
Writing Skills
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Elements that express specific content. The way of expression is gradually formed with the emergence and development of language expression. modern grammatology The research puts forward the concept of "expression mode", and the diversity of expression modes constitutes the Rich and colorful
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Rhetorical Mode
Main purpose
Narration, description, lyricism, discussion, explanation

Expression type

Expression, which is composed of Expression and Mode. Expression is a verb, meaning "to express thoughts and feelings". Way is a noun, which means "the method and form of speaking and doing things". [1] The "expression mode" we often refer to Writing methods , as well as the linguistic form characteristics of this method. However, in life, "expression" has a wide range. For example, the expression way of painting and music is different from that of articles, and sports is more distinctive. It directly expresses the cultural meaning of exercise and competition with physical movement. The so-called "expression way" is that human beings use language, art, music Action is the method and form used to express thoughts, feelings and feelings.
As far as the writing method of the article is concerned, there are mainly the following five expressions: narration, explanation, discussion, description and lyricism.
Expression type
Narration is the most basic and common way of expression in writing. It is the author's narration and account of the character's experience and the development and change process of events as well as the transformation of scenes and spaces. It is widely used in writing articles, mainly expressing the character's experience and the development and change process of things. It is the most basic, common and main way of expression in writing. Please refer to the entry for details Narrative
Description is to describe the appearance and modality of the object (including psychological description linguistic description Action description Demeanor description Appearance description Detailed description Environmental description Scene description And so on). Use vivid and vivid language to describe the specific characteristics such as the figure's shape, action or the state of the scenery. It is generally divided into character description and scenery description. It is Narrative , especially one of the main expressions in literary creation. In general lyricism, discussion Expository text Sometimes, it is also used as an auxiliary means. The technique of description is well used, which can be lifelike and vivid, and make readers feel as if they are seeing, hearing, and being in the scene, from which they are strongly influenced by art.
Lyricism is to express and express the author's feelings. Specifically, it refers to a kind of literary activity that symbolically expresses personal inner feelings through formal discourse organization subjectivity , Personalization and poetic flavour Chemical characteristics. As a special way of literary reflection, lyricism mainly reflects the spiritual aspects of social life, and achieves spiritual freedom through aesthetic transformation of reality in consciousness. Lyricism is the dialectical unity of personality and sociality, as well as the dialectical unity of emotional release, emotional structure and aesthetic creation. It is lyrical writing In general literary works and narratives, it is also often used as an important auxiliary means of expression.
Discussion is the author's opinion on a certain object of discussion to show his own views and attitudes. It usually has a strong subjective color to express one's own views and opinions on people or things by telling facts, reasoning and other methods. Its role is to make the article bright and profound, with strong philosophical and theoretical depth. stay Argumentative paper Middle, it is the main expression; In general narrative, expository or literary works, it is also often used as an auxiliary means of expression.
Explanation is a clear way of expressing the shape, nature, characteristics, causes, relations and functions of things in concise words. Some of the objects to be explained are physical things, such as mountains, rivers, plants, stationery, buildings, utensils, etc; Some are abstract truths, such as thoughts, consciousness, cultivation, viewpoints, concepts, principles, technologies, etc.

Expressive function

The five expressions, as the formal elements of the article, must be Content expression Services. Different expressions of certain content can produce different effects, which is called expressive function.
The five modes of expression can be divided into two categories according to their functions, namely, the objective category of representation and the subjective category of expression.

Reproducing the objective class

Including narration, description and explanation; The common point is to reflect the objective image, that is, what happens in one place is written down and passed on to people in another place, and the achievements created in one industry are passed on to other industries. When observing, thinking and expressing, the author takes an objective attitude and strives for true expression objective things

Subjective performance

Including argumentation and lyricism. Characteristic is performance Subjective spirit Comments express the author's views on objective things, and lyricism expresses the author's subjective feelings. The writing of a general argumentation is an article written after the author has observed life and found problems of social significance. In the process of experiencing life, the author has a unique understanding and feeling, and only when he has felt it, can he write an article lyrical writing In a word, subjective things are transformed and transferred outward, which is called performance.

