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Decay is also called "metamorphosis", which means radioactive element The process of emitting particles and transforming them into another element, such as radium release Alpha particle Later becomes radon [1]
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Radioactive decay


Unstable Nucleus At emission particle And energy can become more stable, this process is called radioactive decay. These emitted particles or energy (the latter emitted in the form of electromagnetic waves) are collectively referred to as radiation. The radiation emitted by unstable atomic nuclei can be Alpha particle Beta particle Gamma ray or neutron
Radionuclide In the process of decay, the nuclide The number of nuclei will gradually decrease. The time that the number of radionuclides decreases to half of the original due to attenuation is defined as the physical half-life T, or half life for short. [4 ] Each radionuclide has its specific half-life, which consists of Microsecond To millions of years.
The phenomenon that an atomic nucleus becomes a new nucleus because it emits some particles. The nucleus is a quantum System, nuclear decay is the spontaneous change of atomic nucleus, which is a quantum transition Process, which obeys quantum Statistical law . For any one Radionuclide The exact time of its decay is unpredictable, but as a whole, the law of decay is very clear. If the number of nuclear decays in the dt time interval is dN, it must be proportional to the number of atomic nuclei that exist at that time N, obviously also proportional to the time interval dt. Decay is not affected by any conditions, and is a unique property of matter.

Alpha decay

α particle source under radioactive detector
Alpha decay is a kind of radioactivity Decay. In the process, a Nucleus Release an alpha particle (consisting of two neutrons and two proton Formed Helium nuclei ), and turned into a Mass number Reduce by 4, Nuclear charge number Reduce 2 new nuclei.
One Alpha particle With a helium The nuclei are the same, and their mass number and nuclear charge number are the same. In essence, alpha decay is a process of quantum mechanical tunneling effect. And Beta decay Different, it is composed of Strong interaction control.
The kinetic energy of alpha particles generated by decay is usually about 5MeV, and the speed is 30000 km/s, light speed One tenth of. Because its mass is relatively large positive charge , the speed is relatively slow (for other decay particles), so they are easy to interact with other atoms and lose energy. Therefore, they can be almost completely absorbed by a layer of air several centimeters thick.
The α decay process is expressed as:
The difference between the static mass energy of parent nucleus and daughter nucleus is called decay energy E-decay:
E decline = (M x -M Y -M a )c two
The kinetic energy allocated to the nucleus and particle a (the particle speed in the decay process is far less than the speed of light, so the energy and momentum can be treated as non relativistic)
E decline = E γ + E α = 1/2M γ v two γ +1/2M α v two α
Generally, heavy elements undergo alpha decay, with A>>4, so E α ≈E decline
The inference shows that each substance producing alpha radioactivity only emits alpha particles of single energy. But accurate measurement shows that the same kind of α radioactive material can emit several groups of particles with different energies, forming the fine structure of α energy spectrum, which reveals the separation of atomic nuclear level: like atoms, there are a series of discrete energy levels in atomic nuclei. In the process of alpha decay, the daughter nucleus and the parent nucleus (usually the parent nucleus) can be in different energy levels, so the emitted alpha particles can also have different energies. [2]

Beta decay

Beta decay Is a kind of radioactivity Decay. In the process, one nucleus releases one Beta particle (electron or positron), divided into beta+decay (release positron )And beta decay (releasing electrons).
β decay in quantum mechanics
Beta decay, Weak interaction To convert a neutron into a proton, an electron, and a Antielectron neutrino Its essence is quark By releasing a W- Boson Into an upper quark. The W-boson then decays into an electron and an antielectron neutrino.
In β+decay, a proton absorbs energy and converts it into a neutron, a positron and an electron Microenterprise Child. Its essence is Upper quark It transforms into a lower quark by releasing a W+boson. The W+boson then decays into a positron and a Electron neutrino
Unlike beta decay, beta+decay cannot occur alone because it must absorb energy. When all β+decay can occur, it is usually accompanied by Electron capture Reaction.
Natural radioactive beta decay emits radiation, and there are two kinds of artificial radioactive decay: beta+decay and K electron capture. The three decay reaction formulas are as follows: [2]
Decay reaction formula

Gamma radiation

Gamma radiation Usually accompanied by other forms of radiation, such as Alpha ray Beta ray When a Nucleus Alpha decay occurs or Beta decay Sometimes, the new atomic nucleus generated will be excited state At this time, new atomic nuclei will occur at a lower energy level transition , release at the same time Gamma particle , this is Gamma radiation
Gamma rays, X-ray , visible light and ultraviolet rays , all in different forms electromagnetic radiation The only difference is the frequency of light, that is photon Energy. Gamma photons have the highest energy. [3]