 100%. [1]
  • Landscaping
At the end of 2011, Xiting Town had a green area of 3 hectares. [1]


At the end of 2011, there were 8 district and town level roads in Xiting Town, with a total length of 178 kilometers. All villages in the town are connected to roads. The total length of roads in the town is 3.4 kilometers, and there are 4 bridges with a total length of 0.12 kilometers. There are 4 bus lines in the town. There is a passenger station with 12 daily passenger buses and an average daily passenger capacity of 800 person times. [1]
 Map of Xiting Town Map of Xiting Town
Topographic Map of Xiting Town

Historical culture

  • Origin of place names
During the Taiping Xingguo period of the Northern Song Dynasty (976-984), seven salt farms were built along the coast of Tongzhou. Because this farm is located to the west of the other six salt farms and is the westernmost pavilion, it is named Xiting. [1]