Expression method


Writing technique

The content involved in poetry appreciation is complex, such as the writer's writing background, common allusions, cultural customs, styles, schools, ideological content, and common Presentation skills In addition, quite a number of examinees have no clear understanding of the terms in terms of the style and expression skills of some poems. It is difficult to review them, so the best way is to give examples and classify them.
1、 style of language : refined, implicit, simple, fresh, lively, etc.
2 、 Ideological content : Lying by scenery, chanting things to express aspirations, frontier wars, immediate feelings, remembering the past, chanting history, living in captivity, cherishing the spring and hurting the spring Boudoir plaintive poetry Patriotic poetry love poem Nostalgic poetry Etc. Thoughts and feelings There are infatuation, sadness, melancholy, loneliness, sadness, loneliness, boredom, tranquility, leisure, joy, admiration, indignation, adherence to integrity, and concern for the country and the people.
3、 Presentation skills
Expressions include narration, argumentation, lyricism and description. The focus of the examination is lyricism and description.
Lyricism can be divided into direct expression of feelings Indirect lyricism Lyric by scenery , blending feelings and scenes, expressing one's ambition based on material things);
The description can be divided into dynamic and static combination, so that the dynamic can match the static, Use scenery to form feelings , with Music scene writing sorrow , with Sad scenery and music , light and shade contrast, rough outline and Fine brushwork
The order of description includes: what you see, what you hear, and what you feel; Changes in sensation, hearing, vision, taste and touch; Long range, close range, up and down; The combination of reality and myth.
The expression methods include rendering, contrast, contrast Chemical use The virtual and the real coexist , combination of front and side, combination of emotion and reason To restrain, to raise first . Appetite first, layout, implication, humor, symbol, association, imagination. Some commonly used figures of speech are metaphor, allegory, rise, metonymy, personification, antithesis, exaggeration, parallelism, rhetorical question, rhetorical question, setting off, repetition irony Euphemism, intertextuality, allusion Reduplication Etc.
4. Poetic personal style : In a word, there are Realism and romanticism Two, each poet presents their own different characteristics in their own creative practice, forming their own artistic style. For example: Tao Yuanming Is simple and natural, Du Fu Li Bai's heroic elegance Bai Juyi Is easy to understand Du Mu Is fresh, healthy Wang Wei The integration of poetry and painting wang changling The building is high Gao Shi The solemn and stirring desolation Li Shangyin 的朦胧隐晦、 wen tingyun Is beautiful, fragrant and gorgeous Li Qingzhao We are sentimental, cold and thin“ Han Meng School of Poetry ”The strange and dangerous Lu You And patriotism. In addition, there are graceful and unrestrained words, and popular and humorous songs. On the whole, the characteristics of poetry, Ci and Qu are respectively "Poetry Village", "Ci Mei" and "Qu Vulgarity".
5、 Textual structure : The commonly used terms are in-depth, echoing from beginning to end, always having points, properly detailed, and skillfully transitioning, Foreshadowing , bedding The death chapter is prominent , see the big from the small.

Grasp ideas

The main content of poetry appreciation is: language, image, expression skills, ideological content and the author's attitude. Because is Short answer questions , limited by the number of words, so the examinee must check the question requirements and accurately summarize the main points when answering. Pay attention to:
1、 Keep up with the content of the original poem The purpose of the examinee's examination of this aspect is to see whether the examinee really understands poetry. Therefore, the appreciation of ideological content and expression skills must be carried out in combination with the specific content of the original poem. Never talk away from the emptiness of the original poem, otherwise it is difficult to show that the examinee understands poetry.
2、 Point plane combination For example, if you want to appreciate the ideological content or expression skills of poetry, you can properly carry out a brief analysis of individual poem couplets while summarizing and expressing them.
3、 Combination of ideological content and expression skills If it is to appreciate the ideological content or expression skills of the whole poem, they are often combined to express, and it is difficult to answer one of them in isolation, that is, when it is required to appreciate one of the ideological content or expression skills of the poem, you can answer from both the ideological content and expression skills.
4、 Use standard terms When answering questions, candidates should try to use the terms mentioned above.

Common question types

1. Guidance for solving the main topic of the content
read Ouyang Xiu "Picking Sangzi", analyze the content of this word.
The West Lake is beautiful in the sky, and the clouds are fresh.
Gulls and herons should be used to listening to orchestras when they sleep at leisure.
The wind is clear, the moon is white, and it is suitable for the night.
He who envies Tuanluan is an immortal in the boat.
[Instruction for Problem Solving] The first step is to read the poem carefully, Overall perception The general meaning of the poem. The second step is to make clear the place (West Lake), time (moonlit night), people (poets), events (boating on the West Lake) and main scenery (sky and water color, gulls and herons sleeping at leisure, clear wind and white moon) mentioned in the poem, and be good at extracting the word combinations in the poem. Step 3, according to“ The death chapter is prominent ”The characteristics of the poet's thought. This poem can be understood by grasping the key words or phrases "who envy" and "is the immortal". The ending sentence in a poem is not a description, but a comment, which is the key to understanding the theme. The description of the scenery in front is very quiet and beautiful, which makes people feel that they are immortals in the boat. When answering this appreciation question, it is usually divided into two parts: one is to describe the content according to the poem, and the other is to reveal the theme. The form of reply adopted is "describing... expressing...".
[Reference answer] This poem describes the moonlit night of the West Lake. The lake water and the sky light reflect each other. The gentle wind blows gently, and the birds sleep at night. It is a peaceful and beautiful scene, as if Fairyland on earth , expressing the poet's beautiful feelings of love for the scenery of the West Lake and real life.
2. Guidance for solving emotional thinking problems
Read Bai Juyi's《 Village Night 》Poetry, analyze how the poem expresses the poet's thoughts and feelings?
The frost grass and Cang insects are cut,
There are no pedestrians in the south and north of the village.
Go out alone and look at Noda,
The buckwheat flowers are like snow in the moonlight.
[Guidance for problem solving] Step one: find out the main scenery described in the poem: "frost grass and grey", "insects cut", "moonlight buckwheat ”"Flowers are like snow". The second step is to carefully examine the characteristics of these scenes, and think that the scene language is all love language, and convey feelings with the scene. It is easy to see that the former is cold and sad, while the latter is bright and beautiful. The third step is to grasp the words that can reflect the character's mentality, such as "no pedestrians", "going out alone", etc., especially from "going out alone", we can find that there is a change in the poet's emotion. It is shown in the first sentence and the last sentence, especially "frost grass is green" and "flowers are like snow". The two scenes are quite different.
[Reference answer] This poem expresses the poet's emotional change from being lonely to going out alone to relieve his boredom, and feeling especially happy after seeing the beautiful scenery.
3. Guidance for solving expression skill problems
read Wang Bo Shuzhong Jiuri Climbing High, try to analyze the artistic characteristics
On September 9, Wangxiangtai,
He gave a cup to guests from other countries.
People are tired of suffering in the south,
Hongyan comes from the north?
[Note] That: Why.
[Instruction for Problem Solving] Analyzing poetry artistic characteristics Or expression skills, generally from these aspects: first, see whether the language has characteristics (simple, elegant, solemn, heroic, fresh, simple, euphemistic, vivid, ironic, humorous, etc.). Second, see whether there is rhetoric (metaphor, personification, contrast, exaggeration, rhetorical questions, rhetorical questions, etc.). Third, see if there is any special Expression technique (For example, expressing one's aspirations based on objects, combining movement and stillness, setting off side by side, combining reality with emptiness, blending feelings and scenes, contrasting and setting off, associating and imagining, describing psychology, depicting details, and sketching, etc.). With the outline of these aspects in mind, you can examine them one by one against the lines of poetry. From the perspective of language, the spoken language "that" appeared. This poem is similar to the form of daily spoken language, which seems simple and friendly. Rhetorically, three or four sentences are contrasted, and the final sentence also uses rhetorical questions. From the perspective of expression, the third sentence expresses one's feelings directly, while the fourth sentence is euphemistic and unique. After such analysis and screening, we can basically grasp the artistic characteristics of this poem, and then we can have a direction when we answer it, so we can naturally have something to say. When answering questions, we should pay attention to what we say first and what we say again. We must be clear in thinking and level. If the idea is not very clear, it is better to use points Point method , in turn. It also needs to be analyzed in combination with the poem, so that it appears to be well grounded.
[Reference answer] In this poem, daily spoken language is used, such as "He Sits in a Foreign Country", "Na Cong", and so on. In technique, the third sentence, "human feelings are tired of the pain in the south", expresses the pain in the chest directly. He misses his relatives in the south alone, but cannot return to the north. The fourth sentence uses the rhetorical question, "Hongyan comes from the north", which forms a strong contrast with the previous sentence. It seems that "unreasonable questions", but makes the poet's love for relatives seem particularly real and moving

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